by V Mukulangal — andardwebsiteinformation.pdf (Accessed 29 Jan 2017). McDonald, C. (2006) Challenging Social Work: ACAP international student delegates to the Council of.
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Free Magazine of The International Association of Schools of Social Work Nurturing University Community Engagement: Bringing the Gown to the Town and the Town to the Gown #16FEB 17 Using Art to Co-Produce Knowledge in International Aid Contexts Vidarunna Mukulangal (Blossom Bud) fi Say No to Drugs, Hai to Lifefl Working with Women Heads of Households in Northern Region-Sri Lanka ISSN 2221-352X
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Social Dialogue Issue 16 Social Dialogue is published by The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW). It is the copyright of IASSW and published on a quarterly basis and distributed worldwide.Website: www.socialdialogue.onlineISSN: ISSN 2221-352XManagement Committee Angelina YuenPast President of International Association of Schools of Social Work, Vice-President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong KongTatsuru AkimotoPast President of Asian Association of School of Social Work; Director & Professor of Asian Center for Welfare Society in Japan College of Social Work, JapanAkua BenjaminPast President of North American/ Caribbean Association of Schools of Social Work, Professor and Director of School of Social Work, Ryerson University, CanadaHelle Ingrid StraussAssociate Professor & International Coordinator of Metropolitan University College, School of Social Work, DenmarkJulia Mary WatkinsPast Treasurer of International Association of Schools of Social Work, Former Executive Director of Council on Social Work Education, USAVimla.V. Nadkarni Immediate Past President of International Association of Schools of School Work, retired Professor and Founder Dean of School of Social Work, TataInstitute of Social Sciences, IndiaEditorial Board Publisher: Annamaria CampaniniImmediate Past President: Vimla.V. NadkarniEditor in Chief: Carolyn NobleGuest editors Bala Raju Nikku and Pradipta KadambariProduction Manager: Rashmi PandyExecutive Editor: Timothy SimRegional Representatives: Violeta Gevorginiene, Gidraph WairineDesign/illustration: Graeme Bland ( Preshit Deorukhkar NoteAll articles contained in Social Dialogue, including letters and emails to the editor, reviews, and editorials, represent the opinions of the authors, not those of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), or any organizations with editors and management of IASSW do not assume responsibility for opinion expressed by the authors or individuals quoted in the magazine, for the accuracy of material submitted by the authors, or for any injury to persons or property resulting from reference to ideas or products mentioned in the editorial copy or the advertisements.Printing and logistics sponsor: Regal Printing Limited 11/F Wyler Center Phase II, 200 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung Nt Hong Kong.Tel: (852)2552 2202 Fax: (852)2552 0700 Website: the references of articles, please access the online edition at http://socialdialogue.onlineManagement Committee (from left to right):Helle Strauss, Vimla Vithal Nadkarni, Angelina Yuen Tsang Woon Ki, Tatsuru Akimoto, Akua Lorna Claudetta Pamela Benjamin, Julia Watkins Producer: IASSWRashmi Pandy Email: hello@iassw-aiets.orgWebsite: www.iassw-aiets.orgPublished by: The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)Website: www.iassw-aiets.orgIssue 16 Volume 5 February 2017 061219323743FEATURE COVER STORY Editor in Chief – Carolyn Noble 03Guest Editors – Bala Raju Nikku and Pradipta Kadambari 04From the President™s desk – Prof Annamaria Campanini 05Doing Disaster Social Work: Insights from the IASSW Supported Disaster Interventions by the Nepal School of Social Work 06Social Work and Community Welfare: Community-Campus Engagement 09An Example of University Community Engagement 12Iraqi Refugee Resettlement: Healing Through Religion and Community 16Objects and Nurturing Young People™s Storytelling 19Social Work Education: Model for University-Community Engagement 21‚Working From the Ground Up™: Partnerships with Local People Working for Change 24Vidarunna Mukulangal (Blossom Bud) fi Say No to Drugs, Hai to Lifefl 28Keeping Service User Involvement in Social Work Education Honest 30Using Art to Co-Produce Knowledge in International Aid Contexts 32Working with Women Heads of Households in Northern Region-Sri Lanka 34Initiating University Œ Community Engagement in Northern Manitoba and Abroad 37Joint Ongoing Learning Process of Social Work Students, Academics and Practitioners in Health Care 40An Encounter with Young Prostitute Mothers in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia 43 Engagement Network 45fiIt is a taboo to talk about itfl Promoting expressive arts intervention for Life Œ Death Education in Hong Kong 46Postgraduate Social Work the right step forward for interpreter50RESOURCES
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Welcome to Issue 16 Editor in chief Carolyn Noble Carolyn Noble to the diverse communities in which they are located and the professions they are educating students for, and the knowledge they are exploring and critiquing, many universities wanted to address this inequality by opening their doors and forming ongoing partnerships with their constituent communities. That is moving the town to the gown and the gown to the town. swimming pools, computer labs and libraries, accommodation and seminar and lecture rooms etc., many researchers moved to include community members as genuine partners and focus their research on improving the community™s social, political and or economic position. The move was to enhance a reciprocal, equal partnership. As the university widened community and industry access to their resources as well as learning and information it began learning from those communities