river and on Lake Washington, and the county soon became the SOAP CO Foot of University. 5 Abernethy, Robert res 1518 5th Boots & Shoes 908 Front.
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THEY WATCHED SEATTLE BURN DIRECTORY an unabridged compilation of people and businesses that were involved in the Fire that destroyed much of Down Town Seattle on June 5, 1889 From Listings In The R L POLK DIRECTORY of 1889 Furnished Courtesy SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY As Compiled By W Burton Eidsmoe. 1990-6 The Business Directory of The City of SEATTLE For The Year 1876 is Copied Verbatim From A Rare Directory Furnished Courtesy SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Published by PENBUR COMPUTER PUBLISHING CO, 1996 Ruth M Eidsmoe, Publisher. Craig H Eidsmoe, Agent. Produced and Saved on POWER II Viewer W/multi 1/0 Tower Monitor Printing of Material done on HEWLETT-PACKARD DESK JET Plain Paper Printer. The following institutions have been given copies of Volume 1, The Directory of People and Businesses Involved in The Fire with pertinent Schedules: 1 FEDERAL WAY REGIONAL LIBRARY 2 PIERCE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES 3 SEATTLE GENEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 4 SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 5 TACOMA PUBLIC LIBRARY 6 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 7 WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY (c)Copyrightea 1996 W BURTON EIDSMOE All Rights Reserved
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THEY WATCHED SEATTLE BURN INTRODUCTION It was a case of a fire waiting to happen. Typical of a clear day, in early June, the wind was blowing somewhat briskly from a Northerly direction. At about 3 PM on the afternoon of June 5, 1889, devastation struck, completely destroying downtown Seattle from Jackson Street south to the waterway where logs were sorted for the mills to the West. It destroyed everything above ground to the North up to University. From 2nd to the waterfront above Yesler and from S 4th below Yesler to the water as reported by the news media two days later when they finally obtained someone to publish the stories. All the newspaper presses were lost in the Fire. Since most of the two story structures were built of wood, they had wooden interiors, even the sidewalks were of wood. All this wood had been going though periods of rain, then drying out to become tinder dry, an ideal tinder for the licking flames. Personally, writing this Directory has had its side affects: It has taken over six years in its compiling; Traveling endless days to the Seattle Public Library by bus from the five locations where we have lived during the years 1990 into 1996, namely, (1) The Cottage at our son, Bill’s place north of Kenmore, (2) House sitting for our friends Clydene and Bill Garrett north of 88th in the Pontiac area in North Seattle when they moved to Maristone Island south of Port Townsend, (3) Town House on 328th South Federal Way east of Highway 99 near Weyerhauser’s Headquarters from where we were forced to move to (4) an Apartment at Campus Grove adjacent to Campus Drive and 1/2 mile West of the Weyerhauser Aquatic Center when these (3) units were offered for sale as condominiums, and then (5) finally to The Executive Estates in North Seattle. East of Jackson Park Golf Course on 15th Avenue N E one block South of 145th N E. We hope this ends the moving, we’re hsppy here. The physicsal side affects go like this: While at (1) Bill took us along on a 10 day outing at the West end of Maui, We were supposed to baby sit his four kids. While there Bill invited me to play golf on the Mountain Course at Kapalua. It was a terrific experience but too much for me, and my legs gave out. After we returned I had a heart attack and spent two weeks in Virginia Mason Hospital under the expert care of cardiologist Dr Robert Gibbons, half of it in the ICU Ward. I experienced my first surgery under the outstanding skill of Dr Richard Anderson, who performed quadruple by-pass surgery on ii
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March 1 1990. Recovery had only one lingering problem, that is the pain in the area of the ankles attributable to the use of the vein running from the left ankle to the groin for the by-passess. I have since found that the medication, Procardia XL was the actual culprit for the ankle pain. For the first year after the by-pass surgery my prescribed dosage was 240 mgs a day, now I take only one 30 mg tablet a day to control my blood pressure to an acceptable range. As of now I expeience no pain in my legs, only joint and muscle aches when I overdue. Then in the Fall of 1992 it was determined that cataracts had developed in both eyes, but before surgery I needed a complete physical exam. This exam showed me to be a diabetic and also that I had a small growth on my protate that was later diagnosed as malignant. Dr Dale McClure, a Uroligist with Virginia Mason, called for the many test to ascertain to what stage the cancer had progressed. It was determined that since it was detected very early that a 38 radiation schedule should be performed. Under the expert direction of Dr John Traviglini, head of the ONCOLOGY CENTER at Valley Medical Center, just South of Renton, this was accomplished on a daily five day a week schedule. As of now it is still in remission, Although my last PSA reading was 10.0. Dr Traviglini expressed no concern as the reading only determines the size of the Prostate and gives no indication of cancer, A normal reading is 3.0. I have checkups semiannually. This accomplished, the cataracts were removed by Dr Dr Richard Bowe at Allenmore in December of 1992, the right eye on the 3rd and the left on the 28th and my vision became much brighter. After that everything was going along pretty well when I suffered two minor strokes in the Summer and Fall of 1994, that left my left side weak and in need of rehabilitation. The thing the Doctors were mainly concerned about was that ray swallowing, which the stroke left restricted, and could lead to Aspirative Pneumonia. With the aid of a very diligent Speech Therapist this problem was somewhat resolved, although I have to be careful of what I eat to avoid keeping these food particles from collecting at the top of the trachea where it could be diverted down the wind pipe into the lungs. This results in coughing spells to dislodge this food collection. It sounds terrible but it seems to take care of the situation. in
