Aberfoyle anticline, 59, 259, 275. Algal Beds, Gt. Estuarine Series, 160. Andalusite, Dalradian, Banffshire,. 47-51. Amphibole, Dalradian, Banffshire,. 54-5.
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INDEX Aberfoyle anticline, 59, 259, 275 Algal Beds, Gt. Estuarine Series, 160 Andalusite, Dalradian, Banffshire, 47-51 Amphibole, Dalradian, Banffshire, 54-5 Amphibolite dyke, Badcall, Sutherland, 201-4 Ardnarnurchan, Gt. Estuarine Series, 159; Jurassic sediments, Ben Hiant, 323-4 Arran, granites, 406; Old Red Sandstone and Highland Boundary 363-425 Badcall, Sutherland, intrusions, 201-7 BanfFNappe, 30, 57, 62 Banffshire Dalradian 29-64; stratigraphical succession, 32 Barrovian metamorphic zones, 57; -type metamorphism, Lower Dalradian, Banffshire, 31 Barytes, Arran, 416 Basaltic veins, Badcall, Sutherland, 205 Ben Eagach Schists, 167 Ben Hiant, Jurassic sediments, 323-4 Ben Lawers Schist, 167 Ben Lui (Kirkmichael) Syncline, 59, 62 Schists, 167 Ben-y-Vrackie Synform, 272 Bergalite tuffs and lavas, Mt. Nyiragongo, 1 Biotite, Dalradian, Banffshire, 42-3 Blair Atholl Antiform, 271-2 Bounce marks, 240 Boyndie Bay Groups, 35, 37, 43, 45, 47, 52, 53, 61 Boyndie Syncline, 29, 30, 31, 34-5, 37, 40, 57, 59, 62 Boyne Lag, 30 BRUCK, P. M. and P. McL. D. DUFF, Jurassic sediments, Ben Hiant, Ardnarnurchan, 323-4 Buchan Anticline, 30, 34, 57, 59, 62; metamorphic zones, 57; type metamorphism, Upper Dalradian, Banffshire, 31 Calciferous Sandstone Measures, East Fife, 133-8 Carbonatites, effusive, and alkaline volcanics, Nyiragongo, 21-3 Carbonatite-type volcanism, 1 Cam Chuinneag granite, zircons from, 352 Cam Mairg Quartzite, 167 Cation percentages, Mullaghduff Porphyry Dyke, 69 Central Scotland, Millstone Grit, 439-85 Chemical Analyses, Alkali olivine basalt, Hawaii, 213 Amphibolite dyke, Badcall, Sutherland, 203 Bergalite, Kaiserstuhl, 10 , Mt. Vulture, 10 Clinopyroxene, Basalt, Mauritius, 213 , Olivine basalt, Fishnish Peninsula, Mull 210 Doleritic basalt, Younger Series, Mauritius, 213 Fused granite inclusion, Nyiragongo, 11 Lava, Nyiragongo, 11 Leucitite Lavas, Nyiragongo, 13 MeliHte-nepheunite, Nyiragongo, 11 Melilitite lavas, Nyiragongo, 13 Mullaghduff Porphyry Dyke, 67 Nepheline aggregate lavas, 13 Nepheline leucitite, Nyiragongo, 11 Non-porphyritic Central Magma, Hebrides, 209 Olivine basalt, Fingal’s Cave, Staffa, 212 Olivine basalt, Fishnish Peninsula, Mull, 210 , 1921 lava, Kilauea, 203 , Portree, Skye, 212, 213 , Younger Series, Mauritius, 213 Plateau Magma type, Hebrides, 209 Porphyritic Melilite-leucite-nephelinite, Nyiragongo, 11 nephelinite-kalsilite-melilitite, 11 Tholeiite (NPC type), North of England dykes, 212 Cephalaspis scotica, sp. nov. 316 Chevron marks, 109, 291 496
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INDEX 497 Cockburn Land, 248 Coillebrochain Fold, 266, 268, 274, 275 Collessie moraine, 122-8 Conditions of deposition, Wenlock-ian, Hawick, 244-6 Cordierite, Dalradian, Banffshire, 52 Correlation of structural and metamorphic histories, Dalradian, Banftshire, 56 Cowhythe Gneiss, 33, 41, 42, 44, 45, 52, 54, 55 CRAIG, G. Y. and E. K. WALTON, Sedimentary structures and Palaeo-current directions, Silurian, Kirkcudbrightshire, 100-19 Crathie Point Group, 43 Creag na hlolaire Anticline, 275 Cross girdles, Glen Lyon rocks, 177 Crushed rocks, Arran, 413 Crystallisation-differentktion, 65, 74-81 Cullen