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List of Annexes:Annex A Detailed budget Annex BReport by the Director-General to the Executive Board at its 113th session Annex CHealth Action in Crises: Strategic Priorities for the World Health Organization Annex DWHO multi-donor Rapid Response Mechanism for emergency response Annex EMinimum standards of preparedness for WHO Offices Annex FStandards for WHO surge capacity Annex GFunctions of Health Ac tion in Crises at global, re gional, sub-regional and country levels Annex HOverall programme supe rvision and terms of reference for the Global Steering GroupAnnex IGuidance on human resource management Annex JInter depar tmental Collaboration J.1. WHO/HAC Overview of Ongoing Programme Synergies J.2. Functional Relationship of SEARO SDE Staff and Staff Contributions to SDEProgrammes Annex KOverview of inter-agency working mechanisms Annex LDescription of W HO/HAC Training Courses

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Annex A Detailed budget (further details available upon request) SUMMARY BUDGET FOR 2004 TO 2006 BY REGION AFRO Total estimated budget 8,663,070 Funding available 5,298,985 of which, WHO contribution 4,204,818 Percentage of total covered by WHO 48.5% Contribution requested from Partners 3,364,086 Percentage of total requested from Donors 38.8% AMRO Total estimated budget 11,626,080 Funding available 8,431,240 of which, WHO contribution 2,782,500 Percentage of total covered by WHO 23.9% Contribution requested from Partners 3,194,840 Percentage of total requested from Donors 27.5% EMRO Total estimated budget 5,861,800 Funding available 2,562,550 of which, WHO contribution 712,426 Percentage of total covered by WHO 12.2% Contribution requested from Partners 3,299,250 Percentage of total requested from Donors 56.3% EURO Total estimated budget 5,871,817 Funding available 3,370,376 of which, WHO contribution 1,633,460 Percentage of total covered by WHO 27.8% Contribution requested from Partners 2,501,441 Percentage of total requested from Donors 42.6% SEARO Total estimated budget 4,944,476 Funding available 1,469,319 of which, WHO contribution 548,550 Percentage of total covered by WHO 11.1% Contribution requested from Partners 3,475,157 Percentage of total requested from Donors 70.3% WPRO Total estimated budget 4,312,610 Funding available 1,683,280 of which, WHO contribution 159,000 Percentage of total covered by WHO 3.7% Contribution requested from Partners 2,629,330 Percentage of total requested from Donors 61.0% GLOBAL-HQ Total estimated budget 16,549,923 Funding available 10,997,489 of which, WHO contribution 2,300,730 Percentage of total covered by WHO 13.9% Contribution requested from Partners 5,552,434 Percentage of total requested from Donors 33.5% TOTAL Total estimated budget 57,829,777 Funding available 33,813,239 of which, WHO contribution 12,341,484 Percentage of total covered by WHO 21.3% Contribution requested from Partners 24,016,538 Percentage of total requested from Donors 41.5%

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Annex B Geneva, Switzerland 19 January 2004 Report by the Director-General to the Executive Board at its 113th sessionMonsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs les membres du Conseil exécutif, Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs, Il y a un an je m’adressais à vous pour vous remerc ier de la confiance que vous aviez placée en moi comme nouveau Directeur général de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Beaucoup de choses se sont passées depuis ma prise de fonction le 21 ju illet dernier. Plus réce mment, nous avons travaillé avec le Gouvernement iranien à la suite du terrible tremblement de terre de Bam. Nous avons lancé une très ambitieuse initiative pour permettre aux personnes vivant avec le SIDA d’accéder au traitement salvateur. Et nous a vons commencé une série de campagnes de vaccination dans les six derniers pays endémiques, dans la perspective de l’éradication de la poliomyélite. [[English version: Mr Chairman, members of the Executive Board, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, The last time I addressed a session of the Executive Board was one year ago to thank you for your confidence in me as the next Director-General of WHO. A lot has happened since I took office on July 21. Most recently, we have been working with the Iranian Government following the terrible earthquake in Bam. We have launched a highly ambitious initiative to get life-saving treatment to people living with AIDS. And, we have started a series of massive immunization campaigns in the last six endemic countries to comple te the global eradication of polio.]] The French delegation will agree that my French is improving. There have also been celebrations to mark th e 25th anniversary of the Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care. I had the pleasure of a ttending these in Kazakhstan, Brazil and here, in Geneva. They provided a great opportunity to see WHO’s work in perspective, beyond our day-to- day tasks. It is clear that however much the wo rld has changed since 1978, and continues to change, the health of all people remains the guiding rationale for all of our activities. We were fortunate to have my three predecessors at our meeting in Geneva – Dr Brundtland, Dr Nakajima and Dr Mahler. Their many achievements over the past three decades continue to guide our present and future work. Our Organization conti nues to evolve in the regions also. This is the last meeting of the Board that Dr Uton will attend as Regional Director for South-East Asia. He will be greatly missed. When the WHO Representatives met here in Novemb er, to discuss our work in countries, we sensed the real possibility of reclaiming and reinventing the vision of health for all for the specific challenges we now face. The same potential was evident in our discussions during the retreat of the Executive Board in Accra, so kindly hosted by Ghana.

