Aug 30, 2021 — Should we be screening employees for COVID-19 symptoms (such as temperature checks)? What is the best way to do.
169 pages

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Quick Reference Guide By Subject 1 January 10, 2022 TOPIC PAGE Animals 14 Businesses 22 Community Events/Mass Gatherings for Event Organizers 38 COVID -19 Basics 42 Funerals and COVID -19 43 General Public Questions 45 Healthcare Professionals Questions 50 How COVID -19 Spreads 58 How To Protect Yourself 62 Laboratory Information 69 Long -term Care Facilities/Nursing Homes 73 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Settings – Gloves 75 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Settings – Gowns 76 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Settings – Respirators 79 Pregnant Women/Infants 83 Schools and Childcare Facilities 85 Symptom s & Testing 95 Testing Guidance for Call Center Staff 97 Testing Approval 98 Travel 102 Water Transmission and COVID -19 113 Travel Within Missouri and the United States 115 Children and COV ID-19 118 Mental Health 123 Coroners and Medical Examiners 126 Making or Selling Items to Assist With The COVID -19 Response 127 Masks 128 Case Count Information 130 Testing Sites Information 131 Healthcare Professionals Œ Obstetrical Care 132 Plasma Donations 134 Groups at Higher Risk for Severe Illness 135 Children and Youth With Special Healthcare Needs 140 Show -Me Strong Recovery Plan: Phase I 143 Cleaning and Disinfection 146 Community Mitigation 149 Healthcare Professionals Œ Patients With Persistent Or Recurrent Positive Tests 150 Contact Tracing 154 Flu Shot Information 158 COVID -19 Vaccine Information 160

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 2 January 10, 2022 Subject Page Questi on# ANIMALS 14 Can I get COVID -19 from my pets or other animals? 14 1 Should I avoid contact with pets or other animals if I am sick with COVID -19? 14 2 What about imported animals or animal products? 14 3 Can I travel to the United States with dogs or import dogs into the United States during the COVID -19 outbreak? 14 4 What precautions should be taken for animals that have recent ly been imported (for example, by shelters, rescue groups, or as personal pets) from China? 14 5 What can I do now to be prepared to take care of my pets if the COVID -19 threat gets worse in the future? 14 6 Do I need to get my pet tested for COVID -19? 15 7 Can animals carry the virus that causes COVID -19 on their skin or fur? 15 8 Are pets from a shelter safe to adopt? 15 9 What animals can get COVID -19? 15 10 Can I walk my dog? 16 11 What should I do if my pet gets sick and I think it™s COVID -19? 16 12 Can wild animals spread the virus that causes COVID -19 to people or pets? 17 13 Can bats in United States get the virus that causes COVID -19, and can they spread it back to people? 17 14 Should I worry about my pet cat? 18 15 Is hunter -harvested game meat safe to eat during the COVID -19 pandemic? 18 16 Can I take my dog to daycare or a groomer? 28 17 Can I take my dog to a dog park ? 19 18 What should I do if there are pets at my long -term care facility or assisted living facility? 20 19 Can I use hand sanitizer on pets? 20 20 Can the virus that causes COVID -19 get back into the environment from wastewater and infect wildlife? 20 21 BUSINESSES 22 What should I do if an employee comes to work with COVID -19 symptoms (fever, cough, or shortness of breath)? 22 1 What should I do if an employee is suspected or confirmed to have COVID -19? 22 2 If employees have been exposed but are not showing symptoms, should I allow them to work? 23 3 What should I do if I find out several days later, after an employee worked, that they were diagnosed with COVID -19? 23 4 When should an employee suspected or confirmed to have COVID -19 return to work? 24 5 What should I do if an employee has a respiratory illness? 24 6 What does fiacutefl respiratory illness mean? 24 7 Are allergy symptoms considered an acute respiratory illness 24 8 How do I keep employees who interact with customers safe? 24 9 What can be done to protect employees who cannot maintain social distancin g of at least 6 feet from other employees or customers? 25 10 How can I help protect employees who may be at higher risk for severe illness 27 11 When is a cloth face covering not appropriate while at work, and what can employees wear instead? 27 12 What does source control mean? 27 13 Are masks the same as personal protective equipment (PPE)? 27 14 How should masks worn at work be handled, stored, and washed? 27 15 How often should my employees wash their hands while at work? 28 16 What can I tell my employees about reducing the spread of COVID -19 at work? 28 17 Should we be screening employees for COVID -19 symptoms (such as temperature checks)? What is the best way to do that? 28 18 How do I handle personal protective equipment (PPE) waste? 30 19 What is social distancing and how can my workplace do that? 30 20

