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˜e Centre for Social Impact (CSI) was established in 2008 under the leadership of our founding Chief Executive O˚cer, Peter Shergold. A collaboration between university partners, philanthropists, corporates, and government, the Centre for Social Impact was established to improve the delivery of bene˛cial social impact in Australia through research, teaching, measurement, and the promotion of public debate. CSI: OUR CONTEXT 04
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Today, CSI™s network of researchers, teachers, and sta˜ is located at UNSW Sydney, Swinburne University of Technology, and ˚e University of Western Australia. CSI undertakes numerous research projects every year with government, business and not- for-pro˛t partners, and provides the nation™s most comprehensive post-graduate program in systems-led social leadership, the Graduate Certi˛cate in Social Impact. In recent years, the Graduate Certi˛cate was joined by Masters Programs (including an MBA in Social Impact) and undergraduate courses across all partner universities. In 2017 the Centre for Social Impact welcomed its new Chief Executive O˝cer Professor Kristy Muir, and commenced a strategic review of its vision, mission and goals. As we look ahead, we know that social inequities will remain stark, resources will become tighter, and people and social purpose organisations will amplify their search for innovative solutions to complex social problems. We know there is a need for an independent voice and a place to go to be informed, educated and supported to e˜ectively deliver social impact. It is with this in mind that we begin our next phase, working with others to catalyse social change for a better world. ˜ere is a need for an independent voice and a place to go to be informed, educated and supported– Our Context
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We have a vision for a better world where people have the opportunity to achieve their goals free of discrimination and social inequality, where complex social problems are addressed, communities are diverse and thriving, and where organisations across sectors work together to grow positive social impact. OUR VISION A BETTER WORLD FOR PEOPLE, COMMUNITIES AND SECTORS. 06
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Research: CSI undertakes research that illuminates, examines, and helps create conditions for a better world. Our research develops and brings together knowledge to understand current social challenges and opportunities to create a better world. We will work ethically and with rigour, across disciplines and by ensuring people, community and organisations are central. Our focus over the next ˛ve years will be on reducing social inequality and understanding and addressing key complex social problems. Within this focus, we will strive to: Š Identify and undertake ˙agship research programs that will help to ful˛l our vision; Š Identify, understand and address complex social problems using systems thinking and a range of lenses; Š Examine processes to create a better society Œ particularly, partnerships, collaboration and co-production, hybrid business models, funding models and leadership; Š Determine whether and where progressive change is occurring Œ understanding what works, in what contexts and why. Our work sits on the bedrock of leading universities. We: OUR WORK RESEARCH. EDUCATE. CATALYSE CHANGE. 08
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Educate: CSI develops social impact leaders for a better world. We have thriving undergraduate, postgraduate and professional development programs. We strive to increase the capabilities and number of progressive social impact leaders across disciplines, industries and sectors. Our graduates craft careers that matter and are leaders in their ˛elds. Catalyse change: Using our research and education, CSI catalyses social change across the social purpose ecosystem. We aim to do this by: Š being an independent, trusted and in˙uential voice; Š translating knowledge into action through accessible and applicable data, tools, guides and resources; and Š connecting people, exchanging ideas and working with others to lead change. Our engagement aims to reach across traditional divides to facilitate collaborations across the social purpose ecosystem with government, not-for- pro˛ts, for-pro˛ts, hybrid businesses, philanthropy and community organisations. Social CHANGEOur Work
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OUR VALUES Purpose. We are united by a purpose and passion to help create social good. Rigour. Our work is underpinned by rigour, independence, ethics, and innovation. Humanity. We hold an abiding belief that people can improve the world by upholding rights and enacting humane qualities like benevolence, compassion and respect. Connectedness: We create and support constructive relationships and meaningful connections between people, communities, and organisations. PURPOSE. RIGOUR. HUMANITY. CONNECTEDNESS. OUR FOUNDATION AND ENABLERS 10
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Our partner universities are our strong and supportive foundation. Our people and partners, resources and technology are core enablers to our success. People and Partners: CSI has an outstanding and collegial team who are united by a purpose to help create social good. CSI has a national executive team; is governed by a Board and our partner universities. It has the additional support of prestigious Advisory Councils across our partner states. We are an active part of the social purpose ecosystem and partnering across sectors is a strong feature of how we work. Resources: Our universities have remarkable and diverse resources in our people, our infrastructure and expertise. We are uniquely positioned to capitalise on these and be agile, responsive and authoritative. As a not-for-pro˛t, we are driven by mission and values. Financial Sustainability: CSI is a not-for-pro˛t, which was originally funded by Universities, four founders, four businesses and the Federal Government. Financial sustainability is key to being able to continue to undertake our work. Technology: We use online technologies to support interactive datasets, empower people to ‚slice and dice™ information in ways that helps them answer key questions. We harness the power of the internet to collect and share meaningful information, producing outputs that are immediately useful to individuals, communities, and organisations seeking to improve their social impact. OUR FOUNDATION AND ENABLERS Our Values, Foundation and Enablers
97 KB – 16 Pages