and industries and vice versa. This was a real move away from researching into to researching with. The aim community activism and engagement. Discipline- based courses such as social work and community welfare are examples of ‚engaged™ courses. Educators teaching in these programs have, and continue to have a long history of collaborating with their communities in research, scholarship and teaching activities, especially as preparation for professional practice upon graduation. This edition showcases many such examples of community university engagement from Nepal, Sri Lanka, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Nurturing University Community Engagement Guest Editors Bala Raju Nikku community engagement programs in institutions of higher education is on the rise positions have been created and budgets were allotted despite cuts for research and of the main functions of Universities. Despite it rise in interest and support this new emphasis on civic education and engagement by the Universities/Colleges/Campuses is highly debated and contested. The proponents claim that an ‚engaged™ student will not only do well in academics but more likely to participate in public policy and show greater allegiance to democratic norms. Mainstreaming the community engagement across the campus pedagogy analytical scholars. The collectivistic communities in Nepal have abundant practices that are not captured by the researchers but are handed over to the next generations. This pool of knowledge resource that exist in the community is better tapped through are questioning these claims. They ask, is the younger learner unusually populated with people who avoid their civic duty. If this is true, how can the universities solve this issue just by introducing a few community engagement initiatives? The current debate is warranted because it is raising very pertinent and challenging questions about the very role of our universities and education system in general which is fragmented in many countries. This means social work has a lot more of a role to play. This edition of Social Dialogue (No 16) is focused on unraveling this debate further: what, why and how of community engagement. The articles are carefully selected keeping the wider debate and discourses in context. As social work educators, we structural inequalities and global forces beyond the control of communities. The communities. It is in this process of discovering a meaning of collaboration and synergy between campuses and communities, social work innovations in teaching and practice takes place. We believe it is too short a time to claim if these initiatives by schools of social work are changing the lives of communities. But for sure these initiatives are beginning to yield positive outcomes in strengthening student, educator, practitioner™s civic engagement ideas and skills. By undertaking such engagment these schools are safe guarding citizen democracy, community rights and empowerment of boarder communities in which they are located. To take this debate forward, the Nepal School of Social Work will be organizing the second international conference on cutting edge issues in campus-community engagement in 2018. Please visit for further details. Thank you and do enjoy reading this edition. Pradipta Kadambari Social Dialogue Magazine | Feb 201723
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Dear Colleagues, Wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2017! We are here with another exciting volume of Social Dialogue online magazine that is focused on Nurturing community campus engagement. We have many examples of such engagements from social work program across the world. We really want to continue to knowledge and experience on what is going on.Although the last months were full of activities, I would like to highlight some special issues.I. Board Meeting in Nairobi In January we had our Board meeting in Nairobi, followed by a very interesting Regional Seminar and a remarkable exchange with the KENYA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION an umbrella association that is working on defense of human rights. 2. Social work capacity building program in Vietnam In October 2016 was realized the second social work capacity building program for Vietnamese Social work educators. The three years program, jointly developed by the Capacity Building Committee of IASSW International Association of School Work (IASSW), the (APASWE), Vietnam Vocational Training Association and Vocational Social Work (VVTA&SWA), the Vietnam Association of School of Social Work (VASSW) and the IASSW Regional Resource Centre Peking U Œ HKPolyU supported by the United board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, PORTICUS. The purpose of this initiative, held in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, was to nurture a critical mass of social work educators who will be able to take up the leadership in developing social work education in Vietnam. The program for this second year, chaired by Janet Williams with the cooperation of experienced trainers from the partner organisations, was focused on social work in schools and social work in health settings, providing intensive training which included lectures, up projects in between the annual work. have attended these two workshops and their feedback is extremely positive and the impact far reaching. We are looking forward to organizing the third workshop in 2017.I think that this can be a good example on how the 3. World Social Work Day The 21st of March all over the world we will celebrate the World Social Work Day.This initiative aims not just to showcase the achievements of social work and increase its visibility, but also to highlight its synergies toward the collective commitments to social justice, sustainable development and human rights. Since 2010 the focus of the WSWD was connected to the shared vision set up in