Apr 12, 2021 — The Archery Way. Competing with Honesty and Integrity. As archers, we strive to shoot our best while competing with integrity. Honesty is an

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1 | Page 20 2 2 NASP® National , Open & Championship Tournament Rules Registration dates & hotel i nformation will be posted at www.naspschools.org under events NASP® Western National: April 2 9 – 30 , 202 2 , Sandy , Utah NASP® Eastern National: May 11 – 13, 2022 , Louisville, KY NASP® Open and Championship : Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center, Louisville, KY , J une 23 – 25 , 202 2 The Archery Way Competing with Honesty and Integrity As archers, we strive to shoot our best while competing with integrity. Honesty is an expectation, sportsmanship and composure, an obligation. We encourage others and understand our responsibility to self – officiate and protect the field with an overall goa l of bringing the archery way into everyday life. Contents 1. NASP® Participation .. .. .. .. .. 3 decisions are final. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 1.1. Definition of NASP® School: .. .. .. .. 3 1.2. In School Requirement: .. .. .. .. .. . 3 1.3. Divisions within NASP® Schools: .. .. .. .. 4 1.4. Homeschool: .. .. .. .. .. . 4 1.5. Eligible Grades: .. .. .. .. .. 4 1.6. Number of Archers Per Team: .. .. .. .. . 4 1.7. Single Gender School: .. .. .. .. .. 4 1.8. Small School: .. .. .. .. .. 4 2. NASP® Eastern and Western National Tournaments; Open and Championship Tournament Registration Protocols 5 3. Equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5 3.3. Bows .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5

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2 | Page 3.4. Arrows .. .. .. .. .. 7 3.5. Accessories .. .. .. .. .. 7 4. Competitive Format .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 4.1. Range Set – Up .. .. .. .. .. . 8 4.2. Whistle Sig nals .. .. .. .. .. 8 4.3. Arrow Handling and Movement About the Range .. .. .. 9 4.4. Order of Shooting .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 4.5. Coaching .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 5. Scoring .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 6. Ties Breakers .. .. .. .. .. . 12 6.1. Individual Ties .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 6.2. Team Ti es .. .. .. .. .. . 12 7. Dress Code: .. .. .. .. .. 12 8. Sportsmanship .. .. .. .. .. . 12 9. Protest Procedure .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 10. Individual Scholarship Shoot – Off: .. .. .. .. . 13 11. Awards .. .. .. .. .. .. . 13 12. NASP® All – American Academic Team: .. .. .. .. . 13 NASP® TOURNAMENT SANCTIONED RULES & PROTOCOLS The National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP®) National Rules are the governing rules for the Western and Eastern National and Open Championship tournaments. NASP® s tates within the United States and other NASP® c ountries have the freedom to manage their programs within these rules. Although the NASP® National Rules are the minimum guide for s tates and c ountries to follow , each s tate or c ountry may add to or increase the NASP® rules to fit local requirements. Standard safety protocols and operating principals create a familiar field for NASP® students, so they are prepared and understand what is expected at each NASP® event . NASP® relies heavily on Coordinators that manage the program within their respective jurisdictions and will continue to do so for determining eligibility of all schools within their jurisdictions under these rules. New for 202 2 : Except for inconsequential language edits, rule changes are in yellow highlights. The NASP® logo is a registered trademark and may only be used on t – shirts, banners, or any other items, with written permission from NASP®.

