The world economic recovery and the way forward, Mr. Sha Zukang . equality is an essential expression of human rights and that women’s rights.
282 pages

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asdfAchieving Gender Equality, Women™s Empowerment and Strengthening Development Cooperation United Nations New York, 2010 Department of Economic and Social Affairs Of˜ce for ECOSOC Support and Coordination DIALOG UES A T THE ECO NOM IC A ND SOC IAL COUN CI L

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Department of Economic and Social Affairs The Department of Economic and Social A˜airs of the United Nations Secretariat is a vital interface between global policies in the economic, social and environmental spheres and national action. The Department works in three main interlinked areas: (i)˚it compiles, generates and analyses a wide range of economic, social and environmental data and infor -mation on which States Members of the United Nations draw to review common problems and take stock of policy options; (ii) it facilitates the negotiations of Member States in many intergovernmental bodies on joint courses of action to address ongoing or emerging global challenges; and (iii) it advises interested Governments on the ways and means of translating policy frameworks developed in United Nations conferences and summits into programmes at the country level and, through technical assistance, helps build national capacities. UN Photo/ Esk inder Debebe For further information please contact: United Nations Department of Eco nomic and Soc ial Aff airs Of˜ ce for ECOSOC Sup port and Coordination 1 United Nations Plaza, Room D C1- 1428 New York, N.Y. 10017, U SA .The v iews expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily re˚ect the views of the United Nations Department of Eco nomic and Soc ial Aff airs. United Nations publication Sal es No. E.10 .IV.1 0 IS BN 978-92-1-130302-5 Copyright © United Nations, 2010 All r ights reserved

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This book has been prepared by the O˛ce for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social A˜airs of the United Nations. The Secretary-General™s reports to the Annual Ministerial Review, Development Cooperation Forum, and the o˛cial document of the Ministe -rial Declaration of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) High-level Segment are attached as annexes. The book also draws upon the debates and outcomes of the Council™s session as well as on a series of roundtables organized in preparation for the session. The roundtables and panels were sponsored by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Educational, Scienti˝c and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Children™s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communica -tion Technologies and Development (UN GAID), United Nations Human Set -tlements Programme (UN-Habitat), UN O˛ce of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), United Nations O˛ce for Partner -Acknowledgements

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IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ships (UNOP), International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations In -ternational Trade Centre (ITC), United Nations O˛ce of the Special Advisor on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI), O˛ce of the Spe -cial Adviser on Africa (OSAA), Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ICT), Permanent Mission of Uganda to the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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Contents Page Acknowledgements iiiGlossary of Acronyms ixPreface . xiiiIntroduction .. 1Chapter 1. Wo men™s Empowerment and˜Gender˜Equality .. 5Translating words to deeds: Achieving gender˜equality and development for˜all , H.E. Mr. Hamidon Ali 8Increasing uniform delivery through˜collective˜action , Mr. Ban Ki-Moon 12Women™s rights as human rights , Ms. Michelle Bachelet 16Women empowerment: Lynchpin˜of˜development goals , Mr.˚Andrew˚Mitchell .. 21Reviewing ongoing progress in women empowerment and gender equality , H.E.˚Mrs. Moushira Khattab . 25The fourth domain for gender equality: Decision-making and power , Ms.˚Frances˚Stewart 31Chapter 2. Hi gh-level Policy Dialogue on Current Developments in˜the˜World Economy and International Economic Cooperation .. 37The world economic recovery and˜the˜way˜forward , Mr. Sha Zukang 40

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ACHIEVING GENDER EQU ALITY , WOMEN ™S EMPOWERMENT AND ˜STRENGTHENING DEVELOPMENT COOPER ATION VII The Netherlands . 92Norway 93Portugal .. 95Republic of Congo 96Republic of Korea 97The United States of America .. 98Ch apter 5. Th e ECOSOC Development Cooperation Forum:˜Phase II (2009 -2010) 101I. Background .. 101II. Pr eparations for the 2010 DCF . 102A. Th e Asia-Paci˝c Regional Forum: Trends and progress in˚triangular an d˚South-South cooperation 103 B. Fi rst High-level Symposium: Accountable and transparent de velopment cooperation 103 C. Th e Global Preparatory Meeting 106D. Se cond High-level Symposium: Coherent development cooperation . 106E. Th e Secretary-General™s Report to the 2010 DCF . 108 III. Th e 2010 Development Cooperation Forum .. 1101. Pr omoting coherence for development .. 1112. Ai d quantity and allocation .. 112 3. Ai d quality 112 4. Mu tual accountability 112 5. So uth-South, triangular and decentralized cooperation .. 1136. Fi nally, the DCF should: . 113IV. Th e International Development Cooperation Report 114V. Si de event at the MDG Summit on mutual accountability and˜aid˜transparency 115Chapter 6. Th e High-level Segment Ministerial Roundtable Breakfasts .. 117Women, girls, gender equality and HIV , Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and˚the˚United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) 119The Global Jobs Pact: Crisis recovery through women™s economic empowerment , International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) .. 123Women™s and Girl™s Education: A Development Imperative , United Nations Education, Scienti˝c and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Children™s Fund (UNICEF) . 128A Catalyst for success: Addressing the gender dimensions of climate change , United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 133

