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Abbreviations and Acronyms ACC Association of Construction Contractor AOAN Airlines Operation Association of Nepal APF Armed Police Force CAAN Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal CBOs Community Based Organizations CBS Central Bureau of Statistics CCCM Camp Coordination Camp Management Cluster CMCC Civil Military Coordination Center CNDRC Central Natural Disaster Relief Committee DC Department of Custom DDA Department of Drug Administration DDRC District Disaster Relief Committee DEOC District Emergency Operation Center DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology DHS Department of Health Services DI Department of Immigration DIG Deputy Inspector General of Police DLS Department of Livestock Services DMG Department of Mines and Geology DP-Net Disaster Preparedness Network DR Department of Roads DT Department of Transport DUDBC Department of Urban Development and Building Construction DWD Department of Women Development DWDO District Women Development Office DWIDP Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention DWSS Department of Water Supply and Sewerage EDCD Epidemiology and Disease Control Division FJ Federation of Journalists FNCCI Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry FTA Federation of Transport Association GoN Government of Nepal I/NGOs International/Non-Governmental Organizations IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICIMOD International Center for Integrated Mountain Development IDP Internal Displaced Persons IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies IHC International Humanitarian Communities INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group IOM International Organization for Migration IRA Initial Rapid Assessment

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LEMA Local Emergency Management Agency MIRA Multi Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment MNMCC Multi National Military Coordination Center MoAD Ministry of Agriculture Development MoCS Ministry of Commerce and Supplies MoCTCA Ministry of Culture, Touris m and Civil Aviation MoD Ministry of Defense MoE Ministry of Education MoF Ministry of Finance MoFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MoFALD Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development MoFSC Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation MoHA Ministry of Home Affairs MoHP Ministry of Health and Population MoIC Ministry of Information and Communication MoLJ Ministry of Law and Justice MoPPWTM Ministry of Physical Planning, Works and Transport Manageme nt MoSTE Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment MoUD Ministry of Urban Development MoWCSW Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare NA Nepalese Army NDRF National Disaster Response Framework NEA Nepal Electricity Authority NEOC National Emergency Operation Center NFC Nepal Food Corporation NFIs Non -Food Items NHRC National Human Rights Commission NOC Nepal Oil Corporation NP Nepal Police NRCS Nepal Red Cross Society NS Nepal Scout NSC National Seismological Center NST Nepal Sc ience and Technology OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OPMCM Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers OSOCC On-Site-Operation Coordination Center RDRC Regional Disaster Relief Committee RSS Rastriya Samachar Samiti SAARC South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition SAR Search and Rescue SC Save the Children SDMC SAARC Disaster Management Center SMS Short Message Service

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SWC Social Welfare Council TV Telev ision UN HC United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety and Security UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children™s Fund UNISDR United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reducti on USAR Urban Search and Rescue VDC Village Development Committee WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization

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Table of Contents Background.. Objectives and Scope National System for Disaster Response.. .. International Assistance for Disaster Response.. . National and International Cooperation and Coordina tion Framework. Special Arrangement for National Disaster Response. . Disaster Response National––––––––––––––––.. Framework .. Future Course of Action of Preparedness for Emergen cy Response

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” #˝$%& Disaster relief activities in Nepal are carried out being based on the Disaster Relief Act 1982. This National Disaster Response Framework is prepared to implement and coordinate a response plan of national level disast er by ensuring all the elements of disaster management cycle and allocate appropriate role for governmental and no- governmental organizations. ˚” ‘()˝&*˝ 1. The purpose of this framework is to guide more effe ctive and coordinated national response in case of a large scale disaster . 2. The scope of this framework consists actions taken immediately before, during and after the disasters, or directly to save lives and property; maintain of law and order; care of sick, injured and vulnerable peo ple; and provide of essential services and protect the public property . 3. The scope of this framework is limited to the respo nse preparedness and emergency response at national, regional, district and local level. !” *ˇ 1. Disaster Relief Act 1982 and Local Self Governance Act 1999 are the basic current legal provisions for disaster response in N epal. 2. Natural Calamity Relief Act 1982 mandated the Minis try of Home Affairs as a lead agency for immediate rescue and relief works a s well as disaster preparedness activities. According to Nepal Governm ent’s Regulation for Roles Division 2007, MoHA is entirely responsible for dis aster management. Hence, the MoHA has been coordinating the activities of di saster preparedness and rehabilitation after disaster. 3. The national strategy for disaster risk management is formulated in 2009 to develop Nepal as a disaster-resilient country. 4. The Cabinet shall declare, based on the recommendat ion of the Central Disaster Relief Committee, the state of emergency when the a rea is affected by the natural calamity and beyond the capacity of Government of N epal (GoN). The government shall appeal for international assistanc e. 5. The disaster fund for emergency response is channel ized from the Natural Calamity Relief Fund at central, regional, district and local level. Prime Minister Relief Fund and Emergency Fund are also mobilized f or disaster response during emergency. In addition, the disaster funds are allo cated by international and national humanitarian communities for disaster resp onse. Considering the context of both of the above funds shall be mobilized, esta blishment of funds for central,

