Item 11 – 95 — Jefferson ave., Brooklyn, lathe hand; Rudloff, William F., Brooklyn, stonemason ; Fowler, William J., 2660 Kingsbridge Terrace, Bronx,
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OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published under Authority of Section 1526. Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Alava. LAMAR HARDY. CORPORATION COUNSEL. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST. COMPTROLLER, JOSEPH N. QUAIL, SUPERVISOR. Supervisor’s Office, Municipal Building, Sth floor. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reads at. (north side), between West Broadway and Church st., Manhattan, New York City. Subscription, $9.30 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol-lars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section; postage extra. ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication. copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. THE CITY RECORD. XLV. NUMBER 13464. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. Pam, 3 Cstrrs. Sinking Fund. Commissioners ofŠ Proceedings at Meetings Held August 8 and 10, 1917 6025 Street Cleaning, Department ofŠ Proposals 6041 Supreme Court, First DepartmentŠ Filing Bills of Costs 6041 Filing Preliminary Abstracts 6041 Hearings on Qualifications 6041 Notice to File Claims 6041 Supreme Court, Second DepartmentŠ Filing Bills of Costs 6042 Filing Preliminary Abstracts 6042 Notice to File Claims 6041 Supreme Court, Third Judicial DistrictŠ Application for Appointment of Com- missioners 6042 Water Supply, Board ofŠ Proposals 6037 Sale of Dquble Girder Deck Spans 6037 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De-partment ofŠ Proposals I 6041 Saturday, August 25, 1917, 10 A. M. County Clerk, Kings County. Art Commission. County Clerk, Queens County. Staten Island Association of Arts and Sciences. Mondays August 27, 1917, 10 A. M. County Clerk, Bronx County. U. S. Volunteer Life Saving Corps. Tuesday, August 28, 1917, 10 A. M. County Clerk, New York County. Sheriff, Kings County. County Judge and Surrogate, Richmond County. THE CITY RECORD. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Department ofŠ Proposals Brooklyn, Borough ofŠ Proposals Bronx, Borough of TheŠ Proposals Changes in Departments, etc Correction, Department ofŠ Proposals Docks and Ferries, Department ofŠ Proposals Education, Department of- Auctiqn Sale Proposals Estimate and Apportionment, Board ofŠBudget Hearings on Departmental Es- finites for the Year 1918 Finance, Department ofŠ Abstract of Transactions for Week Ended August 4, 1917 Confirmation of Assessments Corporation Sale of Buildings and Ap-purtenances Thereto, on City Real Estate by Sealed Bids Interest on City Bonds and Stock Sureties on Contracts Vouchers Received August 24, 1917 Warrants Made Ready for Payment August 24, 1917 Fire DepartmentŠProposals Health. Department of Š Auction Sale Proposals Instructiqn to Bidders for Work to be Done or Supplies to be Furnished Manhattan. Borough ofŠ Proposals Municipal Civil Service CommissionŠ Applications Filed for Position of Patrolman Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- ings, etc. 6042 CALENDAR FOR PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 8, 1917. COMMITTEE ROOM, CITY HALL. City Court. County Clerk, Richmond County. Thursday, August 30, 1917, 10 A. M. Supreme Court, Richmond County. Supreme Court, First Department. Department of Licenses. Supreme Court, First Department, Main- 2.30 P. M. tenance of Appellate Division, Court Bureau of Weights and Measures. House. Board of Ambulance Service. Friday, August 31, 1917, 10 A. M. Supreme Court, Second Department. Supreme Court, Queens County. Supreme Court, Second Department, Ap- Board of Inebriety. pellate Division. Parole Commission. Supreme Court, Second Department, Ap- pellate Term. Wednesday, September 5, 1917. 2.30 P. M. District Attorney, Richmond County. District Attorney, Queens County. District Attorney, Kings County. Sheriff, Richmond County. Thursday, September 6, 1917, 10 A. M. Register, Kings County. Board of Standards and Appeals. Board of Elections. Bronx Parkway Commission. Friday, September 7, 1917, 10 A. M. District Attorney, Bronx County. Municipal Courts. District Attorney, New York County. Court of Special Sessions. Saturday, September 8, 1917, 10 A. M. Tenement House Department. City Magistrates’ Courts. SAMUEL C. HYER, Clerk to Sub-Committee. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Ł Applications Filed for Position of Patrolman. Block. Carl H., 620 Hudson st., canvasser ; Corbley, James F., 5735 Mosholu ave.,, Bronx, driver; Cotter, John P., 186 E. 108th st., laborer ; Brown, Peter A., 147 Guern-sey ave., Greenpoint, Brooklyn, pipe fitter; Fitzpatrick, John A., 230 E. 46th st., ex-pressman ; McDonnell, Edward F., 111 Nassau ave., Brooklyn, machinist; Verdon, Theodore B., 107 Smith st., Brooklyn, clerk; Griebe, Philip, 6011 Third ave., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; Dalton, George T., 148 E. 123rd st, clerk ; Carluccio, Anthony J., 1346 78th st., Brooklyn, salesman; Mallon, Harry J., 301 W. 113th st., assistant shipping clerk; Munson, Joseph G., Jr., 932 New York ave., Flatbush, Brooklyn, chauffeur; Healy, Joseph P., 444 E. 82nd st., clerk; Hanshe, Arthur T., 235 W 12th st., chauffeur ; Ruland, Martin L., 578 Westchester ave., Bronx, clerk; Browne, John, King’s Park State Hospital, King’s Park, Long Island, attendant; Guastavino, Thomas V., 394 Bay st., Stapleton, Staten Island, carpenter ; Simek, Adolf J., 834 Kinsella aye., Bronx, machin-ist ; Grimes, Joseph A., 229 Concord st., Brooklyn, teamster ; McNicholas, John J., 102 Ralph ave., Brooklyn, motorman; Mulhere, Martin J., 404 W. 53rd st., barkeeper; Phelan, Joseph S., P. 0. Good Ground, Long Island, chauffeur; Matthews, Amandus V., 543 Seventh ave., Astoria, Long Island, iron worker; Pertker, John, 399 E 78th st., chauffeur; Savage, John J., 346 Union st., Brooklyn, receiving clerk. McWilliam, Peter, 209 E. 58th st., fireman; Casey, Thomas W., 174 58th st., Brooklyn, moving van business ; Kearney, Everett T., 204 Classon ave., Brooklyn, printer; Kelly, Thomas J., 834 Van Nest ave., Bronx, driver; Doyle, James J., 195 Sackett st., Brooklyn, laborer ; Vitelli, Michael, 193 Walworth st., Brooklyn, plasterer; Walters, William, 426 E. 77th st., chauffeur; Mullin, John T., 174 E. 96th st., clerk; Gans, Charles E., 320 Menahan st., Brooklyn, batteryman ; England, Henry W., 226 Schermerhorn st, Brooklyn, special officer ; Siefring, Clement A., 196 Covert st., Brooklyn, plumber’s helper; Curry, Philip, 2348 Second ave., ‘special patrolman; McAlister, John J., 419 52nd st., elevator man; Mulhevin, Frank, 306 E. 120th st., driver ; McGlone, Edward G., 419 91st st., Brooklyn, conductor ; Doran, Thomas E., 28 Gerry ave., Elmhurst, Long Island, plumber; Farlet, Patrick J., 58 W. 98th st., Interboro Rapid Transit