Geschäftstätigkeit im Wettbewerb überzeugen. Der langfris- tige Erfolg unseres Unternehmens hängt auch davon ab, wie frühzeitig wir Risiken und Chancen

60 KB – 44 Pages

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Anforderungen des Volkswagen Konzerns zur Nachhaltigkeit in den Beziehungen zu Geschäftspartnern Volkswagen Group requirements regarding sustainability in its relationships with business partners Code of Conduct für Geschäftspartner Code of Conduct for Business Partners

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2Content Preface 4Purpose and motivation 6Cooperation 8Scope and coverage 10Requirements 12 1. Environmental protection 12 2. Human rights and labor rights of employees 16 3. Transparent business relations 24 4. Fair market behavior 26 5. Duty of care to promote responsible raw material supply chains 26 6. Integration of sustainability requirements in organization and processes 28

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4Preface -pectations regarding the mindset and conduct of business part -ners in their corporate activities, in particular with reference to suppliers and sales partners. The requirements are considered These sustainability requirements for business partners are based on national and international provisions and conven -tions, such as the principles of the UN Global Compact, the Business Charter for Sustainable Development of the Interna -tional Chamber of Commerce, the OECD Guidelines for Multi -national Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and -al Labour Organisation (ILO), as well as the Guiding Principles to Enhance Sustainability Performance in the Supply Chain issued as part of the Drive Sustainability initiative. In addition, the sustainability requirements are also based on internal standards and values such as the declaration on social -mental Policy and the environmental objectives and guidelines Code of Conduct for employees.

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5Vorwort Die nachfolgenden Anforderungen präzisieren die Erwartungen der Geschäftspartner in ihrer Unternehmenstätigkeit, insbeson – werden als Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Gestaltung der seinen Partnern angesehen. Diese Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen an die Geschäftspartner -pact, der Charta für eine langfristige tragfähige Entwicklung der Internationalen Handelskammer, den OECD-Leitsätzen für multinationale Unternehmen, den UN Leitprinzipien für -tionen der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) sowie den der Nachhaltigkeitsleistung in der Lieferkette. Des Weiteren basieren diese Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen auf internen Normen und Werten, wie der Erklärung zu den sozia – – Umweltzielen und Umweltvorgaben, der Qualitätspolitik und Conduct) für Mitarbeiter.

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6Purpose and motivation Our goal is to maintain a competitive edge through the qual -ity and lasting value of our products and services as well as through our successful and sustainable business activities. Our we identify risks and opportunities, and that we consistently comply with laws, regulations, ethical principles and our own voluntary commitments. Group, we also work to ensure compliance with these standards along the entire value chain. This approach is based on recogni -tion of the simple fact that responsible conduct and commer – another. all our employees, but also from our business partners. Our business partners convey these principles and the obligations they entail to their own employees as well as to their business partners. They may also implement additional rules.

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8Cooperation the Group is focused on close cooperation with its business partners. Applying the sustainability requirements, we are aware of our responsibility for the economic, ecological and social impact of -ularly where human rights, health and safety at work, environ -mental protection and combatting corruption are concerned.

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9Kooperation – -hungen, die sich durch beiderseitigen Nutzen auszeichnen. Geschäftspartnern. – Auswirkungen unseres Handelns bewusst. Dies erwarten wir auch von unseren Geschäftspartnern, insbesondere hinsichtlich der Menschenrechte, des Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzes,

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10 Scope and coverage The following sustainability requirements apply to all business -ners, insofar as they apply to the respective business activities. Furthermore, business partners must take appropriate steps to also ensure compliance with these requirements by their own business partners and along the supply chain.

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11 Anwendungs- und Geltungsbereich Die folgenden Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen gelten für alle seinen Geschäftspartnern, soweit sie auf die jeweilige Ge – Darüber hinaus setzen sich Geschäftspartner in angemessener Form für die Einhaltung der Anforderungen auch durch ihre Geschäftspartner und entlang der Lieferkette ein.

60 KB – 44 Pages