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 3 January 10, 2022 I don™t provide paid sick leave to my employees. What should I do? 31 21 Should I require employees to provide a doctor™s note or positive COVID -19 test result? 31 22 Should I cancel my meetings and conferences? 31 23 What measures should be taken to protect an employee who must travel for work? 31 24 How do I clean and disinfect machinery or equipment? 32 25 How can I safely use cleaning chemicals? 32 26 In addition to cleaning and disinfecting, what can I do to decrease the spread of disease in my workplace? 33 27 Should I adjust my ventilation system? 33 28 Ho w should restrooms be cleaned and disinfected? 33 29 If I shut down my facility as a result of a COVID -19 case or outbreak, what is the recommended way to clean and disinfect, and what is the appropriate timeframe to resume operations? 33 30 Does germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) disinfection kill the virus that causes COVID -19? 34 31 What are types of germicidal ultraviolet (GUV) for cleaning and disinfection in the workplace? 34 32 How do I know if my business is considered critical? 35 33 Should I allow critical infrastructure employees to work if they have been exposed but are not showing symptom s of COVID -19? 36 34 Is other specific CDC guidance available for critical infrastructure workplaces? 37 35 Can COVID -19 be transmitted through HVAC (ventilation) systems? 37 36 Who can businesses call for information about their options when it comes to closing down? 37 37 What additional resources are available for businesses? 37 38 COMMUNITY EVENTS/MASS GATHERINGS (FOR EVENT ORGANIZERS) 38 What actions should I take to plan for an outbreak? 38 1 How many guests can safely attend a conference, sporting event, concert, or other community event? 38 2 Does CDC have recommendations on how to maintain 6 feet between attendees during events? 38 3 Should organizers test all attendees and staff for COVID -19 before they can enter an event? 38 4 Does CDC recommend all event attendees wear masks? 39 5 What actions can staff and attendees take to prevent the spread of COVID -19? 39 6 How should staff clean the facility before and during the event to limit spread of the virus? 39 7 What are things to consider when determining if an event needs to be postponed or canceled? 40 8 Is there information I can share with staff and attendees about COVID -19? 40 9 What steps should I take if an attendee or staff person develops symptoms of COVID -19 while at the event? 40 10 What is the best way to clean and disinfect the event space after a confirmed case of COVID -19 at my event? 41 11 COVID -19 BASICS 42 What is a novel coronavirus? 42 1 What is the source of the virus? 42 2 Why is the disease being called coronavirus disease 2019, COVID -19? 42 3 FUNERALS AND COVID -19 43 Am I at risk if I go to a funeral or visitation service for someone who died of COVID -19? 43 1 What should I do if my family member died from COVID -19 while overseas? 43 2 My family member died from COVID -19 while overseas. What are the requirements for returning the body to the United States? 43 3 What guidance has DHSS provided regarding funerals during the COVID -19 pandemic? 43 4 How can loved ones safely handle belongings of someone who died from COVID -19? 44 5 GENERAL PUBLIC QUESTIONS 45 Can I have COVID -19 and not know it? 45 1 Should I get screened if I™m asymptomatic but think I may have been exposed to COVID -19? 45 2 When will a medication for this virus be available? 45 3 Can I get the virus from air pockets in the packaging material in a package from China? 45 4 Can I get the virus from eating at a Chinese/Italian/Japanese restaurant? 46 5

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 4 January 10, 2022 How do I protect myself and my family from this virus? 47 6 Is it safe to donate blood or platelets or have a blood transfusion? 47 7 How can I differentiate between the common cold, flu, allergies, and COVID -19? 47 8 How can I check to see if I have symptoms of the coronavirus (COVID_19)? 47 9 Where can I get data on the number of cases of COVID -19 in Missouri? 48 10 Where can people who don™t have a doctor or health insurance go if they have symptoms and want to see about getting tested? 48 11 Who can I call with questions about unemployment and if I qualify for benefits? 48 12 Who can I call with questions or concerns about worker safety? 48 13 Who can I call with questions or concerns about COVID -19 in meat processing/packing plants in Missouri? 48 14 Are swabs that use ethylene oxide as a sterilizer safe to use for nasal swabs to test for COVID -19? Isn™t ethylene oxide a cancer -causing agent? 