Display self-reliant enterprise. ▫ Alert to new opportunities, techniques and approaches. ▫ Seize all opportunities. ▫ Explore new opportunities. ▫ Capture all

145 KB – 20 Pages

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POWER PHRASES TO BUILD YOUR RESUME ACCURACY Recognize the importance of accuracy Perform with a high degree of accuracy Perform with consistent accuracy Achieve results with accuracy and precision Maintain high statistical accuracy Expect perfection St rive for perfection Excel in achieving perfection Avoid mistakes and errors Conform to strict tolerances Meet precise standards Meet rigid specifications Keep accurate records Maintain accurate documentation Provide explicit documentation Meticulous with detail Excel in detail checking Forecast with extreme accuracy Make accurate predictions about future trends, directions and developments. ACHIEVEMENT Achieve optimal levels of personal performance and accomplishment Provide strong evidence of specific accomplishments Produce a tangible, positive impact Achieve consistently high results Excel in achieving outstanding project results Achieve bottom – line results Achieve lasting results Exceed the norm Accomplish more with fewer people Demonstrate the abili ty to achieve desire results Focus on results Attain results without negative side effects Attain results through positive actions ADMINISTRATION Demonstrate a high level of administrative competence. Constantly examine administrative effectiveness and s eeks better procedures Encourage administrative efficiency and effectiveness Achieve high administrative output Avoid burdening management with administrative detail Effectively use exception reporting to keep management informed. Clearly establish adminis trative rules and regulations Enumerate and specify procedures for implementing and administering written policies Develop policies and procedure to improve department. Improve administrative support systems Supply necessary support services Develop succes sful administrative strategies Excel in simplifying systems and reducing paperwork Excel in eliminating unnecessary paperwork Effectively control paperwork. Manage paperwork efficiently and effectively Improve administrative efficiency through the effectiv e use of forms Establish effective systems for record retention Keep simple records with little duplication Effectively handle information overload Establish effective systems for information retrieval Understand and apply basic statistical methods Make e ffective use of statistical applications Use sound statistical control techniques Properly control the release of proprietary information Respect confidential information Maintain complete confidentiality Keep informed of new technologies in office automat ion Utilize improved technology for administrative support Make effective use of office equipment ANALYTICAL SKILLS: Demonstrate a strong power of analytical reasoning Display strong analytical qualities Demonstrate a strong ability to analyze problems Very methodical in solving problems Utilize a variety of analytical techniques to solve problems Excels in analyzing and adjusting work procedures for maximum efficiency Thoroughly analyze conditions and reaches independent decisions Effective in analyzin g relevant information Excel in analytical thinking

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APPEARANCE Recognize the importance of appearance Present an attractive appearance Take pride in personal appearance Display the type of grooming which is neat, attractive and appropriate Give proper attention to personal hygiene and dress Dress to convey an appropriate image Dress consistent with organizational expectation Conform to proper standards of dress Wear appropriate clothing and accessories Dress appropriately for the position Display good p osture Projects poise and authority Make positive first impression Make excellent impression Project a positive image COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS Excel in effective and positive communications Communicate openly, forcefully and effectively Communicate clearly a nd concisely Communicate with credibility and confidence Communicate high expectations Improve the effectiveness of communications and interactions with others Provide a intellectual atmosphere conducive to the stimulation and interchange of ideas Excel in communicating with individuals and small groups Conduct meetings that achieve results Make a strong impact at meetings Demonstrate strong committee procedures and techniques Excel in intercommunications and interactions Demonstrate sound negotiating skill s Effectively communicate goals and interplay of ideas and concepts Effectively communicate management decisions to achieve understanding and acceptance. Effectively communicate upward, downward and laterally Communicate effectively both horizontally and v ertically Develops and maintains two – way communications Keep other departments informed of developments affecting their function Communicate confidently with superiors, peers and subordinates Effectively communicate with co – workers Optimally utilize all ch annels of communications Demonstrate good judgement in selecting the proper mode of communication Know when to cover topics by letter or phone. Make appropriate use of formal vs. informal communication Encourage open communication to achieve mutual underst andings Demonstrate an ability to perform and communicate Competent communicator Ask penetrating questions Prevent unproductive responses Avoid communication breakdowns Make the best impression in all situations Demonstrate proper telephone techniques and etiquette Make effective use of the telephone and fax machine Effective explains and interprets organizational policies and procedures Effectively translates complex information into common terms Effective organization of ideas for logical presentation and acceptance. Respond quickly to all oral and written communications Excel in verbal and no – verbal communications Use proper oral and written language Possess a strong vocabulary Display productive assertiveness Assertive without being overly aggressive Con vey an impression which reflects favorably upon the public relations of the organization Excel in dealing with the public image Promote organizational policies, the quality of its products and its repu tation Demonstrate and convey a favorable image of the organization COMPETENCY Demonstrate competent performance Project a special competence Demonstrate a high level of expertise Demonstrate strong personal effectiveness Demonstrate strong interpersonal competence Believe in self Very confidant of abilities Uses abilities to the fullest Maximize personal strengths Excel in the effective application of skill Display a high level of technical competence Effectively blend management skills with technical e xpertise Combine technical competence with dependability and loyalty Demonstrate highly sophisticated skill and strategies Possess specialized skill Highly skilled in all phases of job Excel in operational skills

