Tuplolev 134 jet aircraft with 70 passengers and 5 crew was flown to and landed at Vienna at approximately 1730 hours. aka: MANUAL, Gwendolln.

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r \ us. Deportment of Transportation .iOtIOn i,l, .. , . /. X Aircraft lii;ackings and Othe Criminal Acts Against Civil Aviation Statistical and Narrat!!e Reports Updated to January 1, ‘1983 Section Title A U.S. ,Registered Aircraft Hijacking Statistics B Chronology of Hijackings of U.S. Registered Aircraft and L£gal Status of Hijackers . C Legal Status of Hijackers-Summarization D U.S. and Foreign Registered Aircraft Hijackings E U.s. and Foreign Registered Aircraft Hijackingsr. Summarizatjon F Explosions Aboard Aircraft G Worldwide Significant Crimina! Acts Involving Civil Aviation-1982 ———————————_ .. May, 1983 Washington, D.C. 20591 This publication was prepared by the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Civil Aviation Security I “‘.

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r U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Washington, D.C. 20591 , .’ . .l Worldwide Significant Criminal Acts Involving CivU Aviation January -December 1982 U.s. DepartrnCllll of NaUooaIlnltltul1l JUIUoa TIll!! document hal> boen rcproducOO Qxactly as from the .porson or organization originating It Points 01 vtow or oplnlooslltntod In thiS documont Bro \hooo 01 tllO authors lind do not IlO<»$snrily tho Q(!Jclal posltloo Of poliO" of tho NntlonaJ lnalitulo uf Justice. Pormls3ion to reproduce mnlf.,'lilll hils boon granted bk -Lli Dana' ,. -l;'UO ..,C In U.S. Qepart. of Transpor±atian to tho National CrimJnnl Jus\jee R(l/IVf.)OOI SoMce (NCJRS). Furthllf ropfoductlon outclde of thn NCJRS sion c:{ Itle 4lIIIfI¥IIIh1 0ImfJI'. rn May 1983 This publication was prepared by the Federal Aviation Administration Office of Civil Aviation Security PAGE - 3 ============ . \ r '\ WOrldwide Criminal Acts Involvina Civil Aviation Januarv -DecE>ffiber 1982 .’ – During 1982, nine attempts were made to hijack u.s. scheduled air carrier aircraft; three of these attempts wer• successful. CXle successful attempt was made to hijack a U.S. general aviation aircraft. nurinq this period, there were 21 attempts to hijack foreign air carrier aircraft. ‘1’welve of these were successful. Ii1 addition, there was one unsuccessful attempt to hijack a £areign qener.al aviation aircraft. A total of 83 criminal acts involving civil aviation in 48 countries occurrecl worldwide during the -year. These acts resulted in 18 deaths and 175 Of the criminal acts, 32 (39%) were hijackings; 29 (3St) incidents consisted of explosions (1 aboard an ait’ carrier aircraft, 7 at a itp:)rts, and 21 at airline offices); 14 (17%) were instances of live or hoax explosive devices discovered (7 at airports, 4 at an c.5..dine Office,'” arrl 3 aboard an air aircraft); there were 2 (2%) incidents which were considered terrorist attacks, and 6 (7%) other incidents which involved criminal acts civil aviation. ‘!be geographical distribution of the 83 criminal acts is as follows: Place of Occurrence United states and Canada Mexico aid Central and South America Europe and Middle East Africa Asia Injuries and deaths by type of occurrence are as £allows: Deaths Hijackings 1 Explosions 8 Devices Found-0 Terrorist Attacks 9 Other 0 No. of Acts 29 14 28 4 8 Injuries 31 72 0 71 1 The above figures illustrate the continuing vulnerability of air transportation to attacks by terrorists, criminals, aiil other disgruntled or oornented individuals. The criminal acts of the type sumnad.zed in this report constitute a continuing seriolls threat f:o the security of civil aviation. c

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r 1i7/82 1/8/82 1/10/82 1/17/82 \ 1/27/82 —2 Unsuccessful Hijacking of a Colombian Aircraft While on a domestic flight aboard Aerolineas Territoriales de Colombia (AERDTAL) Flight 627 from Santa Marta to Bogota, Colombia, after a stop at Barranquilla, Colombia, a Latin male who had boarded at Santa Marta pushed a flight attendant into the cockpit. Armed wit}-; a bottle filled with gasoline am a stick of dynamite, he threatened to blCM up the P.t-727 aircraft unless he was flown to Aruba. He also &:manded that his brother, \’.ho hijacked an aircraft in May 1978, l:e released from prison. A passenger knocked the hijacker Other passengers joined in the attack and the hijacker was overpowered. ‘Ihe aircraft returned to Barranauilla \’.here the hijacker was taken into custody by Colombian authorities. Successful Hijacking of a U.S. General Aviation Aircraft ‘lW:> young males