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DATE ISSUED: August 24, 2017 REPORT NO. P C-17-063 HEARING DATE: August 31, 2017 SUBJECT: T-MOBILE EIDER STREET . Process Four Decision PROJECT NUMBER: 413097 OWNER/ APPLICANT: Robert N. Miller/T -Mobile SUMMARY Issue : Should the Planning Commission approve a Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) on the south side of Eider Street, northeast of Scimitar Drive (new address 6365 Eider Street) in the Encanto Neighborhoods Community Planning area? Staff Recommendation : Approve Conditional Use Permit No. 1980526 and Site Development Permit No. 1980528. Community Planning Group Recommendation : On March 20, 2017, the Encanto Neighborhood Community Planning Group voted 6 -1-1 to deny the T -Mobile Eider Street project due to the lo cation in a residential zone (Attachment 11) . Environmental Review : This project was determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article 19 Section 1530 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). This project is not pending an appeal of the environmental determination. The environmental exemption determination for this project was made on June 26, 2017 , and the opportunity to appeal that determination ended July 11, 2017 (Attachment 7) . Fiscal Impact Statement : Processing costs paid for by applicant deposit. Code Enforcement Impact : None. BACKGROUND T-Mobile Eider Street is an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Site Development Permit (SDP) for a WCF located on a vacant property, newly addresse d as 6365 Eider Street in the RS -1-3 zone . T-Mobile is proposing a 30 -foot tall faux e ucalyptus tree supporting eight panel antennas

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– 2 – and two Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs) with associated equipment located in a 192 -square -foot enclosure. WCF on properties zoned for residential use require a CUP, Process Four. The project site is designated Residential -Very Low (0 -4 du/ac) in the Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan . Surrounding uses include single -unit residential to the north, east and west and a vacant lot zoned RS-1-3 to the south (Attachments 1 -3). The site contains Environmentally Sensitive Lands (ESL) in the form of steep slopes, which requires an SDP. Pursuant to LDC Section 112.0103 , when an applicant a pplies for more than one permit, the applications are consolidated and are decided upon by the highest level of authority, which in this case, is the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION Project Description : The T-Mobile Eider Street project proposes a new WCF consisting of a 30 -foot -tall faux eucalyptus tree supporting eight panel antennas and two Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMAs) located on the east side of the property, approximately 52 feet upslope from Eider Street (Attachment 13 -14). The associated equipment is proposed in a 192 -square -foot enclosure to the west of the faux tree . A new driveway from Eider Street will provide direct access to the equipment. The residentially zoned lot is vacant and is sloped steeply from Eider Street, approximately 35 feet to the highest point at the back of the lot. The entire project site has been disturbed and the site contains primarily n on-native grasslands and a small concrete pad on the western side of the property. A n approximate ly 26 -foot -tall California Pepper tree exists on the property immediately adjacent to Eider Street and a large mass of mature shrubs (Lemonade Berry, Laurel Sumac and Toyon ) exists just to the south of the Pepper tree. Another 38 -foot tall California Pepper tree exists on the property to the east, adjacent to where the faux eucalyptus tree is proposed (Attachment 8) . These elements will provide a backdrop to help integrate the faux tree. To further integrate the WCF, T -Mobile is proposing to add four 15 -gallon Red Iron Eucalyptus trees and three 24 -inch box California Pepper trees around the faux tree as well as at the drive entrance. Lemonade Berry shrubs (5 -gallon) will be planted on the west side of the equipment enclosure and 1 -gallon Coyote Brush will be planted on all three sides of the new driveway and behind the equipment enclosure (Attachment 14) . Approximately 42.5 percent of the .43 -acre lot is considered stee p slopes (25 percent or greater). The steep slopes are located along the front of the property adjacent to Eider Street with a small area on the east side of the property and a larger area mid -lot that transects the property from northeast to southwest. Encroachment into the steep slopes is limited to 498.40 square feet (0.0 1144 acres and a 6.2 percent encroachment ), which includes the cut for the driveway entrance and very small areas for proposed revegetation (Attachment 14) . Council Policy 600 -43 These guidelines establish a hierarchy from the most preferred locations (Preference 1) to the least preferred locations (Preference 4) for WCF. The project is loca ted on a vacant lot in a residential zone, which requires a Conditional Use Permit (Land Development Code