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3 | Page Special Note Concerning Distance Learning : T he school of enrollment determines a student NASP® school. I f schools are allowing students to participate in distance learning through on – line education to maintain their progress and grades , t hose students are still members of the school in which they are enrolled . 1. NASP® P articipation – All State, Provincial, and National Tournaments/Championships To maximize the number of students who will discover their aptitude and interest for archery , NASP® is an in – school program. NASP® emphasizes team participation to maximize the number of stude nts who will participate and to promote positive social interaction among students and faculty. NASP® officials reserve the right to make on site determination of any situation not covered by these rules. NASP® 1.1. Definition of NASP® School : A NASP® school is one that adheres to the training, equipment, safety requirements and protocols followed by NASP®. NASP® safety protocols must be followed by all NASP® schools and teams to preserve the experience for current an d future students. 1.1.1. School lessons must be presented by NASP® certified faculty or volunteers. 1.1.2. At least one coach of the team must be NASP® certified. 1.1.3. Only NASP® certified teachers or coaches may register student archers for tournaments. 1.1.4. Equipment requireme nts and range protocols must be followed. Only the standard Genesis bow & Easton 1820 arrows may be used during NASP® class or on a NASP® range. NASP® range specification s and design must follow training provided in the NASP® Basic Archery Failure to follow these protocols will make the school ineligible to participate in NASP® tournaments. Failure to follow safety protocols such as bows, arrows, and curtain use, may also result in de – certification of the NASP® certified teacher or coach. 1.2. In School Requirement : Every archer must attend a school that conducts NASP® lessons during normal school hours. 1.2.1. NASP® lessons must be conducted as part of the in – sch ool curriculum, a minimum of 10 hours per school , per year . 1.2.2. In – school lessons are the priority in NASP®. Ideally these lessons should be thorough enough for the student s to enjoy a safe and motivational experience. 1.2.3. Classroom lessons must include at least the following subject material . Determining eye dominance . Stringbow® used to teach Eleven Steps to Archery Success® Safety Orientation and shooting of bows and arrows on a NASP® range. 1.2.4. Examples of how this might occur include: At least 10, different archery classes of 1 hour each daily for 2 weeks, twice weekly for 5 weeks, etc. 5 classes per day of 1 – hour each , for 2 different days . 1.2.5. When a schoo l meets or exceeds this minimum, even if not every student in the school takes the archery class, EVERY student in the school is considered eligible for NASP® tournaments. It is ex pected that even those who do not take the in – school instruction, will be provided safety and shooting form instruction if they join the FOLLOW – UP archery club or team before they attend a NASP® tournament. 1.2.6. Prior to participating in any NASP® competitions during a school year, the head coach for a sc other coach es associated with the school for tournament purposes) will be required to log in to the School Manager for the school. This coach will be required to acknowledge that they understand the in – school teaching requirement and commit to making sure that the requirement is met. 1.2.7. A fter – school – only archery programs or clubs are ineligible.

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4 | Page 1.3. D ivisions within NASP® School s : NASP® d ; Middle School division, grades 6, 7, and 8 ; High School division, grades 9, 10, 11, 12. 1.3.1. If schools have similar names but are at a separate address such as the ‘North Middle School and North Elementary School’ even if in the same district, they are separate schools and may not mingle shooters on teams . Exce pt: If elementary grades (4th & 5th) are not in the same school the schools wh ere the two grades are found may combine students to form elementary teams if both are NASP® schools . Example: this could be a school with K – 4 and a school combining with a 5 – 8 or 5 – 12 school. Except: If middle school grades (6 – 8) are not in the same school the schools where the three grades are found may combine students to form middle school teams if both are NASP® schools . Example: this could be a K – 6 school combining with a 7 – 8 or 7 – 12 schoo l. Except: If high school grades (9 – 12) are not in the same school the schools where the four grades are found may combine students to form high school teams if both are NASP® schools . Example: this could be a school with 9 – 10 combining with an 11 – 12 schoo l. Where divisions are split between schools the enro l lment numbers of both schools apply to eligibility of the small school rule . 1.4. Homeschool: A student who is attending homeschool may participate 1.4.1 I f the homeschool has enrolled in NASP® and provides in – school NASP® archery lessons, by a NASP® certified instructor , and meets the requirements of section 1.2. above . This also applies to other schools that are without buildings or campuses, such as, homeschool groups, on – s. 1.4.2 If a homeschooled student receives in – school NASP® lessons by attending classes at a NASP® public or private school , in accordance with sections 1.1. and 1.2., that student must participate for the school where he/she receives NASP® lessons . 1.5. Eligible G rades : Only students who are in grades 4 – 12 may participate. 1.5.1. A student at a ny NASP® school who has graduated early during the current school year may, at the discretion of the school Principal , participate. 1.5.2. A student who no longer attends a NASP® school due to having moved, being promoted, etc. is ineligible to and may then only represent their NEW school. 1.6. Number of A rcher s P er T eam : NASP ® archery teams must contain 12 – 24 students , at least 4 of which must be of the opposite gender. 1.7. Single Gender School : If a school is single gender school, the school shall compete as a single – gender – only school unless eligible to combine with another school under the small school rule (section 1. 8 ). The coa ch should contact the State Coordinator for their state to set the single gender indicator for the school. Once set, the team score for the school/division is determined by summing the top 12 scores for the team with no consideration of gender. 1.8. Small School : If a competitive division within a NASP® school (Elementary 4 th 5 th , Middle 6 th 8 th or High 9 th 12 th ) has a total student enrollment of less than 150 students, the team for that division may add students from another competitive divisio n within their school or from a competitive division at another NASP® participating school in the same city, county, or school district. 1.8.1. A competitive division within a school with 150 students (or more) enrolled may not add archers to their team from another school or division . 1.8.2. If a student shoots up for a higher division team (as allowed by 1. 8 . above) , that student will be competing for team rank in that older division but retain individual rank according to the archer 1.8.3. (are enrolled in) . 1.8.4. – up must be submitted in advance to the s tate/ p rovincial coordinator and must include school enrollment numbers by grade for all schools involved to be approved . 1.9. NASP® is a school program. If a school administration deems a student unsuited to represent the school, NASP® will abide by the decision. 1.10. If a student archer is disqualified for any reason at a provincial, state, or regional tournament, the student is ineligible to participate in any NASP® competition until such time the student has regained good standing in his or her state or province. The NASP® coordinator would alert the national office of such disqualification.