Co.; Kelly, James E., 410 61st st., Brooklyn, Mgr. Edison Co.; Frank, Joseph, 130 Marcy ave., Brooklyn, shipping clerk Newman, Jacob, 23 W. 114th st., embosser ; Mahoney, James J., 459 Enfield st., Brooklyn, clerk; Jansen, John C., 29 Kings pl., Brooklyn, clerk; Saltsman, Harold, 2314 Valentine ave., Bronx, chauffeur; Bach. Carl H., 63 Morningside ave., furniture salesman ; Brooks, Elias J., 72 E. 110th st.. cutter. Ł Russell, Patrick, 311 W. 118th st., special patrolman; Tymeson, William, 1883 Longfellow ave., Bronx, special patrolman ; Cronin, Patrick J., 575 Classon ave., Brooklyn. electrician; Kohl, Henry P., Jr., 816 Eagle ave., Bronx, engineer; Decker, George W., 726 Vernon ave., Long Island City, chauffeur ; Eggleston, George, 7216 Fifth ave., Brooklyn, advertising clerk; Lux, Herman R., 1323 Chisholm st., Bronx, driver: Schmelz, Walter F., 5 Banta st., Corona, Long Island, clerk; Gilhooly, Francis J., 56 Concord st, Brooklyn, special patrolman; Abernathy, William P., 110 W. 143rd st., fireman; McIntyre, James J., 87 Waverly ave., Brooklyn, driver ; Boyman, Herman H., 1318 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn, ‘chauffeur; Guadagno, Moses, 326 Van Brunt st., Brooklyn, laborer ; Hensler, Frederick J., 174 E. 75th st., electrician ; Hauser, Charles. 120 W. 115th st., farmer; Micke, Edward C., 334 E. 9th st., Brooklyn, metal worker; Burns, Andrew R., 172 E. 90th st. clerk: Smith, William J., 174 31st st., Brooklyn, bookkeeper; Baldwin, Henry A., Cor. Jerome ave. & Church st., Richmond Hill, L. I., carpenter; Youngman, Theodore C., 135 Havemeyer st., Corona, L. I., chauffeur; Cleary, John J., Jr., Saugerties, Ulster Co., N. Y., clerk ; Gross, Bruno S., 585 Morgan ave., Brooklyn, manager; Brooks, Charles W., 259 Avenue B, driver; Van Gallera, William J., 179 Norris ave., Jamaica, L. I., special patrolman; Matthews, R. H., 112 East 116th st., driver. Burgio, Orazio H.. 842 Gravesend ave., Brooklyn, soldier ; Haas, Carl, 566 Seneca ave., Ridgewood, N. Y., millwright; Wuchner, Ernest E., 439 Pearl st., advertising agent; Casey, John J., 34 Morton st., teamster ; Hart, George E., 456 East 180th st., bricklayer; Sullivan, James D., 112 E. Hayes ave., Queens, driver; Burns, Archibald J., 536 W. 133rd st., drill runner ; Greene, John P., 247 Riverdale ave., Yonkers, N. Y., armature winder; Henwood, Edward L., 9 Riverview pl., Yonkers, N. Y., loom fixer; Brophy, John F., 23 St. Mary’s st., Yonkers, N. Y., truckman ; Kopper, Benjamin F., 184 Buena Vista ave., Yonkers, N. Y., salesman; Greene, Daniel A., 2 Maple st., Yonkers, N. Y., conductor Connor, John, 159 Newell st., Brooklyn, water tender; Wilmot, Edward, 111 Fourth ave., Brobklyn, tinsmith ; Ryan, Timothy P., Jr., 1565 Pacific st., Brooklyn, clerk; Fitzgibbons, John J. 400 E. 25th st., driver ; Hickey, John M., 1337 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, clerk ; Bartels, George J. 501 W. 124th st., laboratory helper ; Howlett, Nicholas F., 322 16th st., College Point, Queens, time-keeper; Connolly, Edward T., 119 Convent p1., Yonkers, N. Y., detective; Coppola, Carmine A., 105 Navy st., Brooklyn, salesman; Rosenfeld, Paul, 58 South Oceanus ave., Rockaway Beach, N. Y., stenographer and typewriter; Lindberg, Henry A., Jr., 728 Elton ave., Bronx, butcher ; Cook, James A., 76 Decker ave., Port Richmond, S. I., ship builder; Wilkenson, John W., 358 Flushing ave., Steinway, L. I., clerk. Gaylor, Walter S., 55 South 5th st., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; Svihovec, Frank C., 640 Academy st., Astoria, L. I., janitor; Leonard, Daniel J., 12 Beach st., clerk; Montheim, Morris, 596 E. 169th st., special patrolman; Sullivan, Dennis J., 358 E. 138th st., steam-fitter ; Santamaria, Joseph N., 681 E. 136th st, conductor; Arnold, Charles, Jr., 1415 Jefferson ave., Brooklyn, lathe hand; Rudloff, William F., 2442 Harway ave., Brooklyn, clerk; O’Malley, John M., 353 21st st., Brooklyn, general helper; Vail, Carl I., 1117 Fulton ave., Bronx, assistant foreman; Roth, George F., 1238 57th st., Brooklyn, packer; Birnbaum, Leo., 1269 2nd ave., driver ; Seyd, Alfred W., 5823 Fifth ave., Brooklyn, clerk; Quinn, Eugene, 434 W. 48th st., conductor; Spater, Harry M., 2155 Beverly rd., Brooklyn, electrician; Scherg, William A., 397 Linden st., Brooklyn, milk salesman; Roy, George J., 2523 Madison st., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; Chambers, John J., 2524 Albemarle rd., Brooklyn, boilermaker ; Canny, Daniel J., 303 W. 116th st., clerk; O’Donnell, Michael I., 1225 Walnut st., Richmond Hill, N. Y., iron worker; Haverkamp, William C., 441 53rd st., Brooklyn, milkman; Stuart, Walter R., 220 E. 23rd st., Brooklyn, special officer ; Wobig, Edward C., 25 Lexington ave., Maspeth, L. I., bookbinder ; Villiger, William A., 434 E. 166th st., plasterer; Ganter, John J., 337 Cherry st., brewer. Anderson, Edward F., 552 3rd ave., typist; Petermann, Fred W., 863 Greene ave., Brooklyn, auto salesman; Stock, Henry J., 911 Napier ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y., machinist; Dolan, Joseph P., 331 E. 52nd st., clerk: McIver, Walter P., 214 W. 148th st., messenger ; Scanlon, Daniel J., Jr., 358 48th st., Brooklyn, clerk ; Bartow, Fred A., 106 Greenwich st., brakeman ; Craner, Jacob, 111: Washington ave., _Bronx, guard; Tetley, Charles T., 90 Lexington ave., Brooklyn, boilermaker ; Corcoran, John J., 117 Marion st., Brooklyn, driver ; Knab, George J., 180 Richardson st., Brooklyn, sales-man; McKernan, Richard P., 180 De Pew ave., Nyack, N. Y., detective; McGoey, John H., 3151 Broadway, driver ; Wischnitzer, David, 1663 Madison ave., clerk; Nichols, Albert R., 14 Chestnut ave., Rosebank, Richmond, fireman; De Martini, Edward J., 10_ Vandam st., machinist ; Criscillo, Vincent, 52 E. 88th st., special patrolman; Prus-sen, Henry M., 21 Snedeker ave., Union Course, L. I., chauffeur ; Roehr, Karl D., 966 Lorimer st., Brooklyn, night foreman; Allen, Frederick, 904 Rodgers ave., Brook-lyn, painter; Dermody, James P., 3758 Third ave., driver ; Hausen, John H., 2375 Putnam ave., Queens, electrician; Kilpatrick, John, 1245 Lind ave, Bronx., stenographer and typewriter ; Foley, John F., 22 E. 134th st., conductor Ryan, James P., 436 Bay st., Tompkinsville, S. I., checker. Bray; John M., 508 E. 85th st., special patrolman ; Brennan, Clarence J., 376 Halsey st., Brooklyn, stableman; Centibe, Amabile S., 2535 Amsterdam ave., driver ; Dietsche, John, 556 W. 38th st., chauffeur ; Engelhardt, Fred, 108 Hancock ave., Yonkers, N. Y., tile layer ; Williams, Robert, 675 Jackson ave., Bronx, special patrolman ; Meehan, Thomas A., 185 Java st., Brooklyn, printer ; Gatewood, Richard G., 249 W. 21st st., foreman; Murphy, Edward S., 677 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, driver ; Ghigliotti, Peter E., 1403 Richmond Road, Dongan Hill, S. I., shipping clerk: Liepmann, Nathan A., 20 Morton ave., Middle Village, Queens, solicitor ; Wernar, Edward, 216 Gleason ave., Bronx., millwright; Frank, Daniel H., 1854 Putnam ave., Ridgewood, N. Y., carpenter; Sullivan, William G., 442 36th st., Brooklyn, foreman; Britzlmayr, Robert, 179 Frost st., Brooklyn, chauffeur; McCarron,.Michael L., 326 E. 82nd st., jointer ; Ryan, James B., 4605 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, fireman; Baer, Nathan, 4219 12th ave., 6033 6037 6036 6034 6040 6041 6039 6040 6038 6039 BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. Budget Hearings on Departmental Estimates for Year 1918 Before the Sub. Committee of the Committee on Tax Budget of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 6023 Notices of Examinations 6040 6034 6035 6035 6031 6028 6036 6039 6039 6042 6040 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Official Directbry Parks. Department ofŠ Proposals Plant and Structures, Department ofŠ Proposals 6027 6035 6023 6041 6039 6035 6033 6036 6037 6037 6037 Police DepartmentŠ Proposals . Public Charities, Correction and Health, – Departments of- Prqposals Public Charities, Correction, Health. Fire and Police, Departments ofŠ Proposals Public Charities, Department ofŠ Proposals Public Service Commission, First Dis-trictŠ Invitation to Contractors Queens, Borough of- Prqposals Richmond, Borough ofŠ Proposals Wednesday, August 29, 1917, 10 A. M. Sheriff, Queens County. 10 A. M. Board of Assessors. City Chamberlain. Sheriff, New York County.
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6024 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. Brooklyn, chauffeur; McWilliams, Francis J., 379 Rugby Road, Brooklyn, stenographer st., Brooklyn, general manager; McCarthy, William J., 221 E. 101st st., produce merch-and typewriter; Romard, Leo J., 11 First st., Brooklyn, laborer; Ledwith, Arthur ant; Williams, Raymond E., 297 Oakland st., Brooklyn, salesman Ł Price, Fred A., J., 110 9th ave., New York, driver ; Riordan, William F., 495 E. 188th st, electrician; 314 E. 137th st, chauffeur ; Wright, William J., 4402 Grafton ave., Richmond Hill, L. Sullivan, John J., 64 Barrow st., clerk; Haag, Joseph, 4754 Emerson st., Glendale, I., clerk; O’Neill, David P., 201 E. 39th st., stationary fireman ; Furey, James E., York st., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; McCullough, James A., 26 Dongan st., Elmhurst, L. I., packer ; Ordemann, Ernest, 1877. Madison st., Ridgewood, L. I., machinist. Childs, Wilfred J., 2242 Creston ave., Bronx, driver ; Beglan, John L., 106 W. 96th L. I., office boy; Powers, Charles T., 394 15th st., Brooklyn, shipping clerk; Hogg, st., clerk ; Klein feller, John E., 114 Village ave., Rockville Center, N. Y., printer; John A., 2715 Fulton Ł st., Brooklyn, machinist; Murphy, William H., 1572 68th st., Mansfield, Lawrence W., 1354 Stebbins ave., Bronx, clerk; Murray, Michael J., 644 Brooklyn, mechanic ; Bingham, George F., Jr., 128 W. 96th st., clerk; Bleecker, Lester E. 17th st, driver ; Horst, George, 640 Hart st., Brooklyn, shipping clerk; McMahon, E., 1489 Nostrand ave., Brooklyn, chauffeur; Costello, Thomas T., 1628 Amsterdam Thomas A., 397 Hudson st., driver ; Murphy, Thomas J., 614 Second ave., Astoria, ave., grocery clerk ; Caldwell, Matthew J., 456 E. 164th st., stone mason; Brust, L. 1., plasterer ; Hawkins, Frank, 2587 Madison st., Brooklyn, chauffeur: Frauenberger, Martin J., 153 E. 48th st., shipping clerk ; O’Keefe, James J., 47 India st., Brooklyn, Harry F., 865 Onderdonk ave., Queens, chauffeur ; Orth, George, 250 E. 124th st, clerk; Hegeman, Frederick H., 121 Bush st., Brooklyn, soldier; Bartoszevicz, Peter, chauffeur ; Sheehan, William J., 61 Division ave., Brooklyn, driver ; McKay, Howard 417 E. 160th st., porter ; Ralph, William J., Jr., 363 Lenox ave., special officer; Deisler, V., 461 Third ave., Astoria, L. I., special patrolman ; Rome, Colin M., 155 Weldon st., Charles M., 94 Simonson ave., Port Richmond, N. Y., conductor, . Brooklyn, stonemason ; Fowler, William J., 2660 Kingsbridge Terrace, Bronx, plumber ; Friedman, Nathan, 944 Gates ave., Brooklyn, sub letter carrier O’Brien, John J., Sullivan, Sylvester J., 457 E. 136th st., brakeman ; Dooley, William J., Jr., 206 1 lth 348 E. 194th st., salesman; Schreiber, August, Jr., 284 Nichols ave., Brooklyn, milkman; st., Brooklyn, chauffeur; Fell, John A., 1117 Fulton ave., Bronx, clerk; Griffard, Paul Muhl, George E., jr., 119 Hull st., Brooklyn, clerk; Tucker, John A., 74 Eighteenth F., 19 Barrow st., apprentice; Kirwin, Edward J., 1360 University ave., Bronx, special ave., Astoria, L. I., freightman; De Julio, Frank A., 148 29th st., Brooklyn, auto patrolman ; Thompson, John, 19 Brooks ave., Port Richmond, S. I., deck hand; Gilson, mechanic ; Viscardi, Angelo C., 467 E. 169th st, lithographer ; Grant, Edward S., 133 William T., 3124 Webster ave., Bronx, butcher; Young, John A., 246 Kingsland ave., Eldert st., Brooklyn, ticket agent; Rubick, Edwin R., 525 Second ave., plumber; Greenpoint, shipping clerk ; Lombardo, Francesco A., 6406 14th ave., Brooklyn, plumber ; Wright, Harry T., 832 Washington ave., Brooklyn, agent; Sheridan, Joseph J., 731 Dalton, Harold A., 183 East 94th st., tilesetter. Dean st., Brooklyn, driver ; Bennett, Richard J., 149 Richards st., Brooklyn, shipping Scgrack, William, 241 Stockholm st., Brooklyn, driver; Bauernfreund, Leo, 1212. clerk ; Cook, Robert E., 1848-A Fulton st., Brooklyn, special officer ; Keoffen, Thomas Seneca ave., Bronx, private, 71st regiment ; Feis, Louis, 117 Sullivan st., machine W., 12 Hammond p1., Elmhurst, L. I., glass worker ; Coleman, Francis J., 325 W. operator; Kelly, Francis T., 338 99th st., Brooklyn, paper handler; Moore, John J., 259th st., Riverdale, N. Y., guard; Werns, George H., 1689 Grove st., Ridgewood, 587 9th ave., clerk; Miller, Cornelius T., 477 Lexington ave., Brooklyn, switchman; mailer; Coyle, James P., 501 W. 178th st., fireman ; Clark, Charles S., 22 11th st., Quinn, Thomas, 217 East 52nd st, patrolman; Hagan, James A., 860 9th ave., special College Point, L. I., steamfitter ; Murtha, Thomas Z., 415 54th st., Brooklyn, motorman; patrolman ; Foley, Joseph A., 1715 Richmond rd., Dongan Hills, S. I., conductor ; Dittman, Alfred, 4433 Chichester ave., Richmond Hill, L. I., carpenter; Bruns, Schellenberger, Edward E., 1675 Second ave., shipping clerk; Borger, John C., 271 Daniel V., 93 Greenpoint ave., Brooklyn, helper ; Treacy, Michael F., 4535 Park ave., 62nd st., Brooklyn, meter tester ; Gaertner, George, 333 E. 87th st., plumber ; Zitzman, Bronx, guard; Hannon, Joseph W., 407 Vanderbilt st., Brooklyn, teamster; Tracy, John G., 210 St. Nicholas ave., brakeman; Phelan, John P., 204 Sumpter st., Brooklyn, Charles, 2047 Westchester ave., special patrolman; McGrath, Edward J., 1497 E. 15th .pecial patrolman; Beekhusen, John, 1826 Cornelia st., Brooklyn, collector ; Agnes, st., Brooklyn, driver. Joseph, 99 Park ave., motorman; Harris, Nathan M., 31 W. 112th