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– 3 – (LDC) Section 141.0420(f)(2)) and is considered a Preference 4 location according to Council Policy 600 -43. T-Mobile™s Site Justification Map (Attachm ent 9 ) shows a search ring around an exclusively residential area. Within that area, there are some vacant lots and paper streets, but no other higher preference sites exist . The faux eucalyptus tree is proposed at approximately 443 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL), which is one of the highest elevations within the search ring. T -Mobile™s coverage objective is primarily the residential areas to the north and northeast of th e project site. The site justification submitted with the project indicates that T -Mobile explored nine other sites within the vicinity , but because of low elevation or locations too far from the search ring, none of the sites provided the same technical benefits to meet their coverage objective. Crown Castle recently installed small cells on SDG&E utility poles within the area. These antennas will help to offload some of the traffic that is anticipated to be associated with the T -Mobile Eider Street pro ject as well as other nearby sites. The small cells alone would not be able to provide the coverage as the proposed project site. Community/General Plan Analysis : The Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan (Plan) addresses WCFs, communication infrastructure and hillsides. WCFs: the Plan refers to Land Deve lopment Code (LDC) Section 141.0420 (WCF regulations) and the WCF Design Guidelines for regulations and design guidance in development of WCFs for the City of San Diego. The T -Mobile Eider Street project complies with the WCF regulations and Design Guidel ines. Communication Infrastructure: The Public Facilities, Services and Safety Element related to communication and information infrastructure recommend s infrastructure be provided to ensure seamless communications and universally available access to data for all groups in addition to maintain ing an integrated infor mation infrastructure system. Based on coverage maps submitted by T -Mobile, coverage is cur rently poor in the area and the addition of the Eider Street project improves coverage significantly (Attachment 10) . Hillsides: The Conserva tion and Sustainability Element recommends that hillside development complement the natural character including disturbance to topography and biological resources. It also recommends that graded areas be revegetated with native vegetation to minim ize erosion and soil instability . The project proposes minimal grading in order to provide access to the site and a level foundation for the equipment and faux tree. The slopes on both sides of the driveway and around the equipment enclosure are proposed to be revegetated with Lemonade Berry shrubs and Dwarf Coyote Brush (Attachment 14) . The City’s General Plan addresses Wireless Facilities in the Urban Design Element (UD -A.15) . The visual impact of WCFs should be minimized by concealing them in existing structures or by using cam ouflage and screening techniques to hide or blend them into the surrounding area. Facilities should be designed to be aesthetically pleasing and respectful of the neighborhood context. Equipment associated with the WCF should be located in underground vaul ts or unobtrusive structures.

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The T-Mobile Eider Street project is proposing a 30-foot tall faux eucalyptus tree and a 192-squarefoot equipment enclosure on a vacant lot in a residential neighborhood. Existing mature trees and overgrown shrubs will help provide a backdrop for the faux tree, while a combination of new eucalyptus and California Pepper trees will provide further integration. The equipment enclosure was designed to have the appearance of a small garage or shed to fit in with the residential character of the neighborhood, meeting the intent of UD-A.15. A 6-foot tall, 8-foot long horizontal wood fence will provide screening to the front of the equipment enclosure where the electric meter and Radio Frequency (RF) signage are located (Attachment 13). The proposed additional landscape, which includes a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover will help integrate and improve views of the proposed WCF. Therefore, the project meets the objectives of the General Plan. Conclusion: The T-Mobile Eider Street project is consistent with the purpose and intent of the applicable development regulations of the San Diego Municipal Code, which includes the development regulations for the RS-1-3 zone, ESL and the WCF regulations, Section 141.0420. Staff recommends approval of CUP No. 1980526 and SDP No. 1980528. ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve CUP No. 1980526 and SDP No. 1980528 with modifications. 2. Deny CUP No. 1980526 and SDP No. 1980528, if the Planning Commission makes findings based on substantial evidence that the approval is not authorized by state or local zoning law. Respectfully submitted, Elysftf DeputyDicto r Development Services Department VACCHI/KAL Attachments: 1. Aerial Photograph 2. Community Plan Land Use Map 3. Project Location Map 4. Project Data Sheet 5. Draft Permit Resolution with Findings Development Project Manager Development Services Department -4 –

