Reward the cat for cooperation. Play aggression—Kittens often play roughly with other cats or kittens. The queen and other kittens teach the kitten to temper their
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AAFP gratefully acknowledges the generous support of HillÕs Pet Nutrition.Without the finances and other resources which HillÕs supplied,this project could not have been completed .©2004 American Association ofFeline Practitioners.All rights reserved. FELINEBEHAVIOR GUIDELINESFROM THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FELINE PRACTITIONERS
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2These guidelines were approved by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) Board in December 2004 and are offered by the AAFP for use only as a template; each veterinarian needs to adapt the recommendations to fit each situation. The AAFP expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees expressed or implied and will not be liable for any damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, techniques or procedures set forth in these guidelines. AcknowledgementsThe AAFP Feline Behavior Guidelines report was also reviewed and approved by the Feline Practice Guidelines Committee ofthe American Association ofFeline Practitioners and the American Association ofFeline Practitioners Board ofDirectors. Behavior Guidelines CommitteeHelen Tuzio,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice Forest Hills Cat Hospital,Glendale,NY Thomas Elston,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice The Cat Hospital,Tustin,CA James Richards,DVM,Director, Cornell Feline Health Center College ofVeterinary Medicine,Cornell University,Ithaca,NY Lorraine Jarboe,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice Olney-Sandy Springs Veterinary Hospital,Sandy Springs,MD Sandra Kudrak,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice Community Animal Hospital,Poughkeepsie,NY
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Literature SearchNicole Hird,VMD,DABVP,Feline Practice Northwest Animal Hospital,Columbus,OH Presenter Steven Zicker,DVM,MS,PhD,DACVIM,DACVN Hills Pet Nutrition,Inc.,Topeka,KS Panel Members Karen L.Overall,MA,VMD,PhD,DACVB,ABS Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist,Panel Co-Chair Research Associate,Psychiatry Department,University ofPennsylvania,School ofMedicine;Philadelphia,PA Ilona Rodan,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice, Panel Co-Chair Cat Care Clinic,Madison,WI Bonnie V.Beaver,DVM,MS,DACVB College ofVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science;Texas A&M University;College Station,TX Hazel Carney,DVM,MS,DABVP, Canine and Feline Practice Idaho Veterinary Specialists;Four Rivers Feline Special Treatment Center,Garden City,ID and Ontario,OR Sharon Crowell-Davis,DVM,PhD,DACVB Department ofAnatomy and Radiology,University of Georgia,Athens,GA Nicole Hird,VMD,DABVP,Feline Practice Northwest Animal Hospital,Columbus,OH Sandra Kudrak,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice Community Animal Hospital,Poughkeepsie,NY Elaine Wexler-Mitchell,DVM,DABVP,Feline Practice The Cat Care Clinic,Orange,CA External Reviewers Merry Crimi,DVM Gladstone Veterinary Clinic,Milwaukie,OR Terry Curtis,DVM,MS,DACVB University ofFlorida,Gainesville,FL Steve Dale AABC (Association ofAnimal Behavior Consultants), Tribune Media Services/WGN Radio,Host of Syndicated Animal Planet Radio,Chicago,IL Gary Landsberg,DVM,DACVB Doncaster Animal Clinic,Thornhill,ON,Canada Susan Little,DVM,DABVP Feline Practice,Bytown Cat Hospital,Ottawa,Canada Mandy Miller,DVM,DABVP Feline Practice;Cat Care Clinic,Madison,WI Michael Paul,DVM MAGPI Consulting,Anguilla,BWI Sheldon Rubin,DVM Blum Animal Hospital,Chicago,IL Ronald Schultz,PhD,DACVIM Professor,School ofVeterinary Medicine University ofWisconsin, Madison,WI Kersti Seksel,DVM,BVSc (Hons) MRCVS MA (Hons) FACVSc (Animal Behavior),DACVB Seaforth Veterinary Hospital,Sydney,Australia Kendal Sheperd,BVSc,MRCVS, Fineden,Northants,UK Link Welborn,DVM,DABVP Tampa,FL Alice Wolf,DVM,DACVIM,DABVP,Feline Practice College ofVeterinary Medicine,Texas A&M University,College 3
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4I. Introduction6 II. The importance of feline behavior..7 medicine in veterinary practiceIII. Preventive behavioral medicine..8 IV. Understanding normal behavior..9 Understanding normal behavior helps9 prevent problemsUnderstanding normal social behavior and..9 communication can help prevent aggression Cat communication.11 V. Aggression..13 Preventing aggression towards humans13 Predatory behavior..13 Inter-cat aggression.13 VI. Understanding normal elimination.15 behaviorVII. Scratching.16 VIII. Feeding and ingestive behavior.17 Preventing feeding problems17 IX. Learning in cats19 X. Preventive behavioral medicine at the19 veterinary clinicPre-adoption counseling19 Pleasant veterinary visits for cats.20 XI. Kitten classes.23 XII. Preventing harmful stress in cats.25 prevents behavior problemsExamples of harmful stress25 Common indicators of feline stress, .25 anxiety, or fear CONTENTS