48 15 16) Why shouldn™t I let my natural immunity from a previous COVID -19 infection protect me from being infected again? How do I know the vaccine won™t interfere with the strength of my natural immunity? 49 16 17) Will Missouri accept religious exemption from the COVID -19 vaccine? 49 17 18) Can I take Ivermectin to treat/prevent COVID -19 infection? 49 18 HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS 50 Who is at risk for COVID -19? 50 1 Who is at risk for severe disease from COVID -19? 50 2 If my patient has one of the underlying medical conditions listed, what is my patient™s risk and what should I tell my patient? 50 3 When is someone infectious? 51 4 Which body fluids can spread infection? 51 5 Can people who recover from COVID -19 be infected again? 51 6 How do you test a patient for infection with SARS -CoV -2? 51 7 Do existing commercially available multiple respiratory virus panels, such as those manufactured by Biofire or Genmark, detect SARS -CoV -2? 52 8 If a patient tests positive for another respiratory virus, should that exclude SARS -CoV -2 as a cause of illness? 52 9 Should chest CT be used for diagnosis of COVID -19? 52 10 How is COVID -19 treated? 52 11 Should post -exposure prophylaxis be used for people who may have been exposed to COVID -19? 53 12 Whom should healthcare providers notify if they suspect a patient has COVID -19? 53 13 Do patients with confirmed o r suspected COVID -19 need to be admitted to the hospital? 53 14 When can patients with confirmed COVID -19 be discharged from the hospital? 53 15 Are pregnant healthcare personnel at increased risk for adverse outcomes if they care for patients with COVID -19? 54 16 Is there any guidance on the use of homemade masks? 54 17 Are empiric antibiotics recommended for patients suspected of having COVID -19? 54 18 What antiviral drugs are available to treat COVID -19? 54 19 Should angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE -I) or Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB) be stopped in patients with COVID -19? 55 20 Do nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) worsen the course of disease for people with COVID -19? 55 21 Where should healthcare providers report deaths related to COVID -19? 55 22 Are there work restrictions recommended for HCP with underlying health conditions who may care for COVID -19 patients? What about for pregnant HCP? 55 23 I am a HCP living with someone who is at higher risk of severe illness from COVID -19. What precautions should I take? 56 24 What is multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS -C) and who is at risk? 56 25 How do you diagnose and report a potential case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS -C)? 56 26 If I have patients with asthma, do I need to make any changes to their daily asthma preventive management regimens to reduce their risk of getting sick with COVID -19? 56 27

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 5 January 10, 2022 Are patients with hypertension at higher risk for severe illness from COVID -19? 57 28 HOW COVID -19 SPREADS 58 How does the COVID -19 virus spread? 58 1 Can someone who has had COVID -19 spread the illness to others? 58 2 Can someone who has been quarantined for COVID -19 spread the illness to others? 58 3 What is a pandemic? 58 4 Can the virus that causes COVID -19 be spread through food, including refrigerated or frozen food? 59 5 What temperature kills the virus that causes COVID -19? 59 6 Can mosquitoes or ticks spread the virus that causes COVID -19? 59 7 How long do coronaviruses live on surfaces? 59 8 If I have recovered from COVID -19, will I be immune to it? 60 9 HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF 62 Am I at risk for being exposed to COVID -19 in the United States? 62 1 Can I get sick with COVID -19 if it is on food? 62 2 How can I help protect myself? 62 3 What should I do if I had close contact with someone who has COVID -19? 64 4 How can I prepare for an outbreak in my area? 65 5 Does CDC recommend the use of facemask to prevent COVID -19? 65 6 Should I wear a respirator in public? 66 7 Am I at risk for COVID -19 from a package or products shipping from China? 66 8 How do self -quarantine and isolation work? 66 9 Should I use soap and water or a hand sanitizer to protect against COVID -19? 67 10 What cleaning products should I use to protect against COVID -19? 67 11 Should I make my own sanitizer if I can™t find it in stores? 67 12 Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to prevent COVID -19? 67 13 Is contact lens disinfecting solution effective against COVID -19? 67 14 Are there any medications I should avoid taking if I have COVID -19? 68 15 Is it safe to get care for my other medical conditions during this time? 68 16 LABORATORY INFORMATION 69 How do I get a sample collection kit to submit an approved sample to test for COVID -19? 