Ristabilire la connessione Bluetooth tra la tastiera e il tablet. – Verificare che la funzionalità Bluetooth sia attiva nel tablet.
163 pages
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3 English KNOW YOUR PRODUCT 1 Expandable holders 2 Universal holder 3 Hooks 4 Battery holder (two lithium coin batteries pre-installed) 5 Lifting slots 6 Hot keys 7 Keyboard 8 Stylus holder 9 Closing band 10 Bluetooth ® and battery status light 11 On/o˚ button 12 Product documentation ˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˘˜˜˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˘ˆ˝ˇ˙˙ˇ˘ˆ˝˙˚ˇˆ˝˘ ˝˙˚ˇ˙ˆˇ˘ˆ˝˙ ˝˝˙ˇ˘ˆ ˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ ˜˚˛˝˙ˆ˛ˇ˘˛˚˙˘˚ ˜˚˛˛˝˙ˆˇ˘˚ ˛˛˛˙˙ ˚ˇ˙˛ˇ˝˚˛˛˚˛˛˚ˇ˙˛˙ ˚˙˙˚˘˛˙ ˇ†˙˝˚˝†˙ˇ˙˛ˇ˛ ‘˚ˇ˝˚˝˙ ˛˚˙‘˛˚˛ˇ˛˝˚˝˙ ˛˝““˙˛‘ˇ†˙˝˙˚˚˙ ˘ €“˙“ ˘˝˚˝˙˛˙˙˝˛“˙ ““˛˙˛ “˛˙†˛ˇ˝˝˛˛˚ ˇ •˙˚˛‘˙˛˙ ˙˛ •˙ˇ˝˚˝“˙˚ “˙˛ •˙€ˇ˚ˇ—˛ˇ˝ˇ˚ˇ˝˚˝˚ˇ˙˘ˇ˝˙ –ƒ˚˛ •˙˛†˙ •˙˚˛˙˛ˇ˛ •˙‡˙‘˚˙˛˚˙˛˚˝˙ ˙‘˚†˙˚ˇ˝˙˛ ˙˛˚˚˙˛˙‹˘˛˚˛˙ˇ˙ ˙“““ •˙€˚˙ˇ˝˙˚˛ˇ˛˛˙ ˙˛†˙‡˙ ˚ˇ˚˝˙‡˙˛ˇ˛ •˙−ˇ˙˛˚˙˚ ˛‘˚˝ ˙˙‡‘—˛˛ ˛˙“˛˛ˇ •˙˜˙„ ‘šˇ ”˛˚†˙‚ˆ…˙˛ˇ˝˙˜ “““ˇ˚ˆ˛ˇ˚ˇ˛˚˙˚‹˚˝˚ €‘‘ €˝˚˚˙˛ –™˙˙……˛˘ ˙˝˚˚˙ –™”……˙˜€˚˙˝ˇ˚˝˙ ˚˛ˇ˙˛ˇ˛˙˚ˇ˙ ˛˚ˇ˛˛ˇ˝˙ˇ˙˛˝˛˝ −ˇ˝†˙˙˝˙˛ˇ˝˙˙˝˛˚˙ˇ†˙˚˙ ˛“˚‘˘˛˛ˇ˛ ˚˙ˇ˙˛˙˙˙ ˛ˇ†˙“˝˚ˇ˚˝˙ •˙˜˚ˇˇ˛ •˙˚˛˛˚“ •˙ •˙…˙˛ˇ˙˚˚˝˛›€fl˛ˇ˙˙ Ł˛Ł˚˚˛‘˝˙“ ˛˝˝“˚˙˝ ˇ˛˚˙ …˙˚˙˛‘˚˝˙ ˙‘˘˛˙˚˙”… ‡ˇ…˜—ˇ–ˇ˜ ‡ˇ‘— €˝˚˚˙˛ˇ˛˝˛˚š˚˙˜⁄⁄ˇ˝˛˝Š ˛“Š –˚˛ ˚†˙˛ˇ˝˙Š ŽŸ˙˝˚˚˙ˇˇ˚ˇ˚˙ ˘˚˝˙˛˝˚˚ …˛Ÿ˙˜⁄⁄ ŽıŸ˙ł–œš˙ˆ˛ ˛ŸŒ˙€…˛˛˚ ˛ˇ˛˝˛˙ˇ˝˛˝˙˜⁄⁄ ł–œš˙⁄˙˜⁄⁄ Ž Ÿ˙Ž–œ š˙„fiž˙˛˙ ˛‘ŸŒ˙€˛ˇ˙˝˚˜⁄⁄ Ž–œ š˙˛ˇ˛˝˛ ˜˛ ˜˚˛ ˆˆ ˜˚˛˝ ˆ˜ ˜ˆ˜ ˆ ˘ˆ ˜˚˛˝ ˙
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4 English SETTING UP THE KEYBOARD CASE Getting started 1 Pull the battery tab away from the keyboard: Check that the power button is set to fionfl and the LED is blinking. 2 Open the keyboard case, insert the top corners of your tablet into the top hooks of the expandable holder: If the tablet is too big, insert the left corner into the holder ˛rst, push it up a bit, then insert the right corner into the holder. 3 Push the whole tablet up and lock the bottom two corners into the holder: 4 Move the keyboard case into the typing position. Push the hooks on the holder into the lifting slots on the keyboard: The hooks must be inserted into the lifting slots to allow lifting of the whole case.