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5Preparation for life..25 Protection from fear and stress26 Promotion of well-being.26 XIII. Environmental enrichment27 XIV. Aging and behavioral changes28 XV. Principles of treatment and29 treatment modalitiesPrinciples of behavior treatment.29 Medication.30 How to administer medication.31 When to refer31 For more information.35 XVI. Summary.35 XVII. Client Handouts..37 Introducing a new cat into a household..37 with already existing catsLitter box care to prevent or treat38elimination problemsHow to prevent cats from scratching in39 undesired areasFeeding tips to prevent obesity in your cat..40 How to help your cat have pleasant.41 veterinary visitsEnvironmental enrichment enhances 42 the quality of life for your cat
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6Veterinarians have a great opportunity to save petsÕ lives by recognizing that behavioral medicine is as important as any other field ofveterinary medicine, and can routinely be incorporated into each veterinary visit. Because most veterinarians never received educa- tion in veterinary school about feline behavior,and do not have the time and resources to study all the latest research and develop behavior protocols,the panelists have worked to develop a concise,updated and Òuser friendlyÓdocument that can be easily implemented. The guidelines include the following information: ¥Emphasis is on prevention,from pre-adoption or the first veterinary visit,through senior life.Preventing behavior problems should be an important part oftotal wellness care.A list ofbehavior questions intended for inclusion in the medical history questions used at each appointment is provided to aid in early detection and intervention ofbehavior problems. ¥An outline is provided for guidance regarding how to create realistic expectations about living with a cat.This will encourage cat owners to provide positive outlets to allow normal behavior,but in ways that clients will con- sider acceptable. ¥Several ofthe appendices can be used for both preven- tion and treatment and can be made into client handouts;these will delegate client education to the veterinary support team and be used to facilitate the veterinarianÕs role in client education. ¥A developmental table specifying home and veterinary care needed at different stages oflife is included.This can serve as an excellent poster or client information handout to help clients understand their responsibili- ties for home and veterinary care. ¥Detailed information on behavior and environmental enrichment is included to help prevent many ofthe most common behavior problems. ¥Suggestions regarding prevention and treatment of obesity,the most common consequence ofdomestica- tion ofcats,are provided. ¥To help veterinarians better handle routine behavior concerns (eg,inappropriate elimination) a rational first approach to the problems seen day-to-day is included. ¥Behavior counseling and treatment,including behavior modification and environmental enrichment,are dis- cussed in detail.For cats needing medical treatment, important drug information including dosing and tapering ofmedication is provided.Information on where to refer ifneeded is also provided. ¥Information is provided that will promote comprehen- sive,state-of-the-art,holistic care that incorporates both the physical and psychological well-being ofour feline patients.¥These guidelines will help veterinarians raise client awareness that they should turn to the veterinary pro- fession for advice regarding behavior,just as they do with any medical concerns. I. INTRODUCTIONThe veterinary profession has the privilege and responsibility of caring for both animals and people. The ben-efits of living with a pet are now well recognized. By preventing and treating behavioral problems, we have the opportunity to protect and strengthen the human-pet-veterinary bond and increase the quality of life for both pets and pet lovers. The goal of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) Feline Behavior Guidelines is to support veterinarians by providing practical information and client educational materials to successfully incorporate feline behavioral medicine into every practice that offers feline healthcare.