69 1 How do I properly collect an approved specimen for COVID -19 testing at the SPHL? 69 2 What type of specimens are approved for testing? 69 3 Will bacterial transport media work to ship a sample instead of viral transport media? 69 4 How do I fill out the laboratory forms to submit an approved specimen to the SPHL for COVID -19 testing? 69 5 How do I properly package an approved specimen for COVID -19 testing at the SPHL? 69 6 How do I properly ship an approved specimen for COVID -19 testing at the SPHL? 69 7 What forms need to be included with every sample shipped to the SPHL for testing? 70 8 How do I use the SPHL courier system? 70 9 How do I determine SPHL courier pick up time? 70 10 How do I contact the SPHL? 70 11 How do I find information about testing at the SPHL? 70 12 Do private laboratories provide testing for COVID -19? 70 13 What private laboratories are approved for testing? 70 14 How do I submit a sample to a private laboratory? 70 15 How do I order more sample collection kits from the SPHL? 70 16

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 6 January 10, 2022 How do I store a sample collection kit for future use? 71 17 How do I store a sample after it has been collected? 71 18 How soon do I have to ship a sample? 71 19 How long until I get a result? 71 20 How will we be notified of a laboratory result from the SPHL 71 21 I have missed the courier, what should I do to ship my approved sample to the SPHL for testing? 71 22 I am at the laboratory with an after hour sample delivery that we self -couriered after business hours, what should I do? 71 23 What is the address of the SPHL? 71 24 Where can I find information about the SPHL courier? 71 25 Where can I find information about the SPHL weekend courier? 71 26 Do I need to freeze my sample before shipment? 72 27 Is there SPHL Saturday courier service? 72 28 What kind of sample do I collect for approved COVID -19 testing at the SPHL? 72 29 Can I use my own collection supplies to submit an approved sample for COVID -19 testing at the SPHL? 72 30 Can I submit a sample for testing from someone who has died? 72 31 I am a county coroner, how do I make plans to respond and possibly collect a sample? 72 32 LONG -TERM CARE FACILITIES/NURSING HOMES 73 What should nursing facilities be doing to limit visitors? 73 1 What can family members do to support COVID -19 prevention in nursing facilities? 74 2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) FOR HEALTHCARE SETTINGS – GLOVES 75 What type of glove is recommended to care for suspected or confirmed COVID -19 patients in healthcare settings? 75 1 What standards should be considered when choosing gloves? 75 2 Is double gloving necessary when caring for suspected or confirmed CoVID -19 patients in healthcare settings? 75 3 Are extended length gloves necessary when caring for suspected or confirmed COVID -19 patients in healthcare settings? 75 4 How I do put on (don) and take off (doff) my gloves? 75 5 Who should a hospital or healthcare provider contact for information on getting PPE? 75 6 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) FOR HEALTHCARE SETTINGS – GOWNS 76 What testing and standards should I consider when looking for CDC -recommended protective clothing? 76 1 What type of gown is recommended for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID -19? 76 2 What types of gowns are available for healthcare personnel to protect from COVID -19? 76 3 What is the difference between gowns and coveralls? 76 4 How do I put on (don) and take off (doff) my gown? 77 5 Is it acceptable for emergency medical services to wear coveralls as an alternative to gowns when COVID -19 is suspected in a patient needing emergency transport? 77 6 Who should a hospital or healthcare provider contact for information on getting PPE? 77 7 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) FOR HEALTHCARE SETTINGS – RESPIRATORS 79 What is the latest guidance from CDC on the use of facemasks and respirators for Healthcare Professionals? 79 1 What is a respirator? 79 2 What is an N95 filtering facepiece respirator (FFR)? 79 3 What makes N95 respirators different from facemasks (sometimes called a surgical mask)? 80 4 What is a Surgical N95 respirator and who needs to wear it? 80 5 My employees complain that Surgical N95 respirators are hot and uncomfortable Œ what can I do? 80 6 My N95 respirator has an exhalation valve, is that okay? 80 7 How can I tell if a respirator is NIOSH -approved? 81 8 How do I know if my respirator is expired? 81 9 What do I do with an expired respirator? 81 10 What methods should healthcare facilities consider in order to avoid unintentional loss of PPE during COVID -19? 81 11 Who should a hospital or healthcare provider contact for information on getting PPE? 81 12 Where can I get more information about the PPE decontamination system? 82 13