the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development around its the dignity and worth of people, environmental and community sustainability, and the importance of human relationships. Community and Environmental Sustainability.As international commitment IASSW and IFSW are prepared to celebrate the WSWD at the UN in New York the 17th April and in Geneva the 21-22 of March and I will represent IASSW in both these initiatives.We believe that it is very important to maintain and agencies. IASSW has a representative that participates in are working to establish our presence also in Nairobi.The celebration of the WSWD is an important occasion to strengthen or to establish new contacts, cooperation and partnership with UN organisations and with allied international NGOs; to spread knowledge about social work, its values, principles and methods in practice and theory among UN-organisations and allied international NGOs; to highlight social work actions, policies and achievements in the pursuit of common goals and to From the IASSW President™s Desk Prof. Annamaria CampaniniPresident, International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)disseminate the knowledge about UN activities, goals, program and campaigns among social workers and social work organisations and schools. WSWD has become a highpoint in the social work calendar with social workers all over the world and we invite you to share your initiatives and experiences We have established together with ICSW and IFSW regional observatory that will collect all of them and will prepare report at the end of 2018 to celebrating and promoting the social work contribution to the development of sustainable environment and community. SincerelySocial Dialogue Magazine | Feb 201745 Promotes networking worldwide Supports IASSW magazine Rates for advertising are as follows: 1/4 page $300 USD1/2 page $500 USD1/2 page $250 USD (Lower income countries) Full page $850 USD Full page $1000 USD (Special placement) Would you like your education program, available to our extensive human services readership? IASSW AIETS
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6Abstract In this article, we document and analyse how students and faculty of NSSW have responded to the immediate needs of survivors of the mega earthquake that devastated Nepal during April and May 2015 and what lessons can be drawn about community engagement which is the theme of this special edition of Social Dialogue. By combining selected coursework, practical placement experiences, independent research projects expand and deepen their understanding of community Introduction The Nepal School of Social work (NSSW) founded in 2005 has implemented learning projects together with local community members, national and international agencies victims, elders who are in need of care and children with special needs as part of social work learning sites for the students and faculty of NSSW (Nikku, 2009).Social Work and Community Engagement Praxis Schools of Social Work are part of the Universities and or higher educational establishments struggling to retain their identity. Fish™s (2005) argued that institutions of higher learning should not participate in service learning or civic engagement. Contrary to Fish™s argument many scholars show that university researchers, faculty and students can successfully collaborate with community agencies in a relationship of mutual respect for strengths to support the application of useful innovations that values between the university and the agency should drive the process. Hence the University / College and Community engagement is a process of two way learning, involving engagement between the University and the Community agencies and members. However, this engagement can be a tension for universities/ schools of social work as they attempt to navigate their many roles (Fisher et al, 2004). Bala Raju NikkuUniversiti Sains Malaysia(USM) and Nepal School of Social Work Lena Dominelli Durham University, England Creating Alliances and Partnerships Nepal is going through a series of transitions in its scenario and also struck by the both natural and political disasters. The need for trained and committed human resources like that of social workers is the need of the hour. We are aware that the nature of each student is of social work, NSSW believes in creating a learning environment in which each individual will educate oneself with his/her own pace, spirit and potential. Students are encouraged to experiment, experience, innovate new approaches and test them for further scaling. For that, NSSW since its inception in 2005 has been creating learning platforms where social work students can learn not only from classroom teaching but also from their peers across the globe, family members and community. Prof. Dominelli played a key role in connecting IASSW resources to NSSW right after the mega earthquakes that shook the cultural and economic fabric of the Nepalese society. She has been a lead researcher on Tsunami Project of Sri Lanka at Durham University and serves as the Associate Director of IHRR. As both a sociologist and social worker, her research has been published widely used in disaster social work (Dominelli, 2012).Engaging Disaster devastated Communities The devastating mega earthquakes that shook Nepal on 25th April and 12th of May 2015 brought an international attention and support for thousands of stranded people, many of whom were evacuated and saved by rescue teams that came from other countries. Despite of all these thousands injured and over 250,000 houses, 32,000 classrooms reported completely destroyed including many of Kathmandu valley™s architectural treasures. Undoubtedly, social work has a long history of responding to the needs of vulnerable populations, including those who experience natural or human-made disasters. Historically, social work has been involved in disaster relief; recovery dominated