Adhan;. ➢ know that the muezzin calls. Muslims to prayer. √. √. √. √. Before the lesson draw a large outline shape of a traditional mosque or have a.
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque What this unit contains The Mosque is a local place of worship and study for Muslims The designs and use of the mosque Wudu and salah in the mosque Where the unit fits and how it builds upon previous learning This unit develops pupils™ know ledge and understanding of the significance of worship in the lives of Muslims. It contextualises the work covered in unit 3 about prayer into how prayer takes place in the place of worship. It provides a foundation for future units about the 5 pillars and the Hajj. Extension activities and further thinking Describe how a mosque is similar to and distinctly different from places of worship in other faiths. Find out how members of other faiths believe it is important to be clean for worship. Vocabular y Islam Muslim Allah Prophet mosque Qiblah Imam mihrab Makkah Qur™an zakah wudu Minbar minaret muezzin salah SMSC/Citizenship Belonging to the faith community locally and internationally Rules to live by Cleanliness physically and symbolically Charitable donations as a social responsibility Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Teaching unit ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:1
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 1 Learning objectives A T 1 A T 2 Suggested teaching activities Sensitivities, points to note, resources Pupils should : know the name of the Muslim place of worship ; know that the Ka™aba was the first mosque ; know that Bilal was the first caller to prayer . Recap knowledge from previous units about the use of the Qur™an in Muslim life and the significance of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as an example and teacher. Fill in a ‚what do I know already™ sheet about Muslim worship. Remi nd pupils of the five prayer times. Consider ways in which people might become busy sometimes and need to be reminded to pray. How might people have remembered prayer times in the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? Have any members of the class been to Musli m countries (e.g. Egypt) and heard people being called to prayer? Have they seen Muslims stopping their work to pray? How is life different for Muslims in a Muslim country? What is the name of the place where Muslims go to worship together? Recall that the Ka™aba was the first mosque and that Muslims worship in mosques (from Unit 3). Show pupils a picture of the Ka™aba. Retell the story of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) setting up the first Muslim community in Madinah and tell the story of Bilal. You could also show the section of Bilal and the first call to prayer from ‚The Message™ video. Explain how Bilal™s words encouraged Muslims to appreciate the importance of five prayer times every day. Resources ‚What do I know already?™ sheet Story of Bilal Picture o f the Ka™aba Prayer Times sheet ‚The Message™ section showing Bilal making the first call to prayer. Posters of important mosques in the Muslim world, e.g. The Prophet™s Mosque lish/introducingislam/Worship/ Prayers/article03.shtml Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Teaching unit ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:2
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 2 Learning objectives A T 1 A T 2 Suggested teaching activities Sensitivities, points to note, resources Pupils shoul d: know the call to prayer is named the Adhan ; know that the Adhan is very special to Muslims ; know that Friday prayers have extra importance ; know the words of the Adhan ; know that the muezzin calls Muslims to prayer. Befor e the lesson draw a large outline shape of a traditional mosque or have a large poster showing a mosque to begin a display. Recap work from previous lesson. Look at the prayer times from Unit 3 and discuss. Hand out the Adhan sheet. Read around / to the c lass the English translation and listen to the call to prayer being made on a CD, tape of from the internet, following the Arabic translation. Watch the call to prayer and preparation for prayer time in the mosque from the Faiths CD Rom. Introduce pupils to the title ‚muezzin™ for the person who makes the call to prayer. Create images and labels for the mosque display: Next to the minaret of the mosque a description of the Adhan and some of the words in really neat handwriting or word processed very caref ully. Resources Adhan fact sheet Prayer times sheet from unit 3 Information sheet. The Adhan recorded (e.g. from ‚The Life of the Last Prophet™ CD or tape or from the internet. Faiths CD Rom or online at LgFL: Œ The Mosque part 1 film footage media/radio/ch90/ lish/ArtCulture/2004/01/arti cle0 1.shtml http:// www. /multimedia/tp/adhan.htm Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Teaching unit ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:3
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 3 Learning objectives A T 1 A T 2 Suggested teaching activities Sensitivities, points to note , resources Pupils should: To know how Muslims prepare for prayer. Know that Friday is a special day for prayer at the Mosque. Recall knowledge from previous weeks using the display. Show pupils the brief pieces of fi lm Œ Worship 1 from the faiths CD Rom. How do Muslims prepare for prayer time? Why is Friday a special day at the Mosque? What do Muslims do to prepare to enter the prayer area? Why is it important to wash and remove shoes before prayer? Make picture s of shoes, attach to the display and label these with an explanation of why these are removed before prayer. Make a class set of instructions for wudu and attach to the display. Resources Faiths CD Rom Compasses Art materials to make tile shapes Qur™ an quotations about prayer. Note for teachers Removing shoes is not an obligation in Islam. As a custom to maintain a clean area for prayer many mosques expect people to remove their shoes. Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Teaching unit ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:4