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5 English Establishing connection with your tablet The keyboard case links to your tablet via a Bluetooth connection. The ˛rst time you use the keyboard case, you must pair it with your tablet. The status light blinks blue to indicate that the keyboard is discoverable, ready for pairing with your tablet. The ˛rst time you turn on the keyboard it remains discoverable for 15 minutes. If the status light turns red, replace the batteries. For more information, see fiReplacing the keyboard batteries.fl To pair your keyboard case with your tablet: 1 On your tablet: ŒMake sure Bluetooth is on. Select Settings > Bluetooth > On. ŒSelect fiUniversal Foliofl from the Devices menu. 2 If your tablet requests a PIN, enter it using the keyboard (not on your tablet). When successful connection is made, the status light turns solid blue for a short time, and then turns o˚. Connecting to another tablet 1 Move the keyboard case into the typing position. 2 On your tablet, make sure Bluetooth is on. Select Settings > Bluetooth > On. 3 Press the Bluetooth connect button for 2 seconds until the status light blinks blue: The keyboard is discoverable for 3 minutes. 4 Select fiUniversal Foliofl from the Devices menu. 5 If your tablet requests a PIN, enter it using the keyboard (not on your tablet). When successful connection is made, the status light turns solid blue for a short time, and then turns o˚. ®˜˚
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6 English USING THE KEYBOARD CASE Two viewing positions Typing position The keyboard case provides two viewing positions Š one for typing and another for browsing. To type, move the keyboard case into the typing position, inserting the hooks into the lifting slots to secure it: Check that the keyboard power is on by either checking the power button, the LED or press the Battery Check Hot Key (see Hot Keys). The LED will blink green if the keyboard is powered on. Browsing position To browse, place the keyboard case in the browsing position: The keyboard does not power o˚ automatically. It is recommended that the keyboard power is turned o˚ to conserve battery power. Detaching your tablet 1 Remove the tablet holder hooks from the slots on the keyboard: 2 Lay the tablet holder ˝at and push the tablet upwards to release the bottom hooks from the tablet: 3 Lift the bottom of the tablet and remove it from the upper hooks:
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8 English HOT KEYS Key Android Windows iOS FnFnFn + Fn Lock Fn Lock Fn Lock Android Home Internet Browser Home Page iOS Home Android Menu Contextual Menu Hide/Show Virtual Keyboard Android Back Internet Browser Back iOS Home Search Windows Explorer Search Search Previous Track Previous Track Previous Track Play / Pause Play / Pause Play / Pause Next Track Next Track Next Track Mute Mute Mute Volume Down Volume Down Volume Down Volume Up Volume Up Volume Up Screen Lock Sleep Screen Lock Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Battery Check Battery Check Battery Check + N/A Insert Battery Check
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9 English REPLACING THE KEYBOARD BATTERIES If the status light is red the keyboard case batteries need to be replaced. 1 Rotate your keyboard and fold the tablet holder round to the back of the keyboard. 2 Using a ˛ngernail or thumbnail, pry open the battery holder from the top of the keyboard. 3 Remove the old batteries and insert new batteries. 4 Close the battery holder. Battery information ŒA set of new batteries provides about two years of use when the keyboard is used about two hours a day.* ŒReplace the batteries if the status light turns red brie˝y after the keyboard turns on. ŒWhen not in use, turn o˚ the keyboard case to conserve power. ŒThe keyboard enters sleep mode automatically if not used for a while in the typing position. Press any key to wake it. * Actual battery life will vary with use, settings, and environmental conditions. VISIT PRODUCT SUPPORT There™s more information and support online for your product. Take a moment to visit Product Support to learn more about your new Bluetooth keyboard. Browse online articles for setup help, usage tips, and information about additional features. If your Bluetooth keyboard has optional software, learn about its bene˛ts and how it can help you customize your product. Connect with other users in our Community Forums to get advice, ask questions, and share solutions. At Product Support, you™ll ˛nd a wide selection of content including: ŒTutorials ŒTroubleshooting ŒSupport community ŒOnline documentation ŒWarranty information ŒSpare parts (when available) Go to: www.logitech.com/support/universalfolio
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10 English TROUBLESHOOTING The keyboard does not work ŒPress any key to wake the keyboard from sleep mode. ŒTurn the keyboard o˚ and then back on. ŒReplace the keyboard batteries. For more information, see fiReplacing the keyboard batteries.fl ŒRe-establish the Bluetooth connection between the keyboard and your tablet. ŒOn your tablet, check that Bluetooth is turned on. (Settings > Bluetooth > On). ŒChoose fiUniversal Foliofl from the Devices menu on your tablet. The status light turns solid blue when Bluetooth connection is established.
