delicious, healthy foods without breaking the bank? Good Food on a Tight Budget— the first of its kind—lists foods that are good for you, easy on your wallet and
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ABOUTTHISGUIDEWant to ˜ll your plate with delicious, healthy foods without breaking the bank? Good Food on a Tight Budget Šthe ˜rst of its kindŠlists foods that are good for you, easy on your wallet and good for the planet. Environmental Working Group™s health experts have chosen them based on an in-depth review of government surveys and tests for nearly 1,200 foods. Our food lists (page 6), shopping list (page 29), meal planner (page 30) and price tracker (page 31) are designed to help you save time and money. Our top picks are based on average food prices. Check for the best local buys.Variety is important for health and happiness. Our lists are a good start, but try other a˚ordable foods, especially from the fruit and vegetable aisles. Can™t ˜nd something? Ask if the store manager can stock it. Happy, healthful eating from EWG with thanks to Share Our Strength. IN COLLABORATION WITH USING THIS GUIDEthroughout the guide look out for these icons. Best buysRead more Health tip Use cautionEnvironmental Working Group EWG ( is a not-for-pro˜t organization that marshals the power of information to protect human health and the environment. Share our Strength Share Our Strength™s Cooking Matters® teaches families at risk of hunger how to get more food for their money and better nourishment from those foods, as part of the No Kid Hungry® campaign. 2
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TABLE CONTENTSAbout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Top Tips ..4Fruits .6Vegetables ..8Grains ..10Protein .12Dairy 14Co˜king Fats & Oils ..16Staples & Spices .17Recipes .18A Healthy Budget ..28Shopping List .29Meal Planner .30Price Tracker ..31Bonus!3
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TOPTIPSBETTER FOOD,LOWER CO ST Plan and save. Make a meal plan (page 30) and shopping list (page 29). Use the food you have and the deals you ˜nd in store ads and coupons. Add more fruits and vegetables to your meal plan. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. You can get your 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day for about the cost of a bus ride in most cities. Add beans and lentils to your meal plan. Pick beans and lentils instead of meat for 2 or more dinners every week Œ lots of protein for less money (see recipes). Skip processed foods like frozen pizza, cookies and soda. They usually cost more than fresh, healthy food. Canned foods are convenient, but eat fresh or frozen when you can to lower your exposure to toxic chemicals. BEFORE YOU SHOPAT HOME Cook and freeze large batches (see recipes). Save money by cooking at home more and eating out less. Store food properly and throw less away. Grow your own. You can buy seeds with SNAP dollars. You don™t need a backyard, just some containers, a sunny window and a little soil. Community gardens are often free. Try cherry tomatoes and lettuce ˜rst. Check out 4
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AT THE STORENEED HELP? Stock up to save money. Foods that last include rice, beans, cooking oil and frozen foods. Buy extra when they™re on sale. Check unit prices Œ bigger packages are often cheaper. Buy from bulk containers if your store has them. Spot bargains on fresh fruits and vegetables. Use the price tracker (page 31) to ˜nd good deals on fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce prices can drop when they™re in season, and they taste best then. Compare labels. Healthier foods usually have less saturated fat, trans fat, salt (sodium) and sugar. Look for deals at your farmers™ market. Some will give you $2 worth of produce for every $1 you spend. Find a market near you at or call Wholesome Wave at 203-226-1112 .Many programs provide food or help to purchase food. Learn more: SNAP (food stamps): (1-800-221-5689). Use your phone: Text your address to 415-889-8650 for the 5 nearest stores that accept SNAP. WIC: (703-305-2746) School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program: contact your child™s school Free summer meals for kids and teens: 1-866-348-6479 Food banks and pantries: results.aspx (1-800-771-2303, press 0) 5
