Nov 10, 1995 — The Library of Congress and ALCTS endorsed the Cataloging for the 21 st pdf. OCLC record for it. Cataloging for the 21st Century. Course 1:
296 pages
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F FFebruary 2008 Cataloging for the 21st Century Course 1 Rules and Tools for Cataloging Internet Resources Trainee Manual Prepared by Steven J. Miller University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries For The Library of Congress And the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Library of Congress Catalog er’s Learning Workshop Washington, DC February 2008
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Course Introduction and Background Session 1. Introduction to Cataloging Internet Resources Examples & Exercises MARC Coding Guide for Exercises Session 2. Cataloging Online Monographs Examples & Exercises Session 3. Cataloging Online Serials Examples & Exercises Session 4. Online Versions, Multiple Content Providers, and Linking Relationships Examples & Exercises Session 5. Cataloging Online Integrating Resources Examples & Exercises Session 6. Updating Online Integrating Resource Records for Changes Exercises Session 7. Machine-Assisted Generation of Cataloging Examples Review and Conclusion Selected Bibliography Glossary Session Answers
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FOREWORD In November 2000, the Library of Congress sponsored the Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium to bring together author ities in the cataloging and metadata communities to discuss outstanding i ssues involving improved discovery and access to Web resources. One of the resulting recommendati ons from that conference was the provision of appropriate training and continuing education to improve bibliographic control of selected Web resources, specifically by 1) identifying and enhancing core competences among library catalogers; 2) devising and conducting training to enhance practitioners™ mind set and values, problem-solving, operations, management, and information technology skills; and 3) promoting the understanding, use, and refinement of metadata standards for describing and managing electronic and digital resources. In August 2001, ALA™s Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) was appointed as the lead organization to plan and implement this recommendation. To address the Bicentennial Conference recommendation on continuing education, a Continuing Education Task Force convened by ALCTS proposed a series of courses in the summer of 2003 designed to prepare the cataloging community to provide improved bibliographic control of Web resources. In the fall of 2003, the ALCTS Continuing Education Implementation Group (ALCTS/CEIG) was charged to develop and make available this course series, which the task force had named Cataloging for the 21st Century. ALCTS/CEIG is working with course developers to create the five-course series over approximate ly two years (2004 through 2006) and the Library of Congress™ Cataloger’s Learning Workshop (CLW) is making the course content available to the cataloging community. The model for the development of and presentation of the Cataloging for the 21st Century course content was the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program, which provides standardized training materials and skilled profes sionals to deliver training to continuing resource catalogers in the field. This model relies on library associat ions, networks, and institutions to sponsor the workshops and use the materials developed. Th e educational components of the program are designed to be basic, affordable, authoritative, and effective. The Cataloging for the 21st Century program will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to ensure cooperation among sponsoring agencies, ease of administrati on, adequate funding, and attainment of educational objectives. The Library of Congress and ALCTS endorsed the Cataloging for the 21st Century training model and agreed to joint ow nership of the content, with CLW serving as publisher and distributor of course materials. Each of the five courses will address a specific continuing education need within the cataloging community: Rules and Tools for Cataloging Internet Resources Metadata Standards and Applications Principles of Controlled Vo cabulary and Thesaurus Design Metadata and Digital Library Development Digital Project Planning and Management Basics
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The objectives of the Cataloging for the 21st Century series are: To equip catalogers to deal with new types of resources and to recognize their unique characteristics To equip catalogers to evaluate competing ap proaches to and standards for providing access to resources To equip catalogers to think creatively and work collaboratively with others inside and outside their home institutions To ensure that catalogers have a broad enough understanding of the current environment to be able to make their local efforts compatible and interoperable with other efforts To prepare catalogers to be comfortable with ambiguity and being less than perfect To enable practicing catalogers to put themselves into the emerging digital information environment and to continue to play a signi ficant role in shaping library services To achieve these objectives, the ALCTS Continuing Education Implementation Group has selected course developers who are known for bo th their subject expertise and their skills in creating continuing education workshop materials. ALCTS/CEIG is grateful to them for the knowledge, creativity, and diligence they have brought to this course series. It is the sincere hope of the ALCTS/CEIG that the Cataloging for the 21st Century series will indeed address the continuing educations needs identified by the Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium.
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5 Cataloging for the 21st Century: The five CE course components 1. MARC/AACR2 cataloging of electronic resources 2. Overview of basic concepts of 21st century bibliographic control, including specific metadata standards and applications 3. Thesaurus design principles, building a controlled vocabulary, and examination of selected controlled vocabularies 4. Digital library design, with a project-based component 5. Philosophy and approach to asset management for the 21st century, including evaluation skills 6 Cataloging for the 21st Century: CE Course Series Objectives To equip catalogers to deal with new types of resources and to recognize their unique characteristics To equip catalogers to evaluate competing approaches to and standards for providing access to resources To equip catalogers to think creatively and work collaboratively with others inside and outside their home institutions To ensure that catalogers have a broad enough understanding of the current environment to be able to make their local efforts compatible and interoperable with other efforts To prepare catalogers to be comfortable with ambiguity and being less than perfect To enable practicing catalogers to put themselves into the emerging digital information environment and to continue to play a significant role in shaping library services
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7 Goals for this course 1. Understand this course as the first in a series of five courses for Cataloging in the 21 st Century and see AACR/MARC and library catalogs within a larger context of diverse metadata standards and databases 2. Understand fundamental concepts and categories for cataloging online resources and why they are important 3. Be able to identify the level of description, primary content, type of issuance, and important bibliographic relationships of online resources 4. Be able to apply basic AACR2 rules, MARC coding, and change conventions to original and copy cataloging of online resources 5. Develop a basis for exercising individual judgment for making cataloging decisions 8 Outline of this course Session 1. Introduction to Cataloging Internet Resources Session 2. Cataloging Online Monographs Session 3. Cataloging Online Serials Session 4. Online Versions, Multiple Content Providers, and Linking Relationships Session 5. Cataloging Online Integrating Resources Session 6. Updating Online Integrating Resource Records for Changes Session 7. Machine-Assisted Generation of Cataloging
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Session 1 Introduction to Cataloging Internet Resources 2 Goals of Session 1 1. Get an overview of th e basic definitions, concepts, and categories needed for cataloging online resources 2. Understand the importance of bringing out all aspects of an online resource, including its content, carrier, type of issuance, and bibliographic relationships
40 KB – 296 Pages