Dec 1, 2020 — Joint Force Command Manpower and Personnel Directorate and e-mail it to:
172 KB – 156 Pages
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i PREFACE 1. Scope This publication is the keystone document of the personnel series. It provides fundamental principles and guidance to pl an, coordinate, provide, and assess manpower and personnel support to joint operations. 2. Purpose This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS). It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the act ivities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations, and it provides considerations for military interaction with governmental and nongovernmental agencies, multinational forces, and other interorganizational partners. It provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders (JFCs), and prescribes joint doctrine for operations and tr aining. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces of the United States in pr eparing and executing their plans and orders. It is not the intent of this publication to rest rict the authority of the JFC from organizing the force and executing the mission in a manner the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure unity of effort in the accomplishment of objectives. 3. Application a. Joint doctrine established in this publication applies to the Joint Staff, combatant commands, subordinate unified commands, join t task forces, subordinate components of these commands, the Services, the National Gu ard Bureau, and combat support agencies. b. This doctrine constitutes official a dvice concerning the enclosed subject matter; however, the judgment of the commande r is paramount in all situations. c. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of Service publications, this publication will take precedence unless the CJCS, normally in coordination with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has provided mo re current and specific guidance. Commanders of forces operating as part of a multina tional (alliance or coalition) military command should follow multinational do ctrine and proce dures ratified by the United States. For doctrine and procedures not ratifi ed by the United States, commanders should evaluate and follow th e multinational command™s doctrine and procedur es, where applicable and consistent with US law, regulations, and doctrine. For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: STUART B. MUNSCH Vice Admiral, United States Navy Director for Joint Force Development
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iii SUMMARY OF CHANGES REVISION OF JOINT PUBLICATION 1-0 DATED 31 MAY 2016 Ł[cAdded a section pertaining to operation assessments. Ł[cAnnotated United States Space Force/United States Space Command as appropriate with peer Service and comb atant commander (CCDR) authorities and responsibilities throughout the document. Ł[cUpdated geographic combatant commander/functional combatant commander to CCDR, throughout the document. Ł[cAdded language recognizing gender inclus ivity and diversification efforts. Ł[cClarified language regarding a commander™s role in combatting sexual assault. Ł[cRemoved Annex E from Appendix B, fiSampl e Format for Annex E (Personnel) to Operation Plans.fl Ł[cUpdated language specifying contingency decision timeframes which pertain to reserve component activation and benefit eligibility. Ł[cUpdated language regarding evacuation and repatriation operations. Ł[cAdded language clarifying postal serv ice support requirements and joint force commander/Service component re sponsibilities as they pertain to operation length. Ł[cUpdated references to reflect current title and issuance. Ł[cModified, added, and removed terms and de finitions from the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
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Table of Contents vi JP 1-0 G Joint Personnel Processing Center and Joint Personnel Training and Tracking Activities .. G-1 H Military Pay, Allowances, and Entitlements H-1 J Postal Operations .. J-1 K Morale, Welfare, and Recreation .. K-1 L Casualty Operations and Casualty Reporting L-1 M Awards and Decorations M-1 N Performance Reporting and Tracking . N-1 O Civilian Personnel Management O-1 P Language and Regional E xpertise Management . P-1 Q Personnel Support to Multinational Operations . Q-1 R References ..R-1 S Administrative Instructions S-1 GLOSSARY Part I Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms . GL-1 Part II Terms and Definitions .. GL-6 FIGURE I-1Notional Joint Force Manpow er and Personnel Directorate Organizational Chart .. I-3 II-1Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs ..II-8 III-1 Joint Personnel Account ability Reconciliation andReporting Data Sources . III-7 H-1Joint Operations Entitlement Matrix H-2 L-1Casualty Reporting Flowchart .. L-2
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vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMANDER™S OVERVIEW Ł[cDescribes the principles of personnel support, organization, and function. Ł[cOutlines the responsibilities of Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Department Secretaries, Service chiefs, Department of Defense Agencies, and combatant commanders in relation to personnel policies. Ł[cDiscusses joint force command manpower and personnel directorate and Service component responsibilities for manpow er management, personnel management, and personnel support. Ł[cDescribes considerations for joint personnel planning and the means by which the manpower and personnel directorate of a joint staff envisions the desired objective(s) in support of the commander™s mission requirements. Principles of Personnel Support, Organization, and Function Personnel services support is a sustainment function executed at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels by the Services pursuant to stat utory authority. Thorough planning and comprehensive personnel management enables the joint force comma nder (JFC) to identify and allocate forces to achieve national security objectives. Personnel services support reli es on secure and nonsecure, continuous, and survivable co mmunications and digital information systems from the JFC™s headquarters (HQ) and each Service. These systems provide a common operational picture, asset visibility, and predictive modeling to facilitate accu rate and timely manning decisions. Authorities JFCs exercise their authority to implement personnel programs and coordinate personnel services support functions of their Service components to implement personnel programs in support of joint operations pursuant to statutory authority and De partment of Defense (DOD) issuances and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) directives. The manpower an d personnel directorate of a joint staff (J-1) assists the JFC in tailoring personnel programs when planning for joint operations.
