SD-WAN: The answer to business networking demands. SD-WAN Market. NetScaler SD-WAN. Interview. Success stories. Customer reviews. Demo centers.
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The new business model, the emergence of the Third Platform, SaaS and Cloud-based applications is raising the bar for traditional data centres as businesses strive to gain increased agility with the new service model of fion-demand softwarefl.The connection requirements of businesses has outgrown the ability of MPLS WAN private services to interconnect remote offices and data centresSD-WAN technology allows the creation of hybrid networks that join multiple access technologies, such as Internet services, dynamic traffic routing, and real-time connection provision, based on availa- ble bandwidth or selected criteria as well as reduc- ing aggregate bandwidth costs. network capacity, cost reduction, and better perfor – mance as well as better reliability for business critical applications like VDI (including XenDesktop), appli -cation virtualization (including XenApp), VoIP, video- conferencing, ERP, CRM and corporate applications without compromise the best of WAN Optimization technology.NetScaler SD-WAN can join multiple WAN connec-tions to create a single, secure, logical link in order to increase WAN throughput. The logical connection guaranties the reliability of critical application traf – – – tuations and bandwidth availability. NetScaler SD- WAN allows businesses to integrate MPLS with the cost broadband. This technology logically binds MPLS and multiple broadband paths into a single logical path. With virtuali- zation of the WAN, high priority applications are gua- ranteed to function well, taking full advantage of the bandwidth on all routes. Additionally, critical business processes are protected against network outages.NetScaler SD-WAN virtual WAN, measures trans -fer delay between WAN components, monitors WAN performance, MPLS connection health and quality, and uses this information to apply quality of service to the data, route selection, traffic shaping, failover and other functions. It allows organisations to mana- ge priorities for each application. Traffic shaping and dynamic bandwidth reservation are additional methods with which to control quality of service for distinct classes of traffic, as well as packet reorde- ring to further increase MPLS performance.Juan Rodríguez, Director BDM, Delivery Networks, EMEA, Citrix SystemsSD-WAN: The answer to networking demandsEditorial
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From a technological viewpoint, the concept of SD-WAN is simple: the corpo -rate devices at the extremity of the WAN channel traffic to other devices via mul- tiservice or multivendor WAN networks which are centrally controlled, allowing network managers to configure and con- trol traffic based on centralized security policies and rules.THE VALUE OF SD-WANSD-WAN uses cloud based software and technology to simplify the delivery of WAN virtualisation allows network administrators to more easily manage network services through abstraction of higher-level func – tionality. SD-Wan allows IT and business managers to easily deploy internet-based connectivity, quickly, with quality, security better bandwidth and lower costs.The emergence of new technologies has meant that network traffic in distribu- SD-WAN – Responding to the needs of distributed enterprisesCompanies are looking for solutions that mean less financial outlay for head-office whilst at the same time simplifying operations. Given these considerations, SD-WAN can be seen as an alternative that can be integrated within the entire WAN architecture.SD-WAN Technology
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ted organizations is manipulated in new ways. Not only do remote users need more bandwidth, notably in areas such as video or media, but also they also now expect immediate access to cloud based and SaaS (Software as a Service) applica- tions such as Salesforce, Office 365, Lync and remote storage, such as Dropbox.Traditional MPLS networks that carry traffic from remote offices to the data centre cannot offer the low latency and high performance needed to access cloud based applications. In addition, manage- ment and security requirements must be taken into account as well as the inherent complexity of remote operations.SD-WAN: THE BENEFITS distributed organizations?They include the following:Business Agility. The rapid rollout the need for on-site IT support. The band- width can easily be adjusted (increased or decreased) depending on business needs.Bandwidth savings. Internet con -nection is readily available, quick to de- ploy, and comes at a much lower cost than equivalent MPLS networks. SD-WAN pro- WAN services at fiInternet pricesfl.Architecture optimized for the cloud. SD-WAN frees you from the tra -ditional inconveniences and constraints of MPLS networks and bundles security, performance and connectivity between cloud and office, which significantly im- proves the experience for users in remote offices when they use SaaS or cloud-base applications.SD-WAN: FACTORS TO CONSIDERWhen evaluating SD-WAN deployment, network administrators and business managers should take into account cer- tain factors:It™s easy to rollout and administer. A key Migration to hybrid networks is an option. Most organizations have distributed MPLS deploy SD-WAN solutions without changing existing networks. Over time, these types of infrastructure can be migrated to more key is to provide network managers with automatically, based on the real-time net- work load.What™s SD-WAN? A Primer‚If™ and ‚how™ to make a SD-WAN makes secure networks possible in hybrid WANIs it time to ‚software network?SD-WAN TechnologyfiCombining the flexibility of XenApp and XenDesktop with the cost effectiveness and efficiency of NetScaler SD-WAN, gives customers anywhere-anytime access for their workforce, promoting productivity and effective working practicesflCHRISTIAN REILLY , VP AND C TO, W ORKS PACE SER VICES , C ITRIX
