NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULES – Rule Books | Competitive

22 caliber, Center Fire or .45 Caliber firearms. (b) Trigger pull requirements for each firearm are listed in. NRA Pistol Rules 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.

52 KB – 76 Pages

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NRAPRECISIONPISTOL RULES(Competitive Shooting Sports Logo) Of˜cial Rules and Regulations to govern the conduct of all NRA Precision Pistol CompetitionsNATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030 REVISED JANUARY 2020

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II 2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK SAFETY IS YOUR BUSINESS! READ THE RULES These rules provide for the ef˜cient and orderly operation of a tournament. But that™s not all. Many local range regulations exist for one reason alone SAFETY. Others serve a dual purpose, smooth range operation and SAFETY.It™s your responsibility as a competitor or as a tournament of˜cial to be familiar with the rules and to know the meaning behind those which are safety oriented.NRA GUN SAFETY RULES The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are: ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. ALWAYS keep your ˜nger off the trigger until ready to shoot. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use. When using or storing a gun, always follow these NRA rules: Be sure the gun is safe to operate. Know how to safely use the gun. Use only the correct ammunition for your gun. Know your target and what is beyond. Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting. Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons. Be aware that certain types of guns and many shooting activities require additional safety precautions.To learn more about gun safety, enroll in an NRA safety training or basic marksmanship course, NRA hunter clinic or state hunter education class. Shooters Read:Eye Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.19 Loaded Firearms .10.1.3 Muzzle Direction .10.1.8 Safe Condition ..10.1.11 Range Operators Read:Competition Regulations and Range Operations Sec. 9 Range Control Sec. 10 Tournament Of˜cials Sec. 11

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2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK III CONTENTS NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULESApproved and Registered Tournaments .iv Sec.1. NRA Competition 1Sec.2. Eligibility of Competitors ..4Sec.3. Firearms, Equipment and Ammunition 8Sec.4. Targets 12Sec.5. Positions .13Sec.6. Range Standards .14Sec.7. Courses of Fire ..15Sec.8. Time Limits .17Sec.9. Competition Regulations ..17Sec.10. Range Commands Control and Operations ..21Sec.11. Tournament Of˜cials 29Sec.12. Team Of˜cers and Duties ..34Sec.13. Physically Disabled Shooters ..35Sec.14. Scoring and Marking 36Sec.15. Decision of Ties ..39Sec.16. Challenges and Protests ..41Sec.17. National Records 43Sec.18. Competitors™ Duties and Responsibilities .45Sec.19. National Pistol Classi˜cations .47Sec.20. NRA Of˜cial Referee ..51Sec.21. NRA Competition Programs 54Sec.22. .22 Caliber Only Aggregate Match ..55Sec.23. NRA Distinguished Revolver Program ..56Sec. 24. One or Two Hand Probationary Pistol Match .57Appendix. General Regulations 57Glossary 62Index 65

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IV 2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK APPROVED AND REGISTERED TOURNAMENTSNRA Sanctioned Tournaments-See Rule 1.6 Application forms for both types of Sanctioned Tournaments may be obtained from the NRA. Of˜cial application for approval to conduct an NRA Approved or Registered Tournament must be made to the Competitions Division. The deadline, in advance of ˜ring date for receipt of the completed application forms and pro -grams, is 30 days for Approved, and 45 days for Registered Tourna -ments. In order to obtain publicity in the Coming Events column of SHOOTING SPORTS USA, dates must be received and sanctioned by NRA by at least 90 days prior to the ˜ring date. See General Regulations for SHOOTING SPORTS USA deadlines. A Regis -tered Tournament is the more formal of the 2 types. Differences between the 2 types of competitive tournaments are: Approved Registered RuleScores used for classi˜cationYes Yes 19.4Scores used for National RecordsNoYes 17.5NRA registration fee per competitor (remitted after the tournament is ˜red).This is explained in sponsor™s packet Yes Yes Gen™l Reg. A7, B7Competitors must be NRA members.NoNo1.6(f)(g)Minimum number of shots requiredNoYes Gen™l Reg. A6, B6NRA classi˜cation or category system must be usedOptionalYes Gen™l Reg. A5, B5 NRA ID Number is required for classification purposes in all NRA Sanctioned Tournaments. Should a competitor not be an NRA member, he will be assigned a special number which allows his scores to be entered into the computer.Fixed award schedule NoYes Gen™l Reg. A6, B6Tournament Of˜cials competingYes NoGen™l Reg. A8, B8Of˜cial Referee may be assigned by NRANoYes, with exceptions Gen™l Reg. B9 Sponsor required to furnish each competitor with Of˜cial BulletinNoYes Gen™l Reg. B12 Program prepared and distributed by Sponsor Yes Yes Gen™l Reg. A1, B1

