Books. Joel Blau, with Mimi Abramovitz, The Dynamics of Social Welfare of Social Welfare History in North America, John H. Herrick and.
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Joel Blau , D.S.W School of Social Welfare Stony Brook University 631 444-3149 ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2000-present Professor and Director of the Ph.D. Program, School of Social Welfare, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Administrator of, and teacher of social policy in, the schoolÕs Ph.D. program. 1996-2000: Associate Professor and Director of the PhD Program, School of Social Welfare, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Administrator o f, and teacher of social policy in, the school’s Ph.D program. 1993-1996: Associate Professor (tenured), School of Social Welfare, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Full -time teacher of courses in the planning, research, and administra tion sequence on both the graduate and undergraduate levels. 1987-1993: Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Full -time teacher of courses in the planning, research, and administration sequence on bot h the graduate and undergraduate levels. 1983-1987: Lecturer in social welfare policy, Columbia University School of Social Work. PUBLICATIONS Books Joel Blau, with Mimi Abramovitz, The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy , 4th edition (New York: Ox ford University Press, 2014) Joel Blau, with Mimi Abramovitz, The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy , 3rd edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010) Joel Blau, with Mimi Abramovitz, The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy , 2nd Edition (N ew York: Oxford University Press, 2007) Joel Blau, with Mimi Abramovitz, The Dynamics of Social Welfare Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004)
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2 Illusions of Prosperity : America’s Working Families in An Age of Economic Insecurity (New Yor k: Oxford University Press, 1999) [paperback edition, Oxford University Press, 2001] The Visible Poor: Homelessness in the United States (New York City: Oxford University Press, 1992 [paperback edition, Oxford University Press, 1993] Edited Volumes Christopher Dykema, Forty Years in Social Work: Reflections on Practice and Theory , edited and with an Afterword by Joel Blau, (Washington, D.C. NASW Press, 2013) Tatsushi Hirono, The Role of Religious Leaders in Suicide Prevent ion: A Comparative Analysis of American Christian and Japanese Buddhist Clergy , edited and with a Foreword by Joel Blau (New York: Edward Mellen Press, 2012) Book Chapters ÒThe Political Economy of U.S. Social Policy,Ó in Michael Reisch, edit or, Social Policy, Social Justice (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2014), pp.101-123 ÒFrom the Great Society to the Retreat of the Welfare State,Ó in Kristine Nelson and Alice Lieberman, editors, Women and Children First: The Contributions o f the ChildrenÕs Bureau to Social Work Education (Washington, D.C.: Council on Social Work Education, 2013), pp.57-70 ÒSocial Policy: Public Welfare,Ó Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History , Volume 2, Donald T. Critchlow and Phi l Vandermeer , editors, (New York City: Oxford U niversity Press, 2012), pp.256-260 ÒGo Out and Find a Job: Public Perceptions of Homeless Men,Ó in Homelessness in America, Robert Hartman McNamara, editor, (New York: Pr aeger Perspectives, 2008) Volume 1, pp. 15 -28 ÒIncome Distribution,Ó Encyclopedia of Social Work , 20th Edition, Terry Mizrahi and Larry Davis, editors (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), vol.2, pp.455 -459 ÒWelfare Reform in Historical Perspective,Ó in The Promise of Welfa re Reform: Rhetoric or Reality , Keith Kilty and Elizabeth Segal, editors (Binghampton, New York: The Haworth Press, 2006), pp.49-56
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3 Jaimie Page and Joel Blau, ÒPublic Mental Health Systems: Breaking the Impasse in the Treatment of Oppressed Groups,Ó in Community Mental Health: Challenges for the 21 st Century , J. Rosenberg and S. Rosenberg, editors (New York: Routledge, 2006), pp.103 -116 ÒSocial Welfare Since the Social Security Act,Ó in The Encyclopedia of Social Welfare History in North America , John H . Herrick and Paul H. Stuart, editors (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2005). pp. 378 -381 “The Composition of the Homeless Population,” in Dennis Keen, Reading Alone, Reading Together , (New York: Harcourt Brace, Inc., 1997), pp.140-150 [repr inted from The Visible Poor , pp.24-30 . “The Homeless Mentally Ill Should Not Be Institutionalized,” in Mental Illness: Opposing Viewpoints, William Barbour, ed., (San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press, 1995), pp. 185 -191 [reprinted from The Visible Po or, pp. 85-89] “Can Workfare Programs Succeed in Bringing Large Numbers of People Out of Poverty,” in Howard Karger and James Midgley, eds., Controversial Issues in Social Policy (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1994), pp. 238-250. Journal Articles “Why The Un ited States Is Not Sweden,” The Journal of Progressive Human Services , 4 (1): 1 -16, 1993. “A Paralysis of Social Policy?” Social Work , 37 (6): 558 -562, November 1992 “Theories of the Welfare State,” Social Service Review , 63 (1): 26 -38, March, 1989. “The Limits of the Welfare State: New York City’s Response to Homelessness,” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 16 (1): 79 -91, March, 1989. “Homelessness: A Literature Review,” in Catalyst, 6 (2): 5 -25, 1988 Joel Blau and Mimi Abramovitz, “Social Bene fits as a Right,” in Social Development Issues , 8(3): 50 -61, 1985.