st., salesman; Marks, William J., 1099 Gates ave., Brooklyn, mechanic ; Hart, Cornelius J., Kuhlmeier, Frederick W., 285 Onderdonk ave., Brooklyn, painter ; Sweetser, Harold 217 W. 115th st, bill poster ; Reynolds, Peter F., 756 Ely ave., Astoria, L. I., elec-T., 758 Van Nest ave., Bronx, helper ; Stenson, Howard J., Seda st., Hempstead trician ; Manning, Michael, 320 W. 17th st., driver; Burke, Joseph V., 970 Eighth Manor, L. I., farmer ; Friedman, Julius, 173 Henry st., mariner ; Moore, Thomas F., ave., chauffeur Parakiso, Joseph, 1442 Park ave., salesman ; Kallstrand, Leo W., 680 Tenth ave., chauffeur ; Farrell, Thomas F., 437 East 158th st., elevator operator ; 529 52nd st., Brooklyn, foreman; Meyers, John F., 477 Montauk ave., Brooklyn, Tracy, Edward F., 136 W. 62nd st., special patrolman; Broderick, James F., 539 plumber ; Hambrecht, George C., 302 E. 84th st., wireman ; Kupec, Edward, 288 on_ Second ave., Long Island City, L. I., conductor. derdonk ave., Brooklyn, lathe hand; McKenna, James F., 418 W. 57th st., bartender; Drohan, John P., 13 Stewart pl., Yonkers, N. Y., chauffeur ; Watson, Frank J., Taylor, James, 7 Prospect pl., electrician; Gilchrist, John T., 700 Dean st., Brooklyn, 12 Riverview pl., Yonkers, N. Y., loom fixer; Reder, Gustave G., 651 Elton ave., special patrolman; Ormond, Cornelius J., 179 Ashburton ave., Yonkers, N. Y., in-Bronx., printer ; Tallgren, Walter, 1482 Fulton st., Brooklyn, oiler ; Duffy, George J., 262 surance agent; Lovreta, Andrew, 413 W. 41st st., driver ; Vanderdrift, Andrew Prospect ave., Brooklyn, laborer ; Stahl, William J., 215 E. 237th st., piano maker ; 436 57th st., Brooklyn, guard; Skalink, Frank J., 400 E. 71st st., lapidary; Kear, Dalton, William J., Jr., 235 Clinton st., Brooklyn, manager; Reinert, Gustave, 55 Arthur D., 515 W. 46th st., bookkeeper; DeLancey, Peter J., 131 St. Anns ave., McComb pl., Glendale, L. I., potato handler ; Dispenja, Nunzio, 262 Hamilton ave., Bronx., chauffeur ; Callaghan, John E., 409 E. 135th st., keeper; Miller, Leo J. S., Brooklyn, carpenter; Close, James H., jr., 232 54th st., Brooklyn, lithographer ; 452 Broadway, West Brighton, S. I., special patrolman; Wallot, Arthur G., 754 55th Sharrott, Harold S., 788 E. 175th st., driver ; Duemig, Ewald J., 63 Amsterdam ave., st., Brooklyn, shell inspector; Hansen, Frederick, 149 Bay 23rd st., Brooklyn, maŁ special patrolman ; Hackett, John, 728 Tenth ave., post office clerk ; Gannon, Michael chinist ;_Biondi, Joseph, 1314 66th st., Brooklyn, shoe maker ; Gaine, Michael, 517 W. J., 165 W. 102nd st., special patrolman; Conlan, Harry J., 65 E. 8th st., Whitestone, 151st st., conductor. L. I., printer; Myers, Edward J., 550 E. 85th st., special patrolman; Severinsen, Peter, Kleber, William A., 4392 Chichester ave., Woodhaven, L. I., clerk; Thielmann, 1334 70th .st., Brooklyn, painter; Smith, James A., 237 E. 39th st., clerk; Lustbader, Charles, 308 E. 75th St., driver; Motz, Anthony C., 1299 St. John’s pl., Brooklyn, motor-Paul, 3774 Park ave., Bronx, meter clerk ; Hall, Irum, 405 E. 159th st., special man; Reidy, James J., 225 E. 100th st., clerk; Cannon, Edward J., 60 Hallett st., Long officer ; Van Conwenberg, John G., 489 Central ave., Brooklyn, laboratory assistant; Island City, L. I., meter reader ; Brown, David, 1089 Tiffany st., Bronx, special Gallagher, John E., 436 Atkins ave., Brooklyn, mechanic; Michael, Jacob, 330 W. 141st patrolman; Scharger, Samuel, 71 Ridge st., chauffeur ; Bucknall, Alfred H., 510 W. st., storekeeper; Simon, Isidor, 342 Madison st., driver; Duncan, Edward W., 1389 176th st, bricklayer ; Scott, James M., 1045 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, agent (insurance) ; Franklin ave., Bronx, bookkeeper. Solomon, Hinme, 861 Elsmere pl., Bronx, painter ; Howell, George G., Campbell Seaman, Charles, 502 W. 47th st., care Hoffman, chauffeur ; Freitag, Conrad, Hall, ‘Orange Co., N. Y., manager ; Trebing, Charles, 458 Wyckoff ave., Brooklyn, 619 Humboldt st., Brooklyn, sheet metal worker ; Marton, Joseph, 442-A Prospect motorman; Trainor, Frank M., 189 E. 93rd st., superintendent ; Smith, Charles A., ave., Brooklyn, horseshoer; Frey, Leopold, 419 E. 52nd st., conductor ; Dickson, 655 Evergreen ave., Brooklyn, lathe hand; Garrett, William J., 631 E. 227th st., mail Alexander S., 3917 4th ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman; Duffy, William A., 2027 7th clerk; McCormack, Christopher F., 994 First ave., paver ; McRea, Joseph L., 299 E. ave., stock runner ; Daszkiewicz, Frank A., 120 32nd st, Brooklyn, operator; McLough- 162ndŁ st., mate; Carlson, Oscar E., 227 Alexander ave., Bronx, clerk; Doody, John F., lin, Francis, 481 17th st., Brooklyn, motorman; Fagan, Matthew H., 2665 Marion ave., 109 St. Marks pl., New Brighton, S. I., clerk; Hoffman, Emil J. A., 262 W. 154th st., Bronx, embalmer ; McCann, Frank A., 234 E. 46th st., driver ; Fenety, James A., 165 collector ; Sand, William A., 60 W. 118th st.,. chauffeur ; Quinn, Peter J., 567 Amster-Third ave., Astoria, L. I., clerk: Wilkinson, Charles E., 1468 Bushwick ave., Brook- dam ave., guard; Kiefer, Gustave, 52 Morgan ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman ; lyn, driver; Harvey, Robert, 467 W. 46th st, fireman; Cannon. John A., 1590 Park Auer, George J., 54 Harrison pl., Brooklyn, sash maker; Loewe, Arthur F., 63 16th pl., Brooklyn, metal ceiling worker; Cunningham, Martin J., 306 E. 120th st., special st., Brooklyn, plumber. guard; Tracy, John A., 332 19th st., Brooklyn, laborer; Gans, John E., 65 Longfellow Celentano, Ignatius, 2537 Amsterdam ave., clerk; Conway, John J., Jr., 58 Man- ave., Jamaica, L. I., driver; Herlihy, Jeremiah, 306 E. 120th st., guard ; O’Connor, hattan st., ticket agent; Bruderle, Charles, 130 Himrod st., Brooklyn, special patrolman; John E., 235 Pacific st., Brooklyn, reporter ; Frank, Michael, 148 Patchen ave., Brook- Schultz, Joseph J., 817 65th st., Brooklyn, inspector; Henninger, Paul T., 168 Forley lyn, seaman; Drabert, John J., 557 Hamburg ave., Brooklyn, machinist; Kavanagh, Elmhurst, L. I., plumber ; Keefe, John, 543 7th ave., Astoria, L. I., meter inspector; William L., 1705 Gates ave., Brooklyn, clerk ; Grady, William J., 240 President st., Mason, HarrY G., 448 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman ; De Laura, Patsy, Brooklyn, driver ; McCarthy, Lawrence J., 155 E. 108th st., blacksmith; Cullen, Patrick 222 E. 111th st., machinist ; Keane, John J., 80 Morton st., bookkeeper ; Sullivan, J., 491 E. 188th st., laborer. Francis M., 114 E. 90th st., chauffeur ; McDermott, Joseph H., 136 Targee st., Staple- Schmitt, John J., 308 Sumpter st., Brooklyn, motorman; Moyer, Edward W., 114 ton, S. I., special patrolman; Duffy, Michael J., 23 1-2 Gouverneur st., driver ; Glennon, Schley st., Glendale, L. I., metal worker; Lantry, Francis P., 214 Carroll st., Brook- Thomas C., 256 Kingsland ave., Brooklyn, typist; McMahon, Thomas F., 573 Warren