engaged the service of Bomar Flying Service, Shelbyville, Tennessee, to take them on a sightseeing flight in a piper PA-28-161 aircraft. During the flight, one of the ooys placed a pistol at the pilot’s head and announced that they were taking over the aircraft. The pilot initiated evasive action to resist, \’.hereupon the hijacker \’.ho was holding the pistol started to act in a violent manner. The pilot then complied with their demands and landed at Eagleville, Tennessee. When they &:planed, the hijackers !:eat am soot the pilot in the leg am stomach an::1 then tied him to fixed objects in the area. At Eaqleville, they were joined qy a third young man. with one of the hijackers acting as the pilot, the three departed in the aircraft. They flew to a field near wynne, Arkansas, where they were forced to land due to lack of fuel. tJ}X>n landinq, they were taken into custody by local };X)lice. . Explosion at EI AI and Lufthansa Offices, Istanbul, Turkey At approx.imately 2220 hours, <:In explosion occurred just outside the offices of EI Al Israel Airlines arrl Lufthansa German Airlines \\hich adjoin each other in Istanbul, Turkey. Both offices suffered property damage, and several other buildings in the area sustained damage to windows. A night watchman \'.ho was on duty in the area 'was injmed by the blast. Reportedly, a qroop which called itself the 15 Mar Arab Front claimed credit for the oombing. Explosion at Lufthansa Office, Tel Aviv, Israel A bomb exploded near the rear to the office of the Lufthansa German Airlines in Tel Aviv, Israel. N:> one was injured arrl property damaqe was minor. N:> qroop claimed responsibility for the explosion. Successful Hijacking of a Colombian Aircraft While en route fran Bcx:tota to Pereira, Colombia, eight rren and a v.anan armed with pistols am explosive devices commandeer en Aerolineas Territoriales de r.olombia (AERYTAL) Flight 635. They required that the Pr727 air.craft return to Bcqota \’.here they asked to t.alk to a journalist am a member of the cormnission involved in negotiating an end to querrilla activity in colombia. After

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\ ‘ I r 2/2/82 2/8/82 2/11/82 2/12/82 \ 3 about 3 hours, they flew to Cali, Colombia, where 47 passengers released. As they taxied to take off again, the plane struck military vehicles blocking the runway arrl the aircraft was disabled. Additionally, it was reported that the plane’s tires perforated by shots and other parts of the plane damaged during an exchange of fire between the hijackers arrl Colombian rrdlitary personnel. On January 28, the hijackers agreed to release the remaining persons aboard in exdlan<;Je for a corporate jet aircraft with pilot arrl ccpilot. The hijackers transferred to a 1o-passen:Jer aircraft arrl" {lew to San Andres Island, Colombia, and then to Havana, Cuba, where they surrenrered to Cuban authorities. Successful Hijacking of Air Florida Flight 710 Shortly after Air Florida Flight 710 departed Miami, Florida, en route to Key west, Florida, a Latin male went to the rear galley area of the &-737 aircraft. He showed a flight attendant a plastic bottle containing a liquid which reportedly smelled like gasoline and a cigarette liqhter. He then demanded to be flown to Cuba. The flight attenoant notified the pilot and the aircraft was flown to Cuba where the hijacker surrendered to ClIDan authorities. Explosion Under a Colombian Aircraft, Miraflores, Colombia At about 1420 hours local time, a DC-3 aircraft of the Colombian airline, SociErlad Aerea del Ccqueta (SADELQ)), was preparing for a domestic flight from Miraflores to Villavicencio, Colombia, it was damaged by the explosion of a bomb. The bomb apparently was contained in a piece of .baggage described as a handbag which was under the aircraft at the tirre of the blast. Ole was killed arrl four injured. The person killed reportedly was the person who placed the bag under the aircraft. TtYc left aileron of the aircraft was damaged. Explosion at Lan Chile Office, Paris, France At about 2015 hours, a bomb exploded at the offices of Lan Chile Airlines in Paris, France. No persons were injured; however, the explcsion caused sone property damage. In an anonymcus teleprone call to a local news ajency, an anardlist group naned after a 19th century Russian r•.'llolutionist, Michel Bakunin, claimed credit for the blast. LOT Aircraft IllegallY Diverted to west Berlin by pilot A Polskie Linie Lotnicze (rDT), Polish Airlines, Antonov-24 aircraft, while on a sdleduled domestic flight fran Warsaw to Wt"oclaw, Polaoo, was illegally diverted to