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Display excellent attention to technical sk ills Especially effective in the development and use of supportive skill Uniquely qualified Effectively capitalizes on strengths Accentuate strengths Keep informed of the latest trends and developments Constantly sharpens and updates skills Devote appropri ate time and effort to the development of professional competence Attend seminars and workshops to improve job performance COMPUTER SKILLS Maximizes the benefits of computer technology Incorporate the newest computer technologies Identify computer suppor t requirements Ensure that computers are used to generate meaningful information and increase efficiency Encourage employee acceptance and use of computers Ensure the proper training of computer operators Utilize the power of computers Make effective use o f computer equipment and facilities Possess a strong knowledge of computer fundamentals Understand computer applications Computer literate Keep alert to new computer hardware Keep abreast of new software applications COST MANAGEMENT Effectively control costs through economical utilization of personnel, materials and equipment Effectively commit resources of staff, funds and time Make maximum use of allocated funds Make realistic budget projections Give close attention to monitoring budget variances and p lans appropriate adjustment Strive for maximum return on investment Excel in profit – oriented decisions Demonstrate a strong ability to strengthen cost – profit ratios Demonstrate sound cost effectiveness Develop strong cost control measures to ensure desired results Maintain effective cost control Exercise appropriate cost control Effectively identify areas needing cost reductions Display sound judgement in managing and controlling expenses Adhere to sound auditing principals Plan travel, entertainment and re lated expenses to achieve essential organizational goals Adhere closely to organizational policies and procedures when requesting expense reimbursement Ensure that all expenditures are in the best interest of the organization Demonstrate success in reducin g costs while maintaining high quality Excel in controlling costs and eliminating waste CREATIVITY Display creative imagination Display active imagination Demonstrate imaginative insight Provide valuable insights Demonstrate creative strength Successfull y develop creative strategies Continuously experimenting Seek creative alternatives Challenge conventional practices Consider innovative possibilities Explore new paths, procedures and approaches Excels in creative thinking and problem solving Create satis fying solution in conformance with organizational polices Develop creative solutions to problems Demonstrate a high degree of originality and creativity Originate and develop constructive ideas Initiate good conceptual ideas with practical applications Exc el in developing spontaneous ideas Originate unsought ideas Seek new ideas and approaches Stimulate ideas Promote the flow of good ideas Welcome ideas from subordinates Receptive to new ideas Generate fresh ideas Initiate fresh ideas Discover new approach es Display a sense of inquiry Maintain a high level of curiosity Display a strong power of observation Encourage an environment for creative excellence Promote an environment conducive to creativity Tap the creative potential of a group Encourage innovati on Promote a creative climate Create interest Create opportunities DECISION MAKING Makes decisions with confidence Display firmness in making decision Can be relied on to make sound decisions Make inventive and resourceful decisions

