strengthen and enhance the nation’s capacity to support sheltering activities;. • Analyzing and incorporating best practices and lessons learned into
276 pages

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i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .. i TABLE OF FIGURES . vii Foreword . 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 3 I. Presidential Declarations . 3 A. Types of Assistance . 3 B. Federal Cost Share 4 C. Type of Incident . 4 D. Incident Period 4 E. Designated Areas .. 5 F. FEMA -State/Territory/Tribal Government Agreement . 5 II. Individual Assistance Programs Overview 6 A. Chapter 2: Mass Care and Emergency Assistance 6 B. Chapter 3: Individuals and Households Program Assistance . 6 C. Chapter 4: Disaster Case Management .. 7 D. Chapter 5: Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program .. 8 E. Chapter 6: Disaster Legal Services .. 8 F. Chapter 7: Disaster Unemployment Assistance . 8 G. Chapter 8: Voluntary Agency Coordination 9 III. Sequence of Delivery . 10 IV. Federal Requirements for IA Programs 12 A. Reasonable Accommodations .. 12 B. Privacy Act . 12 C. Rehabilitation Act .. 12 D. Program Delivery Considerations .. 13 Chap ter 2: Mass Care/Emergency Assistance . 15 I. Overview .. 15 A. Period of Assistance .. 15 B. Types of Assistance .. 16 C. General Eligi bility Requirements 16 D. Delivering Mass Care and Emergency Assistance MC/EA .. 17 II. Sheltering Support .. 18 A. Description o f Assistance 18 B. Partner Organizations 18

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ii C. Triggers for Implementation . 18 D. Delivery of Assistance . 19 III. Feeding Support 22 A. Description of Assistance 22 B. Partner Organizations 22 C. Triggers for Implementation . 22 D. Deliv ery of Assistance . 22 IV. Distribution of Emergency Supplies Support 25 A. Description of Assistance 25 B. Partner Organizations 25 C. Triggers fo r Implementation . 26 D. Delivery of Assistance . 26 V. Disability, Access, and Functional Needs Support . 28 A. Description of Assistance 28 B. Partner Organizations 28 C. Triggers for Implementation . 28 D. Delivery of Assistance . 28 E. Personal Assistance Services 29 VI. Reunification Services .. 31 A. Description of Assistance 31 B. Partner Organizations 31 C. Triggers for Implementation . 31 D. Deliv ery of Assistance . 32 E. National Emergency Child Locator Center 33 VII. Household Pets, Service Animals, and Assistance Animals .. 34 A. Description of Assistance 34 B. Partner Organizations 34 C. Triggers for Implementation . 34 D. Delivery of Assistance . 34 VIII. Mass E vacuee Support .. 37 A. Description of Assistance 37 B. Partner Organizations 37 C. Triggers for Implementation . 37 D. Deliv ery of Assistance . 37 E. National Mass Evacuation Tracking System 38 IX. Transitional Sheltering Assistance .. 40

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iii A. Description of Assistance 40 X. Rapid T emporary Repair (Operation Blue Roof) Program . 41 A. Description of Assistance 41 B. Partner Organizations 41 C. Eligibility Considerations .. 41 D. Delivery of Assistance . 41 XI. National Mass Care Exercise . 42 A. Description of Exercise 42 B. Application Process .. 42 C. Implementatio n of Exercise .. 42 Chapter 3: Individuals and Households Program . 43 I. Individuals and Households Program Overview .. 43 A. Period of IHP Assistance 43 B. Amount of IHP Assistance . 43 C. Types of IHP Assistance . 44 II. Individuals and Households Program Eligibility . 47 A. General IHP Eligibility 47 B. Additional Eligibility Considerations .. 56 C. Appeal Process . 65 III. Delivering Individuals and Households Program Assistance 68 A. Applying for FEMA IHP Assistance 68 B. Verifying Losses . 71 C. Applicant Communication . 74 IV. Housing Assistance (Financial) 78 A. Lodging Expense Reimbursement . 78 B. Rental Assistance 80 C. Continued Rental Assistance 81 D. Rental Assistance Rate Increase . 85 E. Home Repair Assistance . 86 F. Privately -Owned Access Routes . 88 G. Replacement Assistance .. 91 V. Housing Assistance (Direct) .. 93 A. Direc t Housing Assistance Request and Approval 93 B. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Conditions of Eligibility .. 96 C. Direct Temporary Housing Assistance Terms and Conditions 98 D. Multi -Family Lease and Repair 107