Ternplp.hof Central Airport in West Berlin by the pilot. Upon arrival, the pilot: aoo repJrtedly sL"{ relatives, as well as the copilot arrl another male passenger, requested asylum in West Berlin. They turned OIJer to West Berlin authorities by U.S. authorities. A new crew was flown in aoo the aircraft and rernaininq passengers, including two Polish secur i ty guards, allowed to return to Poland. The pilot and PAGE - 6 ============ r 2/13/82 2/16/82 2/19/82 2/20/82 ---------.. -one adult male relative who was aboard the aircraft were charged by West Berlin authorities with false linprisonment. Unsuccessful Hijacking of a Braniff International Aircraft 4 A lone male opened an alarmed door leading fram the terminal to the air operations area at Amarillo, Texas. He ran to anCI boarded a parked, out of service Braniff International B-727 aircraft. He was challenged by a maintenance man, the only other person aboard. He reportedly threatened the maintenance man and indicated he was hijacking the aircraft. The maintenance man deplaned and secured the assistance of a senior Braniff agent. The hijacker went into the cockpit and locked the door. '!he senior agent tried without success to oonvince the man to get off. The man demanded to talk to the tower and stated that he wanted a pilot to fly the plane. Law enforcement and airp::>rt officials were notified and resJX)ooed. After a period of neqotiation with law enforcement p:!rsonnel he surrendered. Search of the hijacker and the aircraft failed to reveal any weaJX)ns. Exchange of Gunfire mld Hijacking Prevented, Miami, Florida A man waiting to board an Air Florida B-737 aircraft scheduled to depart from Miami for Key West, Florida, was recognized by two Air Florida passenger agents as a J:X)tential threat. The man was escorted into the jetway leading fram the gate area to the plane where one of the agents conducted a patdown search of the man. The other agent crlvised a flight attendant aboard the aircraft am the aircraft door was closed. The agent conducting the search noticed that the man had a hamgun on his person and told the other agent. Both agents then ran fram the jetway as the man fired two shots at them. The airport police were notified and responded. When the police oF•ned the door to the jetway, the man fired his weapon at them and the {X)lice returned the fire. After some negotiation, the man walked out into the gate holding area and was taken into custody. During interview, he reportedly indicated that he hcrl intemed to hijack the aircraft. On charges of attempted murder, felony with a firearm, and resisting arrest, he was sentenced to ooncurrent terms of bnprisonment of life, 5 years, and 15 years. Explosions at Aeroflot Office, Washington, D.C. A banb \’which may have oontained two explosive devices detonated twice shortly before 0100 hours near the front entrance to the office of the u.s.s .R. Airline, Aeroflot, in washington, D.C. The t\’,Q explosions occurred within seconds of each other and caused damage to one of the front doors and one window. No injuries were reported. Shortly after the explosions, an anonyroc>us male telephonically advised a local newspaper that the Jewish Defense League was resJX)nsible for thE: blast. in Baggage During Transit from SAHSA Aircraft to Terminal, Managua, Nicaragua A bomb detonated in a suitcase \’.hich ha:l just reen rerroved fram Flight 415 of the Honduran Airline, Servicio Aereo oe Honduras (SAHSIl.), at Managua, Nicaragua. The explosion occurred CPlXoximately

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r 4 44 4+ . I 1:1 r I 3/1/82 3/2/82 \ 6 departure, five men commandeered the aircraft and required the pilot to fly the plane to Nairobi, Kenya. The aircraft remained at Nairobi for several hours arrl t.l,en was flown to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Athens, Greece; and finally to Stansted, England, where it landed at 1435 hours local time on February 27. ‘Ihroughout the hijacking, the hijackers claimed to b: rrembers of the Revolutionary Youth Movement of Tanzania and demanded the resiqnation of the President of Tanzania. At Athens they had a (betor cane aboard to treat the ccpilot t10 had been vk1unded in the leg. Seven passerBers \\ere released at Nairobi and b.o at Athens. Over the next 26 1/2 hours of negotiations, the hijackers periodically threatened to blow up the aircraft arrl/or kill the passeTBers arC crew. BeginniIl3 in the late eveniTB of February 27, they gradually released fu.l of the passengers and crew. The hijackers’ families also deplaned. At about 1700 hours local time February 