Air Compressor. Types of abrasive suitable for use in the Blaster-Buddy include recycled crushed glass, corn-cob grit and walnut shells. Using other.
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2START UPUsing the Blaster-Buddy is a quick and easy way to remove old finishes from wood surfaces but it is important to follow the following directions in order to assure your safety and proper operation of the equipment.First and foremost, the Blaster-Buddy is designed for using recycled crushed glass, walnut shells or corn-cob grit as blasting media. The use of other types of abrasive media may damage the equipment and if you break it, you’ll have to pay to fix it!Before you start, a few notes about safety. The Blaster-Buddy puts out a high velocity stream of abrasive. Be careful where you point it and be sure that your working area is clear of children and pets. It’s also important for your own protection that you wear the proper safety equipment. Starting with your clothes wear heavy duty long pants, a long sleeved shirt and work boots. Perma-Chink Systems includes a face shield, earplugs, gloves, and dust masks with the rental of each Blaster-Buddy. Be sure to use them whenever you operate the blaster.You will need to protect those areas of your home . The blasting media is very abrasive and will etch glass and remove paint and other coatings. Be sure to remove gutters and down spouts before you start and cover glass and painted surfaces with plastic film or cardboard. Small areas may be protected with duct tape applied over masking tape for easy release.that you don™t want blasted like windows, doors, lighting fixtures, etcIn addition to the equipment supplied by Perma-Chink Systems you will need a source of compressed air. The required size is an air compressor capable of putting out between 125 and 185 cubic feet per minute (CFM). This is the same size required to run a jackhammer. Make sure to run the compressor without the automatic oiler. The oil will contaminate the blast media, and possibly leave an oily residue on the wood. If possible it should also have a regulator to regulate the air pressure. Most rental companies don’t want customers fooling with the preset pressure on the compressor, so you may need to request an external regulator. Output pressure needs to be as low as possible and still do the job. 90 pounds per square inch (psi) works well in most situations. You should also request extra hose (100 feet should work for most jobs) and some extra gaskets for the hoses. However, try to place the compressor as close as possible to the blaster.
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Air CompressorTypes of abrasive suitable for use in the Blaster-Buddy include recycled crushed glass, corn-cob grit and walnut shells. Using other types of abrasives may damage the machine! For best performance use only grit supplied by Perma-Chink Systems. All blasting media MUST BE KEPT DRY for it to work. If it is wet or damp, it will clog the blaster. In addition to the chance of picking up stones, dirt or moisture, once they have been used they lose the sharp edges that make them abrasive.Do not try to reuse corncob grit or walnut shells that have already been through the blaster.12Now it’s time to do an inspection of the unit to make sure you have everything and the valves and levers are in the proper position.In addition to the blaster and safety equipment you should have:1.Dual Line hose and remote control safety unit.2.Blaster hose and nozzle.
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Check to see that all gaskets and safety clips are in place. If any are missing, replace them before connecting the hoses. See that the remote controlsafety switch is properly connected to the Dual Line hose and operates freely.Check the following valves and levers to make sure that theyare in the positions as shown.CBADECheck the top opening tomake sure the screen is free of debris.FOpenDuring operation.ClosedH4OpenIOpenJOpenG
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Connect all of the hoses to the blaster making sure the gaskets are in place and the safety clips or wires are ins talled. These include the Dual Line hose (1), blast hose (A) and blast hose fitting (B), and the air supply line to the inlet valve fitting (C). If it’s not already attached, screw the blaster nozzle onto the blaster hose nozzle coupling (2) making sure th e nozzle washer is installed. Hand tighten until it seats and seals on the washer. Remove any debris or old, damp media from the top of the vessel. Make sure each leg of the bag breaker is securely fastened into place. Check the water drain valve to make s ure it is in the open position (G). OPERATION 1. Close the main air valve (H) and media valve (J) by rotating 2. Make sure the tank is not pressurized and fill the hopper with dry blasting media. Do not overfill. Add one bag at a time. Keep the lid on the tank whenever the blaster is in use. 3. Warm up the air compressor until working pressure and temperature is att ained. Never exceed 100 psi. Pressurize the air supply hose. 4. Make sure the area is clear and the operator has put on protective clothing and safety equipment before you start. Open the main air valve (I), the valve handle should be parallel to the pipe . Depress the safety lever on the remote control unit (D). Compressed air entering the vessel will pressurize the blaster. At this point only blast air, no media, should flow out of the blast nozzle. 5. To introduce the blasting media to the nozzle, keep the safety lever on the remote control unit depressed and begin turning the media control handle (J) counterclockwise until the desired air/media mixture is reached. 5 Pressure Gauge 100 psi
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STOPPING THE BLASTER To avoid overnight condensation, empty the blaster of all media at the end of each day. Once empty, release the remote safety switch handle. That should relieve the pressure in the blaster pressure vessel and blast hose. Be sure that the blast hose is comp letely depressurized before releasing the hose and nozzle. SHUT – DOWN / STORAGE In order to receive your deposit in full, the Blaster – Buddy must be returned clean with no grit in it. Clean out the media remaining in the blaster by following these directions : Turn off the air supply valve at the compressor. Depressurize the blaster and hose by releasing the remote safety switch. Turn the media control valve (J) to the full open position, counterclockwise. Point the blast hose end in a safe direction. air supply line to the blaster. Depress the handle on the remote safety switch (J). The grit will begin to expel. Once the blaster is empty, release the remote safety switch handle. Check to see that the blaster, air control hoses and blast hoses are completely depressurized before releasing the blast hose and nozzle. Shut off the source of compressed air and depressurize the air supply hose connected to the blaster. The blast hose, Dual Line hose and air supply hose should be loosely coiled and tied when not being used. TIPS ON OPERATION AND USE Using the Blaster – Buddy is a two – person job, one to manage the remote control safety switch and keep the tank filled with blasting media and the other to do the actual blasting. It takes both hands to maintain control of the blaster nozzle. It’s the duty of the person holding the remote safety switch to constantly observe the individual doing the blasting and release the safety switch if any problem ari ses. 6
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TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE Although the Blaster – Buddy is designed to be basically trouble free, there are situations that may arise and prevent the blaster from functioning properly . CAUTION: Before attempting to troubleshoot any problem, always make sure to shut down the air compressor and allow air pressure to bleed off before removing any hoses, fittings, or valves. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! POSSIBLE CAUSE Remote control safety switch (D) defective. Insufficient air line pressure. Hoses connected improperly. Exhaust valve plugged or not operating correctly. Blaster hose plugged. No media in vessel. Media feed plugged at vessel outlet (B). Media control handle (J) is improperly set. The blaster nozzle (2) is not in place. Improper nozzle technique. The air pressure is set too high. Improper or too coarse abrasive media is being used. The blast nozzle is too close to the wood surface. The blast nozzle is being moved too slowly. One last thing about using the Blaster – Buddy. If you are not sure about something or are having a problem, please give us a call. We s much easier to avoid a problem than to try to fix it when you are not sure what to do. You should be all set to start using the Blaster – Buddy. Blast away, but blast safely! PROBLEM The blaster will not pressurize. No media comes out of blast hose. Too much media comes out of nozzle. media coming out of the hose. The wood is being excessively damaged. 8
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