nonnative speakers of English. The test had to be reliable and affordable on a per-candidate basis, and easy to administer and score to ensure the broadest.

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iTable of Contents Foreword .1 Overview .2 The TOEIC ® Test 2 Educational Testing Service 2 Development of the TOEIC Test ..2 Who Takes the TOEIC Test? ..3 Why Take the TOEIC Test? .3 TOEIC Test Content and Format .4 Test Content ..4 Test Format .4 IP Online Testing 4Preparing to Take the TOEIC Test ..5 Administration of the TOEIC Test ..5 Where is the Test O˜ered? 5 How Often Can the TOEIC Test Be Taken? .5 Test Security ..5 Test Center Procedures 5 Dismissal from Test Session 6 Identi˚cation Requirements ..6 Disabilities 8 Testing Irregularities ..8 TOEIC Test Results ..9 Scoring Procedures & Reports .9 Scanning ..9 Reporting .9 Score Roster ..9 Score Report .9 Certi˚cate of Achievement ..10Release of Test Results ..10 Passing the TOEIC Test ..10 Interpreting Scores .10 Repeat Test Takers .10 Score Review ..11 Test Score Data Retention .11 Score Cancellation 11 Use of the TOEIC Test Scores .11 Test Fairness 11 Policies and Guidelines for the Use of TOEIC Scores 12 Introduction 12 Policies ..12 Score Veri˚cation 12Guidelines .13 Normally Appropriate Use of TOEIC Scores .13 Appropriate Uses 13 Statistical Characteristics of the TOEIC Test .14 Population De˚ned .14 Intercorrelations Among Scores .14 Reliability 14 Standard Error of Measurement .14 Research 15 Mapping TOEIC Scores to the Common European Framework (CEF) 15 Validity Studies .15 References .16 Publications 17 Contacting the TOEIC Program 18 For more information, visit us on the web at or contact your local ETS Preferred Associate. A list of local ETS Preferred Associates can be found on the web at . If there is no ETS Preferred Associate in your country, please contact us at: Mail: TOEIC Program Educational Testing Service Rosedale Road Princeton, NJ 08541 Phone: 1-609-771-7170 Fax: 1-609-771-7111 E-mail:

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1Foreword The TOEIC User Guide was prepared for testing centers, companies, schools, TOEIC ETS Preferred Associates, and others who have an interest in the TOEIC test. This User Guide describes the uses of the TOEIC test and explains how it is administered. TOEIC program sta˜ located around the world are available to explain how to use the TOEIC test most e˜ectively, whether it is to help develop language assessment, training and recruiting policies, or simply to answer questions that arise after reading this guide. Companies around the world have come to recognize that English-language pro˚ciency is a key to global competitiveness. The TOEIC® (Test of English for International Communication Ž) test is a valuable management tool that enables organizations to evaluate English-language competence almost anywhere in the world. As with other competencies, fi If you can measure it, you can manage it. fl For further information or to make testing arrangements, please contact an ETS Preferred Associate. A list of ETS Preferred Associates can be found on the web at .