lyn, guard ; Pryor, Bernard J., 388 Manhattan ave., bartender; Malone, Joseph J. st., Brooklyn, plumber ; Crane, James F., 6232 Amboy rd., Pleasant Plains, S. I., 3295 Third ave., Bronx, special officer ; Langmann, Rudolf W., 3716 Third ave, special patrolman ; O’Connell, Albert R., 2550 Linden st., Brooklyn, laborer; Hopkins, packer; Mullen, Thomas F., 138 Westervelt ave., New Brighton, S. I., clerk; Turk, Joseph P., 244 E. 90th st., bricklayer Ł Heinrich, Richard T., 986 Halsey st., Brooklyn, Joseph, 154 Avenue C, driver; Curley, Joseph R., 104 Ainslie st., Brooklyn, conductor; pianist ; Kirk, Edward J., Old 12 Broome st., chauffeur; Meyer, George J., 1558 Healy, Maurice P., 2247 Webster ave., Bronx, wireman; Mulligan, Patrick P., 359 W. 72nd st., Brooklyn, clerk; Spreemann, Charles, 122 Metz ave., Winfield, L. I., packer ; 58th st., chauffeur ; Fitzner, William, Jr., 151 Lawrence st., Astoria, N. Y., special pa- Tasso, Victor J., 4002 Third ave., Brooklyn, porter ; Curtis, Walter F., 63 Duffield st., trolman; McQuillan, William J., 121 Stanley ave., Yonkers, N. Y., meter tester ; Grif- Brooklyn, typist ; Farrell, Daniel J. Jr., 20 Bethume st., society officer ; McMahon, fin, George, 134 1/2 Palisade ave., Yonkers, N. Y., wireman; Igoe, Charles, 136 North Hugh B., 319 Euclid ave., Brooklyn, photo engraver. , 8th st., Brooklyn, clerk; Pagano, Guiseppo N., 236 Boerum st., Brooklyn, special Wenk, Max, 705 E. 179th st., chauffeur ; Donovan John G., 179 W. 63rd st., officer ; Gardiner, Eugene B., 227 Helen ave., South Ozone Park, L. I., clerk; Walsh, brakeman; Dursee, Joseph F., 246 E. 55th st., packer ; Fitzgerald, John A., 261 E. Raymond L., 654.E. 163.rd st, bricklayer ; Nidds, William J., 218 Avenue S, Brooklyn, Burnside ave., Bronx, collector; Mulligan, Edward S., 2026 Walton ave., Bronx, assistant bookkeeper ; Kelly, John P., 43 Clymer st., Brooklyn, loader ; Cummings, John driver ; Kouba, John, 1440 Avenue A, driver ; Bressel, Arthur J., 349 Dill pl., Brook-D., 336 E. 39th st., elevator operator; Schuler, William F., 19 Broome st., Brooklyn, lyn, fitter; Neary, Joseph V., 130 W. 63rd st., conductor ; Buck, Fred, 363 W. 17th clerical; Hammel, Forrest, 153 E. 31st st., letter carrier ; Kearney, Frank J., Liberty, st., clerk ; Reed, George C., 350 Avenue 0, Brooklyn, clerk ; Palumbo, Arthur, 126 Sullivan Co., N. Y., farmer ; Michell, Charles A., 1674 Third ave., clerk. Willis ave., Bronx, soldier ; Gaynor, Thomas D., 227 E. 89th st., driver ; Brady, James McCormack, John J., 1503 Commonwealth ave., Bronx, guard; Moehringer, R., 422 E. 148th st., dynamo man; Bock, Robert, 237 Wallworth st., Brooklyn, special Charles J., 292 South Ninth st., Brooklyn, machine hand ; O’Connor, Kerry, 1689 patrolman ; Dribben, Louis, 149 W. 117th st., clerk . Klein, Leo, 450 E. 139th st., letter E. 49th st., Brooklyn, fireman; Murray, James T., 218 E. 76th st., handy man; carrier ; Markert, George A., 781-83 Fresh Pond rd., Queens, printer; Pfeiffer, Arthur McNulty, Edward F., 873 Eighth ave., bookkeeper ; McDonough, Francis T., 458 E., 870 E. 147th st., chauffeur ; Atkins, James J., 7610 Third ave., Brooklyn, motorman; W. 18th st., plumber’s helper ; Corbett, Harry, 611 W. 103th st., fireman ; Clark, David Grant, Edward A., 2176 Amsterdam ave., indexer ; Layton, Albert L., 216 Elm st., G., 546 W. 47th st., teamster ; Weinberger, Edward, 147 St. Lawrence ave., Bronx, Yonkers, N. Y., insurance agent; Ascetta, Thomas J., 1430 36th st., Brooklyn, driver; clerk ; Knoph, Frank, 2394 Catalpa ave., Brooklyn, grinder at wax work; Kinkel- Brodie, Henry Leo, 235 Richmond st., Brooklyn, carpenter; Christensen, Walter L., stein, Isidor, 289 South First st., Brooklyn, window dresser; Bedner, Charles M., 194 23 South 13th st., College Point, L. I.; press hand; Riescher, John H., 41 Jewell st., West st., Haverstraw, N. Y., brick boatman; Kress, John C., 778 McDonough st., Brooklyn, teamster. Brooklyn, clerk; Youds, Wilfred, 31 Egbert ave., New Dorn, S. I., fireman; Shea, Jones, Lester E., 1116 Baker ave., Richmond Hill, L. I., painter ; Maher, Thomas Walter, 429 E. 81st st., chauffeur ; Svendsen, Ejnar E., 1253 Ogden ave., Bronx, fire- J., 66 Elliott ave., Queens, L. I., cutter ; Durr, Charles, 330 Myrtle ave., Glendale, L. man; McKiernan, John T., 15 E. 199th st., clerk; Wallach, Morris, 750 Melrose ave., I., clerk; Sheehy, John Thomas, 255 Eighth ave., Astoria, L. I., conductor; Kelly, Bronx, shipping clerk ; Miller, John J., 1003 Greene ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman; William, 132 W. 67th st., manager ; Creeden, Joseph W., 3 Stone ave., Brooklyn, special Deegan, Thomas C., 313 E. 123rd st., driver ; Griffin, William H.,, 467 Harman “st., patrolman; Goodwin, James J., 161 E. 34th st., ticket agent; Zimmerman, Henry, Brooklyn, clerk ; Buckley, Charles H., 76 Calyer st., Brooklyn, driver ; Greenberg, 316 W. 44th st., driver ; Husstege, Joseph A., 293 Nickolas ave., Port Richmond, S.. Abraham, 918 E. 169th st., salesman; Drummond, Matthew W., 2733 Eighth ave., I., machinist; Gleason, James J., 265 W. Lincoln ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y., driver; shipping clerk ; Moore, Richard V., 1553 Beach ave., Bronx., mill hand. ,Kalsch, Frank X., Cherry ave., Springfield L. I., furniture finisher; Chupek, Joseph Moriarty, Denis P., 43 Henry st., Brooklyn, conductor ; Lyon, Joseph, 501 E. J., 206 Kent st., Brooklyn, wood pattern maker; Schwesinger, Ernest J., 1517 Avenue 140th st., paper ruler ; Ulzheimer, John J., Jr., 1714 79th st., Brooklyn, shipping cleik; A, chauffeur ; Cross, Aloysius J., 7720 Fifth ave., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; Coughlin, Balmski, Frank A., 291 Kingsland ave., Brooklyn, motorman; Conigan, James P., 1614 Frank M., 2083 Eighth ave., mechanic; Murphy, James J., 865 Halsey st., Brooklyn, Eighth ave., Brooklyn, electrician; Funk, Frank J., 27 Prospect st., Winfield, L. I., special patrolman.; Tate, Robert W., Jr., 1055 Greene ave., Brooklyn, plumber ; Darcy, printing pressman ; Dazet, John F., 489 W. 22nd st. machine operator ; Gerner, Fred Barclay J., 2309 Second ave., guard; Seidenstein, Louis, 57 Monteith st., Brooklyn, H., 3710 Third ave., horseshoer; Stadtmuller, Stephen E., Jr., 280 Stagg st., Brooklyn, navy; Kelly, Peter F., 35 Tallman st., Brooklyn, clerk ; Hannon, Thomas P., 241 St. driver ; Raven, Arthur A., 49 Lee ave., Brooklyn, plumber ; Grennan, Andrew, 39 Nicholas ave., Brooklyn, knitter ; Simmons, William J., 1637 61st st., Brooklyn, Kingston ave., Brooklyn, shade painter ; Maxwell, Harry F., 305 119th st., pipe salesman; Hedderton, William J., 176 E. 78th st., driver; Godly, Robert L., 450 W. 49th fitter; Carter, Peter F., 2894 Valentine ave., Bronx, wireman Ł Keenan, Frederick st., messenger ; Bymes, John T., 109 Crown st., Brooklyn, driver. T., 334 E. 80th st., signalman helper ; Von Bargen, Walter H., 256 Division ave., Scully, John F., 3803 Third