In 2016, ENEC saw a peak in the construction phase of the Barakah Nuclear Energy supplier-code-of-conduct-rev4-supplier-portal-5937c63de21a2.pdf

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Table of ContentsAbout this Report 5Message from the CEO 6The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) 9 About ENEC 10 ENEC™s Group Structure 10 ENEC™s Corporate Strategy 12 Program Overview and Progress 12 Memberships 14 Awards and Recognition 15Sustainability at ENEC 17 Sustainability Management 18 Governance and Management 21 Stakeholder Engagement 27 The Year of Giving 29 Environmental Management 48 Health and Wellbeing 58 Industrial and Economic Development 67 Introduction 68 Financial Responsibility 70 National Economic Development 77Knowledge and Employment 81 Introduction 82 Highly Skilled Employment 84 National Talent Development 90 Knowledge Creation 92Appendices 97 Appendix A Œ Report Scope, Materiality and Boundaries 98 Appendix B Œ Stakeholder Mapping 101 Appendix C Œ GRI Content Index 104

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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2017 5EMIRATES NUCLEAR ENERGY CORPORATION About this Report This report aims to provide a comprehensive and transparent update of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation™s (ENEC™s) sustainability strategy and performance during 2017. This report covers the activities of ENEC and its subsidiaries Nawah contractors and subcontractors, where relevant. Full details of the report™s scope and boundaries can be found in Appendix A, as well as in data tables and graphs throughout this report. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. It has successfully completed the GRI™s Materiality Disclosure Service.fl In 2016, ENEC saw a peak in the construction phase of the Barakah Nuclear Energy for both of ENEC™s subsidiaries, Nawah and BOC. This has resulted in changes to the way we have presented some of the data and information, and also explains reasonable expectations. No assurance can be given that such expectations will prove correct and such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties and should not be relied upon due to ever-changing future events that could materially change the outcome. This document has not been subject to review by an independent third- party assurance provider. For questions or comments regarding this report and ENEC™s Sustainability Program, please visit or contact 102-49

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67EMIRATES NUCLEAR ENERGY CORPORATION We continue to closely monitor our sustainability performance across over 100 headlines from 2017 include: a reduction in injuries and lost-time incidents on the Since 2017 was also declared the UAE Year of Giving, we have outlined all of the ways in which ENEC has been giving back to the community. This included bringing a safety focus to the WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017 competition, getting involved in culture and heritage events like the Liwa Date Festival, and donating information and technology equipment for refurbishment and distribution to charities in the UAE and overseas. Our sustainability achievements to date were recognized by a number of prestigious entities in 2017, including the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) energy company in the world to achieve this level. ENEC was also recognized as (SDGs) Pioneers in the UAE for our contribution to fiPeople Developmentfl. Finally, our 2016 Sustainability Report picked up the Best Sustainability Report Award at the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group™s (ADSG) Sustainable Business Leadership right one and that we must continue to strive to achieve even greater excellence in sustainability. project, with the transition from construction to operation gaining momentum. As this takes place, we continue to be thankful for the contribution and commitment of all our stakeholders and look forward to working together on the delivery of a more sustainable future for the UAE and region. Message from the CEO Welcome to ENEC™s fourth sustainability report, our annual update on the economic, environmental and social performance of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program. With the launch of the UAE National Climate Change Strategy 2050 and the development of the UAE Centennial Plan 2071, the Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program being implemented by ENEC could not be more relevant. The delivery of clean, the future growth and prosperity of the nation, for decades to come. The Program includes the construction and operation of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant, as well as the creation of new, high-value jobs, and the establishment of a high-tech As a group of companies, ENEC and its subsidiaries: Nawah Energy Company continue as we complete construction of the plant and scale up for operation and expansion in the near future. This year marked a turning point in the construction project as activity began to wind down from the peak in 2016, leading to a reduction in material consumption and in the number of on-site contractor and subcontractor employees. By the end of the year, overall construction on all four units hit 84% completion, with Unit 1 reaching 96% completion, and handover and commissioning fully underway. His Excellency Mohamed Al Hammadi

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1011ENEC™s Vision To power the future growth and prosperity of the UAE through a safe and sustainable peaceful nuclear energy program. ENEC was established in 2009 to implement a peaceful nuclear energy program in the UAE in order to address the country™s growing demand for electricity while reducing its carbon footprint and diversifying its energy portfolio. ENEC is wholly- operate, maintain, manage and own nuclear reactors for the purposes of electricity generation, and potentially for desalination. ENEC™s Vision & Mission: energy plant at Barakah, in the Al Dhafra Region of Abu Dhabi Emirate. The Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant (BNEP) consists of four Generation III+ APR-1400 nuclear energy generating units, and their associated facilities, with a combined capacity of approximately 5,600 MW, which is expected to meet up to 25 percent of the UAE™s electricity demand once fully operational.Nuclear Energy Technology: ENEC™s Group Structure In October 2016, ENEC entered a new phase of development by establishing the Nuclear Corporation that will lead the delivery and long-term sustainability of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program. To achieve this, ENEC announced the establishment of a Joint Venture partnership with the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), a nuclear energy. Together with KEPCO, ENEC set up two subsidiaries; Nawah, which is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the four Units at the Barakah plant, and BOC responsible for the commercial interests of the project. ENEC is the majority shareholder in both subsidiaries and has included their data as part of the sustainability performance data in this report. Nawah Energy Company Established in 2016, Nawah is mandated to operate and maintain Units 1 to 4 at the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant. As the world™s newest nuclear operator, Nawah will harness the power of nuclear energy to provide a reliable, clean and sustainable supply of low-carbon electricity to contribute to the UAE™s social and economic development and enhance the quality of life for generations to come. Nawah Energy Company: Barakah One Company BOC was established in 2016 and is responsible for managing the commercial commercial lenders, and receiving funds for the electricity generated from Units agreement with Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Company (ADWEC) for the purchase of the electricity to be generated at the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant. The agreement establishes the contractual framework between the two entities for nuclear-generated