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One other aspect that tends to be embarrassing when it occurs in public. It requires much more control as it often happens without warning. It was caused by the shrinking of the bladder during the general radiation in the abdominal area to kill any cancer cells in the prostate area. The only way to curb this is to develop an alertness to signs of the need to urinate. Add to this the need to take diuretics as a help to reducing the stystolic levels of high blood pressure and you have to be doubly aware of the signals. Recovery seems to be one of mind over matter, which takes a lot more energy than normal exercizing, which leads to the need for plenty of rest. But, mainly it requires patience, patience, and more patience. This too is improving, but it is far from satisfactory by my standards. After this last siege, I had to learn to type on the Computer again, as my left hand did not have enough strength to depress the keys. Yhis plus needing lots of rest for my weakened condition, I have finally finished what I set out to do. It’s not been easy but I feel the results are satisfactory, although not up to the higher standards I’ve tried to maintain in my research. Please excuse the typo errors that inadvertently appear. Being very precise in my typing and constantly editing, I have made for somewhat better copy. It is hoped you enjoy what you find half as much as I have enjoyed compiling it. It should be pretty accurate as I’ve double-checked the listings from several angles. After all it was compiled from only one source of information, the 1889 Edition of the R L Polk Seattle Directory, so any errors, other than typing, would have to orginate with their compilations. In 1994, to eliminate the constant and time-consuming bus travel, this 1889 Directory was copied in its entirety to insure accuracy and quick reference. Sometimes I’m unable to find wanted informtion, but I’ve so noted in the text. Some of my information is” on hand” as I am a Life Member of EUREKA LODGE NO 20, SEATTLE CHAPTER ROYAL ARCH MASONS, and inactive member of the ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS. SEATTLE COMMANDERY NO 2 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, NILE TEMPLE, SHRINE and MYRTLE CHAPTER EASTERN STAR. THE ELKS, wtc. I served as Chairman of the powerful socalled PET Credit Group, made up of Credit Managers of the Oil Cos, Machinery and Equipment Cos, Tire Distributors and Banks. I was organizing President of THE PUYALLUP VALLEY CREDIT ASSH, Pres of WESTGATE MERCHANTS ASSN, served at least eight years in District BSA Offices in Seattle, Tacoma and Puyallup; IV
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BUSINESS DIRECTORY OP THE CITY OP S E A T T L E FOR THE ¥R*R I 8 “7 e Cosprising a history of the first settlenent, after developiient. and present population and business of the City. COMPILED BY KIRK C. WARD. PUBLISHED BY B. L. NORTHUP. FIRST YEAR OF RUBI.IGATION SEATTLE B. L. NORTHUP, PRINTER 1876 Courtesy THE SEATTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1
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SEATTLE. Seattle, a leading commercial and manufacturing metropolis of the Pacific Coast north of San Francisco, is situated midway on Puget Sound, being 55.5 miles from Port Townsend, the port of entry, and 50.3 miles from Olympia, at the head of the Sound, and by virtue of its central location, is the base of supplies for the various mill ports and logging camps of the Sound, and the port of shipment from the coal mines. In addition, Seattle is the most available point on tide water for the shipment of grain and produce from the rich agricultural districts of Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon by way of the SEATTLE and WALLA WALLA RAILROAD, the first section of which is already built, and in operation, and from Western Oregon by way of the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, now in operation from Kalama to Tacoma, about 25 miles from Seattle. The number of vessels annually wrecked on the bar at the mouth of the Columbia, and the danger and loss of life and property attending shipment by way of the Columbia, will eventually cause the bulk of Oregon shipments to be made from Seattle. FIRST SETTLEMENT. The following paragraphs, regarding the first settlement of Seattle, are principally compiled from Bell’s Centennial Advertiser, issued July 4th 1876: Seattle was first settled in the year 1852. In the Fall of the year 1851, C C Terry and Lee Terry, of the State of New York; A A Denny, D T Denny, John N Lowe, W N Bell and C D BorenŠthe last four having with them their families, and coming from the State of IllinoisŠarrived at Alki Point, which is the southerly point of Seattle harbor. C C Terry John N Lowe there established a trading post, and named the place Alki, from an Indian word signifying “by-and-by.” This name, when the Territory of Washington was organized, was adopted as its motto, and suggests the grand future so soon to be realized. In the Spring of 1852 Messrs. A A Denny, Bell and Boren came over to the present site of Seattle and located claims, and soon after removed their families to them. In April, 1852, Dr D S Maynard, and an old Indian Chief, Seattle, after whom the city is named, came from up the Sound. Dr Maynard located on the point where his widow now lives, and there established a trading post, and engaged in the business of curing and pickling salmon.
