BON AQUA. PERFORMANCE TESTS i. Department of Health Laboratory. • r : • October 23 and 24, “1979. Larry Scanlan, Chemist and. Mater »«”*-, speci.list f.r

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Introductlcn . ^ ij -,i4-K hppn äskcd by th6 Utah AlrtornGy GGneral s his device-usins current y ^«ptedphysical ehernstry theory^^ gas-ÄrsjrH s’ss-« s?*** – «= ^ , consumer. . – This study attempts to experimentally examine the only two Company authorized-Claims for the device: . Ł Ł i Thp averaae consumer will Łnotice a savings in detergent and accord?ngUto^COTDanyeofficials)!VeConventionaTechemica^tests sssu- -««Ł behavior of the water. Ł ? Hard water scale deposits on fixtures and within pipes will i>e 2* reduced and finally rinsed away because of a “charge effect» as the result of magnetic treatment. . Ł p r eTjmjjTfljX j) i scussion sw»« r ts.-. .Slrars-Ä r – measuring pressures to the nearest psi near 5000 psi. ÜÜÜÜS h ärihi Ł ^onH..r+oH nvpr-a tpn-w^rkinq day penod m November of 197ö. Ł Here, uns water quality changes.

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A final serious error of previQus studie’ relalied ^his pro d fai ure to conduct simultaneous P^alleltetso be t0j (1) per. IVtT A fairly typical wate” (2) apply dev.ce form a cheimcal of t of water chemistry of the treated (3) conduct lengthly detailed st differences found in the water, and finally (4) Poirit . . n thp course of the expenments. Gwen treated and untreated water dunng ^^SdisclJSSed above and the nor- the water quainy variation at one o fen that ppevnous data ‘ — ,a A revic« of publistied sclentiflc Aperrf«!””nce te.« °f impntal approach was adopted her , inerits of magnetic water treatment. Tn<;ta11ati0" of Devices Hr. «h Br.aiay. . lod.saU»,; for « Sll? nnUc: for study. The umts were .inSua 1' ^Lr Q 1979. Two units were Health Labcratory in Salt Lake C^j!gnd3t-jon of'one unit for each 150 mg/l installed based on the conpanyreco^endat^n ^ ^ related of Hardness. This location ^ ^^^^f^ideal problen, area to study tn c;rale forminq deposius. inis Pru. wü]] as chemically. «"e soma of the water trennt Claims Visually by Mr. ßradley. devices were installeu ^ccordl^ -adio interference protection in with all the recomnended ano ' \ or a i 1/4 inch SSü"("ldes of th. 'rocSd SrftL0« ..«s " "fSt do-st«». Those present for the tests cd,ld""®d Representiri^Techniclean («ho seil ÄrpSdl« ""am «»Un^f the Utah M SS SÄ SS- State^ Health UPoha.o Discussion of Experiments The'tests to be Performe^hwe^tpodictiontsectionSorthis report. The soap tes^was^uggested6by1 Bon Agua repräsentatives, ^^^^^^^"«ithin %€j9%e?.rsrd:,?hersrte/s Bo—^ the author. In this report, the author equav ^ t}ie Concluslons gent, although chemica]ly'Tu ^aie tests were also developed by the Autht section of this report). The seale tests were a n inerature (g.] Ł usinq examples of expenmental work taken trom a ^ be sub %€Both Phase I (soap 2^" /^^tisiica^an'alyies were neededtoclar %€jected to statistical analysi . discriminate whether there were any sig Ł^nffi^differfnLs'between treated and untreated water. The over PAGE - 4 ============ 1t the same as the untreated (control) water? SoäP Tests Flow at the treated and untreat^t^P50^sampleTwerercol^rted simul- , ml/min (about 1/4 gallon " ^ water) and Harry Judd l taneously by Larry Scanlan "^—^ '^brMkers. One hundred ol pipettes .^(collecting treated «ater) in ^0° ^ f portion of these siraultane- were then used .by Hr ^ttles —arked Treated and Untreateo. ously collected samples to 309>^O° to-be accurate to at Delivery of the 100 ^ “elative erro’r). Successive samples end^ofSthe^ampl in^period^ Resu 1 ts ranged fro. 1B9 .g/) as CaC^ to 191 —g/!. «ater temperatur. during sampling re.ained constant at 17 C. Using a previously calibrated microbter^ipettedCmean^d^ micro- replicates was AS.S microliters trenqth j0y brand detergent was deliv- liters), 50 rmcroliters of fu ^.^Enip At the supgestion of Terry ered to each Treated and Untrea^e P Ł ^ ^ttle and the -samples wäre Hinward, paper folJ,arrsH^J1as the author tumed his back to the randomly mixed oy Hr. Wlnv,a!””t^e viqorous shakes and the naxiraum samples. Each sample ws giver tnrse vigorous s recorded to the suds height at the s^e of ^ bo .rle wa measu trsated) nearest millirneter. ta^h collected’sap ^ tests are carefully shaken, and measured. Itie resuits o. x. presented in the discussion section of this reporc. ScaTeTests_ The scale test proposed was ^J^^a^es^thrLileHoraing or used by the watertreataien.industryt 1anatio,i of the sigmfi- ^irtRi^Sris^rh^Äne’be^e describing the detaHs. A principle component of scale asscciated^it« o^Jinking^ality is Calcium Carbonate (CaCü-j* m y (12). . .—er with a ?i.en SicS’ S «<«" and Alkalinity can only.^?^^eiifts to preeipitate the excess Calcium SÄ! ÄSCS Calcium .nd c..«.« -f > water. . By elosely «.«H. ***** gJSr^’Ä^^’ ./.arge Št. of sc.,e coveringmany water fixtures in the laboratory.