ave., Bronx, keeper ; Daly, John F., 38 Groshon ave., Brooklyn, packer ; Sullivan, Eugene J., 8210 18th ave., Brooklyn, driver ; Bauer, Yonkers, N. Y., clerk; Kuhlkin, John E., 204 W. 118th st., chauffeur ; Ripp, Michael Joseph, 80 Mount Olivet ave., Maspeth, L. I., scale maker; McGrath, Michael Y., 444 A. Jr., 2275 Bassford ave., Bronx, lampman; Kehoe, Joseph, 122 Schenectady ave., E. 77th st., pipe fitter ; Morgan, Thomas J., 294 Pulaski st., Brooklyn, driver ; Darcy, Brooklyn, carpenter; Wynn, Ferdinand A., 666 E. 222nd st., Bronx, plumber ; Decry, Carl, 525 74th st., Brooklyn, electrician; Schmidt, Alfred F., 366 Amsterdam ave., Grover L., 365 Eighth ave., bookkeeper; Gass, Charles J., 16 Central ave., Brooklyn, baker ; Kelly, John E., 217 E. 95th st., chauffeur ; Lyons, Charles J., 2075 Haviland chauffeur ; Aeillo, Anthony J., 356 W. 25th st., soldier ; Donohue, Francis J., 172 ave., Bronx, letter carrier ; Schankweiler, Henry J., 865 Amsterdam ave., stage hand; Stanley ave., Yonkers, N. Y., butcher ; Dooley, Charles S., 35 Lawn ave., Corona, Sleavin, Edward W., 340 1-2 Evergreen ave., Brooklyn, plumber. L. I., linotypist; Minkin, Rudolph A., 344 E. 152nd st., gas fitter ; Duggan, Thomas Sojka, Leo P., 134 Clinton ave., Maspeth, L. I., driller ; Wirsing, James P., 2116 J., 306 E. 140th st., traffic man ; Ryan, John F., 60 Wolcott st., Brooklyn, clerk; Mohegan ave., Bronx, painter ; De Martini, William V., 10 Vandam st., plumber; Wollmers, Leo A., 620 46th st, Brooklyn, florist; Rauch, John E., 611 Hamilton st., Leonard, Thomas J., 565 59th st., Brooklyn, guard ; Green, James J., 378-A Decatur Astoria, L. I., brakeman; Dalton, John J., 166 Prospect st., Long Island City, cable
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SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1917. THE CITY RECORD 6025 Levine, Herman, 236 Grand st., Brooklyn, engraver; Tinocchio, John B., 2021 Woodbine st., Brooklyn, power house operator; Connolly, Felix F., 2533 Utica ave., Brooklyn, driver ; Olsson, Albert J., 133 Lefferts ave., Brooklyn, dock builder ; Sulli-van, Joseph J., 88 Vanderbilt ave., Brooklyn, electrician ; Saltzsieder, Christian R., 340 E. 139th st., shipping clerk ; Ackermann, Antone, 378 7th st., Brooklyn, plumber; Conley, Thomas F., 337 45th st., Brooklyn, driver ; Adams, Thomas F., 1127 Decatur st., Brooklyn, pipe fitter ; Dittrich, John A., 320 E. 153rd st., auto mechanic ; Jarczyn-ski, Albert, Jr., 2916 Heath ave., Bronx, printer ; Knab, Peter T., 180 Richardson st., Brooklyn, salesman; Seilbeed, John, 28 Vine st., Richmond Hill., L. I., motorman; McEvoy, Edward P., 364 E. 159th st., postmaster ; Gerard, Alfred F., 1420 Parker st., Bronx, chauffeur ; Martin, Thomas F., 571 Morgan ave., Brooklyn, foreman; Fountain, Loftus B., 79 Rowan ave., Ł Winfield, L. I., machinist’s helper; Rape, Charles T., 1836 Westchester ave., Bronx, special patrolman; Josephs, Jesse, 110 1-2 Cherry st., glazier; Donnelly, William A., 585 Amsterdam ave., special officer; Man-cim, Vincent P., 2317 Bass ford ave., Bronx, piano manufacturer ; Daly, Thomas J., 446 E. 175th st., porter ; Lacey, Edward L, 626 6th ave., Astoria, L. I., conductor;’ Ulschmid, Frank, Jr., 242 Covert st., Brooklyn, painter ; La Morte, Carmine F., 248 W. 16th st., distributer. Johnson, Francis, 517 E. 82nd st., post office clerk ; Johnson, John 0., 271 W. 119th st., special patrolman; Gallagher, John C., 426 E. 57th st., helper ; Coffey, George J., 77 Zudler ave., Maspeth, L. I., deck hand; Bothner, Peter A., 10 Second st., Brook-lyn, clerk; Noller, Walter H., 150 Giffords Lane, Great Kills, S. I., machine operator; Driscoll, Jeremiah, 103 W. 105th st., laborer ; Groom, Joseph L., 1509 Nostrand ave., Brooklyn, motorman; Steinert, Charles H., 304 No. High st., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., driver ; McVey, James, 968 Boston rd., Bronx. bricklayer ; Sieffert, Frederick H., 1263 Bushwick ave., Brooklyn, carpenter ; Muller, John, 176 Albany ave, Brooklyn, motorman ; Melvin, Norman A., 717 Union ave., Bronx, tile setter ; McDermott, Harry, 394 Quincy st. Brooklyn, special patrolman; Byrnes, Thomas A., 418 Classon ave., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; Ward, Michael W., 322 Willoughby ave., Brooklyn, driver; Heusner, Charles A., 58 Forest ave., Brooklyn, butcher ; Murphy, John, 458 Prospect ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman; Waterhouse, James H., 157 Carroll st., City Island, N. Y., special patrolman ; Logan, Arthur J., 344 E. 61st st., chauffeur ; O’Neill, Walter F., 8811 Bay 16th st., Brooklyn, clerk; D’Amico, George, 1858 63rd st., Brooklyn, elevator operator; MacNelis, Michael, 2137 Mapes ave., Bronx, towerman ; Nashua, Charles, Jr., 408 Dill Place, Brooklyn, tinsmith’s helper; SmalenŁ bach, William H., 2595 Eighth ave., electrician. Turley, James C., 115 E. 92nd st., stock clerk ; Shattuck, Randall J., 950 Hoe ave., Bronx. superintendent ; Funk, John F., 107 Shaw ave., Union Course, L. I., driver ; McKenna, William P., 149 W. 62nd st., chauffeur.; Bucke, John T., 818 Sixth ave., assistant foremanŁ; Riess, Andrew J., Jr., 123 Canoe pl., Union Course, L. I., clerk; Regan, William A., 306 W. 121st st., foreman; Hogan, Charles F., 1060 38th st., Brooklyn, driver ; Langer, Frank J., 510 Seneca ave., Brooklyn, laborer ; Fischer, Charles W., 302 E. 94th st., oiler; McCormick, William J., 203 Troy ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman ; Stanton, Andrew P., 4319 Katonah ave., Woodlawn, Bronx, chauffeur ; Cortello, John J., 597 E. 136th st., tinsmith’s helper ; Dunn, James L., 329 Concord ave., Bronx, plumber ; Fullhardt, William, 1752 First ave., metal worker; Hertwig, Franz 0., 230 Stanhope st., Brooklyn, teamster; Schmidt, William H., 529 E. 81st st., clerk; Fischer, Henry F., 428 Van Brunt st., Brooklyn, special officer; Neuweiler, John, 436 Cornelia st., Brooklyn, driver ; Geiger, Frederick, 423 E. 148th st., special patrolman; Von Halle, John K., 865 Columbus ave., gas fitter; Keely, Edward J., 12 Elm st., Flushing, L. I., clerk; Tynan, John J., 295 W. 105th st., masseur; Mullins, Thomas W., 1369 Washington ave., Bronx, plumber ; Oakes, Joseph H., 15 No. Eleventh ave., Whitestone, L. I., clerk. Kennel, Charles, 51 Lott ave., Brooklyn, packer ; Kice, Joseph R., 1462 South-ern Boulevard, Bronx, laundry man; McDonald, Thomas J., 128 Cumberland st., Brooklyn, special patrolman; ‘McDonald, Joseph J., 131 Willoughby ave., Brooklyn, assistant manager ; Barnes, Alexander C., 1225 Bigelow pl., Woodhaven, L. I., clerk; McCoy, John A., 1741 White Plains rd., Bronx, machinist; Wichtendahl, William, 323 E. 80th st., helper, I. R. T. C. ; Rody, Joseph M., 1052 Cypress ave., Evergreen, L. I. machinist; Donker, William, 35 Stewart st., Brooklyn, painter ; Kery, Michael, Broad st., Maspeth, L. I., driver; Bryan, William J., 180 Bergen st., Brooklyn, clerk; Whelan, Robery J., Jr., 325 42nd st., Brooklyn, lathe