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2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK 1 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL RULES FOR PRECISION PISTOL MATCHES Of˜cial Rules and Regulations to govern the conduct of all Precision Pistol Matches. These rules establish uniform standards for NRA sanctioned pistol competition. Where alternatives are shown, the least restrictive conditions apply unless the tournament program sets forth limitations. They supersede all earlier editions and remain in effect until speci˜cally superseded. Tournament sponsors may not alter these rules. If sponsors require additional rules for special conditions, the additions must be fully set forth in the program for the competition concerned. The arrangement and rule numbering systems are such that corresponding rules for other types of NRA competition are correspondingly located and numbered in the Rule Books for those competitions. Gaps in the sequence of rule numbers result from there being a rule in one or more of the other Rule Books that does not apply in this book. Recommendations for rule changes may be forwarded to the Pistol Committee in care of the National Ri˚e Association. 1. NRA COMPETITION1.0 NRA Competition – Competition that is authorized in ad -vance of ˜ring by the National Ri˚e Association. The program, range facilities and of˜cials must comply with standards estab -lished by the NRA. The types of tournaments which are sanctioned are listed in Rule 1.6. 1.1 Sanctioned Tournament – A series of matches covered by an Of˜cial Program. Such matches may be all individual matches, all team matches, or a combination of both, which must be con -ducted by an NRA af˜liated club or organization. They may be all ˜red matches or a combination of ˜red and aggregate matches. A tournament may be conducted on one day, or successive days, or may provide for intervening days between portions of the tourna -ment, such as tournaments programmed to be conducted over more than one weekend. 1.2 Authorization – Before being publicized in programs or otherwise, the sponsoring organization of each type of competi -tion mentioned in Rule 1.6 shall have agreed to comply with the current regulations for such competition and shall have received notice from the NRA that the competition applied for has been au -thorized. 1.3 Rules – The local sponsor of each type of competition must agree to conduct the authorized competition according to NRA Rules, except as these Rules have been modi˜ed by the NRA in the General Regulations for that type of competition. 1.4 General Regulations – The local sponsor of each type of competition must agree to comply with the General Regulations published by the NRA for the competition concerned. See Appen -dix in back of this rule book. 1.5 Refusal or Withdrawal of NRA Authorization – The NRA may refuse to authorize or may withdraw its authorization for any competition that cannot, or does not, comply with the requirements for that competition 1.6 Types of Tournaments – The types of tournaments listed below are those that are sanctioned by NRA in its competitive shooting program.