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centres. Now we have virtual computing and it has reached every corner of the IT world.On the other hand, compa-nies are migrating to centralized networking with the adoption of other trends such as cloud, mo- bility or IoT networks, which fur – ther increases the importance of the corporate network role.The result is a significant in-crease in video traffic, on top of that which is generated between various devices and the data cen- tre, the result being, more band- width sensitive applications.In summary, the network has become a strategic asset and the need has arisen to move to software-defined WANs (SD- WAN), which solves the major headaches for network adminis- trators. This new way of looking at the network gives the needed flexibility and responsiveness, together with the control and security necessary on a private network.SD-WAN: Present and future of the enterprise networkSD-WAN MarketAssuming that the volume of WAN traf-communications is a factor well worth con-sidering. Especially so, if we consider that on average, at $90 a month, and in addition changes require an average of 90 days. alternative than SD-WAN, and usually in-volves commitment to multiyear contracts.Meanwhile, SD-WAN is between 3 and 9 times less expensive for these communica- option.You can see a cost comparison in the following link.The cost versus MPLS
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LIMITATIONS OF TRADITIONAL WIDE AREA NETWORKSCurrent network architecture is more than a decade old and is therefore not up to today™s challenges, marked by an increase in connected devices, mobility, cloud models, increased security needs etc. The result? The current infrastruc- ture is unable to comply with the secu- rity requirements or with current busi – ness models which require fast response times, unavailable over an inflexible net- work Œ all this makes the evolution of the network a priority not just for the CIO but the entire management structure.EVOLUTION OF THE WANBusiness needs and market trends drive network evolution. This fact is ta- king its place alongside traditional issues and is catching the attention of manage-ment. And the solution needs to result in an intelligent network, a network that can adapt to business needs Œ there is no better solution than the Software Defined WAN, conceived not just for the present, but also the future needs of the enterprise. The new network con- cept must connect users to applications regardless of the desktop device, the connectivity route or whether it is re – sides in the cloud, whether the services are private or public, and without physi- cal barriers to users who now expect to work with mobility and freedom; Provide a uniform experience irrespective of where the connexion is made; Simplify the management overhead of distribu- ted services, even, ideally, automating them; Integrate security into the net – work, with multiple layers and multiple control points; Apply prioritization and optimization criteria depending on the data and applications used on the net; Allow applications to be deployed without special network requirements; Provide more visibility to network managers allowing them to eliminate potential conflicts in the network; Rapid provisio- ning of applications and services in or- der to maintain the business™s competi- tive edge; And optimize traffic for cloud and mobility, providing the best user ex – indicates that the customer experience is one of the major concerns of network administrators.Gartner, speaking of the Cloud and businesses are using public cloud based services, a trend that is likely to increase increment in the mobilization of applica – tions, making them available to mobile devices away from the office. This is a critical trend that Gartner indicates as second in the priorities for CIOs, given half of the user base. This implies that network managers must anticipate and plan alternative methods of connection for mobile devices in the corporate WAN. WAN market was worth almost $225 mil- lion. IDC forecasts that the market will more than $2.6 billion. For the forecast period through 2020, IDC estimates that SD-WAN market will be worth more than $6 billion in 2020. SD-WAN MarketIn the Market Guide for Soft-ware-Defined WAN, Gartner finds that Citrix has a catalogue of Virtu- al WAN solutions that will facilitate SD-WAN deployments, many of these, according to the report, pri- marily in subsidiaries and remote offices.Also, it says that Citrix is a choice for businesses looking to optimize their WAN and dynamic route se- lection, particularly if they already use Citrix applications.Citrix, according to GartnerWould you like to know more about the SD-WAN? Click hereNetScaler SD-WAN uses casesWhitepaper: Gartner: Hybrid WANWhitepaper: Gartner Market Guide for SD-WANState of the WAN report by Ashton, Metzler & AssociatesGartner recommends SD-Wan for VDI and DaaS enviromentWeb. IDC: The value of SD-WAN to enterprises