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Executive Summary viii JP 1-0 Principles of Personnel Support Within a Joint Force Command Principles of personnel s upport within a joint force command include: Command emphasis. Synchronization of personnel support. Integration. Flexibility and responsiveness. Organization of the Joint Force Manpower and Personnel Directorate The J-1 section of a joint force headquarters (JFHQ) may be organized with: A personnel readiness division which provides plans, policy, and guidance on joint personnel issues. A human capital division which provides policy oversight on joint manpower and management of joint forces and US contributions to multinational military organizations. A personnel services division which administers internal military and civ ilian personnel programs of the joint force. Function of the Joint Force Manpower and Personnel Directorate The J-1: Plans and assesses force structure, personnel sustainment, and support c oncepts for each phase of operations. Advises staff members on personnel matters that may impact ongoing operations and influence future joint planning. Coordinates with higher, supporting, supported, and subordinate manpower and pe rsonnel directorates, as well as associate organizations of various United States Government (USG) departments and agencies, host nations, and multinational forces (MNFs). Roles and Responsibilities Responsibilities of Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Department Secretaries, Service Chiefs, and Department of Defense Agencies Secretary of Defense (SecDef). SecDef establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for personnel readiness issues for the Active Component (AC), Reserve Component (RC), DOD civilians, and contractors. CJCS. The CJCS, in consultation with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Sta ff, advises SecDef on manpower and personnel issues impacti ng the readiness of the Armed
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Executive Summary ix Forces of the United States and the force structure required to support achievement of national security objectives. Secretaries of the Military Departments. Functions of the Secretaries of the Military Departments are outlined in the United States Code. These functions are to recruit, organize, supply, equip, train, service, mobilize, demobilize, administer, and maintain the Services. Services. To perform the joint pers onnel visibility mission, Services should prov ide personnel data to the Defense Manpower Data Center (D MDC) daily and have the capability to accept or rece ive feedback from the DMDC. DOD Agencies. DOD agencies formulate and publish policies and procedures outlining the requirement for their deployed, deploying, and redeploying personnel to adhere to combatant commander (CCDR) guidance on entry/exit procedures. Combatant Command Responsibilities The CCDR establishes personnel policies to en sure proper and uniform standards of military conduct. The CCDR utilizes the manpower, workforce, and individual augmentation capabili ties in the Fourth Estate Manpower Tracking System (FMT S) to provid e visibility of personnel assigned. The Joint Staff provides selected data elements to the DMDC on an automated, daily basis. Joint Force Command Manpower and Personnel Directorate Responsibilities Manpower and Personnel. The J-1 is the principal staff directorate responsible for manpower management, personnel management, and personnel support. Although the Services have the primar y responsibility for providing personnel services support to their Service members, the J- 1 will track the effort s of Service components to stay abreast of personnel activities and issues that could impact the joint force. The J-1 develops joint plans, policy, and guidance on manpower and person nel issues; coordinates manpower and personnel support to facilitate the success of operations; and maintains a dialogue with other staff directorates, Service components, and outside military and civilian agencies, while also keeping subordinat e commanders informed of personnel actions that affe ct their command and their Service members.
172 KB – 156 Pages