earlychildhoodfunders/pdf/ · Play_pamphlet_eng.pdf (accessed November Owen, who is still working on the road, looks cautiously at the others.
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Publishing InformationThe California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 3, was developed by the Child Development Division, California Depart – ment of Education (CDE). This publication was edited by Faye Ong and John McLean, working in cooperation with Laura Bridges, Child Development Consultant. It was designed and prepared for printing by the staff of CDE Press, with the cover designed by Juan D. Sanchez. The document was published by the Department of Education, 1430 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901. It was distributed under the provisions of the Library Distribution Act and Government Code Section 11096.© 2013 by the California Department of Education All rights reserved ISBN: 978-0-8011-1733-6 Reproduction of this document for resale, in whole or in part, is not authorized.Ordering InformationCopies of this publication are available for purchase from the Cali – fornia Department of Education. For prices and ordering informa -tion, please visit the Department Web site at http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/pn/rc/ or call the CDE Press sales of˜ce at 1-800- 995-4099.NoticeThe guidance in the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 3, is not binding on local educational agencies or other en- tities. Except for the statutes, regulations, and court decisions that are referenced herein, the document is exemplary, and compliance with it is not mandatory. (See Education Code Section 33308.5.)
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ContentsA Message from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction vAcknowledgments .viiCHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Framework 1California™s Preschool Children .3Overarching Principles ..5Organization of the Framework .9English-Language Development and Learning in All Domains 11Universal Design for Learning .14Curriculum Planning ..15The Daily Schedule ..24The Curriculum-Planning Process .29Endnotes ..38Bibliography 40 CHAPTER 2HistoryŒSocial Science ..43Guiding Principles 45Environments and Materials 46Summary of the HistoryŒSocial Science Foundations ..49Summary of the Strands and Substrands .50Self and Society ..51 1.0 Culture and Diversity 53 2.0 Relationships 60 3.0 Social Roles and Occupations 63 Bringing It All Together .66 Engaging Families ..67 Questions for Re˚ection 68Becoming a Preschool Community Member (Civics) .69 1.0 Skills for Democratic Participation ..70 2.0 Responsible Conduct .75 3.0 Fairness and Respect for Other People ..78 4.0 Con˚ict Resolution .80 Bringing It All Together .83 Engaging Families ..84 Questions for Re˚ection 85Sense of Time (History) ..86 1.0 Understanding Past Events 88 2.0 Anticipating and Planning Future Events ..91 3.0 Personal History ..94 4.0 Historical Changes in People and the World 97 Bringing It All Together ..100 Engaging Families 101 Questions for Re˚ection .102Sense of Place (Geography and Ecology) 103 1.0 Navigating Familiar Locations .105 2.0 Caring for the Natural World 108 3.0 Understanding the Physical World Through Drawings and Maps ..112 Bringing It All Together ..115 Engaging Families 115 Questions for Re˚ection 116Marketplace (Economics) .117 1.0 Exchange ..118 Bringing It All Together ..121 Engaging Families 121 Questions for Re˚ection 122Concluding Thoughts .123Map of the Foundations ..124Teacher Resources .125Endnotes 126Bibliography .130 CHAPTER 3 Science 135 Guiding Principles .138Environments and Materials .142Summary of the Science Foundations ..151Summary of the Strands and Substrands ..152Scienti˜c Inquiry .153 1.0 Observation and Investigation .154 2.0 Documentation and Communication .166 Bringing It All Together ..172 Engaging Families 173 Questions for Re˚ection .175iii
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Physical Sciences .176 1.0 Properties and Characteristics of Nonliving Objects and Materials 178 2.0 Changes in Nonliving Objects and Materials .186 Bringing It All Together ..193 Engaging Families 194 Questions for Re˚ection 195Life Sciences ..196 1.0 Properties and Characteristics of Living Things .198 2.0 Changes in Living Things .206 Bringing It All Together ..212 Engaging Families 213 Questions for Re˚ection .214Earth Sciences ..215 1.0 Properties and Characteristics of Earth Materials and Objects 216 2.0 Changes in the Earth .221 Bringing It All Together ..227 Engaging Families 227 Questions for Re˚ection .229Concluding Thoughts .230Map of the Foundations ..231Teacher Resources .232Appendix: Suggested Materials 234Endnotes 237Bibliography .241Glossary .244iv
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A Message from the State Superintendent of Public InstructionI am pleased to present the California Pre- school Curriculum Framework, Volume 3, a publication I believe will be a major step in working to close the school-readiness gap for young children in our state. Cre – ated as a companion to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, Volume 3, this framework presents strategies and information for educators to enrich learn – ing and development opportunities for all of California™s preschool children. Like the third volume of the preschool learning foundations, this third volume of the curriculum framework focuses on two learning domains: historyŒsocial science and science. It includes guiding principles; the vital role of the family in early learning and development; the diver -sity of young children in California; and the ongoing cycle of observing, document- ing, assessing, planning, and implement- ing curriculum. The preschool curriculum framework takes an integrated approach to early learning and describes how curricu – lum planning considers the connections between different domains as children engage in teacher-guided learning activi – ties. