Rite III followed and required the candidates to recite a pledge that closely resembled the current. Oath of Initiation. No alteration of the 1911 Ritual took
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5 This edition of the Ritual Book was completed in 2001 through the efforts of the following individuals: Terry L. Bullock, Abraham L. Cross, CAE, Executive Director Thomas D. Ha nsen, Barbara A. Harness , Executive Assistant Scott A.W. Johnson, Timothy M. Kutka, Dave Maguire, Bruce E. Peterson, Philip G. Ranford, Culver – Craig S. Sowell , The 2001 – 2002 Board of Directors The 2001 – 2002 Undergraduate Advisory Board The Fraternity expresses its gratitude to these dedicated individuals for their efforts in this important work. Richard B. Campbell, Chairman, Board of Directors Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, President, Delta Upsilon Fraternity
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7 History of the Ritual of Delta Upsilon The Founding Fathers of Delta Upsilon met in the Freshman Recitation Room on November 4, 1834, on the Williams College campus, powered by their zeal in battling the abuses of secret societies. The Preamble to the original Williams Constitution, which was mainly the work of Edward P. Hawkes, Williams 1838 , was, in effect, the agreement to which a new member subscribed upon entering the Fraternity. From old minutes of the Williams and Amherst Chapters, however, Delta Upsilon, One Hundred Years , by W. Freeman Galpin, Northwestern 1913, we learn that in 1840, the Willia ms Chapter had a very simple service. The secretary, having read the Constitution to those in attendance, extended an invitation to all present to join the society. Those who accepted this offer were r honor that the principles of this Society as expressed in its Preamble and Constitution accord entirely with your views; and you pledge While it is certain that this pledge was repeated with some degree of solemni ty, there is nothing to indicate that any further formality existed. Thus, the history of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity Ritual began. Upon the direction of the Anti – Secret Confederation in 1847, the pledge was revised and included in the Constitution in 1 848. The Constitution to the new members. In 1864, the name Delta Upsilon and, subsequently, a newly designed badge were officially adopted. On October 15 of that year, the Washington & Jeffe rson Chapter wrote a letter to the Rutgers Chapter, which polled their opinion as to the Initiation
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8 and the correspondence that followed between the two chapters New York, accepted the report of the committee, which read: istered to members – elect standing. The candidates and President shall stand in the center (directly in front of the standing about them. The pledge having been assented to, the President shall address th e newly elected members assuring them of the cordial sympathy of the society, and defining the relations in which they stand to the Fraternity. He shall then give them the hand of fellowship in the name of the entire Fraternity. After this the other memb ers of the Chapter shall also welcome them as brothers. Upsilon taking their seats all shall The Initiation Rite of 1866 served the Fraternity for many years. In performing this Rite, the chapters were supposed to comply with this form, but were not limited to the additional nuances that they could incorporate on their own . I n 1878, chapters began to express their opinion that the R itual be revised again. The issue was voted upon at the 1878 Convention to which t This procedure stood until 1890 when again, the delegates at the 1890 Convention instructed the Executive Council to consider the improvement of the initiation rite. The idea was br ought up often at C onventions that would follow and was unsuccessfully reviewed by several different committees to the result that no significant progress was made on the improvement of the I nitiation R ite until the turn of the century . Finally, at the 190 committee of five was appointed to draw up a uniform method of apparently followed through with their work and prepared a more
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10 In the fall of 2000, the t ask was undertaken to rev iew and consider updated language within the text, to include additional resources and further explanation as to the implementation of the I nitiation R itual, and to expand the book to include other ceremonies to be used by the chap ters. The intent of this Ritual Book is to raise the level R itual, to bring a greater sense uniformity and formality to the chapter level, and to instill fraternal pride in all DU brothers. Craig S. Sowell, Hous
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13 CHAPTER MEETING Every chapter meeting should be functional, informative, uniform, and important. Following a well – designed agenda at each meeting helps to ensure a business – like approach to our brotherly duties. After the brothers an d, if applicable, the associate members have assembled in the chapter hall, the Chapter President opens the meeting by repeating the following: President: This meeting of the ( Chapter Name ) Chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity; a Brotherhood founded u pon the ideal of non – secrecy, with its Four Founding Principles being the Promotion of Friendship, the Development of Character, the Diffusion of Liberal Culture, and the Advancement of Justice; and with Justice as its sure Foundation is hereby called to o rder. Please rise while Brother ( Name The Pres ident then carries out the orders of the day, according to a specific and purposeful meeting agenda. Roll Call Reading and Adoption of the Minutes Remarks from Guests or Alumni Officer and Committee Reports Old business New business Officer Installation C eremony (if applicable) Announcements After the last item on the agenda is completed, and before the adjournment, the President issues this final declaration: President: Brothers and guests, please stand.
38 KB – 86 Pages