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– 5 – 6. Draft Permit with Conditions 7. Environmental Exemption 8. Photo Survey 9. Site Justification Map 10. Coverage Maps 11. Community Planning Group Recommendation 12. Ownership Disclosure Statement 13. Photo Simulations 14. Project Plans

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ATIACHMENT4 PROJECT DATA SHEET PROJECT NAME: T-Mobile Eider A Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) consisting of a 30′ tall faux PROJECT DESCRIPTION: eucalyptus tree supporting 8 antennas with associated equipment located in a 192 sq ft. enclosure. COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Encanto Neighborhoods DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS: Conditional Use Permit (CUP)/Site Development Permit (SDP) COMMUNITY PLAN LAND Residential Very Low (0-4 du/ac) USE DESIGNATION: ZONING INFORMATION: ZONE: RS-1-3 HEIGHT LIMIT: 30 feet FRONT SETBACK: 20 feet SIDE SETBACK: 8 feet REAR SETBACK: 20 feet ADJACENT PROPERTIES: LAND USE DESIGNATION & EXISTING LAND USE ZONE NORTH: Residential Very Low (0-4 Single-Family Residential du/ac); RS-1-3 SOUTH: Residential Very Low (0-4 Vacant Lot du/ac); RS-1-3 EAST: Residential Very Low (0-4 Single-Family Residential du/ac); RS-1-3 WEST: Residential Very Low (0-4 Single-Family Residential du/ac); RS-1-3 DEVIATION REQUESTED: None COMMUNITY PLANNING On March 20, 2017, the Encanto Neighborhood Community Planning GROUP RECOMMENDATION: Group voted 6-1-1 to recommend denial of the project.

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PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. __ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1980526 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 1980528 T-Mobile Eider Street PROJECT NO. 413097 ATTACHMENT 5 WHEREAS, ROBERT N. MILLER, Owner and T-MOBILE, Permittee, filed an application with the City of San Diego for a permit for a Wireless Communication Facility (as described in and by reference to the approved Exhibits “A” and corresponding conditions of approva_l for the associated Permit No.’s 1980526 and 1980528), on portions of a .43-acre site; WHEREAS, the project site is located at 6365 Eider StreetirJ”lH.e Neighborhoods Community Plan area; WHEREAS, the project site is legally described a~: All that portion of Lot 40 of the Resubdivi .,.Qf a portignof Rosemo ·:eddition to Encanto Heights, in the City of San Di egg, County of S~}fJ::>i~gp,:;S.fa_te of California;I~:c(:prding to the Map thereof No. 1240, filed iq~{6~;,Qffice of the CclcintyRecorder of said San”Diego County, March 11, 1910, lying northerly10’i”\”Fi·ogJ/escribel~s”folJows: Commencing at thenortheasterly’cqrner·6;fT@’!10f saicfR~!>Ubdivision; thence south 13°24′ east along the ea_?~E=flYlt@,t of said L6t.-:a_ distariflit-.;:tZ?:3 feet)hence at right angles, south 76°36′ west a c:lf,~f,iHcrofi’J~Q:76 feet to,’~.;pC>iJ1:f~c:>’rlŁth’e~asf~rly line of said Lot 40, being the true point of b~_gjgning; ther;it’e continuf~gsoulh 76°36’west, 1 oo.76 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 40; “ii’i~-c.. · WHEREAS,cp·~jq~rie:~?§,?017, th~;\ : QJ~gq, allt,!l3,d Agency, through the Development Service?:pgpŁ~rrtmer,(H,~·c:1,~and’I!~t,i.E=_d an EnVlrdj’frtJgrital Determination that the project is exempt from tF\e}Q~Jifornia Environ}-r,gptal Qtf~}ityAct (CEQJi’;)'”(Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) under CE·oi_~L,Jideline Secti’oR;l§303 tt’!i~”Y,(Onstruction or Conversion of Small Structures) and there was ncFa·QR!;?al of the En~f~~r-Imentln’g!=!termination filed within the time period provided by San Diego MunTcip~LCode Sectict”ll12.0520;. WHEREAS, on Augusf3}f:2p17,Jb.~:flanning Commission of the City of San Diego considered Conditional Use Permit (CLJ,f))'{c3_.?i980526 and Site Development Permit (SDP) No. 1980528, pursuant to the Land Developrtient Code of the City of San Diego; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of San Diego as follows: That the Planning Commission adopts the following written Findings, dated August 31, 2017. Page 1 of 7