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on the learning domains. Each chapter provides an over -view of a domain, the foundations for that domain, principles in planning curriculum, and curriculum strategies illustrated by vignettes. The strategies pertain to both the learning environment and teachers™ interactions with children. These chap – ters offer key principles and a rich variety of ideas for early childhood educators to support the learning and development of preschool children. Additionally, there are speci˜c principles and strategies for teach- ing children who are English learners. Three themes are interwoven through -out this volume: early childhood educators need to be intentional in supporting learn – ing in all domains, young children learn through play, and young children™s fami – lies are their ˜rst teachers. Young chil – dren bene˜t greatly from comprehensive and integrated curriculum planning that includes historyŒsocial science and sci- ence. As young children play, they express themselves by exploring ideas about the past, where they live, fairness and respect for others, their families™ cultural tradi- tions, and how to use money to purchase things. They also are naturally interested in scienti˜c inquiry, the properties and characteristics of nonliving objects and materials, living things, and the earth and materials. Observation of young children™s play gives insights into how to build on their interests and expand their learning. Early educators also enrich young chil- dren™s learning through ongoing collabora – tion with families. Together, early educa – tors and family members can create mean – ingful learning experiences for children in preschool and at home. The preschool curriculum framework speaks to new early childhood educators as well as experienced ones. It recognizes the best practices already used by pre – school programs and provides new ideas that bring the preschool learning founda – tions to life for everyone responsible for the care and education of young children. Vol – ume 3 completes the preschool curriculum framework and should prove to be instru – mental in preparing children for school. TOM TORLAKSONState Superintendent of Public Instructionv
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viiAcknowledgmentsT he development of the preschool curriculum framework involved many people. The following groups contributed: project leaders; principal writers; community college faculty advisers; advisers on English-language development and cultural diversity; universal design advisers; additional consultants and reviewers; project staff and advisers from the WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies; staff from the California Department of Education; early childhood education stakeholder organizations; participants in the formative and review focus groups; and participants in the Web- posting process. Project Leaders The following staff members are gratefully acknowledged for their contributions: Peter Mangione and Katie Monahan, WestEd. Principal Writers Special thanks are extended to the principal writers for their expertise and contributions.Chapter 1: Introduction to the FrameworkPeter Mangione, WestEd Mary Jane Maguire-Fong, American River CollegeMarie Jones, American River CollegeChapter 2: HistoryŒSocial ScienceJanet Thompson, University of California, DavisRoss Thompson, University of California, DavisKelly Twibell, University of California, DavisChapter 3: ScienceOsnat Zur, WestEd Community College Faculty Advisers Special thanks are extended to the faculty advisers for their expertise and contributions:Caroline Carney, Monterey Peninsula College Amy Obegi, Solano Community CollegeAdvisers on English-Language Development and Cultural Diversity Particular thanks are extended to the following advisers for their involvement in the project: Gisela Jia, City University of New York, Lehman CollegeAntonia Lopez, National Council of La RazaAlison Wishard Guerra, University of California, San Diego Universal Design AdvisersThe following universal design experts are gratefully acknowledged for their contributions:Maurine Ballard-Rosa, California State University, SacramentoLinda Brault, WestEd Additional Consultants and ReviewersParticular thanks are also extended to the following consultants for their involvement in the project: Gay Macdonald, University of California, Los Angeles, Early Care and Education Susan Wood, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Children™s Center
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viiiWestEd Center for Child and Family StudiesŠProject Staff and AdvisersLinda BraultMelinda Brookshire Caroline Pietrangelo Owens Teresa Ragsdale Amy Schustz-Alvarez Charlotte Tilson Ann-Marie Wiese California Department of EducationThanks are extended to the following staff members: Richard Zeiger, Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction; Lupita Cortez Alcalá, Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and Learning Support Branch; Camille Maben, Director, Child Development Division; Cecelia Fisher-Dahms, Administrator, Quality Improvement Of˜ce, Child Development Division; Desiree Soto, Administrator, Northern Field Services, Child Development Division; and Laura Bridges, Consultant, Child Development Division, for ongoing revisions and recommendations. During the lengthy development process, many CDE staff members were involved at various levels. Additional thanks are extended to Deborah Sigman, Deputy Superintendent, District, School, and Innovation Branch; Gavin Payne, former Chief Deputy Superintendent; Gail