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2Overview The TOEIC® Test The TOEIC® ( Test of English for International Communication Ž) test is an English language pro˚ciency test for people whose native language is not English. It measures the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment. TOEIC test scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in the global workplace. The test does not require specialized knowledge or vocabulary; it measures only the kind of English used in everyday work activities. The TOEIC test is the world™s leading test of English- language pro˚ciency in a workplace context. Thousands of corporations throughout the world use the TOEIC test and more than 5 million people take the test every year. Educational Testing Service At ETS, our mission is to advance quality and equity in education for all people worldwide. We help teachers teach, students learn, and parents measure the educational and intellectual progress of their children. We do this by: Ł Listening to educators, parents, and critics Ł Learning what students and their institutions need Ł Leading in the development of new and innova -tive products and services Our Mission: To advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, research, and related services. Our products and services measure knowledge and skills, promote learning and educational performance, and support education and professional development for all people worldwide. Our Vision: To be recognized as the global leader in providing fair and valid assessments, research, and related products and services to help individuals, parents, teachers, educational institutions, businesses, governments, countries, states, and school districts, as well as measurement specialists and researchers. Our Values: Social responsibility, equity, opportunity, and quality; we practice these values by listening to educators, parents, and critics. We learn what students and the institutions they attend need. We lead in the development of products and services to help teachers teach, students learn, and parents measure the intellectual progress of their children. Development of the TOEIC Test In 1979, representatives of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) approached ETS with a request for a full-range test of English pro˚ciency. The primary purpose of the test was to determine the pro˚ciency levels of employees, or potential employees, for human resource planning and development in the contexts of business, industry, and commerce. In addition, the test designers focused neither on fiAmerican Englishfl nor fiBritish English,fl but rather on fiinternational English,fl the language used by nonnative speakers of English communicating in English both with native speakers and with other nonnative speakers of English. The test had to be reliable and a˜ordable on a per-candidate basis, and easy to administer and score to ensure the broadest possible application. At MITI™s request, ETS sent a team of language specialists to Japan to study the English ability of international business people. Charged with the task of ascertaining the language that business people used in everyday work situations, the team observed English employed in a variety of settings. The studies were revealing. One important ˚nding was that the language of nonnative speakers clearly focuses on communication and is delivered with relatively few embellishments. For example, the least pro˚cient person present out of necessity invariably determines the level of English used in meetings. Nonnative English speakers use fewer idiomatic expressions. They employ technical terminology only when necessary. Furthermore, they tend to use fewer complex grammatical structures, even though the more capable speakers in the studies were capable of speaking quite impressively. The language specialists also noted that the business people seldom need to read very long narratives. Instead, the international business community receives much of its English-language exposure from letters, and memoranda, and other short texts. The language used on the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test re˛ects these ˚ndings. Both the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC L&R test incorporate stimulus material found in the business world. The test avoids esoteric, low-frequency, and highly technical vocabulary. While the vocabulary and structures found in the Reading section of the TOEIC test are more di˝cult than the vocabulary and structures found in the Listening section, it should be noted that when TOEIC Overview

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3Overview (continued) low-frequency vocabulary or structures do appear, they are typical of the international workplace. The TOEIC Listening and Reading test has recently been updated. The new test features the same testing time (2 hours, 45 minutes for Listening and 75 minutes for Reading), the same paper-and-pencil Who Takes the TOEIC Test? Ł Personnel who use English in real-life work settings, such as businesses, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, international meetings, conventions, and sports events Ł Managerial, sales, and technical employees in international business, commerce, and industry who require English to communicate in their workplace Ł Individuals preparing to enter the workplace administration and the same range of di˝culty as the previous form of the test. The score scale is also the same, and scores can be compared across both versions of the test. The following charts outline the major test changes with the 2006 redesign: Why Take the TOEIC Test? The TOEIC test is the choice of nearly ˚ve million test takers a year and is recognized by thousands of corporations around the world. As a fair and objective measure of English pro˚ciency, the TOEIC test will help test takers: Ł Verify current English pro˚ciency levels Ł Qualify for a new position and/or promotion in a company Ł Enhance professional credentials Ł Monitor progress in English Ł Set individual learning goals Ł Involve employers in advancing their employees™ English ability TOEIC TEST UPDATED TOEIC TEST Listening Comprehension: 100 items Listening Comprehension: 100 items Photographs: 10 questions Photographs: 6 questions Question-Response: 30 questions Question-Response: 25 questions Short Conversations: 30 questions; 10 conversations with 3 questions eachConversations: 39 questions; 13 conversations with 3 questions eachTalks: 30 questions; 10 talks with 3 questions each Talks: 30 questions; 10 talks with 3 questions each TOEIC TEST UPDATED TOEIC TEST Reading Comprehension: 100 items Reading Comprehension: 100 items Incomplete Sentences: 40 questions Incomplete Sentences: 30 questions Text Completion: 12 questions Text Completion: 16 questions Single Passages: 28 questions; 7Œ10 reading texts with 2Œ5 questions each Single Passage: 29 questions (10 reading texts with 2-4 questions each)Double Passages: 20 questions; 4 pairs of reading texts with 5 questions per pair Multiple Passages: 25 questions (5 sets of double or triple passages with 5 questions per set) TOEIC Overview