by psychosocial interventions and other models but has paid less attention to empowerment and social development in post- members despite being survivor victims of the quakes have come together and responded to the during and after the disasters. On the basis of pre- members, the NSSW team chose Sipapokhari VDC in Sindhupalchok District (located outside the Kathmandu valley) where there was a high loss of life and property reported (Nikku, 2015).The core team of NSSW also contacted international, regional and local social work organisations like the International Association of Schools of Social Work, (IASSW), International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), The Asian (APASWE), the International Consortium for Social Association of Schools of Social Work (JASSW) and other schools of social work in the region. By mobilising immediate internal resources and self-care methods, the small NSSW team made the the school became a hub for providing information related to disaster management, a place for shelter to community members and a place for local police to plan and discuss relief activities. In this process the NSSW as an institution also equipped with new programs and capacities like providing self care trainings to various groups including the police and army personnel. NSSW also delivered psycho referral services and organised community cafes to collect and help communities to build their coping mechanisms and plan further. Doing Disaster Social Work: Insights from the IASSW supported Disaster interventions by the Nepal School of Social Work via Wikimedia CommonsFEATURE 7Social Dialogue Magazine | Feb 2017
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Community Cafe ( CC) : a tool for community engagement The earthquake disasters in Nepal not only shook the economic but also social and cultural fabric of Nepal. As part of its response to post disaster social work, NSSW orgnasied Community Cafes (with the assistance of Dr. Bonnycastle of University of Manitoba) to bring people together to discuss their strengths and resources available and to reconstruct their lives. with community members and became part of NSSW as a tool that encourages participation and community ownership.A community café is when a diverse group of people sit at a hospitable, café-style table and explore questions about a certain issue that matters to their life and/or community. Each individual carries with them their own set of wisdom, insights, and ideas to the table, creating new and collective knowledge about an important topic. A group of people who share desired outcomes and goals have the capacity of creating change. The research/design team is comprised of several people. It typically involves the sponsor, café hosts, and participants. Each of these roles plays an important and vital part in a successful community café. The community café room should contain an inviting atmosphere that enables and cultivates good conversation. It is usually comprised of several café- which contains a set of questions designed to explore and discuss amongst one another. The questions are formulated by the design team to (Bonnycastle et al, 2015). The topics for discussion at Community Cafe™s can be selected by the host in consultation with the members. A range of topics were discussed. For example, about the post-earthquake and the possible responses (both research and action based) provided a vibrant and passionate topic over included members of NSSW, faculty and students, guests from the Nepal Police department, the Physiotherapy Association of Nepal, Teach for Nepal and other specialists in health and development issues. Some of the most interesting projects that emerged out of the cafes were: understanding how local people™s expertise and leadership can be utilized after a disaster; understanding in more detail the circumstances that a big increase in this after the disaster; exploring the possibility of using local community members understanding exactly what has stopped people abiding by the building code; and understanding the role of social media in the community response to the disaster.Insights In this article we presented how NSSW as a young strategies of community engagement over a period of ten years since its inception. The disaster social work activities supported by the IASSW and other social work schools from all over the globe have laid a foundation and motivation for NSSW faculty and students being disaster victim survivors them self to come forward and use their social work values and skills in the protection and strengthening of families and communities to cope up right after the mega earthquakes disasters in Nepal in 2015. The Community Cafe as an engagement tool in addition to virtual help line supported by Prof. Lena from the UK and other colleagues have been used and during and the post disaster time was put to use to train further volunteers at the community level.One of the purposes of this paper is to show how social work / schools of social work might develop community engagement praxis. Social Workers do posses the knowledge and skills needed for empowering people and families. The main stumbling block however is whether social workers see this as a valid form of practice for themselves tied as they are to individualistic ‚psychosocial™ approaches within service-oriented contexts, discussed in the beginning of the paper. The case of NSSW shows that it is possible to integrate community engagement as an integral element to social faculty and community despite of the ethical challenges involved. ReferencesBellamy, J., Bledsoe, S., Mullen, E., Fang, L., & Manuel, J. (2008). Agency-university partnership for evidence- based practice in social work. Journal of Social Work Education, 44(3), 55Œ75.Bonnycastle, M., Kadambari, P., & Saria, S.