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 4 Learning objectives A T 1 A T 2 Suggested teaching activities Sensitivities, points to note, resources Pupils should: know that when Muslims pray they face the direction of the Ka™aba in Makkah ; know the direction o f the Ka™aba from the classroom; know that the Mihrab in the mo sque shows Muslims which way to face . Watch the video portion Worship part 2 from the Faiths CD. Recall that Muslims face Makkah when they pray. Introduce the vocabulary Œ mihrab. Using compasses find the direction of Makkah in the classroom and using geometric designs make paper tiles to create the class™ own Mihrab. On the outline of the mosque display add information about the use of a Mihrab and an image of one from the internet (examples attached to the unit). Wh y do Muslims find that praying together reminds them that everyone is equal before Allah? Resources Espresso & London Grid for Learning ‚Faiths™ online or CD Rom Œ Worship Part 2 htt p:// Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Teaching unit ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:5
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 5 Learning objectives A T 1 A T 2 Suggested teaching activities Sensitivities, points to note, resources Pupils should: know that the mosque is a place of learning ; know that Muslims hear teachings from the Imam at the mosque . In the Faiths CD Rom it explains that Muslims hear readings from the Qur™an or read the Qur™an in the Mosque. Examine the information on the website of Central Mosque in Regents™ Park or the website of the East London Mosque. Wh at sorts of things go on there? What information is useful or important for believers looking at this site? How do you know from the websites that learning is important in Islam? Resources /islam/islam.htm http://www.east londonmosque. Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Teaching unit ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:6
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 S essions 1 & 6 Assessment Sheet 1 Name: Class: What do I know already about Muslim worship? What have I learnt about Muslim Worship and the Mosque? Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Assessment sheet ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:8
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 1 Story 1 The story of Bilal and the first call to prayer Many years ago in Makkah, there was a slave called Bilal whose master was a hard, cruel man called Umaya . Umaya was wealthy and powerful and worshipped many idols. He demanded that all his slaves worship like him. One da y, Umaya gave Bilal a whip, and ordered him to beat another slave. ‚He says there is only one God,™ said Umaya, ‚and that ev eryone is equal to God . The whip will teach him a lesson.™ But seeing the whip did not frighten the slave. He kept calling out, ‚There is One God, only one God.™ The slave™s courage brought Bilal to believe the man was right and he knew he could not whip him. Umaya was angry. Not only had Bilal disobeyed him, now, he too stood in the courtyard shouting, ‚One God, there is only one God.™ Soon all the slaves would revolt. Umaya decided that Bilal must be taught a lesson so he ordered that his hands and feet be tied. T hen Bilal was dragged outside the city wall to lie, without shelter, on the sand under the midday sun. But Bi lal continued to shout, ‚There is One God, only one God.™ Umaya realised his punishment was not working. ‚Find a great, heavy rock,™ he ordered. ‚Place it on his chest; that will qu ieten him.™ It did because under the rock Bilal could hardly breathe. But still Bilal whispered, ‚One God, only one God.™ Abu Bakr, a follower of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), was passing by. He was shocked at what he saw and asked Umaya how anyone co uld treat another in that way. ‚He is my slave, I™ll do what I like with hi m,™ said Umaya. ‚If you do not like it, you can always buy him.™ So Abu Bakr bought Bilal and he, too, became a follower of the Prophet. When the Muslims moved to Madinah, Bilal worked with the others to build a place where they could worship Allah. W hen it was finished they had to decide on the best way to call the people to prayer. Should they use a bell or a drum, a horn or maybe even a trumpet ? They could not agree. Then Abdullah, another of the Prophet™s followers spoke about a dream he had, in which he heard a man™s voice calling the people to prayer. All agreed this was a fine solution – just the human voice on its own. But who was to have this honour? Lambeth Agreed Sylla bus for Religious Education Story sheet ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:9
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 Session 1 Story 1 C ontinued Œ The story of Bilal and the first call to prayer The Prophet placed his arm around Bilal™s shoulder. ‚Yours shall be the voice, Bilal,™ he said. ‚Your voice praised God eve n from under a rock.™ ‚But what am I to call?™ said Bilal. ‚I don™t know what to say.™ ‚Praise Allah, tell the people Muh ammad is his messenger and call them to prayer. That will be sufficient,™ answered the Prophet. Bilal raced up the top of the roof of the mosque. He stood staring at the people down below. Then he threw back his head, r aised his voice, and from deep i nside him came the words that still echo, five times a day, in Islam: ‚Allahu Akbar, Allah is most Great. I witness that there is no God but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is the messenger of A llah. Come to prayer. Come to salvation.™ Lambeth Agreed Sylla bus for Religious Education Story sheet ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:10
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ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4: The Mosque Unit 4 S ession 2 Information Sheet 1 The Adhan or Call to Prayer The words of the adhan are as follows: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is th e Greatest. Ash -hadu alla ilaha illa -llah. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. Ash -hadu alla ilaha illa -llah. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. Ash -hadu anna Muhammadar -Rasulullah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Ash -hadu anna Muhammadar -Rasulullah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah Lambeth Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Information sheet ISLAM Part 1 Unit 4:11
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