Brodie, Sy Dang Nguyen, Luis Rios, Mary Smithberger, and Charles Vail, Child Development Division; and Meredith Cathcart, Special Education Division.The following individuals are also acknowledged for their contributions to the vignettes:Aleksandra Klitinek, Prekindergarten Teacher, New York City Department of EducationGloria de Napoli Peropat, LCSW-R, Prekindergarten Social Worker/Early Childhood Specialist, New York City Department of EducationEarly Childhood Education Stakeholder Organizations Representatives from many statewide organizations provided input that affected various aspects of this curriculum framework.Action Alliance for Children Alliance for a Better Community Asian Paci˜c Islander Community Action Network (APIsCAN)Association of California School AdministratorsBaccalaureate Pathways in Early Childhood & Education (BPECE)Black Child Development Institute (BCDI), Sacramento Af˜liateCalifornia Alliance of African American Educators (CAAAE)California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAEYC) California Association for Family Child Care (CAFCC) California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators (CALSA)California Child Care Coordinators Association (CCCCA)California Child Care Resource and Referral Network (CCCRRN)California Child Development Administrators Association (CCDAA)California Child Development Corps California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) California Community College Early Childhood Educators (CCCECE)California Community Colleges Chancellor™s Of˜ce (CCCCO)California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS)
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California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA)California Early Childhood Mentor Program California Early Reading First Network California Federation of Teachers (CFT) California Head Start Association (CHSA) California Kindergarten Association (CKA) California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)California Professors of Early Childhood Special Education (CAPECSE)California School Boards Association California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) California State PTA California State University Of˜ce of the ChancellorCalifornia Teachers Association Californians Together Campaign for High Quality Early Learning Standards in California (CHQELS) Child Development Policy Institute (CDPI) Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC)Children Now The Children™s Collabrium Coalition of Family Literacy in California Council for Exceptional Children/California Division for Early Childhood (Cal-DEC)Council of CSU Campus Childcare (CCSUCC)Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) Curriculum & Instruction Steering Committee (CISC)Desired Results access Project Early Learning Advisory Council English Language Learners Preschool Coalition (ELLPC)Federal/State/Tribes Collaboration Workgroup Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California First 5 Association of California First 5 California, California Children & Families CommissionNote: The names, titles, and af˜liations of the individ-uals named were current at the time the publication was developed.Head Start State-Based Training and Technical Assistance Of˜ce for California Infant Development Association of California (IDA) Learning Disabilities Association of California Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)Migrant Education Even Start (MEES) Migrant Head Start National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Packard Foundation, Children, Families, and Communities Program Preschool California Professional Association for Childhood Education (PACE) Special Education Administrators of County Of˜ces (SEACO) CommitteeSpecial Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) CommitteeTeenNOW California University of California, Child Care Directors University of California, Of˜ce of the President (UCOP) Voices for African American Students, Inc. (VAAS) ZERO TO THREEPublic InputTen focus groups consisting of 115 participants provided valuable feedback, and others offered suggestions during a public review of the draft that was posted online.PhotographsMany photographers contributed to a large pool of photographs that were taken over the years and collected by WestEd. Special thanks are extended to WestEd and the photographers. The following child care agencies deserve recognition for allowing photographs to be taken of staff members, children, and families: American River College, Sacramentoix
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Antelope Elementary School, Antelope Elementary School District, Red Bluff Brooklyn Early Education Center, Los Angeles Uni˜ed School District, Los AngelesChinatown Community Children™s Center, San FranciscoEl Jardín de Los Niños, University Prepa -ration School at California State Univer -sity, Channel IslandsFriends of St. Francis Child Care, San FranciscoFruitvale Elementary School, Oakland Uni˜ed School District, OaklandHarrison Elementary School, Los Angeles Uni˜ed School District, Los AngelesHoopa Valley Tribal Head Start, Hoopa Valley Tribe, Hoopa Kidango Ohlone Lab Center, Fremont Supporting Future Growth, Site III, Child Care Center, Oakland Little People™s After School Learning Land, SacramentoOakland Head Start Lion Creek™s Crossing, OaklandOakland Head Start West Grand Avenue Center, Oakland Poplar Avenue Elementary Campus Pre -schools, Thermalito Family Involvement & Literacy Center Preschool, Thermalito Union School District, Thermalito Roosevelt Infant Center, Los Angeles Small Wonders Daycare, Buellton Walnut Park Elementary, Los Angeles Uni -˜ed School District, Huntington ParkWest Street Elementary School, Corning Union Elementary School District, Corning x
70 KB – 258 Pages