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iv E. Transportable Temporary Housing Units and Site Types 112 F. Disposing of TTHUs through Sales to Occupants and Donations .. 118 G. Direct Lease 124 H. Permanent Housing C onstruction 127 VI. Other Needs Assistance . 133 A. ONA Options and Cost Shares .. 133 B. Non -Small Business Administration -Dependent . 137 C. SBA -Dependent 152 VII. Recovery of Program Funds 164 A. Reasons for Recovery of Funds 166 B. Identifying and Verifying Potential Debts .. 166 C. Notice of Potential Debt and Appeal Process 167 D. Debt Compromise, Suspension, or Termination .. 168 E. Transfer of Debt to Treasury .. 169 F. Statute of Limitations . 170 Chapter 4: D isaster Case Management . 172 I. Overview 172 A. Overview of Services to Survivors . 172 B. Program Types .. 173 C. Waivers to Existing Program Policy .. 174 D. Authorities 174 II. Immediate Disaster Case Management .. 175 A. IDCM Period of Assistance 175 B. Transition to Non -Federal Entity DCM Federal Award Program 175 C. Federal and Congressional Review Process 176 III. Disaster Case Management Program .. 177 A. Period of Assistance 177 B. General Conditions of Eligibility for a DCM Federal award . 177 C. DCM Award Roles and Responsibilities . 178 D. Pre -Award Requirements for DCM 179 E. Notice of Award (NOA) .. 184 F. Post -Award Requirements for DCM .. 184 Chapter 5: Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program . 190 I. Overview 190 A. Overview of Services to Survivors . 190 B. Crisis Counseling vs. Traditional Mental Health Treatment .. 191

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vi II. Delivery of Services . 220 A. Program Approval Process .. 220 Chapter 7: Disaster Unemployment Assistance 222 I. Overview 222 A. Period of Assistance 222 B. Types of Assistance 222 C. Application Process 223 D. Conditions of Eligibility 224 II. Delivery of Services . 225 Chapter 8: Voluntary Agency Coordination .. 226 I. Overview 226 A. Voluntary Agency Coordination .. 226 II. Responsibilities of FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaisons . 227 A. National Response Coordination Center .. 227 B. Non -Declared Disasters 227 C. Emergency Declarations and Public Assistance .. 227 D. Donations and Volunteer Management . 228 Appendix A: Transportation Assistance 230 Appendix B: Individual Assistance Program and Assistance Approvals . 232 Appendix C: Individual Assistance Policy Supersession . 236 Appendix D: Legal Considerations for Recipients of Federal Financial Assistance . 238 Appendix E: DCM – Allowable and Unallowable Costs .. 240 Appendix F: CCP Œ Allowable and Unallowa ble Costs 243 Appendix G: Definitions .. 251 Appendix H: Abbreviations and Acronyms 255 Endnotes . 263