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11 Deutsch PRODUKT AUF EINEN BLICK 1 Erweiterbare Halter 2 Universalhalter 3 Haken 4 Batteriefach (zwei Lithium-Knopfzellenbatterien, bereits eingelegt) 5 Hebeschlitze 6 Sondertasten 7 Tastatur 8 Stifthalter 9 Verschlussband 10 Bluetooth ®- und Batteriestatusleuchte 11 Ein-/Ausschalter 12 Dokumentation ˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˘˜˜˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˘ˆ˝ˇ˙˙ˇ˘ˆ˝˙˚ˇˆ˝˘ ˝˙˚ˇ˙ˆˇ˘ˆ˝˙ ˝˝˙ˇ˘ˆ ˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ ˜˚˛˝˙ˆ˛ˇ˘˛˚˙˘˚ ˜˚˛˛˝˙ˆˇ˘˚ ˛˛˛˙˙ ˚ˇ˙˛ˇ˝˚˛˛˚˛˛˚ˇ˙˛˙ ˚˙˙˚˘˛˙ ˇ†˙˝˚˝†˙ˇ˙˛ˇ˛ ‘˚ˇ˝˚˝˙ ˛˚˙‘˛˚˛ˇ˛˝˚˝˙ ˛˝““˙˛‘ˇ†˙˝˙˚˚˙ ˘ €“˙“ ˘˝˚˝˙˛˙˙˝˛“˙ ““˛˙˛ “˛˙†˛ˇ˝˝˛˛˚ ˇ •˙˚˛‘˙˛˙ ˙˛ •˙ˇ˝˚˝“˙˚ “˙˛ •˙€ˇ˚ˇ—˛ˇ˝ˇ˚ˇ˝˚˝˚ˇ˙˘ˇ˝˙ –ƒ˚˛ •˙˛†˙ •˙˚˛˙˛ˇ˛ •˙‡˙‘˚˙˛˚˙˛˚˝˙ ˙‘˚†˙˚ˇ˝˙˛ ˙˛˚˚˙˛˙‹˘˛˚˛˙ˇ˙ ˙“““ •˙€˚˙ˇ˝˙˚˛ˇ˛˛˙ ˙˛†˙‡˙ ˚ˇ˚˝˙‡˙˛ˇ˛ •˙−ˇ˙˛˚˙˚ ˛‘˚˝ ˙˙‡‘—˛˛ ˛˙“˛˛ˇ •˙˜˙„ ‘šˇ ”˛˚†˙‚ˆ…˙˛ˇ˝˙˜ “““ˇ˚ˆ˛ˇ˚ˇ˛˚˙˚‹˚˝˚ €‘‘ €˝˚˚˙˛ –™˙˙……˛˘ ˙˝˚˚˙ –™”……˙˜€˚˙˝ˇ˚˝˙ ˚˛ˇ˙˛ˇ˛˙˚ˇ˙ ˛˚ˇ˛˛ˇ˝˙ˇ˙˛˝˛˝ −ˇ˝†˙˙˝˙˛ˇ˝˙˙˝˛˚˙ˇ†˙˚˙ ˛“˚‘˘˛˛ˇ˛ ˚˙ˇ˙˛˙˙˙ ˛ˇ†˙“˝˚ˇ˚˝˙ •˙˜˚ˇˇ˛ •˙˚˛˛˚“ •˙ •˙…˙˛ˇ˙˚˚˝˛›€fl˛ˇ˙˙ Ł˛Ł˚˚˛‘˝˙“ ˛˝˝“˚˙˝ ˇ˛˚˙ …˙˚˙˛‘˚˝˙ ˙‘˘˛˙˚˙”… ‡ˇ…˜—ˇ–ˇ˜ ‡ˇ‘— €˝˚˚˙˛ˇ˛˝˛˚š˚˙˜⁄⁄ˇ˝˛˝Š ˛“Š –˚˛ ˚†˙˛ˇ˝˙Š ŽŸ˙˝˚˚˙ˇˇ˚ˇ˚˙ ˘˚˝˙˛˝˚˚ …˛Ÿ˙˜⁄⁄ ŽıŸ˙ł–œš˙ˆ˛ ˛ŸŒ˙€…˛˛˚ ˛ˇ˛˝˛˙ˇ˝˛˝˙˜⁄⁄ ł–œš˙⁄˙˜⁄⁄ Ž Ÿ˙Ž–œ š˙„fiž˙˛˙ ˛‘ŸŒ˙€˛ˇ˙˝˚˜⁄⁄ Ž–œ š˙˛ˇ˛˝˛ ˜˛ ˜˚˛ ˆˆ ˜˚˛˝ ˆ˜ ˜ˆ˜ ˆ ˘ˆ ˜˚˛˝ ˙
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