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5 | Page 2. NASP® Eastern and Western National T ournaments; Open and Championship Tournament Registration Protocols 2.1. In addition to # 1.1 – 1. 10 . above. 2.2. Eastern and Western NASP® Nationals: 2.2.1. Qualification tiers will be established for each event individually. 2.2.2. A qualified team ( school /division) may register to participate in one but not both n ational tournaments . 2.2.3. A qualified individual may register to participate in one but not both national tournaments . 2.2.4. Individual scores from one national event cannot be added to team scores from another national event . 2.2.5. Participation is not guaranteed in either event. 2.3. Substitutions are permitted for these events. Substitutes may be students that did not par ticipate in the state (or n ational) tournament, but they must meet the criteria defined in section 1. 2.3.1. Individuals m ust shoot in their actual division for National, Open or Championship u nless the school meets the requirements specified in 1. 8 . If by meeting the requirements of section 1. 8 . an individual shot in a higher division at the state or National , Open , and Championship . 2.3.2. If a school sent multiple teams to the state or provincial tournament, they may rec ombine archers from these teams for nationals. Not applicable to entire school districts/ systems. 2.3.3. If a school sent multiple teams to the national tournament, they may recombine archers from these teams for the Open and Championship tournament s . Not applicable to entire school districts/ systems . 2.4. A school may register as many teams as qualify at their state or provincial tourna ment IF the state or province in question allows multiple teams from the same school to participate. 2.5. The NASP® Open and Championship Tournament 2.5.1. Details and information concerning the Open/Championship will be pr ovided later. 2.5.2. Tournament format, registration information, schedule of times and tiers, TBA. 3. Equipment – Only equipment specified and approved for use in NASP® may be used in tournament s . NASP® equipment has been selected to be as universal – fit as possible to make administration of the program suitable for in – school teaching. Tournaments follow in – school program design as closely as practical. 3.1. discretion, any bow, a rrow, or accessory may be subjected to complete inspection at any time. Anyone found using disallowed equipment or modifications will forfeit awards and be disqualified. Disqualification may affect their team’s rank. 3.2. If after the 10 – meter practice end begins an archer is found to be using disallowed equipment, the archer is subject to disqualification. 3.3. Bows : Archers are expected to bring their own NASP® Genesis bows . 3.3.1. Only the stock (original) unmodified bow approved for NASP® may be used , except for allowances described below . 3.3.2. When called by the announcer archers will place bows on the provided racks for inspection. Once inspected, the bow must remain on the range unless a repair is needed and approved by a lane official. 3.3.3. The Genesis Mini, Pro , and GenX are p rohibited f rom use in NASP®. 3.3.4. – to – axle length , measu red from the center of each axle , must be no shorter than 35.25 3.3.5. in place and unm odified. Changing the shape by removing material or adding material, including tape is prohibited . The grip may be painted for personalization. However , paint used must be “color only”. The use of paint with added texture material or paint that dries with a multi – texture finish (including but not limited to those designed as bed liner material ) is disallowed. 3.3.6. Only tied on or heat shrink nock locators may be used. Instructions for tying on a nock locator are available at www.naspschools.org under the Resources tab, in the Information/ L earning Center There may be up to one nock locator above and below the arrow nock. If using two nock locators , the gap between them must be 1 – 1.5 nock widths. The archer must nock the arrow between the 2 nock locators .