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5TOEIC Test Content and Format (continued) Attention can then be focused on the questions themselves, rather than on the format. The Examinee Handbook provides information about the test and familiarizes test takers with the content and format of the test so that they will be more at ease when taking the test. In addition, test takers are encouraged to immerse themselves in the language as frequently and in as many ways as possible if it has been some time since they have had contact with English. Reading, watching TV and videos, listening to tapes, taking an English course, and speaking with friends and colleagues are some ways to practice English. Preparing to Take the TOEIC Test The TOEIC test is not based on the content of any particular English course, but rather on the test- taker™s pro˚ciencyŠthe overall ability to use English. Improvement in pro˚ciency may take some time and is generally achieved through a combination of practice and study. Before taking the TOEIC test, it is important to become familiar with the test format and how to mark the answers on the answer sheet. English-language pro˚ciency available, the TOEIC program continuously reviews and re˚nes procedures to increase the security of the test before, during, and after administrations. Test Center Procedures The following procedures and regulations apply during the entire test session, which begins when test takers are admitted to the test center and ends when they leave the test center. Ł No test taker will be admitted after test materials have been distributed. Ł Books, dictionaries, papers, notes, rulers, calculators, watch alarms, cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, listening, recording, scanning or photographic devices, highlighters or aids of any kind are not allowed in the testing room. Ł Paper of any kind is not permitted in the testing room. Ł Test takers may not mark or underline words in the test book or make notes in the test book or on the answer sheet. Ł Test takers must have the test center administrator™s permission to leave the testing room. Any lost time cannot be made up. Ł There is no scheduled break during the TOEIC test. If a test taker must leave the testing room, s/he is required to give the test center administrator identi˚cation document(s) before leaving the room. It will not be possible to make up the time lost. At the conclusion of the test, the test taker will be required to return the test book and answer sheet to the test center administrator. Where is the Test O˚ered? The TOEIC test is available throughout the world. Testing can be arranged through corporations or other organizations that ask employees or job applicants to take the TOEIC test. In addition, many language-training programs and schools o˜er TOEIC testing. If testing is not available through a particular organization, contact the local ETS Preferred Associate to ˚nd out when and where to take the test. How Often Can the TOEIC Test Be Taken? TOEIC Public Testing is scheduled by the local ETS Preferred Associate. Contact your local ETS Preferred Associate for more information on test dates, locations and how to register. Institutional Testing is scheduled by the institution or sponsoring organization and can be taken as o˜ered. Test takers should contact the institution or sponsoring organization for more information. Institutions or sponsoring organizations should contact the local ETS Preferred Associate to arrange dates for testing. Test Security In administering a worldwide testing program, the TOEIC program and its local ETS Preferred Associates consider the maintenance of security at testing centers to be of utmost importance. To o˜er score users the most valid and reliable measurements of Administration of the TOEIC Test Administration of the TOEIC Test