Quartzite, 42-4 Current bedding, Silurian, 101, 112; superficial deposits, Fife, 124; directions, Hawick rocks, 241-3; markings, Silurian, 103, 109; structures, Torridonian, Rhum, 489 Dalradian, Banffshire; correlation of structural and metamorphic histories, 56; F2 folds, original orientation, 41-2; metamorphic history, 42-55; regional comparison, 59-63; structural history, 31-41; time scale, 57-9 Dalradian, Glen Lyon; fold styles, 168; megascopic fabric, 169-71; microscopic fabric, 171-98 Dalradian, Pitlochry and Blair Atholl; faulting, 274; foldsN.W. of Vertical Belt, 271-2; folds of Vertical Belt, 266-71; sliding, 2724 DALZDBL, I. W. D., 2focons from granitic gneiss, W. Ardgour 349-62 Deformation structures, Dalradian, Banffshire, 36 Deltoidal casts, 240 Dendritic ridges, 280-4 Differentiation and pedogenesis, Mt. Nyiragongo, 19-25 Diffusion processes, material transfer, 65, 74-81 Distribution of ions, MullaghdufT Porphyry Dyke, 72-3 Dolerite dyke, Badcall, Sutherland, 205 DUFF, P. Mc. L. D. and P. M. BRUCK, Jurassic sediments, Ben Hiant, Ardnamurchan, 323-4 Durn Hill Quartzite, 34, 55 DzuLYNSKi, ST. and E. K. WALTON, Experimental production of sole markings, 279-305 EARP, J. R., E. H. FRANCE and W. A. READ, Discussion, Late-glacial Shore-lines, 216-224 Eigg, Gt. Estuarine Series, 152-8 Esker-like body, Collessie, Fife, 122 Explosion Breccias, Stob Mhic Mhartuin, Glen Coe, 426-38 Felspathoidal rocks, Nyiragongo, 5-9 Fleur-de-lys patterns, 103-5 Flinty crush-rock, Glen Coe, 427 Flow casts, 240 Flute marks, 240; pattern, 102,107 Fluvioglacial deposition, Peeblesshire, 335, 343; erosion, Peeblesshire, 333, 341 Forth area, raised shore-lines, 90 FRANCIS, E. H., J. R. EARP and W. A. READ, Discussion, Late-glacial shore-lines, 216-24 FRIEND, P. F., W. B. HARLAND and J. D. HUDSON, Old Red Sandstone and Highland Boundary, Arran, 363-425 Frondescent marks, 291-5 Garnet Dalradian, Banffshire, 43-6 Gas transport and emission of silica, 24-5 Glacial deposition, Peeblesshire, 330, 341; erosion, Peeblesshire,328,340 Glen Coe, explosion breccia and flinty crush-rock, 426-38 Glen Lyon, Dalradian, 166-200 Grain orientation in quartzose rocks, Glen Lyon, 184-5 Great Estuarine Series, Inner Hebrides, 139-65
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498 INDEX Greywackes, micrometric analysis, 232-6; microscopic characters, 227-32; provenance, 236-7 Groove marks, 240 HARDIE, W. G., Explosion Breccias, Stob Mhic Mhartuin, Glen Coe, 426-38 HARLAND, W. B., P. F. FRIEND and J. D. HUDSON, Old Red-Sandstone and Highland Boundary, Arran, 363-425 HARRIS, A. L., Structural Investigations, Dalradian, Pitlochry and Blair Atholl, 256-78 Hawick rocks, 100-1, 114-6, 246-7 Heavy minerals, Scottish Millstone Grit, 449-72 Hebridean Plateau Magma Type, 208-15 Highland Boundary, Arran 363-425; Fault, 416-9 Howe of Fife, strand lines, 120-32 HUDSON, J. D., Great Estuarine Series, Inner Hebrides, 139-65 , P. F. FRIEND and W. B. HARLAND, Old Red Sandstone and Highland Boundary, Arran, 363-425 Hummocky moraine, Collessie, Fife, 122-3 Utay Boundary Slide, 274 , Nappe, 167, 259 Inchbae augen gneiss, zircons from, 352 Inner Hebrides, Gt. Estuarine Series, 139-165 Interference ripple marks, 240 Isostatic recovery, Scotland, 87-9; Stirling, 89 JOHNSON, M. R. W., Movement and metamorphism, Dalradian, Banffshire, 29-64 Jurassic sediments, Ben Hiant, 