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1415Operating License Before the plant can become operational, Nawah must receive an Operating License from FANR in order to ensure that all regulatory requirements have been met for the safe operation of the Barakah plant. The 15,000-page Operating License Application (OLA) for Units 1 and 2 was submitted in March 2015 by ENEC on behalf of Nawah and is pending a decision from the FANR. In 2017, Nawah successfully submitted during the analysis of the application for Units 1 and 2, which is approximately 5,000 pages longer. Regulatory Fillings: MembershipsENEC is a member of the following organizations: World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group (ADSG) Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Committed to Sustainability Œ Two Stars Committed to Sustainability Assessment.Best Sustainability ReportThe ENEC 2016 Sustainability Report was recognized as the best report by the ADSG in early 2018. Gold Award for Government Communications MEPRA: ENEC and Four won the gold award for Government Communications for ‚Powering-up the nationfl. Energy Deployment of the Year Award ENEC was recognized in the Energy Deployment of the Year category at the Computer News Middle East™s (CNME) 8th annual ICT Achievement Awards. ENEC impressed a panel of judges with its Business Digital Transformation Program, that has delivered greater customer satisfaction, Rashid Award for Academic Excellence The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) was honored with the prestigious Sheikh Rashid ENEC was rewarded in recognition of its key role in developing human capabilities and building sustainable capacity for the peaceful nuclear energy sector. Sustainable Development Goals Pioneer Œ People Development ENEC was recognized as an SDG Pioneer by the United Nations Global Compact UAE Network. through the Energy Pioneers program (see page 91) and Women in Nuclear program (see page 89). Awards and Recognition ENEC received the following awards and recognitions in 2017:

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1819Sustainability ManagementENEC™s sustainability management strategy focuses its attention on the measurement, management and reporting of performance on the most important economic, environmental and social aspects in order to deliver maximum value for all stakeholders, now and in the future. This strategy outlines three sustainability value pillars and ten sustainability aspects that must be addressed from the construction phase through to plant operations and the ultimate decommissioning of the nuclear energy plants. This strategy also captures the critical elements required for the management and governance of sustainability at ENEC. The custodian of the sustainability strategy is ENEC™s Sustainability and CSR Working Group which is comprised of members from all major functions within ENEC. The group meets, at minimum, once every two months to review progress and drive forward the implementation of sustainability across the organization. Sustainability MaturityTo objectively assess ENEC™s implementation of sustainability management, the Working Group used the Sustainability Maturity Assessment Tool (SMAT) deployed by the ADSG under the leadership of the Environment Agency Œ Abu Dhabi (EAD). The tool has over 150 criteria that assess the sustainability policies, approaches and performance across seven areas, including management, owners, employees, suppliers, customers, community and environment. Responses to criteria were Sustainability Maturity Index201520162017Sustainability maturity (%)57.767.9The results of the SMAT show that ENEC™s sustainability program has continued to mature year-on-year, rising 10% overall from 2015 to 2017, with the biggest increase of 24.4% coming in the management area. Contribution to the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)ENEC™s sustainability strategy helps us track our contribution to the achievement of the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The table below outlines the alignment of ENEC™s sustainability aspects and relevant SDGs, more then be found within the relevant chapters of the report.

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2021Sustainability Value Pillar Sustainability AspectRelevant UN SDG Targets Addressed PageSafe, clean, and reliable energy Safety and securityEnvironmental managementHealth and wellbeing reliability 485864 Industrial and economic developmentFinancial responsibility Supply chain managementNational economic development 7077Knowledge and employmentHighly skilled employmentNational talent developmentKnowledge creation 849092 Governance and Management Robust governance and management structures are essential to ENEC™s ability to manage risk and maintain accountability. Led by ENEC™s Board of Directors, ENEC continues to strive for excellence in governance by aligning its processes, procedures and performance with the requirements of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). Excellence in Governance: governance/governance/ Board of Directors ENEC™s Board of Directors is the ultimate authority responsible for the oversight of the corporation and is accountable to the Government of Abu Dhabi. In 2017 the Board was composed of some of the UAE™s leading executives, as well as international energy experts, all of whom are independent and non-executive members. Some members are also present on the Board of Directors of its subsidiaries. All members of the Board receive training in nuclear energy and nuclear safety, and are committed to ensuring the corporation™s adherence to extraordinarily high standards of nuclear safety. ENEC™s Board of Directors has four standing committees overseeing the corporation™s activities and giving clear direction. Each of ENEC™s Board of Directors four committees has a written charter detailing its responsibilities which has been approved by the whole Board.

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