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4 “Some Notes on the Literature of Citizen Participation,” Catalyst 2 (1): 71 -78, 1980 Book Reviews Homeless: Poverty and Place in Urban America , by Ella Howard, in Reviews in Americ an History , forthcoming The New Deal: A Modern History by Michael Hiltzik, in Reviews in American History , 41 (1): 129 -133 Understanding Theories and Concepts in Social Policy , by Ruth Lister. Journal of Social Policy 40 (3): 632 -633, 2011 Pola rized America , Nolan McCarty, Keith T. Poole, and Howard Rosenthal, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare , 35 (2): 154- 157, June, 2008 One Nation Divisible , by Michael Katz and Mark Stern, Social Service Review , 81 (3): 567 -569, September, 2 007 One Nation Underprivileged , by Mark Rank, in Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 32 (4): 165 -167, December, 2005 The Basic Income Guarantee: Ensuring Progress and Prosperity in the Twenty -First Century , by Charles M. A. Clark, Review of Social Economy 63, 4: 649 -651, December, 2005: Reckoning with Homelessness , by Kim Hopper, Journal of Progressive Human Services (15): 1, 81 -83, 2004 Down And Out, On the Road: The Homeless in American History , by Kenneth Kusmer, Journal of Social History , (29): 1, 131 -132, February, 2004 Bold Relief: Institutional Politics & The Origins of Modern American Social Politics , by Edwin Amenta, Journal of Progressive Human Services 13 (1): 135 -136, 2001 An Interdependency Model of Homelessness: The Dynamics of Social Integration, by Christopher Hudson, Social Service Review, 74 (2): 317 -318, June, 2000. Understanding the Nature of Poverty in America, by James Jennings, Political Science Quarterly , 110 (2): 341, Summer, 1995
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5 The Pursuit of Equality in American History , by J. R. Pole, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 21 (3): 227 -228, September, 1994 A Nation in Denial , by Alice S. Baum and Donald Burnes, City Limits, 18 (9): 32, November, 1993 From Middle Income to Poor, by Allison Zippay, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare , 20 (1): 217 -218, 1993 The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, by Gosta Esping -Andersen, in The Journal of Progressive Human Services , 3(2): 105 -107, 1992 Benedict Giamo & Jeffrey Grunberg, eds. Beyond Homelessness: Frames of R eference , and Herbert Stein and Murray Foss, An Illustrated Guide to the American Economy , San Francisco Review of Books , 17 (3): 11 & 16 Housing the Homeless by Jon Erickson and Charles Wilhelm, eds., and Homelessness in Contemporary Society by Richard B ingham et al, in Cities Volume 5(3): 305 -307, August, 1988 Poor Peoples’ Movements , by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward, in Catalyst #1 Newspaper Articles ÒDebunking the Myth of Universal Prosperity,Ó New York NASW Currents 44 (4): 4, January, 2002, ÒDonÕt Repeal the Estate Tax,Ó Op -Ed for Progressive Media Project, Spring, 2001 “Projects Get a Bad Rap,” Excerpt from The Visible Poor , New York Newsday , December 30, 1991 PRESENTATIONS 2013 Social Welfare and the Economy, Counseling and Treating People of Color Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2011 Debate: ÒThe Role of Government,Ó Stony Brook School of Social Welfare Advocacy Day, March, 2011 2010 ÒHomel essness,Ó The Voice of Reason with Zo WilliamsÓ Sirius 106 XM 149, December, 2010 2009 ÒThe New Homeless and the Old,Ó The People of Color Conference,