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1. 2. , a r>ociilt of anv treatment, a sensitive If the water quality changes as ^ !”^ded b ythe ^thod used. When method of detecting this change Calcium will be dissolved. the water becomes more corrosive ^tional^a ^ ^ a When the water becomes .n,0[et$calf,hp°!”J;ble water is analj-zed, dissolved Calcium Carbonate precipitate. Khen a stabie waxer Calcium will remain the same. . . The following basic steps were taken for the Seale Tests. r; ; Si.«H.n»us samples ».r. V’C sample collectioti.’ STÄSSS So:vBibr°s’r«s – «« wi sesr?r «fÄf .ÄSHmSwiu’Ä* SS “e”«l-ra, In -nner. .Mrt, samples of each water were collected. ; %€The following day, untreated and CaC03 treated samples were Calcium being trapped on the fiue».. This same day, all samples ^re rneasure^for^l.ium byHaccepted^electrom^ric^nd^colorjmetric methods (13, 14, The results cf these tests are presented in the Discusslon ano Appendix sections of this report. Discussion Several interestin9, obsepVat15rlnaW+|^ soap test^ “”was observed that which were noteworthy Reg^ding the Pmil1imeters of suds height for the same detergent “””ntration 28 millimeters could be vaned from 1 ml^ter ^entie^^^^ known t0 the author (shaking the samples very hard^ J If it were known, a dual-mechanic SS ««SSested i. order t. .Inf.lze tte Variation observed. > At the request of Hus!j by^the^author to shake the Sjles unlfom.lj: the data suggesU a definitc

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* Ł i1 %€trend for both treated and untr”^^W^dicates r^fini tftrend as the Öet near the end of the tests : indicate the author was tiring dunng the tests. ^ v>ii4- Łnn’t’ rpcorded, wös th6 “fact that . Another effect which was observed but n lower SU£is heights despite the author’s left hand Produ”d “f^e/were fitted withpaper col- atterapts at uniforany (reciallbefore the author handled lars and randoraly mnxed by T f,,rther studied using statistical methods, ‘ them). These effects cou d be further Studie^ ^ sarap1es —ere rand^ but this is an area for on the Treated and Untreated ^ mixed by Terry Knnward, an equal ettect sample results was assumed. %€Ł Ł . . Ł The fact that the detergent used responded this Kä^d^norproSu«the SSrÄ^ treated water should show more or the s _ i d height over the # %€water. A nine to forty percent ^X^/^f^L were accurlte. On the untreated water ^s expected j ^ the scftened water behaved the contrary. magnetically tr® . . water. This finding -«s con- i, %€SÜTSS 2 ;S1S SÄ S&c ” Ł water HaT*dness. : Scale in water pipe and ^hl^study attempted to kalinity, PH, and Calcium leve – ^ treated water. If more _ find some change in the CaUium level d water than the controi, Calcium would appear ‘.n the .^^etical ly minien level frcir, ‘ ‘ . then scale could have »>een dissolvea at ^cP^\Ppeared in the treated Ł the pipes or fixtures cleaned._ .. . the water pipe or would have water, Calcium could hav%Pi:fthe filtration steps. This precipi- been removed as aP^P^te dur g v/as scaie ferming tated Calcium would indicate üiat Therefore. it was feit that —ith respect to fixiuresc ‘^Hve^echnique to detect any snvall changes this method provi150 KB – 7 Pages