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The salmon were caught in the Bay by the Indians, under the charge of the old Chief, and frequently from fifty to a hundred canoes could be seen on the water, their dusky owners busily engaged from sunrise to sunset catching these excellent fish for the Doctor’s pickling establishment. This is why he doesn’t appear in the Directory, The “Citizenry” relocated him on Alki Point because he was an alcholic and a human eyesore. It worked out best for everyone. In May, 1852, the first town was laid out, and is now known as Denny’s and Boren’s Addition. In October, 1852, H L Yesler came from Ohio, and as he wished to erect a sawmill on the bay, the settlers readjusted their claims so as to give him a strip of land between Boren’s and Maynard’s claims, and in the Summer of 1853 he put up, near where his new mill now stands, the first steam saw mill on Puget Sound. The present sawmill was built in 1868. The first thing the settlers did before permanently locating was to take a survey and sounding of the bay. While doing this, Bell and Boren paddled the canoe, and A A Denny took the soundings with a clothes line, using for a lead a bundle of old iron. This was the first hydrographic survey of Duwamish Bay. In the Fall of 1851 Mr. L M Collins, Hwnry Van Asselt, John Buckley and the Maples settled near the mouth of the Duwamish river, and from that time on, up to the breaking out of the Indian war, settlements were rapidly made along the river and on Lake Washington, and the county soon became the third in importance in the Territory. On the 2d day of March 1853, the Territory of Washington was organized out of that portion of Oregon lying south of the forty-ninth degree of north latitude and north of the middle of the main channel of the Columbia River from its mouth to where the forty-sixth degree of north latitude crosses the river; near what was then Fort Walla Walla; thence with that degree of latitude to the summit of the Rocky Mountains. In 1852 and ’53 Mr Phillips and Mr Horton, from Illinois and Mr F Matthias, from Pennsylvania, located here, together with many other of our present prominent citizens. The little town grew quite rapidly from that time until 1855, when it had a population of about 3 00 inhabitants. In that year the Indians commenced hostilities, and the growth of the place was retarded. Their first onslaught was on the river settlements. In the Spring of 1855 they massacred W H Brannan, his wife and child, H Jones and wife, a Mr King and his wife, and a bachelor by the name of Cooper
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The wives and children of many of the settlers took refuge on board of the bark BRONTES, which was at anchor in the bay. The men went to the Fort, and, like the early settlers of the Atlantic and Middle States, determined to sell their lives in defense of their cabins and firesides. The whites lost in this affair too. It is unknown how many the Indians lost, as they carried off their dead, and ever since have refused to tell. Several are known to have been killed, however. The two white men who lost their lives were named Holgate and Wilson. Holgate was killed in the door of the Fort, and Wilson on the point near the present residence of Mrs Plummer. The sloop of war DECATUR was lying in the harbor during the fight, and threw a few shells into the woods, but the salvation of the place was owing to the determined defense by the citizens. When Seattle was first laid out it was the only settlement between Fort Steilacoom and Port Townsend. There are now several thriving towns between hese points. SEATTLE IN 1867 Fifteen years after its first settlement, Seattle was a little hamlet of 75 buildings, and 400 inhabitants, the arrival of vessels being infrequent, and the mail steamer touching only once a week. At this time Seattle was the third or fourth settlement on the Sound in importance. Owing to its natural advantages, and the enterprise of its inhabitants, the little town increased in populaton and business until SEATTLE IN 1872, instead of being third or fourth in importance it had outstripped all rivalsŠOlympia at that time having about 1,800 inhabitants and Seattle 2,000. A careful inspection shows 575 buildings, of all kinds, in the city. Five of these are churches, 57 are two-story, 151 are one and one half story, 249 are one story and the remaining 53 are barns and stables. The harbor is alive with shipping of all kinds, and the headquarters of several lines of steamers.
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