Sep 8, 2021 — The EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Third.
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 1 EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS JOINT ACTION GRANT AGREEMENT NUMB ER: 801493 PREPAREDNESS AND ACT ION AT POINTS OF ENT RY ( PORTS , AIRPORTS, GROUND C ROSSINGS) European Union d igital Passenger Locator Form (EUdPLF) User Manual (For trave l lers)
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 2 The EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Joint Action has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Third Health Programme (2014 – 2020). The content of this document represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agricult ure and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. Acknowledgement This document was developed in collaboration with Cytech Ltd. ( ), the sub – contracting company for developing the EUdPLF app.
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Login to the application 5 3. Passenger 6 3.1 Passenger Actions 7 3.1.1 User Account 7 Create an Account 7 Reset Password 9 Login 10 Delete account 11 3.1.2 Menu 11 3.1.3 Destination 12 3.1.4 Transportation Type 13 Ground (Bus/ Train /Car – Other Vehicle) 14 Bus 15 Train 18 Car / other vehicle 21 Aircraft 23 Cruise Ship / Pleasure Craft 31 Ferry Ship 34 3.1.5 Personal Information 36 3.1.6 Permanent Address 38 3.1.7 Temp orary Address(es) in visiting Country 40 3.1.8 Travel Companions Family 42 3.1.9 Travel Companion Non – Family / Non – Same Household 43
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 4 3.1.10 Emergency contact information 45 3.1.11 Preview of the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) 47 3.1.12 Submission of the PLF 48 3.1. 13 Edit Passenger Locator Form (PLF) details 50 3.1.14 Delete of the PLF 50 51 4. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) 51 5 – Verify Account Login – 69 1. Introduction Passenger Locator Forms (PLFs) are used by public health authorities to facilitate contact tracing in case travellers are exposed to an infectious disease during their travel by airplane or aircraft, ship (cruise/ferry), rail, bus or automobile. Information that travellers provide in PLFs can be used by public health authorities in destination countries to rapidly contac t travellers, with the goal of protec ting the health of and their contacts, as well as preventing further disease spread. Countries that require completion of PLF are currently using paper – based passenger locator forms or have developed nation al online systems. In light of the COVID – 19 pandemic, a web application for the EU digital Passenger Locator Form ( EU dPLF) was developed to facilitate the use of PLFs during cross – border health threats. This digital format allows for easier and more rapid data collection and exchange between stakeholders, making contact tracing more effective and efficient. All passengers traveling from all over the world to the EU via any mode s of transport (air, land, cruises, and ships) can be informed through the website that provides useful information for passengers. The website entails a number of frequently asked questions that concern the Passenger Locator
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 5 Form. It also offers access to the EUdPLF application as well as the national PLFs (data entry forms of each member state of the European Union). Furthermore, users can be informed through some useful links regarding the organisations involved and the contact details. Finally, they have access to the privacy policy. All the rules stated are general and each country may apply variations on them. 2. Login to the application In the homepage of the application , the user can read some useful information regarding the application as shown in the following images. The application is available in several European languages. More langu ages are continuously being added .
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 6 3. Passenger On e of the user types of the EUdPLF application is the passenger. Passenger s ha ve the right to create passenger locator f orm (s) , edit /update and view /print/download the form ( s ) that the user has created. Temporarily Save. There is possibility to temporarily save each page of plf. The plf is not submitted yet and cannot be considered as valid. You can edit it and click the submit button on the final step in order to be considered as valid and submitted.
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 9 Register a n account activation link is immediately emailed /sent to the email address provided by the user (see image below). The user should always check SPAM folder as well . As soon as the user presses the link the account is activated and you can then use the credentials (email and password) to login . As part of t he registration and password reset processes the platform will send you a special link in your email address. You have to click on that link within 1 hour otherwise it will expire and you will see the error message “The URL has expired.” as well as instruc tions on how to receive a new email with a new link. Reset Password In case the user has lost /forgotten his /her password, he/she can use the retrieve password process. The user should press the “Reset Password” button on the login page. After pressing the button, the user is led to a new page , as shown in the image below. Users should fill in the email address used to create the account.
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 10 If this email address belongs to an existing , active account, then the user will receive an email notification to reset his /her password as shown in the picture below. As part of the registration and password reset processes the platform will send you a special link in your email address. You have to click on that link within 1 hour otherwise it will expire and you will see the error message “The URL has expired.” as well as instructions on how to receive a new email with a new link. Login The login process is simple. The user just needs to fill in their email and password associated with t he account on the platform .
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V2.6 17 /11/2021 EUdPLF website EUdPLF app 11 3.1.1. 4 Delete account The passenger is able to delete own user account. It is a generic common setting that has been activated for all countries on the live platform. On the top right side of all pages, the user can find a navigation menu button. Pressing this button will display a – Delete Ac c passenger user account deletion does not affect the dplf(s) that remain and these will be automati cally deleted according to the retention period set by each MS. A passenger that has deleted own account can create a new one with the same email. 3.1.2 Menu On the top right side of a ll pages the user can find a navigation menu button. Pressing this button will display the menu with t he following options: Home : It leads to the homepage My PLFs: It leads to the Service Control Panel with all the digital Passenger Locator Forms developed by the user . The duration that the PLF (s) remain stored and visible
88 KB – 81 Pages