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6Dismissal from Test Session A test center administrator is authorized to dismiss a test taker from a test session, and/or scores may be withheld, ultimately canceled and test fees forfeited for any actions that violate the policies and procedures set forth herein and/or communicated at the test center including, without limitation, the following: Ł Attempting to take the test, or taking the test, for someone else or having someone else take the test for you Ł Failing to provide acceptable identi˚cation as described herein, including refusal to allow a photograph and/or ˚ngerprint to be taken Ł Obtaining improper access to the test, a part of the test, or information about the test (this includes having test questions or answers in advance of the test administration and bringing preknowledge of test information into the test center in any form including, but not limited to, identi˚cation documents, prohibited devices and any other method listed as an aid in connection to the test) Ł Having a cell phone, smartphone (e.g., Android, BlackBerry or iPhone), tablet, PDA or any other electronic, listening, recording, scanning or photographic device in the test center. If you are found to be in possession of any of these devices before, during or after the test administration, your device may be inspected and/or con˚scated and you will be dismissed from the test. Your test fees will be forfeited and your scores will be canceled, even if dismissal is not enforced on the day of the test. Ł Creating a disturbance (Disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated. The test center administrator has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior) Ł Attempting to give or receive assistance (Communication in any form is not permitted during the test administration. Discussion or sharing of test content or answers during the test administration, during breaks and after the test is prohibited.) Ł Removing or attempting to remove test content, from the test center (Under no circumstances may test content or any part of the test content be removed, reproduced and/or disclosed by any means [e.g., hard copy, verbally, electronically] to any person or entity.) Ł Tampering with a computer Ł Attempting to remove scratch paper or a portion of scratch paper from the testing room or using scratch paper before the test, during untimed sections or during breaks Ł Bringing a weapon or ˚rearm into the test center Ł Bringing food, drinks, or tobacco into the testing room unless you have received prior approval due to a disability or health-related need Ł Leaving the test center building during the test session or during breaks Ł Leaving the testing room without permission Ł Taking excessive or extended unscheduled breaks during the test session (Test center administrators are required to strictly monitor unscheduled breaks and report test takers who take excessive or extended breaks.) Ł Referring to, looking through, or working on any test or test section when not authorized to do so, or working after time has been called Ł Failing to follow any of the test administration regulations in the examinee handbook, given by the test center administrator, or speci˚ed in any test materials ETS and the EPA reserve the right to take any and all actions Š including, but not limited to, barring you from future testing and/or withholding or canceling your scores Š for failure to comply with test administration regulations or the test administrator™s directions or where the validity of the scores is questionable. If your scores are canceled, they will not be reported, and your registration and test fees will not be refunded. Identi˛cation Requirements All test takers must read Part 1. Depending on whether you will be taking the test within or outside your country of citizenship, you must also read either Part 2 or Part 3, as appropriate. Part 1: Information for All Test Takers Ł You must have acceptable and valid ID with a signature and photograph to be admitted to a test center. Expired documents are not acceptable. The photograph on your ID document must be recent and recognizable. Original documents must be presented; copies are not acceptable. Identi˚cation requirements are strictly enforced. It is your responsibility to read and understand the instructions and requirements. Administration of the TOEIC Test (continued) Administration of the TOEIC Test

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7Ł If you don™t have one primary ID with both a photograph and a signature, you may present two primary government-issued IDs without signatures. Ł If you arrive at the test center without the required identi˚cation, the test administrator will not admit you, you cannot take the test, and you forfeit your test fee. When registering for the test, you must use exactly the same name that appears on the primary identi˛cation document you will present at the test center . Make sure to provide your entire ˚rst (given name) and entire surname (family name). Do not register under a nickname. If the name shown on your primary identi˚cation does not match the name used at registration, you will not be permitted to take the test. Check the name on your registration con˚rmation document. If the name does not match the name on your primary ID document, contact your local ETS Preferred Associate. Ł Only misspellings of your name can be corrected at check-in — name changes will not be made. If your name has changed for any reason, including marriage, you must still present primary identi˚cation in the name under which you registered, or you will not be permitted to take the test. Ł If the test center administrator questions the ID you present, you will be required to present additional proof of identity. Ł If positive con˚rmation cannot be made, you may be refused admission to the test center and forfeit your test fee. Admittance to the test center does not imply that your form of identi˚cation is valid or that your scores will be reported. All reported cases of questionable ID are subject to review and approval by the ETS O˝ce of Testing Integrity and/or the local EPA. Ł Test center personnel will check your identi˚cation before assigning you a seat at the test center. The administrator will check your signature to verify that you are the person in your photo identi˚cation. Ł The photograph on your ID document must be recent and recognizable. For example, a ten-year- old photograph taken during childhood is not acceptable. Acceptable Primary Identi˛cation Documents Ł Passport with photograph and signature Ł Driver™s license with photograph and signature Ł State identi˚cation with photograph and signature Ł National identi˚cation with photograph and signature Ł Military identi˚cation with photograph and signature Acceptable Secondary Identi˛cation Documents If your primary identi˚cation is missing either a photograph or signature, you must present one of the following secondary IDs that can be used to meet the photograph or signature requirement; you must present one of the following secondary IDs in addition to your primary ID. Secondary IDs that can be used to meet the photograph or signature requirements are: Ł A government-issued identi˚cation document that has not expired including, but not limited to, a passport, driver™s license, state identi˚cation, national identi˚cation, or military identi˚cation. (There are some exceptions: see fiUnacceptable Identi˚cation Documentsfl below.) Ł Student ID Unacceptable Identi˛cation Documents Ł Any expired ID Ł Draft classi˚cation card Ł Credit or debit card of any kind Ł Social Security card Ł Learner™s permit or any temporary identi˚cation document Ł International driver™s license Ł International student ID Ł Notary-prepared letter or document Ł Employee identi˚cation card Ł Birth certi˚cate Ł Photocopy of ID If you cannot meet the speci˚ed ID requirements or if you have questions about ID, please contact your local ETS Preferred Associate before registering for the test. Administration of the TOEIC Test (continued) Administration of the TOEIC Test