323-4; Inner Hebrides, 139-65 Kalsilite phase, Mt. Nyiragongo, 5-9 Katungite blocks, Gatwe crater, 7 KNOX, J., Strand lines, Howe of Fife, 120-32 Kyanite, Dalradian, Banffshire, 52-4 Late-glacial shore-lines, Forth area, 83-99; Howe of Fife, 120-32 Lava of lava lake, Nyiragongo, 16 Lawers Syncline, 59 Leucitites, Nyiragongo, 1,15-6 Lewisian, intrusions in, 201-7 Linear structures, Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 170-1 Load structures, 295-8 Loch Lomond Readvance, 87-8 Loch Tay Fault, 274; Inversion, 275; Nappe, 275-7 Loch Tummel Fold, 266, 275 Longitudinal furrows, 285 Longitudinal ridges, 102-5, 240, 285 Macduff Group, 35, 43, 48, 61, 62 Machrie Shore section, Arran, 379 Marginal drainage channels, Howe of Fife, 125-6 Material transfer, diffusion processes, 65, 74-81 Meall Uaine Fold, 266, 268, 275 Melilitite tuffs and lavas, Nyiragongo, 1 Melilitites (bergalites), Nyiragongo, 13-5 MERCY, E. L. P., Mullaghduff Porphyry Dyke, 65-82 Microfabric studies, Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 166-200 Middle Littorina transgression, 88 Migmatisation, Dalradian, Banffshire, 30 Migmatitic felspar, 55 Millstone Grit, Central Scotland, 439-85 Mimetic dimensional orientation, Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 197-8 Modal analyses, Old Red Sandstone, Arran, 400 Modified ripple marks, 106 Moine metasediments, zircons from, 352 Morainic mounds, Howe of Fife, 122-5 Mount’Baruta, 2, 4 Mount Nyiragongo, petrology, 1-28
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INDEX 499 Mount Shaheru, 2, 4 Muck, Gt. Estuarine Series, 158-9 MUTR, I. D. and C. E. TILLEY, Hebridean Plateau Magma Type, 208-15 Mum, R. O., Petrography and Provenance, Millstone Grit, Central Scodand 439-85 Mull, Gt. Estuarine Series, 160 MullaghdufF Porphyry Dyke, 65-82 Nepheline aggregate lavas, Nyira-gonga, 16 Nephelinites, Nyiragongo, 16 Nodule trails, 108 Norite dyke, Badcall, Sutherland, 204 O’HARA, M. J., Intrusions in Lewisian Complex, Badcall, Sutherland, 201-7 Old Red Sandstone, Arran, 363-425; correlation and variation, 390-2; geological history, 419-21; petrology, 393-406; stratigraphy, 367-92 , Bridge of Allan and Newtyle, fauna, 306-22 Olivine leucitite, Muja, 7 100 ft. beach, relation to ice margins, 94 Orthocone prod marks, 111-2 Palaeocurrent directions, Silurian, Kirkcudbrightshire, 113-9 Palaeogeography, Wenlockian, Hawick, 247-50 Pebbly rocks, Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 179-90 Peeblesshire, glaciation of part of 325-48 Perth Readvance, 87-89, 96-97 Pit and Mound structures, 240 Pidochry and Blair Atholl, Dalradian 256-78 Plagioclase-amphibolite dyke, Bad-call, Sutherland, 204 Planar structures, Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 169-70 Portsoy Group, 34, 54; Igneous Mass, 54-55 PRICE, R. J., Glaciation of part of Peeblesshire, 325-48 Prod marks, 240 Pseudo-nodules, 240 Pseudo-sedimentary structures, 102 Pteraspis mitchelli, 307-15; and associated fauna 315-20 Quartzose rocks, Glen Lyon, grain orientation, 184-5 Raasay, Gt. Estuarine Series, 147-9 RAMSAY, D. M., Microfabric studies, Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 166-200 READ, W. A., J. R. EARP and E. H. FRANCIS, Discussion, Late-glacial shore-lines, 216-24 Reticulate pattern, 103-4,107 Rhum, Torridonian, 486 Riccarton Beds, 100,114-6; deposition of, 245-6 Rill marks, Silurian, 105,109 