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Willing to make diffi cult and unpopular decisions Assemble all available facts before making decisions Seek staff input for decision making Make sound decisions in the absence of detailed instructions Uses the most penetrating and objective evaluations to arrive at decisions W eigh alternative decisions before taking action Carefully evaluate alternative risks Practice sound risk taking Willing to take calculate risks Eager to take risks Exercise a wide range of decision making control Foresee the consequences of decisions Excel in foreseeing the effects of decisions Communicate decisions with confidence Demonstrate and ability to effectively influence key decision makers Make sound decisions under pressure Avoid haste decisions Concentrate on developing solutions Excel in seekin g solutions Develop fresh solutions Excel in suggesting optional solutions Develop resourceful solution Support convictions with sufficient force Strive to improve decisiveness Encourage decision making at lowest possible level DELEGATING Delegate to im prove organizational effectiveness Delegate to maximize organizational strengths Recognize the need to concentrate on people rather than tasks Recognize the importance of working through subordinates Encourage delegation Demonstrate effective delegation te chniques Effectively delegate responsibility Give subordinates the authority needed to effectively carry out delegated responsibilities Encourage subordinates to solve their own problems Delegate with clearly defined responsibility and authority Provide su bordinates with the resources needed to accomplish results Delegate while maintaining control Know when and what to delegate Delegate routine tasks to subordinates Make effective use of secretarial support Delegate to the proper person Effectively delegate unpleasant tasks Prevent reverse delegation May be delegated the broadest discretion Delegate to evaluate employee potential Effectively assesses delegation capability Delegate to improve job satisfaction of subordinates Delegate to motivate Delegate to b uild subordinates DEPENDABILITY Is consistent, dependable and accurate in carrying out responsibilities to a successful conclusion Can be relied upon to meet schedules and deadlines Fully accepts all responsibilities and meets deadlines Meets logically d eveloped priorities Achieves result when confronted with major responsibilities and limited resources Utilizes all available resources to achieve results Can be counted on to achieve results in emergency situations Is exceptionally reliable and trustworthy when given an assignment Uses proven methods and techniques to achieve results Displays a strong personal commitment to successfully completing all projects Displays rigid self – discipline Attains results regardless of task levels Meets responsibilities pr omptly Fulfills all commitments Meets expectations Is very dependable and conscientious Is a strong and reliable member of the department Is extremely reliable and supportive Can be relied upon to do the job and any other assigned tasks Is always fully pre pared Can be relied on to successfully complete all assignments Consistently punctual Regular in attendance Effectively follow up assignments DEVELOPMENT Excel in selecting and developing individual with high potential talent Identify staff development n eeds Recognize development levels and ability levels of Initiate and establishes personal growth and career path Excel in developing career development Plan for future career development and accomplishment Seek personal growth and developm ent Understand personal strengths and weaknesses Successful at demonstrating the ability to develop from a specialist to a generalist

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Regularly assess the development and effectiveness of subordinates Inspire subordinates to achieve their fullest potential Excel in developing mutual expectations Encourage broad development of employees Show genuine interest in employee progress Effectively tracks employee progress Deal effectively with different career stages of employees Excel in tapping hidden talents Ex ploit under – utilized capabilities Display and ability to turn weaknesses into strengths Turn potential into action Develop subordinates into higher achievers Cultivate strengths of subordinates Effectively develops employees Develop managerial candidates E ncourage managers to develop subordinates Excel in developing synergy Give proper attention to personnel succession planning Develop qualified successors Encourage employees to acquire proper skills, attitudes and knowledge Encourage special preparation an d training of personnel Use a wide variety of training methods Make effective use of role playing Improve the skills and develops talents of subordinates Successfully build subordinates Coach toward achievement Encourage employees to improve abilities for greater responsibility Excel in developing marginal employees Effectively recommend methods to assist subordinates in overcoming weaknesses Concentrate development on weak areas Encourage constructive actions by employees Assist subordinates in reaching ne w levels of skills, knowledge and attitudes Make winners out of subordinates Assist subordinates in applying new skills, techniques and understandings Facilitates learning Develop creative potential Profit form experience Build on strengths Reinforce posit ive behavior Reinforce employee strengths Build on the positive EVALUATION SKILLS Establish clear and meaningful criteria or standards for effective performance Clearly establish performance objectives and evaluation criteria Establish credible standards Establish credible measurement methods Effectively and continually evaluate activities, programs and functions Continuously evaluate techniques and practices Effectively appraise departmental resources and skills Accurately monitor performance against obj ectives Effectively make quantitative determinations of ability Recognize high potential employees Identify individuals who have a capacity to perform Effectively identify goal achievers Produce highly accurate assessments Effectively assess employees res ources Regularly assess growth Effectively track performance Accurately assess potential Accurately evaluate employee effectiveness Effectively assess the quality of work performed by subordinates Rate on the basis of performance and not personality Effect ively re – evaluate others without creating resentment or negative responses Show significant frequency differences in appraising employees Give recognition to deserving individuals Effectively grant rewards on the basis of objective accomplishment Assign sa lary increases base on true performance Recognize special talents and capabilities of employees Understand accomplishments, strengths and weakness of employees Identify and discusses weakness of staff members Identify individual needing periodic retraining Direct performance appraisals toward the self – improvement of employee Effectively utilize performance reviews as a motivational tool Plan for appraisal interview Give proper attention to performance appraisal interviews Encourage and facilitates self – eval uation Effectively critique own work Benefit from constructive criticism Excel in establishing feedback systems for evaluating results Accurately measure and assess employee feedback GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Control the quality of the most crucial of all the variables contributing to the realization of departmental goals and objectives Excel in planning, forecasting, setting objectives and determining courses of action