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6. During the large scale disaster, UN Humanitarian Co ordinator shall activate the UN cluster system of Nepal. Government of Nepal sha ll nominate the full time focal person to respective cluster in order to resp ond to disaster through a coordinated cluster approach. -” &,˙˝&.& 1. The working modality of disaster response using in- country resources and capacities and with international assistance will b e as below: ˘ˇ ˙ ˝˛ ˘˚˚˝˜ ˇ˘ ˙˘˘! !”˙ #˝$ ˇ ˚˜ ˚ˆ ˚% ˚˝ˆ˜˚˚&’ ˇ (˝˝ ” ˇ˝˜ ˜ ˆ˛ #˛# ˘˚˚˝˜˝

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2. The Cluster Coordination Structure of Nepal is pres ented below: Name of cluster Health WASH Shelter Food security Logistics CCCM Education Protection Telecom Nutritio n Early Recovery GoN lead MoHP MoUD MoUD MoAD MoHA MoUD MoE MoWCS/NH RC MoIC/WFP MoHP MoUD Co-Lead WHO UNICEF IFRC/UNHA BITAT WFP/FAO WFP IOM UNICEF/SC UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA WFP UNICEF UNDP 3. UN international search and rescue teams (UN-INSARA G) coming to the country in response to the appeal of the government and UN Disaster Analysis and Coordination (UNDAC) members will be coordinate d by UN humanitarian coordinator as per instruction of the government of Nepal. 4. The government shall ensure coordination and recept ion center at airport and shall allocate the base camp areas to the above men tioned team members. 5. The international search and rescue teams and human itarian assistance team members coming to Nepal shall inform the NEOC in ad vance about their working duration in the country. 6. The NEOC shall prepare a priority action plan for t he search and rescue equipments and team members, and humanitarian assis tance team members arriving and departing by air or road. 7. The government shall organize bilateral and multila teral agreement with the neighboring and other countries for facilitating th e arrival process of international search and rescue teams, as needed. 8. The government may appeal for the international mil itary service as per the Guidelines for Accepting International Military Ass istance/Guidelines for Civil Military Defense Assets, if required. 9. In the time of large scale disaster, coordination m echanism among

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NEOC/LEMA, OSOCC and MNMCC will be automatically es tablished.In such the situation the NEOC will worak as secretariat of NDRC and also act as coordination center. NEOC may invite the search and rescue teams, and humanitarian agencies to discuss on ongoing operati on. Coordination management center of disaster affected area and com munication center of various military’s coordination center is communicated thro ugh the NEOC. The mechanism will be as per below: 10. Contact person for each of the above mentioned agen cies will be different. In the time of mega disaster the contact persons shall reg ularly study, analyze and evaluate the situation. Similarly, the contact pers ons shall coordinate with the national level line ministries, departments, office s, and several entities including international agencies to make the disaster prepare dness and response more effective. 11. Assigned contact persons for disaster preparedness and response at different offices shall be proactive at the time of mega disa ster and contact the NEOC immediately. 12. OSOCC shall maintain relationship between governme nt and international responders for facilitation for international respo nse activities, provided working forum for cooperation and exchange information. The UN humanitarian coordinator shall assign specific person and author ity for overall coordination. ˇ )”*)˘ ˝ “˙” ˝ +ˆ˚ ˝ ˝ ˆ˜ ˚ ˆ˜ ˚ˆ ˝& ˆ˝&#, ˆ˝ $ ˚

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13. The government may accept or reject the search and rescue equipments and teams as well as humanitarian assistance team membe rs and materials based on the prevailing situation. 14. INGOs coming or came to Nepal for humanitarian assi stance, shall provide assistance and service through government offices, local authorities or NGOs under governmental instruction. 15. The MNMCC shall mobilize military resources under t he leadership of Nepal Army and in coordination with NEOC and OSOCC. /” *˝˙$ Special arrangement for effective framework for dis aster response shall be as per below: 1. Preparedness for disaster response includes early i nformation, analysis and flow of information, preparation for damage assessment, awa reness and capacity enhancement, coordination and prepositioning of log istics and relief materials etc. Responders are responsible for accomplishment of th ose actions within specified timeframe. 2. Emergency response of humanitarian assistance inclu des coordination, assessment, search and rescue, logistics, healthcare hygiene an d sanitation, shelter, road, electricity, airport, water supply, telecom, rehabi litation of heritages, maintaining registration and record of displaced people, food, non food items, medicines, fuel supply, protection of the vulnerable people, nutrit ious food for below 5 children, care for children and lactating mothers, safety, evacuat ion and arrangement of safe open spaces, fire control, debris and dead body manageme nt etc. Carrying out those actions based on the national and international sta ndard are the major responsibilities of the responders. 3. Relevant ministries, departments, sections, cluster s, Red Cross Movement, I/NGOs and CBOs shall be responsible for pre-agreed assign ment. 4. The NEOC shall keep record and analyze the existing organizational capacity such as experts’ roaster, search and rescue teams equipped with essential equipments, list and capacity of hospitals, blood transfusion and stock, emergency communication system and ambulance service. 5. During the emergency response, NEOC shall be activa ted in the time of emergency of level 4 as stated in NEOC Standard Operating Procedure; com mand post establishment within NEOC compound; deployment of D isaster Response Focal Points from the concerned ministries at NEOC; estab lishment of media management center within the Emergency Operation Centers; appr opriate arrangement for relief supply; DEOC activation and networking; information dissemination by TV, Radio,

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