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ATTACHMENT 5 A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT [SDMC Section 126.03051 1. Findings for all Conditional Use Permits: a. The proposed development will not adversely affect the applicable land use plan. The Encanto Neighborhoods Community Plan (Community Plan) refers to Land Development Code (LDC) Section 141.0420 (Wireless Communication Facilities (WCF) regulations) and the WCF Design Guidelines for development of WCFs for the City of San Diego. Additionally, the City’s General Plan addresses WCFs in tb~.~JJrban Design Element A.15), which requires the visual impact of wireless fa~tlJt,igs::fo be minimized by concealing wireless facilities in existing structures or by using,~;Ik~~Qing techniques to hide or blend them into the surrounding area. The plan also caJJ~·Jj_§ft:H~sgfacilities to be designed to be aesthetically pleasing and respectful of the ntigbborhool·tQQt~xt. Furthermore, the plan states that equipment associated with wireilss\”f’acilities sh aT1iB’~tconcealed from view. ((‘ –~/ \{F-This project consists of a new 30-foot tall faU);S2eJJCalyptus tree supporbn p)otal of eight antennas and two Tower Mounted Amplifiers rrlvli~)with a c;iated equipfti~Ot located within a 192-square-foot enclosure on a yafi:lnt resident1lrT:·. . A new drivewa}wltprovide access from Eider Street. The pr.6f~st:~i~~Js zoned RSCe.:c WCFs are permitt;d in this zone with a Conditional Use PermitYg’l.fP)’0p~·~:suant to cefrniri.iance with the underlying zone development regulations and the\1VC:F regulations. Th~;sl_t~js covered primarily with non-native grasslanc:1.~_cln.9 contains:E.D¥.ironrrilh.t~lly.sensftlv~Łihands (ESL) in the form of steep slopes, whif,q:/r;~quj’f~~-‘”a Site Devit.2pm~gf·r:~rfu.i\.(5,DPF0A 26-foot tall California Pepper tree exis,,t~ .. F-rimediafgj” .adjacent:l£ti?J8,gr Stre’etbft.the east side of where the new driveway win·~’\2Jocated. large mas{JSfmature shrubs (Lemonade Berry, Laurel Sumac and Toyon) e~f~’.f§jUst \() ~·~.south of t~~;.pepper tree. Another 38-foot tall California Pepper,t.r:gs.:gii$ts on tliJJpr9pg[tyt9-.·. e east, ·iijJc:tcent to where the faux eucalyptus tree is prop_~~~a/::;a;ff”‘c{ e el~ril~~i~ will help nt~pr-ale:the faux tree from some vantage points. Toit~fther integra e,”.,.:~,~CF;”1f~ry\!2bile is prbpgsing to add four 15-gallon Red Iron Eucalyptus tree’sl?.DP three 24-incw:e()_~ Califo[gjc:i Pepper trees around the faux tree as well as at the drive.~’tft[i:lJ1Ce. Lemona’a'”} erry shfµps (5-gallon) will be planted on the west side of the equipmeHt1et1flosure and a ,;;’gallon C:6ybte Brush will be planted on all three sides of the new drivewilY~r,sJ behind thi~Jiquipment enclosure. The Community Plan also contains policies regardil”l&£ommurJCiE~tion Infrastructure. The Public Facilities, Services and Safety Element recommefic:J~~tn1r;,§i!fucture to be provided to ensure seamless communications and universally available a21::”e§{lo data for all groups in addition to maintaining an integrated information infrastructUre system. Based on coverage maps submitted by T-Mobile, coverage is currently poor in the area and the addition of Eider Street improves coverage significantly. Finally, the Community Plan contains policies for hillside development. The Conservation and Sustainability Element recommends that hillside development complement the natural character including disturbance to topography and biological resources. It also recommends graded areas to be revegetated with native vegetation to minimize erosion and soil instability. The T-Mobile Eider Street project proposes minimal grading in order to provide access to the site and a level foundation for the equipment and faux tree. The slopes on both sides of the driveway and around the equipment enclosure are proposed to be revegetated with Lemonade Berry shrubs and Dwarf Coyote Brush. Page 2 of 7

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