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Effectively develop individual departmental and organizational goals to obtain objectives E ffectively blend personal goals with organizational objectives Set goals that are compatible with those of the organization Excel in formulation goals and plans of action Clearly establishes goals to achieve a significant productive impact Establishes perf ormance targets for both short range and long range Set, obtain and manage managerial objectives Set innovative objectives Formulate realistic objectives Establish specific objectives Effectively determine workable objectives Excel in the perception of obj ectives Excel in prioritizing objectives Encompass every objective valued by the organization Effectively communicate objectives Effectively develop objectives Effectively develop cognitive objectives Display a clear vision of goals Establish feasible and attainable goals Set realistic goals Set reachable targets Set compelling personal goals Set worthy goals Effectively develop goals Goal seeker Clearly establish goals and purposes Effectively establish truly relevant objectives and performance standards Establish specific and measurable goals Set clear and measurable objectives Effectively set group performance objectives Establish methods of attainment of goals Effectively organize, assemble and arrange resources to meet goals Aware of longer – term goals and larger frameworks of concepts Effectually evaluates goals Display sincerity of ambitions and objectives Use goals to maintain momentum Achieve and surpass goals IMPROVEMENT Constantly strive to strengthen and refine professional effectiveness Consist ently strive to improve performance Improve effectiveness by eliminating the confusing Excel in self – supervision and self – improvement Often make valuable suggestions for improvement Excel in developing improved techniques Develop totally new strategies dev ises improved means of accomplishing results Develop totally new strategies Devise improved means of accomplishing results Make affirmative contribution to improvements Produces changes for the overall improvement of the department Display a willingness to discuss weaknesses and make improvements Use constructive criticism to improve performance Establishes goals for improvement of performance targets Develop future goals for self – improvement Articulate goals for future improvement Set ambitious growth goal s Tactfully discuss areas in need of improvement Clearly identify improvement to be achieved Work cooperatively toward the identification of areas needing improvements Clearly identify improvements to be achieved Work cooperatively toward the identificatio n of areas needing improvements Excel in isolating characteristics in need of improvement Clearly pinpoint area of needed improvements Identify performance improvement problems Monitor improvement progress Display an eagerness to improve Demonstrate a stro ng effort to improve Welcome opportunities for improvement Seek opportunities for self improvement Respond favorably to suggested actions for improvement Display improved potential for advancement Show steady progress Continue to grow and improve INITIATI VE Demonstrate a high level of initiative Self starter Judicious in carrying out assignments without direction Excel in self – directing and self – pacing Demonstrate an ability to think along constructive original lines Solution seeker Effectively initiate s olutions Make practical suggestions Display self – reliant enterprise Alert to new opportunities, techniques and approaches Seize all opportunities Explore new opportunities Capture all opportunities Innovate and create new and unique methods and procedure s Effectively apply new concepts and techniques