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fiThe main role of our channel is to provide advice to its customersflJustin Thorogood, BDM for Channel Networking in EMEA of Citrix Systems, outlines the key steps for partners to seize the SD-WAN technology opportunity for themselves and their customers.InterviewIn the words of Justin Thorogood, fiwith a third of companies planning to migrate to SD-WAN in two years, the main role of our channel is to provide advice to its customersfl. This solution is a disruptive response to a problem they need to solve.The principal benefit to these part -ners will be that fiimplementing SD- WAN will strengthen the position with traditional customers. We can provide a more adaptive user experience that is not influenced by the status of the WAN. The result – provide a great stable customer experience for both virtual and desktop applicationsfl.To facilitate the work of our part-ners, fiCitrix is putting a comprehen- sive training package in place. Partners can choose their own level and provide support for their customers, hand in hand with Citrix, for large projects. With large automated rollouts, the partner can be directly involved, even for inter- national projects. In addition, Citrix of – fers partners its European centres for demonstration to their customers, so they can see this technology in action. And, if requested, we are able to offer a PoC program to partners so that their customers can see it working in a live environment. fiSD-WAN KEY POINTSIf you want to see the full interview with Justin Thorogood, BDM Channel Networking, EMEA, Citrix Systems, click the image.fiFor a third of businesses planning to migrate, SD-WAN is a disruptive answer to a client needflJUSTIN THOROGOOD, BDM CHANNEL NETWORKING, EMEA, CITRIX SYSTEMS
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KEY BENEFITSProvides reliable connectivity at sea. The users do not have to struggle to stay connected. fiMobile coverage has increased from the coast – now we have coverage over 23 miles from Skagen. As a result, the crew can focus on their inspection tasks, and not on how to maintain a connectionfl. -pervision of connections. NetScaler SD- WAN integrates mobile and satellite con- nectivity options, using the best in each case. Connectivity changes automatically, depending on the quality, avoiding manual intervention.Improved connection speed and em-ployee satisfaction. Before, the agency had to choose between low bandwidth with high latency, or more expensive con- nection options. NetScaler SD-WAN itself improves network performance.The Danish Agriculture and Fisheries Agency improved The Danish AgriFish Agency, the agency supervising the Danish agriculture and fisheries industry, is responsible for promoting the growth and management of natural resources in Denmark. It has a fleet of ships overseeing activities in Danish territorial waters.Of course, this isn™t the only success story where custo- mers have deployed the Net-Scaler SD-WAN solution.For example, take HMS, which opted for this distribu- ted application delivery solutionLikewise, Groupe Promu-tuel has chosen NetScaler SD-WAN to support a dis-persed organization with many remote sites.Another example is Cor-nerstone Home Lending. They have speeded up access to their software for users, and at the same time have reduced the time department.-ences to client articles by clicking this linkOther success storiesTHE CHALLENGE: Provide mobile connections to sailorsTHE SOLUTION: A virtual WAP via satellite and mobile connectionsEmployees of the agency work where mobile coverage is extremely limited – at sea. They also need access to applications to facilitate their work and communicate with mainland colleagues. To have to sail in close to the coast in order to find a more robust connection means diverting from the main area of their inspections, satellite communications being very ex- pensive. Scaler SD-WAN solution to the Danish Agency. The SD-WAN automatically selects cellular or satellite links depending on the conditions, so intervention. Combined with Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp, it provides remote access to appli – cations without performance problems.Success stories
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Customer reviews years ago, it hit the global market like a storm and Global Internet Management Services from Expereo, we are seeing the same op- portunities for the next generation of hybrid systems and global Internet WAN networ- king, providing the same level of quality, but For this expert, fiWhen global companies tried to implement SD-WAN solutions, they faced the challenge of providing hundreds of Internet circuits worldwide. This challenge was compounded by the need to also ad- necessary to support SD-WAN. On a global scale, the complexity of enterprise networks – – pereo has entered into a global partnership with Citrix. Expereo and Citrix together ena- managed Internet and SD-WAN solutions in location or thousands. fifiSD-WAN has enormous potential for cus-tomers in EMEA, because broadband and In- ternet are widely available. Particularly, in re- gions such as Eastern Europe, Africa and the can be achieved in partnership with Expereo by means of their global Internet managed services and SD-WAN Citrix NetScaler. Our partnership provides a complete network solution for customers at a reduced costfl concludes Hou.SD-WAN: Market Opinion in aggregated internet supply and access (DSL – DIA), SD-WAN, hardware, and professional services worldwide.fiExpereo and Citrix together enable global whether for one location or thousandsflVICTOR HOU, GLOB AL C HANNEL DIRE CTOR OF EXPERE O
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Demo centersDemo centersCitrix Demo Centers in EuropeDo you want a demo?Click here -perience between our customers, Citrix Subject Matter expert, and our product teams. This collaborative approach al – lows for productive conversations that address your company™s unique objec – tives. Our methods promote goal align – ment, technical expertise, and accele- rated business success. During an end user briefing, we provide: Customized agendas, targeting Personalized presentations from technology specialists, and subject mat – ter experts In-depth discussions around Cit -rix™s vision, strategies, solutions and fu – ture innovations as they relate to your business Exercise with our MPLS ROI tool Live solutions demonstrationsQUALITY AND RELIABILITY WITH SD-WANIf you want to check the quality and reliability of SDWAN solutions,do not miss this video.
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