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Veterinary medicine comprises both the physical and psychological well being ofour patients. In cats,physical illness and pain are most often recognized on the basis ofa non-specific change in behavior.Knowing this helps clients and veterinarians detect disease and discomfort and mon- itor efficacy ofpain management. The veterinarianÕs responsibility is to relieve suffering,whether it is related to physical or emotional pain.We can support cat own- ers by making them aware ofthe need to contact the veterinary hospital not only for physical health but also as soon as they see indications ofanxiety,fear,or behav- ior that they consider to be unacceptable or different from their catÕs normal behavior. At routine examinations,clients may not tell us that the kitten bites,or that the cat Òmisses the box occasion- allyÓunless we specifically ask those questions.Clients often think that the cat is acting Òout ofspiteÓor Ògetting back at themÓand are unaware that the veterinary pro- fession can help with these problems.They may even be embarrassed to discuss such incidents and how they are dealing with them.It is important that we change these misconceptions.Ifbehavior questions are not asked, clients will not know that the information is important, especially ifthey are unfamiliar with normal cat behav- ior. Conducting a behavior assessment at every veterinary visit is important for prevention and early detection of behavior-related as well as medical problems (Appendix 1).Behavior assessments also encourage clients to con- sult with their veterinarian about their behavior con- cerns. The behavior history and medical examination are critical to an accurate diagnosis.A comprehensive histo- ry,which includes a behavior assessment,physical examination,and diagnostic testing is needed to differ- 8Questions to Ask at Every Veterinary Visit When obtaining a history, encourage early detection or pre- vention of behavior problems by asking the following ques- tions:¥ Does your cat urinate or defecate outside ofthe box? ¥ Does your cat spray? (Spraying occurs when a cat backs up to a vertical surface,kneads his or her feet,and flicks the tail tip while projecting urine.) ¥ Does your cat show signs ofaggression to people,including hissing,biting,or scratching? To any specific family mem- bers? To strangers? ¥ Does your cat exhibit any fearful behaviors that concern you? ¥ Does your cat show any destructive behaviors,such as scratching or chewing objects in the home? ¥ Does your cat have any problematic interactions with other cats or pets in the household? ¥ Has there been any change in your catÕs behavior or disposi- tion? ¥ Do you need any further information regarding your catÕs behavior ? The behavioral history and medical examination are critical to an accurate diagnosis.Comprehensive histories,which include a behav- ioral assessment;physical examinations;and diagnostic testing are needed to differentiate between behavioral and systemic conditions. For example,a cat that is inappropriately urinating may have any number ofconditions that are associated with this behavior,including feline lower urinary tract disease/interstitial cystitis,or arthritis that makes it difficult to get into the litter box.Or,a cat that presents with anorexia and lethargy may have an underlying medical problem,or may simply be stressed by changes in its environment.The psychologi- cal well-being ofthe patient may be harmed to the point that it is also causing systemic disease. Appendix 1: Behavioral AssessmentIII.PREVENTIVE BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE entiate between behavior-related and systemic condi- tions.For example,a cat that is urinating inappropriate- ly may have any number ofconditions that are associat- ed with that behavior,including feline lower urinary tract disease (interstitial cystitis) and arthritis,that make it difficult to get into the litter box.Conversely,a cat with anorexia and lethargy may have an underlying medical problem or may simply be stressed by changes in its environment.In other situations,the psychological well- being ofthe cat may have been harmed to the point that psychological effects are causing systemic disease.
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9Understanding normal behavior helps prevent prob- lemsÑMany behavior concerns expressed by clients involve normal cat behavior that the client finds unac- ceptable. Educating clients about normal feline social and elimination behaviors,communication,and developmental stages provides clients with realistic expectations. Ifwe help clients understand normal cat communication they can interact with and react more appropriately to their cat, reducing the chance ofaggression and injury. Understanding feline social and physical needs helps clients provide a better,more stimulating environment, and reduces the chances ofinappropriate elimination and scratching on surfaces other than scratching posts. Without understanding what is normal,veterinarians cannot diagnose what is abnormal.It is important to determine whether the behavior is a normal behavior for the cat that the owner finds unacceptable,a truly abnor- mal behavior for the cat,or an inappropriate behavior that the client has inadvertently taught or reinforced in the cat.Understanding normal social behavior and communi- cation can help prevent aggression ÑResearch over the last 2 decades has disproved the popular misconception that cats live as solitary creatures.The domestic cat is a social animal.However,the social organization offeline groups is quite different from that ofcanine groups. Domestic cats are organized socially much like their early ancestors.The feline social system is flexible,allowing cats to live alone or in groups ofvarying size (Figure 1). 