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2 2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK (a) International Matches – Arranged by the NRA with the recognized national shooting organization(s) of the coun -tries concerned. The of˜cials thereof are appointed by the NRA.(b) International Team Tryouts – U.S. tournaments conducted under NRA Rules organized or authorized by the NRA as preliminary or ˜nal tryouts for the selection of Interna-tional Team members. The of˜cials thereof are appointed by the NRA.(c) National Championships – Organized by the NRA, and in some cases in conjunction with the Corporation for the Promotion of Ri˚e Practice and Firearms Safety, to form the National Matches. The of˜cials thereof are appointed by the NRA, in some circumstances in cooperation with the CPRPFS. These tournaments will be registered. (d) Regional and Sectional Championships – Arranged be -tween the NRA and a local sponsoring organization. These tournaments will be registered. (e) State Championships – Annual tournaments authorized and/or conducted by State Ri˚e and/or Pistol Associa -tions, af˜liated with the NRA. Such State Associations may if desired, authorize local organizations to sponsor and conduct State Championships. In states where there is no NRA af˜liated State Association the NRA may autho -rize a local organization to sponsor and conduct the State Championship. State Championships will be Registered Tournaments. (f) Registered Tournaments – May be authorized by the NRA after application has been ˜led by the sponsoring orga -nization. Applications are available in hard-copy format from the NRA on request, or can be completed online. National Records may only be established in Registered Tournaments (Rule 17.1). (g) Approved Tournaments – May be authorized by the NRA after application has been ˜led by the local organization that will act as the sponsor. Applications are available in hard-copy format from the NRA on request, or can be completed online.(h) Sanctioned Leagues (shoulder-to-shoulder or postal) – May be authorized by the NRA after application has been ˜led by a local group or organization. Application forms are available from NRA on request. Sanctioned League scores are used for classi˜cation. A League need not be operated by an Af˜liated Club or Organization. (i) Postal Matches – Organized by the NRA and publicized to groups concerned through the Shooting Sports USA, announcements and/or special mailings.(j) Special Tournaments – May be sanctioned by NRA for types of shooting not otherwise a part of the NRA pro-gram.(k) State and Senior Games – Tournaments that are part of the State and Senior Game program. Such tournaments are not charged fees, nor will any scores ˜red be used for classi˜cation. A simpli˜ed sanctioning procedure may be used, and they will be listed in Coming Events with the only contact being the State Coordinator.

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4 2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK relative rank of competitors. The number of scores that may be ˜red and the number of high scores to be con-sidered in deciding the relative rank of competitors must be speci˜ed in the program. Scores ˜red in these matches shall not be used for classi˜cation purposes.(j) Squadded Team March – A match in which the teams are assigned a de˜nite time to ˜re. Teams may be assigned one or more adjacent targets. All entries must be made before ˜ring commences in that match. The entire team must report and ˜re as a unit.(k) Unsquadded Team Match – A match in which the teams may report to the ˜ring line any time within the limits speci˜ed in the program, targets being assigned by the Range Of˜cer. The entire team must report and ˜re as a unit, unless the program provides otherwise. (l) Aggregate Match – An aggregate of the scores from two or more matches. This may be an aggregate of match stages, individual matches, team matches, or any com -bination, provided the tournament program clearly states the matches that will comprise the aggregate. Entries in aggregate matches must be made before the competitor commences ˜ring in any of the matches making up the aggregate match. 1.8 Single Firearm Tournament – The sponsoring organiza -tion of a competition described in Rule 1.6 may provide in the match program that equipment allowed in the competition will be limited to only some, but not all, of the equipment otherwise authorized by Section 3 of these rules; provided that the match program may not allow the use of any equipment not authorized by Section 3. PUBLIC AFFAIRS All tournament sponsors are urged to give special consideration to the needs of news media personnel in order to achieve maxi -mum publicity for the competition. Public news media personnel representing print and/or broadcast should be given every consid -eration and cooperation in keeping with the proper conduct of the competition. 2. ELIGIBILITY OF COMPETITORSEligibility and Categories of Competitors. The conditions of a match shall prescribe the eligibility and categories of competitors, team or individuals, in accordance with Rule 1.6 and/or the de˜ni -tions contained in Section 2. Any limitations of eligibility to com -pete must be stated in the Match Program. INDIVIDUALS Any indi -vidual member, including Benefactors, Patrons, Endowment, Life, Annual, Associate, Non- Resident and Junior members. 2.1.1 Non- U.S. Citizens – Non- U.S. Citizens, who are also non Residents, may compete in any NRA Sanctioned Tournament, unless further restrictions are imposed by conditions stated in the program.