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 8 January 10, 2022 How can I get tested for a current infection (viral test) and what does my test mean? 99 6 How can I get tested for a past infection (antibody test) and what does my test mean? 99 7 Can someone test negative and later test positive on a viral test for COVID -19? 100 8 Where should the results of COVID -19 antibody testing be sent? 100 9 TRAVEL 102 Should I avoid traveling internationally? 102 1 If I travel, what steps should I take to help reduce my chances of getting sick or getting someone else sick? 102 2 Should I delay going on a cruise? 103 3 Can flying on an airplane increase increase my risk of getting COVID -19? 104 4 What happens if there is a sick passenger on an international or domestic flight? 104 5 What if I recently traveled and get sick? 104 6 When can I return to work after international travel? 107 7 Do I have to wear a mask when I travel? 108 8 What can I expect when arriving to the United States? 108 9 How can I protect myself from COVID -19 when using different types of transportation? 108 10 Does CDC require that travelers get a test before entering the United States? 109 11 Does CDC require quarantine after international travel? 109 12 What steps should I take before and during international travel? 110 13 Can people who have recently recovere d from COVID -19 travel? 111 14 Is the standard white vaccination card for COVID -19 vaccination the recommended proof of vaccination for international travel? What about the new SMART Health Card? 112 15 WATER TRANSMISSION AND COVID -19 113 Can the COVID -19 virus spread through drinking water? 113 1 Is the COVID -19 virus found in feces (stool)? 113 2 Can the virus that causes COVID -19 spread through pools, hot tubs, spas, and water play areas? 113 3 Can the COVID -19 virus spread through sewerage systems? 113 4 Should wastewater workers take extra precautions to protect thems elves from the COVID -19 virus? 113 5 If my utility has issued a Boil Water Advisory, can I still use tap water to wash my hands? 114 6 Can the virus that causes COVID -19 spread to people through floodwater? 114 7 TRAVEL WITHIN MISSOURI AND THE UNITED STATES 115 What is some basic advice about travel by car and air? 115 1 What things should I consider if I must travel? 115 2 What percautions should I take if I have to stay in temporary accommodations like a hotel, motel or rental properties? 115 3 What factors should I consider if I must take a road trip? 116 4 Is it safe to visit family or friends? 116 5 Is it safe to travel to campgrounds/go camping? 116 6 Am I required to quarantine after domestic travel? 117 7 CHILDREN AND COVID -19 118 What is the risk of my child becoming sick with COVID -19? 118 1 How can I protect my child from COVID -19 infection? 118 2 Are the symptoms of COVID -19 different in children than in adults? 118 3 Should children wear masks? 118 4 What is multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS -C) and who is at risk? 119 5 Can my child hang out with their friends? 119 6 How can I help my child continue learning? 119 7 Will kids have access to meals? 120 8 How can I keep my family healthy? 120 9 Should I limit time my children™s tim e with older adults, including relatives, and people with chronic medical conditions? 120 10

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 9 January 10, 2022 How do I prepare my children in case of COVID -19 outbreak in our community? 121 11 Should my infant or child be tested for SARS -CoV -2, the virus that causes COVID -19? 121 12 MENTAL HEALTH 123 How do people react to stressful situations like the COVID -19 pandemic? 123 1 What steps can I take to cope with the stress? 123 2 What can parents or caregivers do to reduce stress in children? 123 3 What can responders do to reduce the stress they may experience? 124 4 What feelings may people who have just been released from quarantine experience? 124 5 Who can people call if they are feeling anxious or tro ubled by the COVID -19 situation? 125 6 Who can people call if they are exhibiting signs of more serious mental illness or substance use issues ? 125 7 CORONERS and MEDICAL EXAMINERS 126 Do I need to test for COVID -19 on a deceased body ? 126 1 MAKING Or SELLING ITEMS TO ASSIST WITH The COVID -19 RESPONSE 127 Who should people contact if they want to make or sell PPE? 127 1 Who should businesses contact if they want to make or create something to help with the pandemic response ? 127 2 MASKS 128 What is being recommended for masks? 128 1 Why is this being recommended now? 128 2 How should I wear a cloth face covering? 128 3 How do I make a cloth face covering? 128 4 How do I take off and clean my face covering? 128 5 What else should I be doing to limit the spread of COVID -19? 