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vii TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Disaster Assistance Sequence of Delivery . 10 Figure 2: Timeline of Individual Assistance Programs . 11 Figure 3: Housing Assistance 45 Figure 4: U.S. Citizenship and Resident Alien . 48 Figure 5: Acceptable Documentation to Verify Identity .. 50 Figure 6: Insurance Eligibility .. 51 Figure 7: Housing Assistance Documentation to Verify Occupancy 53 Figure 8: Documentation to Verify Ownership 55 Figure 9: Condo and Co -op Assistance . 57 Figure 10: Assistance for Roommates and Boarders . 58 Figure 11: Assistance for Residents of Non -Traditional Housing .. 62 Figure 12: Flood Insurance Requirements for Homeowners and Renters .. 64 Figure 13: Sample Appeal Letter . 67 Figure 14: Registration Period .. 69 Figure 15: Privacy Act Statement and D eclaration of Eligibility 71 Figure 16: FEMA Rental Assistance Overview 81 Figure 17: Excerpt of Form 010 -0-12 Application for Continued Temporary Housing Assistance .. 83 Figure 18: Continued Rental Assistance Documentation 84 Figure 19: F MR Calculator . 86 Figure 20: General Sequence of FEMA Direct Housing Assistance Options 96 Figure 21: FEMA Notification of Occupant Violations 104 Figure 22: Example of a Penalty Fee .. 106 Figure 23: Conditions for PHC Repair or New Construction . 129 Figure 24: SBA Disaster Loan application process . 133 Figure 25: Other Needs Assistance, Non -SBA -Dependent and SBA -Dependent 134 Figure 26: Excerpt of FEMA Form 010-0-11, ONA Administrative Option Selection . 134 Figure 27: ONA Administrative Option Responsibility 136 Figure 28: Example Œ Comparison of Pre – and Post -Disaster Child Care Costs .. 144 Figure 29: Child Care Assistance Documentation 146 Figure 30: FEMA Delibera tive Process for Identifying and Validating Debt Payments .. 165 Figure 31: DCM Services Provided to Individuals .. 173

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viii Figure 32: Fiscal and Program Officer Responsibilities 178 Figure 33: DCM Application Required Information and Documents . 181 Figu re 34: 2 C.F.R. Part 200 Compliance . 189 Figure 35: Characteristics of CCP 191 Figure 36: Mental H ealth vs Crisis Counseling Services .. 192 Figure 37: Services Funded through the CCP . 192 Figure 38: ISP Application Required Information and Documents . 196 Figure 39: RSP Application Required Information and Documents .. 206 Figure 40: VAL Coordination during Non -Declared Emergencies and PA -Only Declarations 228 Figure 41: Delegation of IA Authorities 232 Figure 42: Individual Assistance Policy Supersession 236 Figure 43: Disaster Case Management (DCM) Œ Allowable and Unallowable Costs 240 Figure 44: CCP Œ Allowab le and Unallowable Costs . 243

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Foreword 1 Foreword On behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), I am pleased to present the Individual Assistance Program and Policy Guide (IAPPG). The IAPPG consolidates information on Individual Assistance (IA) programs offer ed by FEMA to a state, territori al, trib al, or local government jurisdiction affected by a disaster. The IAPPG will: Supersede all stand -alone Individual Assistance policies and program guides currently located in FEMA documents and standard operating procedures (SOPs), including the 2016 Individuals and Households Program Unified Guidance (IHPUG); Provide a comprehensive guide to programs and activities available to the state, territory, tribe, or local government following a disaster; and Increase consistency in implementation, collabo ration in planning, and the sharing of knowledge between states, territories, tribes, local governments, FEMA and other Federal and non -Federal entities who assist disaster survivors. The IAPPG will not replace the existing National Emergency Management In formation System (NEMIS) business rules or internal technical manuals, as these describe FEMA™s internal processes and business rules for FEMA staff. FEMA has archived the policy, program guide, and activity documents listed in Appendix C . These policy and guidance documents remain in effect for incidents declared prior t o March 1, 2019. The policies reflected in this guide are effective for incidents declared on or after March 1, 2019. Any waivers to policy contained in this document must be submitted, with justification, to the IA Division Director for consideration and approval. FEMA will conduct a comprehensive review no less than every three years. If FEMA determines it necessary to publish new or updated policy language before the next scheduled update, FEMA will update the electronic version of this document, issue a memorandum describing the additions or updates, and post both documents at . Keith Turi Assistant Administrator, Recovery

549 KB – 276 Pages