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6 November, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona ÒSocial Welfare and Social Planning,Ó Seminar for Vi siting Graduate Students in Architecture from the University at Delft , Holland ÒThe Economic Dimensions of Social Justice: Models and Measures,Ó Eighth Congress of the U.S. Basic Income Grant Network,Ó February, 2009, New York City 2008 ÒHomelessness in New Orleans: A Natural or Unnatural Disaster,Ó The People of Color Conference, November, 2008 , New Orleans, Louisiana 2007 ÒSupports for Families: A Comparison of Canadian and U.S. Approaches, The People of Color Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia 2006 ÒAffirmative Action,Ó The People of Color Conference, Dominican Republic, November, 2006 2005 Income and Age Component of Health Inequities,Ó Stony Brook Medical School, April, 2005 ÒThe Lens of Social Change: The Blau/Abramovitz Policy Mode l,Ó Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting New York City, February, 2005 2004 ÒHomelessness: A Portrait and An Explanation,Ó People of Color Conference, Bermuda, December, 2004 ÒConsumer Sovereignty vs. Caring Citizen ship: The Social Ethic Underlying Twenty -Five Years of Tax -Cut Policy in the United States,Ó Social Policy As If People Mattered Conference, Adelphi University, November, 2004 Council on Social Work Education A nnual Program Meeting, ÒMeet the Author,Ó Anaheim, California, February, 2004 2003 ÒHomelessness & The Elderly,Ó Dorot, New York City, May, 2003 2002 ÒWhatÕs the Next Step?Ó Speech at the Plenary of the First U. S. Congress, Basic Income Grant, City University Graduate Center, March, 2002 2001 WXXI Rochester, ÒBushÕs Tax Cut WBAL Baltimore, ÒBushÕs Tax Cut,Ó
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8 “Meet the Author: Policy Issues,” Session at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, New York City “Thinking About Pursuing a Doctorate: The Wheres, Whens, Whys, and Hows,Ó Session at the Council on S ocial Work Education Annual Program Meeting, New York City “Homelessness and Globalization,” NPR Marathon on Homelessness,” co -hosted with Benjamin Barber [eleven radio stations] 1999 “The Use of the Market to Reform Social Programs,” SUNY at Stony Brook Public Policy Institute KTSU Radio, Houston (NPR affiliate), on Illusions of Prosperity “Making Contact,” National Radio Project [150 radio stations], on homelessness and poverty WPTT-AM, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania, on Illusions of Prosperity Group for Advancement of Doctoral Education, National Conference, Houston, Texas, Panel Presentation and Discussion, “Economic Globalization and Social Welfare” Roosevelt University Department of Policy S tudies, Chicago, Illinois, Speech on Illusions of Prosperity WPLJ Radio, New York City, on Illusions of Prosperity KVOW Radio, Seattle, Washington, on Illusions of Prosperity Voice of America Radio, on Illusions o f Prosperity Wisconsin Public Radio (NPR), “Conversations with Kathleen Dunn,Ó on Illusions of Prosperity KBOO Radio (Pacifica), Portland, Oregon, on Illusions of Prosperity KFCC Radio (NPR), Pasadena, California, on Illusions of Prosperity National P ublic Radio, “Talk of the Nation with Ray Suarez,” “Unemployment” WHRV Radio (NPR), Norfolk, Virginia, on Illusions of Prosperity
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9 KPFK Radio (Pacifica), Los Angeles, California, on Illusions of Prosperity WXXI Radio (NPR), Rochester, New York, on Illusions of Prosperity KPFA Radio (Pacifica), Berkeley, California, on Illusions of Prosperity WOSU Radio (NPR), Columbus, Ohio, on Illusions of Prosperity KWAB Radio, Boulder, Colorado, on Illusions of Prosperity KCPW Radio (NPR), Salt Lake City, Utah, on Illusions of Prosperity KKSU Radio, Wichita, Kansas, on Illusions of Prosperity Bertha Capen Reynolds Society, National Conference, “Economic Realities Panel” New York City Public Library of Science and I ndustry, Speech on Illusions of Prosperity New York City Harvard Club, Speech on Illusions of Prosperity Institute for Policy Studies and The Poverty & Race