128 6 What precautions should I know about? 129 7 How should an employer use this guidance? 129 8 CASE COUNT INFORMATION 130 Where can I get data on the number of cases of COVID -19 in Missouri? 130 1 Why do some state™s COVID -19 case numbers sometimes differ from what is posted on CDC™s website? 130 3 How do CDC™s COVID -19 case numbers compare with those provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) or Johns Hopkins? 130 4 Why do the number of cases listed on the CDC™s webpage for previous days increase? 130 5 TESTING SITES INFORMATION 131 Where can I find a list of private test sites? 131 1 Who can I contact about test results for tests done at private test sites? 131 2 What are community testing events and who is eligible to be tested? 131 3 What is the schedule for upcoming community testing events and where can I register ? 131 4 HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Œ OBSTETRICAL C ARE 132 Does CDC recommend use of facemasks or respirators for healthcare personnel (HCP) caring for pregnant patients with known or suspected COVID -19 infection? 132 1 How should the use of N95 respirators be prioritized within obstetric healthcare settings during shortage s? 132 2 Is forceful exhalation during the second stage of labor considered an aerosol -generating procedure for respirator prioritization during shortages? 132 3 Is use of high -flow oxygen considered an aerosol -generating procedure for respirator prioritization durig shortages? 132 4 Should intrapartum fever be considered as a possible sign of COVID -19 infection? 133 5 What guidance is available for labor and delivery HCP with potential exposure in a healthcare setting to patients with COVID -19 infection? 133 6 PLASMA DONATIONS 134 What is the purpose of donating plasma? 134 1 Who can be evaluated for eligibility to donate plasma? 134 2

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 10 January 10, 2022 Who should I contact about donating plasma? 134 3 Where can I get more information about plasma donation? 134 4 GROUPS at HIGHER RISK for SEVERE I LLNESS 135 Who is at higher risk for serious illness from COVID -19? 135 1 How were the underlying conditions selected? 135 2 What does well controlled mean? 135 3 What does more severe illness mean? 136 4 Are people with disabilities at higher risk? 136 5 What should people at higher risk of serious illness with COVID -19 do? 136 6 Am I at higher risk if I have moderate to severe asthma and what actions should I take? 136 7 Am I at higher risk if I have chronic lung disease and what actions should I take? 137 8 Am I at higher risk if I have diabetes and what actions should I take? 137 9 Am I at higher risk if I have a serious heart condition and what actions should I take? 137 10 Am I at higher risk if I have a chronic kidney disease and what actions should I take 137 11 Am I at higher risk if I am severely obese and what actions should I take? 138 12 Am I at higher risk if I am aged 65 years and older and what actions should I take? 138 13 Am I at higher risk if I live in a nursing home or long -term care facility and what actions should I take? 138 14 Am I at higher risk if I am immunocompromised and what actions should I take? 138 15 Am I at higher risk if I have liver disease and what a ctions should I take? 139 16 Are people with high blood pressure (hypertension) at higher risk from COVID -19? 139 17 CHILDREN and YOUTH WITH SPECIAL HEALTHCARE NEEDS 140 Is my child with an underlying medical condition or special healthcare need at higher risk for severe illness from COVID -19? 140 1 What additional steps should famil ies that have a child with an underlying medical condition or special health care need take? 140 2 What can I do if my child has difficulties adjusting to new routines and following recommendations? 141 3 How can my family cope with the added stress? 141 4 What if my child or someone else in the home is sick with symptoms of COVID -19? 142 5 What if my child™s symptoms of their underlying medical condition or complex, chronic medical condition get worse? 142 6 What if my child needs to go to the hospital ? 142 7 SHOW -ME STRONG RECOVERY PLAN: PHASE I 143 What if my job requires me to be within six feet (6™) of another employee and/or customer? 143 1 My business has a public waiting room with congregate seating. Should I limit access to it? 143 2 Does this order prevent me from receiving non -emergency healthcare, such as a routine eye exam or dental care? 143 3 May food courts and restaurants open their dining rooms? 143 4 How do these guidelines apply to childcare facilities? 143 5 May I attend service at my place of worship? 143 6 Will I still be able to participate in my local parks and recreation organized activities and/or camps this summer? 143 7 Can I attend an event at a large venue or stadium, or go to a movie theater? 144 8 What enhanced precautionary measures could be taken to mitigate the risks of contracting or spreading COVID -19? 144 9 Can I attend my annual county fair? 144 10 May I visit a loved one in a nursing home? 145 11 Where can I get information regarding Missouri State Parks? 145 12 Where can I get information about Missouri™s gaming boats? 145 13 Can I attend gatherings during the holidays? 145 14 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION 146 What is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting? 146 1 What is routine cleaning? How frequently should facilities be cleaned to reduce the potential spread of COVID -19? 146 2