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Some of you attended the Sec ond Consultation on Macroeconomics and Health here in October, and the High-Level Forum on the health Millennium Development Goals earlier this month. Both meetings have helped to clarify the urgent res ource needs countries are facing, and the options for meeting them. But recent months have also brought shocks and disa sters. During the last year, the lives and health of around two billion people in more than fifty countries have been put at risk by a series of crises. Some of these have been sudden and catastrophic, like the earthquake that destroyed much of the city of Bam on 26 December. They call for a focused response to preserve the health of survivors. The reaction of the Iranian people and their institutions was extraordinary and effective. We are working closely with them on restoring essential services. Other crises, such as the violent conflicts that c ontinue to affect many people in Iraq, Liberia and the Palestinian Territories, stay with us for much longer periods. Civilians, especially women and children, usually suffer most, and much more from unprevented and untreated illness than from bullets and bombs.Then there are the crises that develop more slowly but have a profound long-term impact on society, such as those caused by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, or by the epidemic of arsenic poisoning in the Ganges delta. The devastation caused by all three kinds of crisis can be reduced in the first place by measures of prevention; then, where these fail, by a well-prepar ed response. Even as attention is focused on the most immediate needs, however, it must turn to the repair and recovery of the systems needed in the longer term. We are refocusing our work to become more effective in helping communities and countries respond to health crises. Rebuilding and strengthening health systems is the overall theme of the World Health Report for 2003, published last month. The report is subtitled “S haping the future” and reflects the changes now in progress in WHO as we take up the challenges of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, maximizing disease control and tackling the global health workforce crisis. It will be followed this May by our Report for 2004 which will focus on HIV/AIDS. We launched our detailed strategy for reaching “3 by 5” on 1 December. It sets out the actions needed to get three million people onto antiretroviral therapy by the end of 2005, with clear milestones for progress. HIV/AIDS has become a disa ster in many countries, and threatens to do so in many more. The technical means exist for mitigating and preventing the devastation it is causing, and reducing the present toll of 8000 deaths a day. The aim of the “3 by 5” strategy is to mobilize the people and funds to make use of those means. In so doing, it will build up preventive measures. It will also catalyse action throughout the health se rvices that will strengthen their capacity to meet the many and varied demands they face. We held events in key locations around the world to launch the strategy. They were strongly supported by our partners and received wide and favourable coverage. On World AIDS Day, I was in Zambia, with the Chairman of the Board of the Global Fund, Secretary Thompson and his delegation, and was delighted to see the wholehea rted commitment of the lo cal and national health authorities there. That was only seven weeks ago. Already thirty-one countries have appealed to WHO for support for AIDS prevention and treatment scale-up. Seven c ountry planning missions have been completed, and a further thirteen will be completed by the end of February. We will be appointing the first twenty country team leaders during the next tw o or three weeks. They will then set up country support teams to help deliver the “3 by 5” target.

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We have started up the AIDS Medicines and Diag nostics Service (AMDS) to assist countries in purchasing drugs and diagnostic s and improving distribution systems. Simplified treatment guidelines have been finalized and widely disseminated. These explai n the requirements for managing antiretroviral treatment and allow for the training of large numbers of key health workers. In all this activity, the Global Fund and UNAIDS ar e playing a crucial role, as well as national and international efforts. Meanwhile, we are in the midst of an all-out effort to complete polio eradication in the last six endemic countries. With the health ministers of those countries, and our other main partners in this effort, I signed a strongly-worded declarati on last week on carrying out the last crucial immunization campaigns. At this point, the stakes are higher than ever before. There is an unprecedented opportunity for success during the coming months, with the multiple immunization of 250 million children, mainly in India, Nigeria and Pa kistan. But, there is always the danger of an explosion of new infections in the polio-free countries, until transmission is finally broken everywhere. We experienced the same danger in th e regions now polio-free, recently in the Western Pacific, even more recently in Europe. Complacency would be fatal for this fifteen-year, three- billion dollar effort. Immunization activities in many countries have bu ilt up systems that can increasingly be used for other child health activities. Reduction of child and maternal mortality rates is not only a moral and practical necessity, but a commitment made by all countries in th e Millennium Development Goals. Eleven million children and over half a million moth ers die each year from largely preventable causes. Effective and affordable interventions exist, such as skilled attendance at birth, immunization, breastfeeding and integrated manage ment of childhood illnesses. We must make a concerted effort to turn these possibilities into reality. Our agenda items on family and reproductive health will help us outline the way forward on these closely-related issues and will involve us in increa singly close partnerships with other parts of the UN system, especially UNICEF and UNFPA. At present, there are daily reports of suspected case s of SARS. So far this year, there have been just two confirmed cases. We are also working closely with national authorities in Asia on avian influenza surveillance and control activities. With continued vigilance globally, and with quick concerted action on the ground, we can greatly reduce the danger of large outbreaks. To monitor these and other potential emergencies, we are building a situation room. Officially known as the Strategic Health Information Centre, it is a large room with the latest communications technology, visual display systems and software, to facilitate quick and accurate decision-making for public health. It will serve the three functions of crisis management, integrated programme management and information di ssemination. Although it is still unde r construction, I would like to invite the members of the Board to a demonstration of this facility during the lunch break on Wednesday. The situation room should be in full operation by the time of the World Health Assembly in May. Another vitally important part of our work against epidemics is the International Health Regulations. Work is progressing as planned on the revision of these. Regional consultation meetings will be held in our six regions between March and June. The revisions reflect the many changes that have occurred in the world since the current Regulations came into force in 1971. As globaliza tion progresses, countries continue to become more dependent on each other for their health and safety, and the need for closer cooperation and coordination increases. Environmenta l factors play an important part in this, especially to ensure safe food and water supplie s and to prevent biological, chemical and nuclear accidents. Prevention of road traffic accidents is another area in wh ich much more must be done. “Road safety is no accident” will be the slogan for World Health Day this April.

58 KB – 62 Pages