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VIII CONTENTS Gender and Democratic Governance: Accelerating˜the˜Achievement of˜the˜MDGs , United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) . 138 The Role of ICTs in empowering women with disabilities , United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communication˚Technologies and Development (UN GAID) and˚the˚Global˚Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ICT) 145Improving women™s health: Addressing the challenges , World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children™s Fund (UNICEF), and˚the˚United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) .. 148 Empowering women, powering trade: Integrating women into global value chains , United Nations International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations O˛ce of the Special Advisor on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI) and the Permanent Mission of Uganda to the United Nations 153Economic opportunities for the empowerment of˜women˜in˜Africa and the LDCs: Access to credit, land,˜and markets , United Nations O˛ce of˚the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS) , United Nations O˛ce of the Special Advisor on Africa (OSAA), and˚the˚United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) 159Bridging the urban gender divide: An imperative for˜achieving the Millennium˜Development Goals , United Nations Human Settlements Programme˚(UN-Habitat) . 164Chapter 7. Con tribution of Non-governmental Organizations . 175World Family Summit +5 Istanbul Declaration , Families in balance . 1767th Solidarity Society Network Multi-Stakeholder Forum (SNNMF) Œ 4th˜Innovation Fair , Recommendations to promote gender equality and˚empower women .. 181 5th Conference of NGO-IRENE/Asia-Paci˝c , Women Empowerment in˚Development of Outlying Regions . 182Annex 1. Re port of the Secretary-General 187Review of the Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for˚Action, the Outcomes of the Twenty-third Special Session of the General Assembly and its Contribution to Shaping a Gender Perspective Towards the˚Full Realization of the Millennium Development Goals . 187Annex 2. Re port of the Secretary-General 217Trends and Progress in International Development Cooperation .. 217Annex 3. Mi nisterial Declaration .. 257Implementing the Internationally Agreed Goals and˚Commitments in˚Regard˚to˚Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women .. 257

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AMR Ann ual Min isterial Review APEC Asi a-Paci˜c Econom ic Coo peration ART Antiretroviral Ther apy ASEAN Ass ociation of Sou theast Asia n Nations BPFA Beijing Platform For Act ion BSR Business for Soc ial Responsibility BWIs Bretton Woods Ins titutions CEB United Nations Chi ef Exe cutives Board CECP Com mittee Enc ouraging Corp orate Philanthropy CEDAW United Nations Convention on the Eli mination of All F orms of Discrimination Aga inst Women CIS Comm onwealth of Independent Sta tes CNIE Chi na N GO Ne twork for Int ernational Exc hanges CO2 Carbon dioxide CONGO Conference of N GO sCRC Convention on the Rights of the Chi ld CSO Civ il Soc iety Org anization CSR Corporate Soc ial Responsibility CSW Commission on the Sta tus of Women DAC Development Ass istance Committee Glossary of Acronyms

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X GLOSS ARY OF ACRONYMS DCF Development Coop eration Forum DDR Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration DESA Department of Eco nomic and Soc ial Aff airs DFID UK™s Department for Int ernational Development DPADM Division for Public Adm inistration and Development Man agement ECOSOC Eco nomic and Soc ial Council EUEur opean Union FAO United Nations Food and Agr iculture Org anization FDI Foreign Direct Inv estment FfD Financing for Development FGM Female Geni tal Mut ilation FTAs Free- Tra de Agre ements FTF Feed the Future G3ICT Glo bal Init iative for Inc lusive Inf ormation and Communication Tec hnologies G-8 Gro up of Eig ht G-20 Gro up of Twe nty GAUnited Nations Gen eral Ass embly GEM Gend er Emp owerment Mea sure GDP Gros s Domestic Product GHI Glo bal Hea lth Init iative GLTN Global Lan d Tool Network GNI Gro ss National IncomeGNP Gros s National Product GPM Global Preparatory Mee ting HAART Hig hly Act ive Ant iretroviral The rapy HIPC Hea vily Ind ebted Poor Countries HIV/AIDS Hum an Imm unode˜ciency Virus/ Acquired Imm unode˜ciency Syn drome HRHum an Rights IADGs Int ernationally Agr eed Development Goa ls ICTInformation and Comm unications Tec hnology IDA International Development Agen cy IFAD Int ernational Fund for Agr icultural Development IFIs Int ernational Financial Ins titutions ILO International Labour Org anization IMF International Monet ary Fund IMVF Ins tituto Mar quês de Valle Flôr IOM International Org anization for Mig ration IPAD Ins titute for Development Ass istance IRENE United Nations Inf ormal Regional Network ITInf ormation Tec hnology ITC International Tra de Cent re IWCA International Women™s Cof fee All iance

298 KB – 282 Pages