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6 | Page If using one nock locator , the archer must nock the arrow be low and touching the nock locator . If desired , a tied – on nock locator may be used directly above and against the original shrink tube locator that comes on the bow to maintain its position , as a quick or temporary fix . Bra ss nock locators are prohibited for safety reasons. 3.3.7. The bow must be sight and sight – mark free. Solid color t ape , paint , to cover marks may be applied to the face of the sight window at a the face of the sight window towards the top limb. Any tape used must be a single piece of tape applied vertically to the face of the sig ht window only. Single piece , die cut , solid color, stickers that match the shape of the sight window are also permitted. Wrapping tape around the riser is prohibited . Camouflage bows may be used, but the face of the sight window must be covered . As described in Any t ape , paint or sticker used to cover sight marks must remain throughout the competition. Archers and coaches should comply with this rule before their flight time. If sight marks are discovered the archer or coach will be asked to cover them . 3.3.8. The outside and inside of the sight window must be kept free of any raised edges, such as tape, stickers or logos. 3.3.9. The bow must be free of draw stops or stabilizers. 3.3.10. The bowstring and cables may be ‘after – market’ but of the same approximate length and diameter . 3.3.11. The standard cable guard, cable guard slide (black only ) , wheel, cam, bearings, riser, and limbs must be original (or original factory replacement) and unmodified , other than the few allowances stated within section 3. 3.3.12. A bow may have the Morrell Manufacturing draw weight gauge mounted on the riser , f or determining turns of limb bolts for draw weight setting. If 2 nocking points, the arrow nock must be placed between them.

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8 | Page Wrist slings may be tied around the riser or through the hole in the riser just below the grip. F inger slings are only to be put in place once the 1 whistle command to shoot is pr ovided . 3.5.7. Mechani cal release aids are prohibited . 3.5.8. The bow must remain free of any devices designed to dampen vibration. 3.5.9. Potential special allowances for physically challenged archers are evaluated on a case – by – case basis. While participation by the challenged archer is important, other competitors must not be negatively impacted. Commonly approved allowance s include: Wheelchairs are permitted if needed. In the case of hearing or visually impaired archers, a coach or parent may p rovide assistance at the shooting line. A lane official must be alerted before shooting begins. Mouth tabs are permitted for archers whose physical challenges make drawing the bowstring impossible. Archers who use crutches may shoot from a chair or have c oach assistance to stand. 3.5.10. Emotional s upport animals will be allowed by NASP® in the spectator area of the event (if permitted by the host facility). Emotional support animals must stay off NASP® ranges. If the animal creates a distraction of any type to the participants or spectators, the handler will be asked to remove the animal from the spectator area and possibly from the facility. 4. Competitive Format NASP® Tournaments emphasize safety, s portsmanship, and indoor application. If an archer is unable to safely use all equipment and follow range protocols that archer may be removed from the competition 4.1. Range Set – Up : 4.1.1. Target butts will be placed directly on the floor (or factory bases) similar to the height of school butts. 4.1.2. Target faces will be placed on the target butts so that the bottom edge is touching the floor or as close to the floor as possible. 4.1.3. Targets faces (paper) will be NASP® 80 cm FITA face with 10 scoring rings. 4.1.4. The target line will be approximately 2 yards or meters from the face of the target butts. 4.1.5. There will be 10 – ) and 15 – meter (49′ 2 ) shooting lines. 4.1.6. The waiting line will be at least 4 – 5 yards or meters beyond the 15 – meter shooting line. 4.1.7. A ‘Co s Alley’ will be delineated between the waiting line and spectators. Only Coaches with the appropriate wrist band or tournament credentials 4.1.8. Spectator seating will be placed as close as possible behind the waiting line. 4.1.9. Shooting lines will support 5 – foot – wide shooting lanes accommodating 2 archers per lane , one in the left half of the lane, one in the right half of the lane . half lane each archer is assigned. Placement of any items or marks on the floor or target as a reference or aiming point is prohibited. Archers are to be at their assigned area 15 minutes prior to their flight times, with their equipment ready . Shooters occupying a lane will be from different schools where possible. Coaches assigned to a group of lanes for their team can move archers within their assigned lanes if needed. But must indicate a lane change on the score cards. Archer must still occup y the same side (L or R) of the lane as was assigned to the team and each lane should still have archers from two different schools. Solo shooters will be combined where possible to promote integrity. 4.2. Whistle Signals : NASP® whistle commands will be used to operate the range. 4.2.1. 5+ whistles for an emergenc y 4.2.2. 2 whistles to ‘get bow. ‘ 4.2.3. 1 whistle to ‘shoot’ 4.2.4. 3 whistles to ‘go get arrows. ‘