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Display a renewed sense of purpose Committed to organiz ational goals Display a genuine interest in the organization Extremely dedicated Take pride in job Display a high degree of honesty, loyalty and integrity MANAGEMENT ABILITY Know when to seek help outside the organization Identify relevant and appraisabl e components of effective management Accurately assess management effectiveness Keep management informed on questions of policy Excel in obtaining management support Consistently prepare appropriate recommendations Keep management informed on questions of policy Excel in obtaining management support Consistently prepare appropriate recommendations Provide management with valid and reliable information for human resources planning Provide management with accurate information concerning the strengths and weak nesses of employees Effectively resolve conflicts between individual needs and requirements of the organization Respect both employee rights and management prerogatives Demonstrate an ability to overcome internal barriers Effectively solve problems that cr oss organizational boundaries Excel in resolving interdepartmental conflicts Obtain the full support of other departments Pull the organization together Recognize the important roles of responsibility, authority and accountability Hold subordinates account able for results Relate consequences to accountability Demonstrate superior executive ability under a variety of circumstances Convey executive stature Display executive strength Show those qualities that make a manager forceful and effective Display attri butes of an effective manager Show strong self management Effectively manage self Display effective managerial behavior Display an effective, productive management style Recognize the difference between managing and doing Avoid managing by crisis Excel in human resource management Challenging and inspiring manager Excel in solving people problems Excel in defining, measuring and increasing productivity Achieve high productive output while maintaining high morale Keep employees aware of their importance to t he organization Promote cooperative behavior and team efforts Build strong sense of teamwork and purpose Excel in tasks – oriented team development Obtain maximum team performance Achieve teamwork effectiveness Strive for maximum team performance Encourage e fforts toward common goals Excel in developing synergistic strategies Maximize the use of company resources Account for effective and efficient use of personnel Provide subordinates with the resources needed to attain results Attain results through the pr oper direction of subordinates Give clear direction Develops a cohesive department effort Aware of potential contributions of department Maintain firm departmental control Adhere to all policies, procedures and rules of decorum Effectively enforce policies , rules and regulations Maintain high ethical standards Displays sound ethics Follow proper codes of conduct Effectively recognize the need to change Effectively manage change Implement change with minimal resistance Effectively deal with resistance to ch ange Implement change with a positive impact Keep fully alert to the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities facing the organization Excel in positioning for the future MATURITY Display a high degree of emotional maturity Excel in separating emo tion from rationality Display emotional stability Display strong emotional control Cope constructively with emotions Keep anger under control Display mature reactions Maintain a mature attitude Maintain strong self – control Display superior emotional adjust ments and stability Keep situations in proper perspective Display maturity in handling disappointments Respond positively on inconsequential issues MENTAL CAPACITY AND APPLICATION Grasp the most difficult concepts Display a depth of understanding

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Unders tand both theoretical and practical concepts Distinguish between perception and reality Exceptionally keen and alert Reasonable, smart and alert Alert, quick and responsive Alert and broad – minded Capable of sustaining a high level of concentration Give u ndivided attention Demonstrate logical thinking in one area Think before taking action Think fast on feet Use common sense Use common sense to reach workable conclusions Use sound fact – finding approaches Display fresh insights Use intelligent reasoning Dis play considerable flexibility Display fresh thinking Display imaginative thinking Display divergent thinking Excel in heuristic thinking Excel in independent thinking Think strategically Displays consistent, logical an orderly thinking Display excellent c omprehension and retention Display strong powers of mental retention Possess strong memory skills Display strong memory power Display a strong power of recall Display a very high cognitive ability Excel in systematic observation Gain new perspective Demons trate intellectual inquisitiveness Widen intellectual horizons Make effective use of mental imaging Demonstrate positive mental outlook Think futuristically MOTIVATION Strongly motivated to achieve optimal results Strongly motivated to achieve higher ex pectations Highly motivated to achieve individual attainment Strive for the achievement of excellence Strive for maximum drive in fulfilling job responsibilities Am a significant driving force Keep drive alive Display a strong sense of purpose Display a st rong personal commitment Display strong achievement drive Display a strong competitive drive Display intense desire Display a spirit of determination Optimize individual traits Displays highly motivated inner drive Go beyond what is expected Give maximum e ffort Display energy and vitality in performing daily responsibilities Display intense involvement Seek total involvement Volunteer for extra work and demanding assignments Totally absorbed in job Turn past failures into future successes Success – oriented C apitalize on opportunities View problems as opportunities Recoil promptly from problems Maximize the opportunities within every situation Operate effectively under adverse conditions Look beyond obstacles Surmount obstacles Effectively overcome personal an d organizational blocks to achieve results Effectively use behavior modification to create motivation and achieve results Display an enthusiastic spirit Display extraordinary enthusiasm Spark enthusiasm Build employee enthusiasm Develop a motivating enviro nment Motivate and challenges Use subtle techniques to motivate Accentuate the positive Generates positive attitudes Provide positive reinforcements to achieve results Use positive reinforcements to motivate Display high energy and drive Highly energetic and enterprising Display positive energy Prime mover Compulsive achiever Ambitious and hard – driving Task – oriented Results – oriented Self – motivator Maintain own momentum Maintain self – motivation Complete and cooperates Make effective use of positive imagery to achieve success ORAL EXPRESSION Polished and confident speaker Face any size audience with confidence Excel in speaking on special occasions Excel in impromptu speaking situations Excel in delivering impromptu remarks Excel in extemporaneous speaking Speak effectively on feet Communicate with ease and a natural style Make presentation with poise and self – confidence

