assembled using a program called “assembler” into object code which then in turn A collection of assembly language instructions with other operating
7 pages
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Ananda Gunawardena Lecture 26 Assembler Fundamentals All programs written in a high-level language like C are converted into machine language so they can be executed by the underlying hardware. However, the process of converting high level source code to machine language goes thr ough several intermediate steps. One of them is the conversion of source code into assembly language instructions native to the hardware. Converted assembly code is optimized by the C compiler so they can be executed more efficiently by the hardware. Assembly code from high level code is then assembled using a program called fiassemblerfl into object code which then in turn linked up with supporting library code to generate the executable code . We know that it is difficult to program in machine language, and th erefore assembly language provides an intermediate step where programs can be written usi ng English like instructions using direct instructions that can manipulate hardware. T hese assembly instructions closely mimic how they are carried out by the hardware. A t ypical assembly code instruction contains an operation code (opcode), an English des cription of what operation a hardware is supposed to perform and operands to support the operation(if any). For example, an assembly instruction to add two firegistersfl and pla ce the answer in another register may look like add r1,r2,r3 where add is the operations code (opcode) for the a ssembly instruction. We note that assembly instructions may vary from architecture to architecture. A collection of assembly language instructions with other operating systems directives, form a complete assembly language program. An examp le of an assembly program in i686 is given by (man uname) #listing 1 .global main main: movl $20, %eax ret The above program is a simple program that moves th e content 20 to a register eax. The $ identifies immediate values and % identify a regist er. Assuming that above program is in a file name first.s, the program can be compiled wi th gcc compiler and generate a binary executable file called a.out by using gcc first.s ./a.out
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The generic process of generating the executable fr om assembly code is shown below. Assembler linker High level language instructions and assembly instr uctions are written using readable text. Assembly language instructions are architectu re dependent. For example, Intel family of processors may understand one type of ass embly language instructions. The opcode of an assembly language instruction may chan ge from architecture to architecture. However, opcodes like add, sub, mul instructions that represent addition, subtraction, and multiply are common to most assembly language i nstructions. Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Instruction set architecture (ISA) provides a persp ective of the processor from assembly language or machine language programmer™s point of view. In simple terms, ISA describes the instructions that processor understan ds, including register set and how the memory is organized etc. A real world processor ISA would include few additional items such as data types; interrupt handlers, exception h andling etc. ISA is part of the computer architecture specific to a particular hardware. Registers Registers are special purpose memory locations buil t into the processor that are on the top of the memory hierarchy. Most assembly instructions directly operate on registers, loading values into registers from memory, performi ng operations on them and storing answers back in the memory. The registers are name d like eax, ebx, ecx etc and registers ebp and esp are used for manipulating the base pointer and sta ck pointer, which we will visit later. The size of a register (say 32-bit) an d number of registers (say 8) depends on particular computer architecture. A typical instruc tion written in GNU assembly that operates on a register looks like movl $10, %eax instructs moving the value 10 immediately to regist er eax. There are address registers, data registers, constant value registers, condition al registers etc used for purposes like storing the address, storing data, storing a value used to initialize(eg:zero), or values used for holding the truth value of a condition. There i s also an instruction register(IR) that can hold the instruction currently being executed. assembly code Object Code Executable code Libraries
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A Hypothetical Machine (SAM) To understand how computers are organized and how t hey carry out program instructions, let us assume a hypothetical machine with seven general purpose registers and an additional register that contains the value zero for initializing other registers. Our computer also contains a special purpose register c alled program counter (PC) that keeps track of the current address in the memory. A fter executing an instruction, PC moves forward by 4 bytes to load and execute the ne xt instruction. During the execution of the program, an instruction is loaded from memor y into the instruction register (IR). Instruction register help decode and carry out the instruction. Let us take a look at the registers and instruction set of our hypothetical m achine. Registers Register Number Notes ——————————————– Z 000 Constant: Always zero (0) A 001 B 010 C 011 D 100 E 101 F 110 G 111 PC Program Counter. 24 bits wide. Not addressable IR Instruction Register. 32 bits wide. Not addres sable. We assume that the PC is 24 bits wide and therefore our simulated memory has 224 Œ 1 addressable bytes. Now we can define a 4-bit i nstruction set for our hypothetical architecture. The basic instructions f or a computer are quite simple consisting of branch instructions, I/O instructions, Arithmetic i nstructions, device instructions and comparison instructions . Using 4-bits we can define 16 different instructions as listed below.