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9 | Page 4.3. Arrow Handling and Movement About the Range : NASP® safety rules must be followed. 4.3.1. Archers must walk when moving about the range. 4.3.2. Archers must have one foot on each side of the shooting line with ‘bows on toes’ before shooting begins. 4.3.3. While shooting, the archer must straddle the shooting line with the non – target foot behind th e back edge of the shooting line. NO PART of the shooting line will be 4.3.4. The tournament – provided arrow quiver must be placed ON the shooting line in FRONT of the archer. 4.3.5. Shooter and quiver must remain in of the assigned lane when on the shooting line. No part of may cover, or be past, their lane marks. Crowding across the middle of the lane , or into an adjacent lane, is unsportsmanlike conduct. – inch area assigned to the archer. The quiver must remain on the shooting line and within 30 – inch area assigned to the archer. 4.3.6. While both archers may approach the ta rget when scoring, only one archer may remain at the targets when arrows are pulled. The other archer must be safely behind the target line waiting th eir tur n to pull arrows. 4.3.7. Archers must remain on their feet (standing or squatting ) and off their knees when scoring and pulling arrows. 4.3.8. Arrow points must be covered with one hand and shafts grasped below the vanes with the other hand when walking with arrows . 4.4. Order of Shooting : 4.4.1. The archer must nock, pre – draw, draw and aim in a manner that keeps the arrow pointed safely towards the target throughout the process. ( Below the top of the backstop curtain, and away from the floor ) . 2 RH RGG RH L & R RGGR HL 2 LH RGG RH Archers must remain entirely within their half of the lane. When pulling arrows, only one archer may be forward of the Target Line. All archers must remain standing.

