Head, Cataloguing. Winnipeg Public Library. Mavis Gray. Cataloguer. Bibliographic Database. Management. Univeristy of Manitoba Libraries. Tom Gartshore.

61 KB – 143 Pages

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025.3Cataloguing and processing :a resource for school library personnel p.cm.– (Renewing education :new directions) ISBN 0-7711-1377-3 1.Cataloguing–Handbooks, manuals, etc.2. Processing (Libraries)–Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3.School libraries–Standards.I.Manitoba.Dept. of Education and Training.II.Series. Copyright © 1997, the Crown in Right of Manitoba as represented by the Minister of Education and Training.Manitoba Education and Training, School Programs Division, 1970 Ness Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0Y9. Every effort has been made to provide proper acknowledgement of original sources and to comply with copyright law.If cases are identified where this has not been done, please notify Manitoba Education and Training to correct any omissions.

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Manitoba Education and Training gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following individuals in the production of Cataloguing and Processing: A Resource for School Library Personnel .WriterTom Gartshore Library Coordinator Portage la Prairie S.D. No. 24 Editors Gloria Hersak Former School Library Manitoba Education and Training Curriculum Consultant(from 1988-1992) Barb Poustie Former School Library Manitoba Education and Training Curriculum Consultant(from 1992-1995) Atarrha WallaceCataloguing SpecialistManitoba Education and Training Members of the School Library Administrators of Manitoba™s Subcommittee on CataloguingHoward Engel Library Technician St. Boniface S.D. No. 4 Mary Green Head of Technical Services Winnipeg S.D. No. 1 (Retired)Bruno Le Madec Former Library Coordinator Transcona-Springfield S.D. No. 12 Bill Potter, ChairLibrary Consultant Seven Oaks S.D. No. 10 AcknowledgementsiiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

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Manitoba Education and Training Staff School Programs Division Lee-Ila BotheCoordinatorTechnical Support Unit Program Development Branch Lynn HarrisonDesktop PublisherTechnical Support Unit Program Development Branch Michael HartleyPublications EditorTechnical Support Unit Program Development Branch Joyce MacMartinProject ManagerHumanities Unit Program Development Branch Samantha RothwellDesktop PublisherInstructional Resources Unit Program Implementation Branch John Tooth Project LeaderInstructional Resources Unit Program Implementation Branch Bureau de l™éducation françaiseDirection des ressources éducatives françaises Doris LemoineCoordonnatrice bibliothécaire Direction des ressources éducatives françaises (DREF) Review Committee Bob PiperLibrary Consultant Marianne ReidHead, CataloguingWinnipeg Public Library Mavis GrayCataloguerBibliographic Database Management Univeristy of Manitoba Libraries Tom GartshoreLibrary CoordinatorPortage la Prairie S.D. No. 24 Cataloguing and Processingiv

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Acknowledgement iiiPurpose of Document xi Supporting Change xiiiChapter 1: Library Organization 1.1 1.1Standards 1.3 1.2Educational Rationale 1.4 1.3Non-Standard Systems 1.4 1.4Methods of Implementing Standards 1.5 1.4.1Original Cataloguing 1.5 1.4.2Derived Cataloguing 1.6 1.4.3Commercial Cataloguing 1.7 1.4.4Combination 1.7 1.5Union Catalogues 1.7 Chapter 2: Rules and Authorities 2.1 2.1Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Revised (Concise AACR2) 2.3 2.2Classification Authorities 2.4 2.3Subject Heading Authorities 2.4 2.4Dictionaries 2.5 2.5ALA Filing Rules 2.5 2.6MARC Cataloguing Guides 2.5 Chapter 3: Organizing a School Library 3.1 Chapter 4: Automation 4.1 4.1Getting Started 4.3 4.2Visitations 4.4 4.3Weeding 4.4 4.4Preparing the Shelf List 4.5 ContentsvCONTENTS

PAGE – 8 ============ Description 5.19 Matter 5.19 5.20 Area 5.20 Area 5.20 Book Numbers and Library of Congress Numbers 5.21 Copies of the Same Book (Card Example) [Figure 16] 5.21 Copies of the Same Work (MARC Example) [Figure 17] 5.22 Chapter 6: Subject Headings 6.16.1Fiction Subject Headings (Card Examples) [Figures 18a and 18b] 6.4 6.2Non-Fiction Subject Headings (Card Example) [Figure 19] 6.5 Chapter 7: Classification 7.17.1Easy (Card Examples) [Figures 20a and 20b] 7.3 7.2Fiction (Card Examples) [Figures 21a, 21b, and 21c] 7.4 7.3Non-Fiction 7.5 7.3.1Number Building in Dewey 7.5 7.3.2Non-Fiction (Card Examples) [Figures 22a , 22b, and 22c] 7.6 7.3.3Biography 7.7 Subject Heading (Card Example) [Figure 23] 7.8 Subject Heading (MARC Example) [Figure 24] 7.8 7.3.4Reference 7.9 (Card Example) [Figure 25] 7.10 (MARC Example) [Figure 26] 7.10 7.3.5Oversized Materials 7.11 Materials (Card Example) [Figure 27] 7.11 Materials (MARC Example) [Figure 28] 7.12 Contentsvii