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apricotavocado banana cantaloupe grapefruit** honeydew kiwi orange juice* nectarines domesticpapaya pearstarfruit tangerine watermelon DRIED FRUITSFRUITSapricotsmangocalifornia raisins prunes Dried apples are also nutritious but may have more pesticides than other fruits. Check prices for organic. Don™t overdo dried fruit Œ it has LOTS of sugar! One serving equals ¼ cup. Peaches are also nutritious but may have more pesticides than other fruits. Check prices for organic. *Limit juice to 1 cup a day. Children should drink less. **On medicine? Ask your doctor about grapefruit. These fruits pack the most nutrition for the lowest cost FRUITS6
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calabaza spanish pumpkin carrots pumpkin fresh sweet potato tomatoes low sodium (salt), canned tomato juice low sodium (salt) broccoli collards kale lettuceromaine mixed salad greens mustard greens parsley spinach turnip greens DARK GREENRED/ORANGEVEGETABLE SAll of these (except broccoli and parsley) may have more pesticides than other vegetables. Check prices for organic. 1. Crunchy peanut slaw Œ page 19 2. Make-it-a-meal salad Š page 18 3. Step-by-step soup Œ page 25 4. Tabbouleh Œ page 20 5. Kid approved roasted veggies – page 19 Recipes Sweet red and green peppers are also nutritious, but may have more pesticides than other vegetables. Check prices for organic. These vegetables pack the most nutrition for the lowest cost 8
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corn frozen lima beansfresh potatoes* roasted, baked or boiled alfalfa sprouts brussels sprouts cabbage chayote pear squasheggplant green onions okra frozen onions snow peas fresh zucchini, yellow squash, other summer squashes STARCH YTHE REST TOP TIPS Vegetables about to go bad? Freeze them or make soup (see recipe on page 25). Stock up on long-lasting vegetables and store them in a cool, dry place. Potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, calabaza, and sweet potatoes taste great for several weeks after you buy them. Frozen vegetables and cabbage keep well, too. Add healthy ˛avor. Toss green onions on stir-fries, dips, rice or soup. Stu˚ parsley in tomatoes, serve over grilled ˜sh or meats, serve with hummus and pita or make tabbouleh (see recipe on page 20). Make room for other vegetables by eating less of these high-carbohydrate vegetables. *Potatoes and green beans may have more pesticides than other vegetables. Check prices for organic. Eat more, and eat a variety of vegetables. You can™t go wrong with vegetables! Our fibestfl picks are good to start with, but try other produce, too. 9
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oatmeal pu˚ed corn pu˚ed whole grain cereal shredded wheat toasted oat cereal BREAKFAST CEREALBREAD AND PASTA GRAINSBREAD, PASTA , RICE AND MORERead the nutrition facts Low sugar: Pick a whole grain cereal with the lowest sugar content. High ˜ber: Try for at least three grams of ˜ber per serving. Lower sodium (salt): Look for a cereal with less than 210 mg of sodium per serving. Read the nutrition facts Low sodium (salt): Pick whole grain bread or pasta with the lowest sodium content. High ˜ber: Try for at least 2 grams of ˜ber per serving in bread and 5 grams in pasta. These foods pack the most nutrition for the lowest cost 10
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barley brown rice bulgur RICE AND OTHER GRAINSTOP TIPSRecipes 1. Tasty oatmeal Œ page 20 2. Chinese veggies and rice Œ page 21 3. Tabbouleh Œ page 20 4. Barley stew Œ page 22 Don™t be fooled. Read the label. Make sure the word fiwholefl is the very ˜rst ingredient listed. fiMulti-grainfl or fiwheatfl isn™t enough. Just because it looks brown, doesn™t mean it™s whole grain. Start kids o˚ right with whole grains, not white bread and white pasta. If they™re not used to whole grains, mix them in gradually. Buy in bulk and stock up during sales. Make your own oatmeal (see recipe page 20). Packets cost more and are often loaded with salt and sugar. Buy brown rice in bulk and mix with white rice if needed to lower cost. Buy whole grain bread on sale and save in the freezer. Ready for something new? Try quinoa instead of rice. Look for it on sale or in bulk.11
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