14Free- living domestic cats choose to live in social groups,called colonies,whenever sufficient food resources support multiple cats. 15-27,b,c Cats form social groups and have forms ofcommuni- cation that reflect their social behavior.Cats recognize individuals in their social group and have different inter- actions with different individuals (ie,preferred associate relationships). 28-30Queens often engage in cooperative care and rearing oftheir kittens.There is individual vari- ation in the social behavior directed to other cats. 31Colonies are fairly insular and strangers are generally not welcome.Unfamiliar cats can be aggressively driven away.Ifa new cat repeatedly visits a group,it may even- tually be integrated into the group in a process that requires several weeks. 21,cThis is important to remember when adopting new cats,especially adults.Integrating them into an established group ofcats should always be done gradually. Within a group ofcats,a social hierarchy can exist. When cats first establish their relationships,overt aggres- sion (eg,hissing,chasing,swatting) may occur.Once the relationship is established,overt aggression is the excep- tion as long as there are no environmental or physical changes.Social relationships can change throughout life. As with all social species,although the capacity to be social is inborn,specific social skills that result in an indi- vidual cat being a successful member ofa group are learned. Socialization is the process that allows potential advan- tageous behavior changes as a result ofexposure to novel situations involving people,other animals,and new envi- ronments.The sensitive period is the term used for the developmental stage when an animal has increased risk of developing fears and anxieties ifthe animal does not have the opportunity to experience and learn from social and environmental stimuli. 32The primary socialization peri- od ofcats to people is from 3 to 9 weeks ofage.Fear of people is inhibited by exposure to people during this period. 33Socialization that occurs early,especially before IV. UNDERSTANDING NORMAL BEHAVIOR Figure 1Two cats with typical feline social behavior. Courtesy of I. Rodan.
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10Key:ingestion social elimination other NEONATAL: BirthÐ2 weeksNormal at this stageDiet entirely milk. Minimal social interaction. Stimulated by mother. Eyes open,walking by 14 days,canÕt regulate body temperature, canÕt groom self. To doÕs for caregivers Provide high quality nutrition for queen or kitten formula. Minimal but gentle handling. None unless ill or failure to thrive. Provide warm,safe environment. Ifqueen not present,rub perianal area with warm,wet towels to stimulate eliminations. EARLY SOCIALIZATION: 3Ð8 weeksNormal at this stageBegins to eat solid food,gradually ceases milk consumption Sensitive period for social learning.Social play begins and increases steadily.Learns many social skills. Develops control ofbladder and bowel function.Begins to use litter box. Object play begins and increases.Climbing and running begin. Capable ofcomplex learning.Scratching and predatory behav- ior begin.Eye color changes.All baby teeth erupt.Can regulate body temperature.Begins to groom self. To doÕs for caregivers Provide high quality kitten food and fresh water daily. Frequent gentle handling and play with varied people including men,women,and supervised children.Expose to other cats and species while ensuring safety.Take kitten socialization classes if available.Reward appropriate friendly behavior to humans and all other animals. Provide litter boxes with low sides for easy entry.Scoop litter boxes twice daily.Use unscented litter. Enrich environment including toys.Kitten-proofhome.Expose to novel objects and locations,Make the carrier a safe haven. Begin tooth brushing.Gently examine ears,teeth,nails.Groom. Provide scratching post.Begin training to harness and leash. Begin training to sit,come,etc. Ideally,first physical examination,deworm,FeLV/FIV test,and vaccines.Offer kitten socialization classes,Discuss behavior and nutrition. Never use hands and feet to play with kittens.This teaches your kitten bad habits.Always use toys. LATE SOCIALIZATION: 9Ð16 weeksNormal at this stageEating solid food.Continues to learn social skills.Social play peaks.Social conflict over status may emerge. Continues using litter box. Vigorous exploration ofthe environment and climbing,begins to lose baby teeth. To doÕs for caregivers No change. Continue social education.Ifhad no previous social education, initiate slowly. May need larger litter box,(minimum box length 1.5 X catÕs body length). Provide vertical space (e.g.,climbing structures).Continue basic training. Serial physical examinations,vaccines and needed testing.Discuss nutrition,behavior,spay or neuter.Offer kitten classes. Spay/neuter ifnot done.Repeat FeLV/FIV testing. Kittens that have not had adequate social experience during early socialization may have poor social skills and require extra effort to acquire good social skills. ADOLESCENCE17 weeksÐ1 yearNormal at this stageNo change. Sexual maturity ifnot sterilized.Social play lessens.Likely to be subordinate to larger adults but may challenge these cats for status.Spraying may occur,less likely ifspayed or neutered. Ifallowed outdoor access,may wander farther and for longer periods than before. To doÕs for caregivers Start transition to high quality adult food at 6-8 months ofage. Provide food puzzles and food toys. Continue to play with and reward friendly behavior.Contact veterinarian ifserious conflicts arise. Reevaluate litter box size.Contact vet ifspraying or inappropri- ate elimination occurs. Provide identification (e.g.,microchip or break-away collar and tag),especially ifcat goes outdoors. Appendix 2.Developmental Periods in Cats The following table has been developed by the panelists of the AAFP Feline Behavior Guidelines. It can serve as anexcellent poster, brochure, and/or client information handout to help clients have realistic expectations of their cats and understand their responsibilities for both home and veterinary care.