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2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK 5 2.1.2 Categories and Special Awards – If there are a suf˜cient number of competitors of a speci˜c group (i.e., Women, Juniors, Service, etc.), a match sponsor may, at his discretion, establish a separate category for this group and make classi˜cation awards within this category, such as 1st Master Service, 3rd Sharpshooter Civilian, and so on. However, if there are insuf˜cient entries of a speci˜c group to warrant such a separation, and if the sponsor still wishes to provide recognition to this speci˜c group, he may pro -vide an overall Special Award such as High Woman, High Junior, etc., and all competitors in this speci˜c group would be eligible for this one Special Award. Details concerning categories and special awards must be clearly outlined in the tournament program. 2.2 Civilian – Any civilian including all members of the Re -serve Of˜cers Training Corps (ROTC, NROTC and AFROTC), personnel of the State Security Forces (e.g., State Guard organiza -tions having no federal recognition), retired members of each of the several services comprising the Armed Forces of the United States, and members and former members entitled to receive pay, retirement pay, retainer pay or equivalent pay, are classi˜ed as ci -vilians except as noted in the example below. All competitors who are enrolled undergraduates of any of the service academies will be considered as civilians and may compete in collegiate and ROTC categories. Individuals of any Reserve or National Guard compo -nent who, during the present calendar year, have not competed as National Guard (2.5) or Regular Service (2.6) or Reserve compo -nent (2.7) and have not been provided Service support for competi -tion (in the form of ˜rearms, ammunition, payment of travel or other expenses), wholly or in part, may ˜re as civilians. The provi -sion of ˜rearms and ammunition for a speci˜c competition (i.e., National Matches), when such is available to both military and civilian competitors, is not considered Service support under this Rule. Unless speci˜cally authorized to do so by the tournament program, members of the regular Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, members of the Reserve components on ac -tive duty, retired personnel of the several services comprising the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, or police (2.4) are not permitted to compete as civilians. 2.2.1 Senior – A person may compete as a senior beginning on January 1, of the calendar year in which his or her 60th birthday occurs. 2.2.2 Grand Senior – A person may compete as a Grand Senior beginning on January 1, of the calendar year in which his or her 70th birthday occurs. 2.3 Junior – A person may compete as a junior through De -cember 31, of the calendar year in which the twentieth birthday occurs. Individuals who have National Guard, Reserve or active duty status and receive support (as de˜ned in Rule 2.2) may not compete as juniors. 2.3.1 Intermediate Junior – A Junior may also compete as an Intermediate Junior from January 1 of the calendar year in which his or her 15th birthday occurs through December 31 of the calen -dar year in which his or her 17th birthday occurs. 2.3.2 Sub-junior – A Junior may also compete as a Sub-Junior through December 31 of the calendar year in which his or her 14th birthday occurs. 2.4 Police – (a) Regular full time law enforcement of˜cers of a regu -larly constituted law enforcement agency of a municipal,