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Instructions for SAM CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS Instruction Op Address Functi on HLT 0000 XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Stop s imulation JMP 0001 0000 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Ju mp (line number) CJMP 0010 0000 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA J ump if true OJMP 0011 0000 AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA J ump if overflow LOAD-STORE INSTRUCTIONS Instruction Op Register Value Funct ion LOAD 0100 0RRR AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Load (hex address) STORE 0101 0RRR AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA Sto re (hex address) LOADI 0110 0RRR 0000 0000 IIII IIII IIII IIII Load Immediate NOP 0111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 no operation MATH INSTRUCTIONS Instruction Op Reg0 Reg1 Reg2 Fun ction ADD 1000 0RRR 0RRR 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 Reg0 = (Reg1 + Reg2) SUB 1001 0RRR 0RRR 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 Reg0 = (Reg1 – Reg2) DEVICE I/O Instruction -Op- Reg0 0000 0000 0000 0000 Por t Function IN 1010 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 PPPP PPPP Read Port into Reg0 OUT 1011 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 PPPP PPPP Write Reg0 out to Port COMPARISON Instruction -Op- Reg0 Reg1 Function EQU 1100 0RRR 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Cflg = (Reg0 == Reg1) LT 1101 0RRR 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Cflg = (Reg0 < Reg1) LTE 1110 0RRR 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Cflg = (Reg0 <= Reg1) NOT 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Cflg = (!Cflg)
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Writing an Assembly Program Now let us write a simple program in the assembly l anguage defined for our hypothetical machine. Writi ng an assembly program requires the understanding of t he language as well as how underlying hardware will carry out your instructions. We will start with som e simple programs. Program 1: Write a program to add the numbers 10 and 15 and o utput to port #15 (output port) 0 LOADI A 10 # Load number 10 into register A 1 LOADI B 15 # Load number 15 into register B 2 ADD C A B # Add registers A and B, store in C 3 OUT C 15 # Print out the number to output port Program 2: Write a program that reads a single digit integer from keyboard and output 0 LOADI A 48 # Load number ‚0™ into register A 1 IN B 0 # read a character from Port 0 (in) 2 SUB C B A # convert character to int and stor e in C 3 OUT C 15 # print out the number to output port Program 3: Write a program that reads a single digit integer from keyboard and output the number if the number is greater or equal to 5. 0 LOADI A 48 # Load number ‚0™ into register A 1 IN B 0 # read a character from Port 0 (in) 2 SUB C B A # convert character to int and stor e in C 3 LOADI B 5 # load number 5 into reg ister B 4 LTE C B # C < B 5 CJMP {line 7} # if true jump to end of program 6 OUT C 15 # print out the number to output port 7 HLT # terminate the program Program 4: Write a program that reads a single digit integer from keyboard and output all numbers between 1 and number 0 LOADI A 48 # Load number ‚0™ into register A 1 IN B 0 # read a character from Port 0 (in) 2 SUB C B A # convert character to int and stor e in C 3 LOADI B 1 # load number 1 into regis ter B 4 LTE C B # is C < 1? 5 CJMP {line 9} # if true jump to end of p rogram 6 OUT C 15 # print out the number to output port 7 SUB C C B # C = C - 1 8 JMP {line 4} # go to line 4 9 HLT # terminate the program
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Exercises: 1. Write an assembly program (using our hypothetical a ssembly language) to read two non-negative integers greater than 1 from stdin (port #0), multiply and output the answer to stdout(port #15) 2. Write an assembly program that reads two one digit numbers and output the max of the two. Extend the program to read 3 one digit integers and find max. 3. Write an assembly program that can read an integer of any length from the stdin and output the number. 4. Write an assembly program that can read any integer (as in #2) and find the factorial of the number. 5. Convert each of the assembly programs you wrote in (1)-(4) to machine code using the codes defined above. That is each program is displayed as instructions containing 0™s and 1™s.
104 KB – 7 Pages