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119 weeks ofage,results in an increase in the kittenÕs willingness to approach and be held by people,which persists into adulthood. 34Animals derive the benefits ofsocialization when quite young (2 to 5 weeks ofage in kittens) and exposure to humans may help teach the animal how to learn from new stimuli throughout life.Unless animals have been prevented from experi- encing typical stimuli,they usually retain some plas- ticity (ability to recover) throughout life,from having experienced some socialization. 35Ifcats are excluded from interactions with and handling by humans from 2 to 9 weeks ofage,their risk ofinteracting poorly with humans in later life is increased. 36,37Social learning occurs for many weeks after that period,with social play peaking at approxi- mately 3 months ofage.An appendix (Appendix 2) describing developmental periods in cats has been developed by the panelists ofthe AAFP Feline Behavior Guidelines.It can serve as an excellent poster,brochure,or client information handout to help clients have realistic expectations oftheir cats and understand their responsibilities for both home and veterinary care. Genetic variables affect some aspects oftempera- ment.For example,the offspring ofbold fathers tend to be bolder than those oftimid fathers;the offspring offriendly fathers tend to be quicker to approach, touch,and rub people. 38,39Veterinarians should inform cat breeders about the importance ofselecting for positive behavior traits and exposing kittens to people during the sensitive period.A breed can bene- fit or be damaged by the degree to which cat breeders follow this practice. Cat communication ÑCats communicate through visual,tactile,olfactory,and auditory means.Visual signaling includes body posture (Figure 2);tail,ear, and head position;and willingness to make eye con- tact (Figure 3).Tactile communication includes rub- bing against others,including people;grooming;and nose-touching,which is used as a greeting.Auditory communication includes purring,which occurs pri- marily during contact with another individual.The trill (or chirrup) and meow are used as greeting calls. Because cats have such a keen sense ofsmell,olfacto- ry communication is very important.Olfactory com- munication in the form offecal or urine marking or spraying is oftenÑbut not alwaysÑnormal behavior that clients find unacceptable. Spay or neuter ifnot previously done,discuss behavior and nutrition,repeat FeLV/FIV testing. Ifnot spayed or neutered,your cat is more likely to urine mark in the house,get into fights,and roam long distances.Female cats that are not spayed can have unwanted kittens. ADULT 1Ð6 yearsNormal at this stageMetabolic rate slows,may gain weight ifdiet and exercise not monitored. Matures socially at approximately 2-3 years,personality strongly affected by genetics and early experience,social play decreases but may continue given an available playmate. Ifintact male,urine odor becomes strong. Nothing. To doÕs for caregivers Reassess body condition and food intake every 3 months, encourage exercise. Continue to play with and reward friendly behavior. Reevaluate litter box size,contact vet ifspraying or inappro- priate elimination occurs. Rotate toys for selfplay,replace equipment and supplies such as beds and litter boxes as needed. Annual examination.Vaccines and testing as recommended by veterinarian.Behavior problems are best treated early.Contact your veterinarian if any behavior problems arise.Obesity carries the same health risks as it does in humans.Depending on coat and body condition,extra grooming may be needed. ADULT 7 years and olderNormal at this stageChanges in appetite can occur Decreased activity may lead to decreased social interaction To doÕs for caregivers Monitor appetite and water intake.Contact vet ifincreases or decreases. Continue social interactionÑeven iflower activity level is warranted Contact veterinarian ifelimination concerns occur or persist Physical examination every 6 months.CBC,chemistry panel, UA,T4 every 6-12 months.Discuss behavior and nutrition. Interaction with younger cats may encourage activity,but extremely active young cats may be incompatible.Extra groom- ing may be needed,depending on body condition and coat. Medical problems increase with age and may present as behavior changes.Contact your veterinarian ifchanges occur.
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