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Quick Reference Guide By Question 11 January 10, 2022 Is cleaning alone effective against the virus that causes COVID -19? 146 3 Who should clean and disinfect community spaces? 146 4 How long do companies need to close for disinfection after an exposure? How long before other workers can come back to work? 146 5 How effective are alternative disinfection methods, such as ultrasonic waves, high intensity UV radiation, and LED blue light? 146 6 Should outdoor playgrounds, like those at schools or in parks, be cleaned and disinfected to prevent COVID -19? 146 7 Can sanitizing tunnels be used at building entrances or exits to prevent the spread of COVID -19? 147 8 Should sidewalks and roads be disinfected to prevent COVID -19? 147 9 Is it safe to vacuum in a school, business, or community facility after someone with suspected or confirmed COVID -19 has been present? 147 10 Do car seats and booster seats need extra cleaning and disinfection to prevent spread of COVID -19? If so, how should car seats and booster seats be cleaned and disinfected? 147 11 Do disinfectants kill new strains of COVID -19? 148 12 COMMUNITY MITIGATION 149 What is community mitigation? 149 1 What are community mitigation actions for COVID -19? 149 2 HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Œ PATIENTS with PERSISTENT or RECURRENT POSITIVE T ESTS 150 What do we know about detection of SARS -CoV -2 RNA after clinical recovery from COVID -19? 150 1 Are clinically recovered persons infectious to others if they test persistently or recurrently positive for SARS -CoV -2 RNA? 150 2 Can cycle threshold (C t) values be used to assess when a person is no longer infectious? 150 3 What further evidence is needed to be reassured that persistent or recurrent shedding of SARS -CoV -2 RNA after recovery does not represent the presence of infectious virus? 151 4 Can viral culture be used to demonstrate that a person who had persistently or recurrently detectable viral RNA is not infectious to others? 151 5 A person who previously tested positive by RT -PCR for SARS -CoV -2 and clinically recovered from COVID -19 is later tested again, for example as part of a contract tracing investigation. If that person again tests positive by RT -PCR, should they be managed as potentially infectious to others, and isolated again for COVID -19? 151 6 If a previously infected person has clinically recovered but later develops symptoms consistent with COVID -19, should the person be isolated again and tested for SARS -CoV -2? 151 7 If an infected person has clinically recovered and then later is identified as a contact of a new case, do they need to be quarantined? 152 8 If an infected person has clinically recovered using the symptom -based strategy, do they need a test of cure? 152 9 If an infected person has clinically recovered, should the pers on continue to wear a cloth face covering in public? 153 10 What should I do if I suspect a potential case of reinfection? 153 11 CONTACT TRACING 154 What is contact tracing? 154 1 Who is considered a close contact to someone with COVID -19? 154 2 What will happen during contact tracing if I am diagnosed with COVID -19? 154 3 What will happen during contact tracing if I have been around someone with COVID -19? 155 4 Am I considered a close contact if I was wearing a cloth face covering? 155 5 What will happen with my personal information during contact tracing? What if I have been around someone who was identified as a close contact? I was recently around someone who has COVID -19, but I feel fine. Why should I stay at home? 156 6 156 7 156 8 Will there be a national app for contact tracing? 156 9 If I participate in contact tracing for COVID -19 using a digital tool, is my personal health information secure? 156 10 Will I be required to download a contact tracing app for COVID -19 on my phone? 157 11 I was around someone who has COVID -19, and my COVID -19 test came back negative. Do I still need to quarantine for 14 days after I was last exposed ? 157 12 FLU SHOT INFORMATION 158

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