( 2015) Organising Community Cafe at Nepal School of Social Work: A process documentation report. Can be accessed at Dominelli, L. (2012). Green social work: From environmental crises to environmental justice. Polity.Fish, S. (2005). An interview with Stanley Fish: Aiming low in the ivory tower. National Civic Review, 41Œ45.Fisher,R.,Fabricant,M.,&Simmons,L.(2004).Understanding contemporary university community connections. Journal of Community Practice, 12(3), 13Œ34.Nikku, B. R. (2009) ‚Social work education in South Asia: a Nepalese perspective™, in Social Work Education: Voices Press, Australia, Chapter 16, pp. 341Œ362.Nikku, B.R (2015) Editorial : Living through and responding to disasters: Multiple roles for Social Work, Social Work Education, 34:6, 601-606Introduction Universities have three missions: Teaching; Research and Community Engagement. I think this model is accepted across the world as important part of ensuring civil society is resourced by university™s business, social, cultural and intellectual property linked to its academic scholarship and research activities. The new community engagement agenda wants to shift the traditional one-way interaction from university to more egalitarian relationship, one which community™s interests and need for more programs, projects and resources can be enhanced by this partnership. fiCommunity- campus engagementfl What is it? In Australia, as elsewhere in the western world, as a campus partnerships has changed the face of education the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) most Australian universities now have some form of community partnership or engagement emphasising their strong engagement with their Social work and community welfare: community-campus engagement Abstract By Reubot via Wikimedia Commons provides transport link to communityCarolyn NobleSocial Dialogue Magazine | Feb 20178FEATURE 9
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12The geographical location of Nepal puts it in the center of two massive tectonic plates making it 11th country prone to earthquake. On 25th April, 2015, Nepal experienced a devastating movement of the plates, resulting earthquakes of 7.8 Richter scale followed by 6.8. This engrossed 13 districts into high devastation. The update states the death toll of 8,700 people with 22,200 injured. More than half a million homes destroyed with 44,629 police personnel in rescue and relief operation including 8 trained groups of highly specialized Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue team. (Police Mirror, 2015). NSSW team as victim survivor engaged in disaster response from 5th day of earthquake. After 8 day long relief project in a village, it again involved in Psychological First Aid with students of TISS, India. NSSW social work students and Indian students conducted the project in 6 villages for 22 days with a social work practice framework of fiLook, Listen and Linkfl. Kadambari Memorial College on behalf of NSSW, worked closely with Nepal Police for security of the Self care Training to Nepal Police from NSSW The contents in the news were appreciating the challenging geographical terrain and limited resources. The response to the critical situation like this involves incidents that demand specialized skills and equipments beyond policing activities. The selection criteria and more resilient than average citizens. However, the relief response is always full of unpredictable which of exposure can initiate the stress reactivity which et al, 2015). Nepal Police has recovered 1507 dead bodies, rescued 2253 alive and the police unit received 75,000 calls in its hotline during the rescue mission (Police mirror, 2015). The data shows the intensity of involvement of Nepal Police to the situation which was urgent, uncertain and full of panics.Such exposure is accompanied by multiple threats and endangered self integrity of the helpers. If the threats are not recognized on time and coping measures are not applied, this can lead to negative outcomes the importance of self care program in this context to enhance the resilience of police personnel toward disaster induced vulnerabilities. issues of emotional ambivalence and compounding conducted by trainer from TISS and included theoretical and practical aspects of stress, self awareness, profession, commitments, physical, emotional, relational and spiritual health during the time of stressful environment. It also provided techniques of self care. police participated in the workshop.Integrated Self Care Training/ Workshop of Nepal Police After the training, the team of trainees, blended the Self Care Programs with the emergency care policy of Nepal Police and formulated an integrated self care program called fiSelf Care through Counselingfl. The program began from 1st week of June, after nearly a month later the mega earthquake. It also included emergency monitory support provisions of Nepal Police to its personnel who had lost lives, property and An example of University Community Engagement Pradipta Kadambari, Nepal School of Social WorkSarbendra Khanal, Nepal Police ForceNepal School of Social Work and Nepal Police Partnership in Disaster Response, Nepal Earthquake 2015Abstract Nepal experienced 7.8 magnitude earthquake on 25th April 2015, leading to loss of thousands of lives and properties. Right after the earthquakes, Nepal Police, districts. Many of the security personnel involved had incidences of losing their experiencing emotional distress and developing secondary trauma and burnt The training in Self Care was a part of Psychological First Aid project of NSSW and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) conducted in response to Nepal earthquake. This partnership of academic institution and security Institution has been providential in highlighting the innovation, integration and impact of University and Community partnership in strengthening the resilience of front Introduction Training SessionFEATURE 13Social Dialogue Magazine | Feb 2017
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