hand; Bryan, Walter J., 252 Eleventh ave., Long Island City, special patrolman ; Lawlor, Francis J., 127 Oak st., Greenpoint, Brooklyn, laborer ; Calahan, Walter A., Shell rd. and 19th st., Elmhurst, L. I., clerk ; Powers, Thomas E., 3805 Barnes ave., Bronx, electrician ; Trainer, Welson P., 52 Lincoln ave., Arverne, L. I., special patrolman; Paur, Ernest A., 613 Eagle ave., Bronx, bricklayer ; Van Blarcom, Paul, Jr., 553 W. 182nd st., clerk ; Bauer, August G., 1303 Leland ave., Bronx, clerk; Lantenbacher, Henry, 88 Morgan ave., Brooklyn, packer ; Saunders, William H., 145 W. 142nd st., elevator man; Davis, Thomas J., 119 Cherry st., teamster; Reynolds, George A., 1380 Third ave., clerk; Nachtigall, Otto G., 305 E. 81st st., painter. Donovan, Thomas L., 749 Union st, Brooklyn, chemist’s helper ; Cain, Joseph A., 916 E. 176th st., clerk ; Ehret, Harry J., 896 First ave., tile layer; Schmidt, Edward L., 529 E. 81st st., operator ; Steck, John W., 396 Clifton pl., Brooklyn, clerk ; Farrell, John J., Jr., 25 Coe pl., Elmhurst, L. I., assistant buyer ; McGowan, Francis A., 268 Nassau ave., Brooklyn, hatter ; Murray, James J., 98 Tillary st., Brooklyn, com-positor ; Koch, Henry, 1652 Jefferson ave., Evergreen, L. I., printer ; Lyons, James F., 167 Sumpter st., Brooklyn, clerk; Dinneen, John A., 27 Desbrosses st., clerk; Beck, Christian, 546 W. 46th st., gateman, I. R. T. C.; Wheeler, Paul L., 41 Erastura pl., Mariners Harbor, S. I., trainman ; Mahoney, George S., 1239 E. 10th st., Brook-lyn, press feeder; Koenig, Frank, 1042 Decatur st., Brooklyn, packer; Smith, Camp-bell, 185 Franklin st., Brooklyn, clerk; Smith, William J., 396 Third ave., Brooklyn, brakeman; Roper, Joseph A., 2593 Eighth ave., chauffeur; Carr, James J., 645 57th st., Brooklyn, bookkeeper ; Timmons, Frank E., 231 Heyward st., Brooklyn, chauffeur ; Larkin, Edward T., 37 Button ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman; Hattrick, James A., 2249 Webster ave., Bronx, bricklayer; Apgar, Harry, Jr., 522 Gravesend ave., Brooklyn, motorman; Rooney, Michael J., 2479 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, special patrolman; Albus, George, 1001 Washington ave., Bronx, news dealer. Damato, Mithael, 27 Frost st., Brooklyn, driver ; Guadagno, Anthony, 66 Skill-man ave., Brooklyn, driver; Sagan, James J., 54 Watts st., mechanic; Kraverath, Henry G., 1934 Palmetto st., Brooklyn, special Patrolman; Record, Clarence, 220 E. 85th st., tile setter; Pedersen, William C., 1071 57th st., Brooklyn, special patrolman; Campion, Edward A., 1077 Lorimer st., Brooklyn, clerk; Scollin, Thomas, 273 W. 52nd st., electrician ; Rooney, James W., 103 Charles st., special patrolman ; Sulzer, Charles, 415 E. 173rd st., electrician; Kinran, John J., 340 E. 52nd st., machinist; Kahl, Henry A., 1001 Home st., Bronx, clerk; Harra, John J., 300 E. 156th st., clerk ; McConegley, Alexander R, 8639 Twenty-third ave., Brooklyn, special office?; Barron, Patrick J., 500 W. 133rd st, driver; Berkowitz, Harry, 415 Myrtle ave., Brooklyn, teamster; Haag, Otto P., 396 Third ave., Astoria, L. I., plumber ; Dunn, William J., 569 Morgan ave., Brooklyn, conductor ; Cullen, James J., 35 W. 129th st., gas fitter; O’Neill, John J., 165 E. 128th st., chauffeur; Whalen, John J., 244 W. 135th st., clerk ; Walheim, Edward, 331 E. 86th st., compositor ; Fallon, James B., 460 IW. 147th st., clerk; Frick, George L., 257 81st st., Brooklyn, salesman; Hanrahan, Michael, 207 W 17th st., pipe man, subway. Clarke, Peter, Wards Island, N. Y., attendant; Claire, Philip, 303 E. 94th st., chauffeur; Morton, Charles, E., 83 India st., Brooklyn, statistician; Schaefer, Fred-erick F., 897 E. 176th st., photo engraver; Colgan, Joseph S., 1582 Bushwick ave., Brooklyn, clerk; Feeney, Thomas A., 452 W. 58th st., mechanicŁ Cleary, William A., 235 E. 28th st., chauffeur ; Dolan, William E., 716 49th st., Brooklyn, driver; Ryan, Joseph F., 307 E. 154th st., superintendent; Vesey, Eugene A., 310 Linden st., Brooklyn, clerk; Schubert, Frederick G., 861 Onderdonk ave., Brooklyn, in-spector ; Tennatn, John J., 301 E. 69th st., steam fitter; Stapleton, Edward T., 254 E. 184th st., butcher; Buckley, Michael J., 884 Franklin ave., Brooklyn, conductor; Burke, John J., 691 E. 137th st., pump man; Fabbrini, Raymond F., Willis ave., Floral Park, L. I., clerk; Moore, William -J., 164 E. 85th st, special patrolman; Amorosi, Joseph A., 2 James st., compositor ; Keane, Bryan T., 266 Sixteenth ave., Asoria, L. I., clerk; Englehardt, Joseph, 2454 Lorillard pl., Bronx, brewer; Wells, William T., 155 E. 50th st., optician; Schilling, Otto, 223 McDougal st., Brooklyn, peddler; Shea, Dennis, 188 High st., Brooklyn, manager; Dolan, John, 303 W. 145th st., pipe fitter; Mims, Henry C., 28 W. 136th st., painter. Meyer, Charles W., 1558 72nd st., Brooklyn, clerk; Lang, Philip A., 120 7th st., packer; Heiirich, Joseph T., 317 23rd st., Brooklyn, carpenter ; McKenna, Arthur J., 989 Summitt ave., Bronx, clerk; Flynn, James P., 64 Fourth pl., Brooklyn, con-ductor ; Granatelli, Desiderio A., 132 Cherry st., teamster ; Leacock, Robert J., 2712 Heath ave., Bronx, salesman ; Norman, Thomas A., 98 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, painter; Frunz, Peter, 191 Hudson st., driver; O’Connor, John W., 499 W. 158th st., switchman; Murphy, Thomas F., 1349 First ave., barkeeper; Keely, John F., Jr., 12 Elm st., Flushing, L. I., electrician; Cassidy, Lawrence J., 464 E. 136th st., elevator runner ; Moriarty, Thomas J., 26 Rose st., machine operator; Romanella, Frank E., 505 W. 29th st, clerk. Reilly, John M., 42 Perry st., clerk; Dorn, John J., 339 E. 36th st., cashier ; Eggermann, William H., 2378 Putnam ave., Brooklyn, machinist; Killoran, Martin, 915 Second ave., Shifter Ex. Co. ; McKay, Thomas P., 422 W. 55th st., letter carrier; Fennell, Patrick F., 327 E. 36th st., chauffeur; McCarthy, James E., 1369 Washington ave., Bronx, ticket agent; Ryan, Albert, 301 W. 154th st., motorman; Denihan, Steven J., 510 Bay Ridge ave., Brooklyn, sailor; Haussmann, William, 2073 E. 47th st., special patrolman. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SINKING FUND OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Proceedings of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at a Meeting Held in Room 16, City Hall, at 11 o’Clock A. M., on Wednesday, August 8, 1917. Present at roll call: Robert L. Moran, Acting President, Board of Aldermen; Albert E. Hadlock, Deputy and Acting Comptroller ; Milo R. Maltbie, Chamberlain; Francis P. Kenney, Chairman Finance Committee, Board of Aldermen. His Honor, the Mayor, arrived later. See note. The minutes of the meeting held July 26, 1917, were approved as printed. Dock Department-New Plan for Improvement of the Waterfront South of Dyckman St., North River. This matter was on the calendar of the last meeting, and the hearing adjourned to be continued at this meeting. On motion, the hearing was again adjourned to be continued at 10 o’clock in the forenoon on Friday, August 10, 1917. Note-At this point his Honor, the Mayor, arrived, and after remaining but a few minutes was called away. Dock Department-Proposed Lease to the Vermont Hygeia Ice Company of Certain Land Under Water, South of Dyckman St., North River. The Chamberlain brought up the matter of the proposed lease to the Vermont Hygeia Ice Company which was laid over at the last meeting. A communication was received from the Commissioner of Parks, Manhattan, in opposition to the proposed lease, which was considered. Mr. Cyrus C. Miller, Attorney for the Vermont Hygeia Ice Company, was again heard in regard to the matter. After a discussion the matter was again laid over. Ł Board of Education-Lease fOr, of Premises in the Parochial School Building on the Easterly Side of Brook Ave., 104 Feet North of 159th St., Bronx. The Deputy and Acting Comptroller presented the following report and offered the following resolution: Ł August 3, 1917. splicer ; Mackey, Nicholas A., 416 W. 124th st., salesman; Tuite, James J., 55 Newell st., Brooklyn, conductor ; Diehl, Balthazar, Jr., 527 Glebe ave., Westchester, Bronx, produce merchant; Diehl, Christian, 1517 St. Peters ave., Bronx, produce dealer; Holder, James W., 1075 Ogden ave., Bronx, freight handler; Walsh, William P., 244 Tenth ave., chauffeur ; Maher, Arthur L., 2176 Washington ave., Bronx, property man ; Finncane, Peter, 430 E. 137th st., driver. Tobkes, Joseph, 959 Home st., Bronx, ticket agent; Heimbauer, John T., 18 Ingraham st., Brooklyn, manufacturer of surgical instruments; Egan, Frank G., 91 India st, Brooklyn, electrician ; Hopper, Bertram, 63 Bank st., special patrolman; O’Connor, John J., 177 8th st., Brooklyn, shipping clerk ; Edwards, John J., 3868 Tenth ave., laborer ; Schnibbe, Herman H., 270 61st st., Brooklyn, die sinker, navy yard ; Singer, Charles, 969 Cauldwell ave., Bronx, salesman ; Johnston, Joseph, 446. W. 125th st., plumber ; Geraty, Albert J., 1465 Hoe ave., Bronx, cutter; Curran, Joseph A., 156 Elm st., Yonkers, N. Y., accountant; Walz, Philip H., 55 E. 122nd st., pipe fit-ter; Moder, Frederick \V., 3983 Carpenter ave., Bronx, butcher; Cassidy, Patrick W., 534 Eighth st., Brooklyn, private detective; Lockhart, Thomas F., 948 Second ave., chauffeur ; Whittam, Henry J., 592 Morgan st., Williamsburg, N. Y., clerk; Dugan, Edward J., 222 E. 27th st., chauffeur ; Sterzinger, Joseph A., 162 Ninth ave., elevator operator; Gunstone, Harry S., 113 Calyer st., Brooklyn, conductor; Dwyer, Valen-tine L., 2676 E. 18th st., Brooklyn, contractor ; Ceder, George, Jr., 247 Willis ave., Bronx, machinist ; Schalkham, August, 239 E. 74th st., salesman ; Haren, Daniel J., 148 Charles st., clerk ; Case, Walter, 236 E. 116th st., barber; Levine, Barnett S,, no Clinton st., acting agent, Interboro Co. To the Honorable, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund: Gentlemen-The Secretary of the Board of Education in a communication to your Board under date of June 29, 1917, states that the Board of Education on June 27, 1917, adopted a resolution requesting a lease of six rooms on the third floor, nine rooms on the fourth floor and Room “A” on the first floor in the parochial school building of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, located on the easterly side of Brook Avenue, 104 feet north of 159th Street, The Bronx, occupied as an annex to Public School 10, for a period of two years from July 1, 1917, with the privilege of renewal for an additional term of two years thereafter, at an annual rental of $10,500, otherwise upon terms and conditions the same as those contained in the lease which expired July 1, 1917. The Department of Education has been using 18 class rooms, nine on the third floor and nine on the fourth floor, with an office room on the first floor since Jan-uary 1, 1913, at a rental of $12,000 a year, and it is now proposed to lease only 15 class rooms and Room “A” instead of Room “B,” for office purposes, and the rent has accordingly been reduced to $10,500. Deeming the rent reasonable and just under the circumstances and the City being a holdover tenant, I respectfully recommend that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund adopt a resolution approving of and consenting to the execution by the Board of Education of a lease of Rooms 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, Room “A” on first floor, and one-half of the playground in the basement, of the parochial school building of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, located on the easterly side of Brook Avenue, 104 feet north of 159th Street, Borough of the Bronx, for use of the Board of Education, for a period of two years from July 1, 1917, with the privilege of renewal for an additional term of two years thereafter upon the same terms and conditions, at an annual rental of $10,500, payable quarterly; the City to pay taxes and water rates upon the demised premises during the term of the lease or any renewal thereof ; the lessors to furnish heat, light and janitor service, make all exterior repairs, and to permit the Board of Education to use the auditorium, exclusive of the gallery, on all school days between the hours of 8:40 and 11 o’clock A.M., otherwise on terms and conditions the same as those contained in the lease which expired on July 1, 1917. Lessor, Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. Respectfully, ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hereby approve of and consent to the execution by the Board of’ Education of a lease to the City of Rooms 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, Room “A” on the first floor, and one-half the playground in the basement of the parochial school building of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul located on the easterly side of Brook Avenue 104 feet north of 159th Street, Borough of The Bronx, for use of the Board of Education, for a period of two years from July 1, 1917, with the privilege of renewal for an additional term of two years thereafter, upon the same terms and conditions, at an annual rental of ten thousand five hundred dollars ($10,-500), payable quarterly; the City to pay taxes and water rates upon the demised prem-ises during the term of the lease or any renewal thereof ; the lessor to furnish heat, light and janitor service, make all exterior repairs, and to permit the Board of Educa-tion to use the auditorium exclusive of the gallery on all school days between the hours of 8.40 and 11 o’clock a. m., otherwise on terms and conditions the same as those contained in the lease which expired on July 1, 1917. Lessor, Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul; the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable and that it would be for the interests of the City that such lease be made.
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