Research Action Council, Washington, D.C., Joint Sponsors, Speech on Ill usions of Prosperity Socialist Scholars Conference, Panel on “Social Insurance, Defense of Public Goods, and Public Perceptions,” New York City Chapter, NASSW, “Economic Underpinnings of Health and Social Services and Implications for the Profession,” Think Tank Conference on Major Trends Affecting Social Work Employment, Their Significance for the Profession, and The Future Direction for NYC -NASW” Northeast Regional Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education, “The Changing Economic Context of Soc ial Work Education and Practice,” Keynote Address, Fordham University, New York City 1998 “The Shredded Safety Net: What Policies Next?” Columbia University School of Social Work Centennial Conference, New York City
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10 1997 “The Causes of H omelessness,” Northport Veterans Administration Hospital Interagency Consortium on Homeless Veterans, Keynote Address “The Economic Impact of Welfare Reform,” Teach -in on Welfare Reform,” S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook 1996 Plenary Speaker, “Economic and Human Rights,Ó Bertha Capen Reynolds National Convention ÒSocial Welfare in an Age of Economic Insecurity,” Workshop,” Bertha Capen Reynolds National Convention 1993 “Street Talk,” Fox Chann el 5 News, Debate with Edward Koch about vouchers for panhandling Long Island One Cablevision, “The Joel Martin Show,” Interview about The Visible Poor Michigan Statewide Bertha Reynolds Conference, “Housing Policy in the United States” U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Assembly on Homelessness, Invited Academic Mental Health Association of Nassau County, Keynote Address, Annual Substance Abuse Conference Brecht Forum, “Home Sweet Home,” Panel Discussion “Housing California Conference,” Plenary Deb ate with Rick White, Sacramento, California New York City Department for the Aging Conference, Keynote Address, “Preventing Hunger and Homelessness Among Older New Yorkers” Women and AIDS Project of Long Island, “Homelessness and AIDS” 1992 American His torical Association Conference “Perceptions of Homelessness: Class Attitudes and Social Welfare Responses,” Comment
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11 White Bear, Minnesota, Northeast Metro Coalition for Affordable Housing, Keynote Speech, “The Invisible Poor: Affordable Housing in the Sub urbs” WCCO Radio, Minneapolis, Minnesota, “Affordable Housing in the Suburbs” KFAI, Pacifica Radio, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Interview about The Visible Poor KNOW, Minnesota Public Radio, Interview about The Visible Poor KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Berkeley, California, Interview about The Visible Poor Berkeley -Oakland Support Services, “The Causes of Homelessness” Santa Rosa, California, “Debate about Homeless with Congressional Candidates, 6th Congressional District Richmond, California Association of Hom eless and Housing Service Providers, “The Causes of Homelessness,” National Public Radio, “Fresh Air,” Interview with Terry Gross about The Visible Poor National Public Radio, “The Best of Our Knowledge,” Interview with Karen Kelly, about The Visible Poo r Fairwinds, Channel 12, Connecticut, Interview about The Visible Poor WBAB -AM/FM Radio, Interview about The Visible Poor Channel 12, Long Island, “Homelessness and the Middle Class” Keynote Address, “The Causes of Homelessness,” The Philadelphia Commi ttee for the Homeless Challenge 500 Campaign New York University Law School, Lecture on Homelessness Bronx Psychiatric Hospital, Lecture to Staff on “The Homeless Mentally Ill” 1991 WLIW -TV (Channel 21), The 21st Edition, Panel Discussion on Homelessnes s
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