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8Administration of the TOEIC Test (continued) Part 2: If Testing WITHIN Your Country of Citizenship Only one form of primary ID is needed if your primary ID document contains a photograph and signature. Please see the list of acceptable primary ID documents on the previous page. However, if the test administrator has any concerns about the primary ID document, you will be required to present a secondary ID from the list on the previous page. If your primary ID does not contain your signature, you must either sign the document or present an additional ID from the list of secondary identi˚cation documents. The secondary ID cannot be expired and must contain a recent, recognizable photograph and your signature. If you do not have an ID with a photograph and a signature, then you must present two primary ID documents with a photograph. Part 3: If Testing OUTSIDE Your Country of Citizenship You must present your passport as your primary identi˚cation document (citizens of European, Schengen Zone, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Arab Countries or Mercosur Countries, see special requirements on this page). If you do not meet this requirement, your test scores may not be reported. If your passport is not written in English-language letters , you must also present an additional ID from the list of secondary identi˚cation documents (see fiAcceptable Secondary Identi˚cation Documentsfl on previous page) that contains a recent, recognizable photograph and is in English. If your passport does not contain your signature , you must either sign your passport or present an additional ID from the list of secondary identi˚cation documents (see fiAcceptable Secondary Identi˚cation Documentsfl on page 7). United States military personnel may present their United States military ID cards for admission to test centers. If a military ID card does not contain a photograph and signature, a secondary ID is also required. Testing in European Union/Schengen Zone/Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Arab Countries or Mercosur Countries If you are testing in a European Union, Schengen Zone, Mercosur or Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) country other than the one where you reside, you can use your valid national or European identity card, if you have one. The card must contain your name, a recent, recognizable photograph, your date of birth and your signature. If this ID does not contain all of these elements, you will be required to present a supplemental ID. Disabilities The TOEIC Program and its local ETS Preferred Associates, in response to requests from individuals with disabilities, will make special arrangements with test center administrators, where local conditions permit, to administer the TOEIC test with accommodations. Among the accommodations that can be provided are extended testing time, breaks, test reader, sign language interpreter, other aids customarily used by the test taker, large print, nonaudio (without oral stimulus) and Braille versions of the test. All requests for accommodations must be approved in accordance with TOEIC policies and procedures. These procedures are located on the web at . Testing Irregularities fiTesting irregularitiesfl refers to irregularities in connection with the administration of a test, such as equipment failure, improper access to test content by individuals or groups of test takers, and other disruptions of test administrations (natural disasters and other emergencies). When testing irregularities occur, ETS and its local ETS Preferred Associates give a˜ected test takers the opportunity to take the test again as soon as possible without charge. Administration of the TOEIC Test

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