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6 2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK county, state, or federal government. ‚™Full Time™™ Po -lice Firearms Instructors in Law Enforcement or Police Academies are eligible to compete in the respective Police category. Of˜cial current identi˜cation from the agency employing a civilian full time police ˜rearms instructor will be required.(b) Full time salaried Railroad Police; Penal Institution guards; Industrial Police, including Bank Guards; and Ar -mored and Express Company guards. Persons employed as Industrial Police by private industry on a part-time ba -sis, or where such employment is not the sole occupation of such person, may not compete in the police category in NRA pistol tournaments.(c) Of˜cers of a regularly organized Reserve or Auxiliary named in (a) above, provided that when on duty they are required to perform the same law enforcement functions and/or duties as the Agency to which they are in reserve and are authorized to be armed by the appointing author -ity. (d) Of˜cers who qualify under sections (a) and (b) may, af -ter retirement and if receiving retirement bene˜ts enter competition covered by these rules. Such retirees who are employed after retirement in any agency that quali˜es for entry in NRA Sanctioned competition as a Police Agency which quali˜es for entry in NRA sanctioned Pistol com -petition may not compete as a retired of˜cer, but may compete as a member of the organization in which he is at present serving.(e) Military Police; Members of the Armed Forces of the United States, Regular or Reserve Component; private detectives; private bodyguards; honorary police or sher -iffs; consultants; or any persons who are members of a body organized for ceremonial purposes may not compete as Police in NRA Sanctioned tournaments in the Police Category regardless of the titles given such members. 2.5 National Guard – Federally recognized of˜cers or enlisted members of the Army National Guard, Air National Guard, or the Naval Militia of the several states, territories, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, who are not on extended active duty, are eligible to compete as juniors and/or Col -legiate, if otherwise quali˜ed. 2.6 Regular Service – Of˜cers or enlisted members of the Reg -ular United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and members of Reserve components thereof, who are on extended active duty; provided the term ‚™Reserve Components™™ shall include Army National Guard and Air National Guard called into federal service and while in such status, are eligible to com -pete as Juniors and/or Collegiate, if otherwise quali˜ed. 2.6.1 Military Veteran – Former military personnel, other than active duty or reserve, in possession of any one of the following documents: Form dd-214, retired military identi˜cation card are eligible to compete. 2.7 Reserve Components – Of˜cers and enlisted members of any Reserve component of the Armed Forces, exclusive of the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard of the United States, not on extended active duty, are eligible to compete as ju -niors and/or Collegiate, if otherwise quali˜ed.

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2020 NRA PRECISION PISTOL RULEBOOK 7 2.8 College – Regularly enrolled undergraduate students who carry 12 or more semester hours or the equivalent in an accredited two or four-year collegiate level institution and who have not re -ceived a Bachelor™s Degree. Eligibility to compete as a collegian shall extend for a maximum of four years within a ˜ve year period beginning when a student ˜rst attends any class as a full-time (12 or more credit hours) student. The ˜ve-year period may only be interrupted by extended military service. (60 consecutive days or more), service with a recognized foreign aid agency of the U.S. Government or certi˜ed missionary service. 2.9 School – Regularly enrolled undergraduate students of any primary or secondary school, who comply with the eligibility rules of their institutions. 2.9.1 Military Scholastic – A junior who is an active member of a High School JROTC unit or enrolled in a military high school. TEAMSŁ 2.10 Team Representation- No individual may be a Team Captain, Coach, ˜ring member, or alternative ˜ring member on more than one team in any match. State Association (Rule 2.12) or Military Service (Rule 2.13) that they are coaching. Ł 2.11 Open Teams- Teams may be comprised of members without restriction on residency or club membership. 2.12 State Association Teams – Members, including Team Cap -tains and ˜ring Coach, of such teams must be bona ˜de residents of the State represented. Members of such teams must be individual members of the State ri˚e and/or Pistol Association represented, if such State Association provides for individual membership, or be members of a ri˚e and/or pistol club which is af˜liated and in good standing with the State Association concerned at the time of the competition. State Association teams permitted to enter the competition concerned by the tournament program conditions, must be authorized and accredited by the State Association for that tournament. Authorization shall be signed by the State Associa -tion President, Vice President, or Secretary. Such State Association must be af˜liated and in good standing with the NRA at the time of competition. If speci˜cally allowed by conditions of the program, a person not a State Association member may serve as the coach of a State Association Team but may not be a ˜ring member. Note: Teams representing State Associations, Leagues and other associa -tions (composed of more than one club) are not club teams. Such teams may enter NRA sanctioned matches only when the program speci˜cally authorizes such entry. 2.13 Regular Service, National Guard or Other Armed Forces Reserve Teams – Members of such teams must have been commissioned or enlisted members of their respective service for a continuous period of at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of competition. Army National Guard, Air National Guard, and Naval Militia personnel may be combined into a single team. 2.13.1 Military Veterans Teams – Former military personnel, including Team Captains and ˜ring coach, other than active duty or reserve, in possession of any one of the following documents, Form DD214, retired military identi˜cation card are allowed to form a legal team to compete.

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