Ripple marks, modified, 106-8 Rosses Granitic Ring Complex, 65 SAHAMA, TH. G., Petrology, Mt. Nyiragongo, 1-28 Sand Volcanoes, 240 Sannox Shore section, Arran, 388 Scaly ridges, 103-5 Schichallion Synform, 276 Scottish Millstone Grit, heavy minerals 449-71; petrography 443-9; provenance, 472-82 Scour markings, experimental 284-7; Silurian, 102-3 Securiaspis caledonicus sp. nov. 319-20 waterstoni sp. nov. 317-9 Sedimentary structures, Silurian, Kirkcudbrightshire, 100-19; Torridonian, Rhum, 487; Wenlockian, Hawick, 238-43 Sgurr Dhomhnuill granitic gneiss, zircons from, 352 Shore-lines, Late-glacial, 83-99, 120-32, 216-24 Sillimanite, Dalradian, Banffshire, 54 SISSONS, J. B., Late-glacial shorelines in Scotland, 83-99 , Reply to discussion, 221-4 Skip marks, 240 Skye, Gt. Estuarine Series, 146, 152 Sole markings, experimental 279-305; genetic relations, 299; Silurian, 101-2
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500 INDEX Sron Mhor Syncline, 275 Staurolite, Dalradian, Banffshire, 46-7 Stob Mhic Mhartuin, explosion breccias, 426-38 Strathaird, Gt. Estuarine Series, 150 Strontian granite, zircons from, 352 TULEY, C. E. and I. D. Mum, Hebridean Plateau Magma Type, 208-15 Time scale, Dalradian, Banffshire, 57-9 Tool marks, artificial, 289-91; Silurian, Kirkcudbright, 109-12 Torridonian, Rhum, 486 Trace elements, amphibolite dyke, Badcall,203 Transverse ripples, 100-1, 240 Trotternish, Gt. Estuarine Series, 143-7 Turbidity currents, artificial, 284-95 Vein Quartz in Dalradian, Glen Lyon, 194-7 Vertical Belt, Perthshire, 259,266-71, 274-5 Virunga volcanic field, 1-28 WALTON, E. K. and G. Y. CRAIG* Sedimentary structures and Palaeo-current Directions, Silurian, Kirkcudbrightshire, 100-19 and ST. DZULYNSKI, Experimental production of Sole Markings, 279-305 WARREN, P. T., Petrography, sedimentation and provenance of Wenlock rocks near Hawick, Roxburghshire, 225-55 WATTTSON, A., Temporary exposures, Calciferous Sandstone Measures, East Fife, 133-38 WELSH, W., Sedimentary features, Torridonian, Rhum, 486 Wenlock Rocks, Hawick, deposition 244-6; palaeogeography, 247-50; petrography 227-37; sedimentation, 238-41 Western Ardgour, zircons from, 349-62 West Sands Bay Group, 43-4 WHITE, Enrol I., Pteraspis mitchelli and its associated fauna 306-22 Whitehills Group, 35, 37, 43, 53, 61 Zircons, from granitic gneiss, W. Ardgour, 349-62
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VOLUME 19, PART 4 DECEMBER 1963 TRANSACTIONS of the Edinburgh Geological Society CONTENTS R. J. PRICE: The Glaciation of a Part of Peeblesshire, Scotland, page 325 IAN W. D. DALZIEL: Zircons from the Granitic Gneiss of Western Ardgour, Argyll; Their Bearing on its Origin, page 349 P. F. FRIEND, W. B. HARLAND and J. D. HUDSON: The Old Red Sandstone and the Highland Boundary in Arran, Scotland, page 363 W. G. HARDIE: Explosion-Breccias near Stob Mhic Mhartuin, Glen Coe, Argyll, and their Bearing on the Origin of the enarby flinty Crush-Rock, page 426 RICHARD O. MUIR: Petrography and Provenance of the Millstone Grit of Central Scotland, page 439 W. WELSH: Sedimentary Features of the Rhum Torridonian, page 486 RECORDS OF PAPERS AND EXHIBITS, page 493 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY OLIVER & bOYD LTD, EDINBURGH: TWEEDDALE COURT LONDON: 39A WELBECK STREET PRICE: TWENTY SHILLINGS
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