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Chapter 8: Audiovisual Materials 8.18.1General Material Designation [GMD] 8.3 8.2Videorecordings 8.4 8.2.1Videorecording (Card Example) [Figure 29] 8.4 8.2.2Videorecording (MARC Example) [Figure 30] 8.5 8.2.3Videodisc 8.5 (Card Example) [Figure 31] 8.6 (MARC Example) [Figure 32] 8.7 8.3Computer Software [Figures 33, 34, 35, and 36] 8.7 8.3.1Computer Software (Card Example) [Figure 33] 8.8 8.3.2Computer Software (MARC Example) [Figure 34] 8.8 8.3.3Computer Software (CD-ROM) (Card Example) [Figure 35] Software (CD-ROM) (MARC Example) [Figure 36] 8.108.4Sound Recordings 8.11 8.4.1Sound Recordings (Card Example) [Figure 37] 8.11 8.4.2Sound Recordings (MARC Example) [Figure 38] 8.12 8.5Kits 8.12 8.5.1Kit (Card Example) [Figure 39] 8.13 8.5.2Kit (MARC Example) [Figure 40] 8.13 8.6Filmstrips 8.14 8.6.1Single Filmstrip with Numbered Frames and a Guide (Card Example) [Figure 41] 8.14 8.6.2Single Filmstrip (MARC Example) [Figure 42] 8.15 8.6.3Multipart Filmstrip (Card Example) [Figure 43] 8.15 8.6.4Multipart Filmstrip (MARC Example) [Figure 44] 8.16 Chapter 9: Typing Catalogue Cards 9.1 9.1Author Main Entry 9.3 9.1.1Author Main Entry Š Showing Indentations (Card Example) [Figure 45] 9.3 9.2Complete Card Set 9.5 9.2.1Shelf List Card 9.5 9.2.2Card 1ŠMain Entry, Shown in Full (Card Example) [Figure 46] 9.5 9.2.3Card 2ŠMain Entry (Card Example) [Figure 47] 9.6 9.2.4Shelf List (Card Example) [Figure 48] 9.7 Cataloguing and Processingviii

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9.2.5Card 3ŠName Added Entry (Card Example) [Figure 49] 9.7 9.2.6Card 4ŠFiction Subject Added Entry (Card Example) [Figure 50] 9.8 9.2.7Title Added Entry (Card Example) [Figure 51] 9.8 9.3Title Main Entry Cards 9.9 9.3.1Title Main Entry (Card Example) [Figure 52] 9.9 Chapter 10: Filing Cards 10.110.1ALA (American Library Association) Filing Rules 10.3 10.2Shelf List 10.3 10.3Dictionary Catalogue 10.4 Chapter 11: Processing 11.111.1Books 11.3 11.1.2Pocket and Card for a Book [Figure 53] 11.4 11.2Audiovisual Materials 11.4 11.2.1Pocket and Card for an Audiovisual Item [Figure 54] 11.5 Chapter 12: MARC Cataloguing for Manitoba School Libraries 12.1 12.1What does MARC Mean? 12.3 12.2Why is MARC Necessary? 12.3 12.3MARC Terms and Definitions 12.4 12.3.1Delimiters 12.4 12.3.2Fields 12.4 12.3.3Tags 12.4 12.3.4Indicators 12.6 12.3.5Subfields Are Marked by Subfield Codes 12.6 12.4Using This Publication 12.7 12.4.1MARC Leader 12.8 12.4.2MARC Fields 12.8 LCCN Library of Congress Control Number (NR) 12.8 National Library™s Control Number (NR) 12.8 ISBN International Standard Book Number (R) 12.8 Cataloguing Source (NR) 12.9 Contentsix

PAGE – 11 ============ Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) 12.9 Local Call Number (R) 12.10 Level Fields 12.11 Level Fields 12.13 Level Fields 12.16 Level Fields 12.17 Level Fields 12.17 Level Fields 12.19 Level Fields 12.25 Level Fields 12.27 Level Fields 12.27 Chapter 13: Sources of MARC Records 13.1 13.1National Library of Canada 13.3 13.2A-G Canada Ltd. 13.4 13.3Library Corporation 13.4 13.4TKM Software 13.4 13.5Large Book fiJobbersfl or fiWholesalersfl 13.5 Abbreviations 14.1 Glossary 15.1Bibliography 16.1 Cataloguing and Processingx

61 KB – 143 Pages