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10 | Page 4.4.2. Archers will shoot one practice end of 5 arrows and 3 scoring ends of 5 arrows at 10 meters . 4.4.3. Archers will shoot one pract ice end of 5 arrows and 3 scoring ends of 5 arrows at 15 meters. 4.4.4. Archers will have 2 minutes to shoot each 5 – arrow end. 4.4.5. Dropped arrows will be left on the floor and replaced by a range official. 4.4.6. An arrow that bounces off the target may be shot again as instructed by range officials. Except for practice ends. 4.4.7. Replacement arrows will only be provided for bounce outs on scoring ends. Practice bounce outs will remain as shot. 4.4.8. An arrow that reaches the target line without hitting the target is considered a sh ot rather than a dropped or bounced – out arrow and will be scored zero points. 4.4.9. are not sufficient to perform on par with other archers in the tournament , the archer may be removed. Shot arrows that fail to reach o r stick in the target butts are symptomatic of insufficient performance. 4.4.10. After shooting the last arrow , the archer must immediately leave the shooting line, rack the bow, and return behind the waiting line. This is NASP® – specific range management protocol . 4.4.11. Lost vane, arrow rest damage or failure, broken nock – if any occur during the release of an arrow and that arrow makes it to the target line and doesn’t bounce off of the target, it is a shot arrow . 4.5. Coaching : 4.5.1. A team is limited to 3 coaches in Coaches Alley during the flight. Individual groups may have 1 coach in Coaches Alley. A ny coach in C oaches A lley must have a d or tournament credentials identifying them as the appropriate NASP® coach . At least one coach must be immediately available and located with his or her team lanes while the team is shooting in case they are needed . Coaches must display positive sportsmanship while in this alley. 4.5.2. Coaches of special needs archers may be allowed (wi th prior approval of range officials) to stand with the archer on the shooting line. However, they must do so s afely and without distracting the other archers. 4.5.3. Coaches must withhold coaching and communication with their archer while the archer is on the shooting line. Such communication may only take place when the archer is up range of the waiting line. 5. Scoring : 5.1. Only archers and tournament officials will be allowed downrange of the waiting line. 5.2. All arrows should be scored before any arrow or the target’s face is touched . 5.2.1. Moving the target face to affect an a .2 . 5.2.2. Moving or pushing an arrow in to the target face to affect a .2 . 5.3. Beginning in the center of the target, scoring rings are 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1. 5.3.1. An arrow shaft touching a scoring ring line is awarded the higher point value. In the picture below the gold arrow is scored a 10 because the shaft touches the line. The black arrow is a 9 because the shaft does not tou ch the scoring line, only the hole made by the shaft touches. 5.3.2. An arrow outside all scoring rings is awarded ‘0’ points. The bl ue . T .

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11 | Page 5.3.3. If the target face is so shot up that the scoring ring cannot be determined, even by the lane official, the target face should be changed. 5.3.4. The ‘X’ ring in the center of the 10 is simply scored as a 10. 5.3.5. An arrow that ‘robin – hoods’ (sticks in the back of another arrow) receives the value of the arrow in th e target. 5.3.6. An arrow that deflects off another arrow and sticks in the target is scored where it sticks. 5.3.7. An arrow that deflects off another arrow and fails to stick in the target is treated as a bounce out. 5.3.8. An arrow that skips off the floor and imbeds in the target is scored where it sticks. 5.3.9. An arrow that skips off the floor and bounces off th e target is treated as a bounce out. 5.3.10. An arrow that sticks in the target , but falls completely out as shooting continues , is treated as a bounce – out and a replacement arrow may be shot. 5.4. Scannable (bubble – type) scorecards will be used. Archers should practice with this type of scorecard before coming to the tournament. CLICK HERE for a practice score card. 5.5. The score board will be placed on the target line , 5.6. Both archers will walk to the target in their lane to record arrow scores . 5.6.1. One or both archers may approach the target face to score arrows. 5.6.2. OFFICIAL SCORING PROTOCOL: One archer will CALL and BUBBLE the other s . The scorecard has – – arrow end. The archer should check this box indicating he or she has examined each 5 – arrow end to make sure the score has been correctly entered. Also check to assure that ALL ARROW VALUES are bubbled. 5.6.3. Then the archers will reverse roles. 5.6.4. If archers cannot agree on an arrow’s score, a range official must be asked for the final decision. 5.6.5. Only range officials may have erasers on the range . If the archer needs a score erased, the official will perform the task. The lane official will document such action on the back of the scorecard. 5.6.6. After both archers are satisfied that arrow values have been accurately recorded, scores are considered fina l. 5.6.7. Once scores are final arrows ma y be pulled in accordance with rule 4.3.6. 5.6.8. At the conclusion of the flight both archers must sign the scorecard. If an archer fails to sign his / her scorecard, the scorecard will be considered approved and final. The archer represented by the unsigned scorecard will not be disqualified for neglecting to sign. 5.7. Scorecard deficiencies may be found in the scoring room: 5.7.1. Scorecard has more than one value on a scoring line. The higher value will be erased. 5.7.2. Scorecard has more than one value on a scoring line but there is a blank line among the 5 scoring lines. One of the double values will be moved to the blank line. 5.7.3. A scoring line is blank. Except in 5. 7 .2 above, the blank line will be scored zero. 5.8. An arche score may only be counted individual placement . 5.9. Range officials w ill gather signed scorecards after each flight at the target. Th is target face should be changed.

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