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Demonstrate strong personal presentation skills Make lively and effective presentations Demonstrate excellent oral presentation skills Cont inuously strive to improve presentation skills Use visual aids effectively Communicate effectively with well designed materials Make effective use of charts, graphs, figures and illustrations Make effective demonstrations Negotiate with skill Display stren gth in negotiating Disagree without arguing Make effective use of questions Present ideas with power and persuasion Achieve creditability and persuasiveness Have excellent persuasive ability Use voice and body to effectively c onvince and persuade Skillful interviewer Make effective use of an extensive vocabulary Possess superior verbal understanding Use understandable language that is relevant and meaningful Excel in speech proficiency Eminently clear in verbal expressions Hig hly articulate Display clarity in expressing views State positions clearly Displays and ability to present views logically Speak at a pleasant tempo Enunciate clearly in a well – modulated voice Speak in a positive voice Make effective use of questions Prese nt ideas with power and persuasion Achieve creditability and persuasiveness Have excellent persuasive ability Use voice and body to effectively convince and persuade Skillful interviewer Possess superior verbal understanding Use concise and clear language Use understandable language that is relevant and meaningful Excel in speech proficiency Eminently clear in verbal expressions Highly articulate Display clarity in expressing views State positions clearly Display and ability to present views logically Speak at a pleasant tempo Enunciate clearly in a well – modulated voice Speak in a positive tone ORGANIZING Effectively develop organizational capabilities and integration of objectives Develop programs to improve the effectiveness of the department and overa ll operation of the organization Build organizational effectiveness Excel in developing jobs, organizational structure and systems Keep organizational levels to a minimum Avoid over staffing Maximize organizational productivity Encourage cooperative block – ups Make the most of organizational energy and potential Make a substantial contribution to the growth of the organization Exert a positive influence on the organizational climate Deal effectively with organizational climate Displays a broad grasp of the o rganization Identify organizational needs Encourage accountability throughout the organization Display an organized approach to the job Organize work well Organize effectively to achieve greater results Demonstrate a systematic approach in carrying out ass ignments Very orderly an systematic Methodical in planning and performing PERFORMANCE QUALITIES – GENERAL Demonstrate consistently distinguished performance Generate greater success in highly complex situations Consistently exceed performance expectations Performance regularly exceeds job requirements Provide a competitive edge Not content with mediocrity Excel in cutting through confusion Turn risk situations into opportunities Not content with mediocrity Excel in cutting through confusion Turn risk situat ions into opportunities Turn competitive impulses into the most constructive channels Display industriousness, conscientiousness and diligence in performing tasks Possess all traits associated with excellence Excel in tedious research Recognize and accept personal assets and liabilities Display accurate self – perception of abilities Generate enthusiasm Extremely resourceful Recognize opportunities Demonstrate exceptional work habits Display strong work values

145 KB – 20 Pages