28, two children brooght the hijackers’ weapons off the plane. Following this, the hijackers left the aircraft and \\ere taken into custody. Search of the plane revealed reportedly fake explosives wired to the aircraft doors am placed in a restroom. None of the passengers or crew \\ere killF.rl. Unsuccessful Hijacking of Uniten Air Lines Fliqht 674 About 30 minutes prior to the arrival of United Air Lines Flight 074 at Miami, Florida, on a fliqht fran Chicago, Illinois, a man surraroned a flight attemant. Usin::J another Spanish-speakirB passerBer as interpreter, he told the flight attendant that he wanted to go to Cuba, that his mother had died in Cuba the day before, arrl that he had a banb. The man held a small bot tie containirB a liquid am a cigarette lighter. He shouted “Cuba” several times and indi.,cated that unless his demand was rret he \t,Ould start a fire. The pilot announced that they \t,Ould fly to Cuba rut actually lamed at Miani. When the hijacker became aware that they had not landed in Cuba, he became very agitated, ran up and down the aisle, flicked the lighter, arrl srouted “Cuba” several times. A passen::Jer attacked the hijacker and, with the assistance of the pilot and other passengers, overpo.ered him. Srortly thereafter, he was taken into custody by law enforcement officers. Explosive Device in Checked Bagqage Aboard Braniff and Metro Airlines Aircraft Up:>n arrival at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, a U.S. Air Force enlisted reported to the military police that she had found an explosive device in her luggage t1ich earlier in the day had been aboard the aircraft t1ich brought her to Wichita Falls, ‘texas. The \I.OTIan advised that she ha::1 flown aboard Braniff International Flight 111 from National Aiq::crt, Washington, D.C., to Dallas/Fort Ybrth Regional Airport, Fort WOrth” TE’,Xas, am then to Wichita Falls, Texas, aboard Metro Airlines Flight 10-19. She traveled by bus from tl}’ici1ita Falls to Sheppard” ‘l’he suitcase in \’hidl the tanb was found was carried as dlecked teqgage am checked through fran Washington, D.C., to Nichita Falls. The bonb reportedly was packaged in a metal canister and included plastic explcsives, black p:>wc1er, blasting r1evices, a te ttery, nails, am a clock. It was relieved to be capable of detonating. The woman’s husband, who is also a memmr of the fl.S. Air Force, was arrested and charged with willfully placing a destructive device aboard aircraft and interstate transportation of an explosive. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison on July 16, “‘1

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, i 4’ * .. 3/29/82 4/3/82 4/5/82 4/14/82 4/19/82 ‘\ —Bomb Found in Front of the Bl Al Office, Rome, A ba:nb v,hich had been plar:ed in front of the office of the El Al Israel Airlines in oowntown Rane, Italy, was report en to the police. Police resp::mded and c’lefused the borrb. f\o grrup claimed respons ibili ty for placing the O:vice. Explosive Device Founn in Airport Restroom, Atlanta, Georgia 7 A cleaning service employee discovered a live military handgrenade simulator in a trash receptacle in the women’s restroom at the international arrivals area, Hartsfield-Atlanta International Atlanta, Georgia. An explosive ordnance technician of the Atlanta Police Department safely removed the device fran the airport. Successful Hijacking of Delta Air Lines Fliqht 591 As Delta Air Lines Flight 591, a B-727 aircraft, was en route from Chicaqo, Illinois, to Florida, one man in the front of the aircraft arrl one in the rear pt”oceeded to p:>ur gasoline fran plastic containers onto the floor. They demanded to be flown to Cuba and threatened to set the gasoline on fire if their demand was not !ret Ł. A third man v.ho appeared to te the group’s lecrler made several trips between the front and rear of the plane. A flight attendant ‘told the man in the t’ear of the aircraft to stop pouring gasoline, v.hereupon, he splashed some on her face arrl J:x:xjy. This resulted in injury toO both of her eyes. After the passengers .ere reIroved fran the two rearmcst rows of seats, the hijackers doused the seats with gasoline. During the remairrler of the flight, the hijackers periodically poured additional gasoline on the aircraft’s floor and seats. They did not, however, light their ciqarette lighters. After larriio;! in Havana, Cuba, Cuban officials boarded arrl took the hijackers into custody. Two Explosions, Damage to the Offices of Jordanian, FAvptian, and Chilean Airlines, Madrid, Spain At about 0030 hours, a borrb explc(‘ed in front of the Royal Jordanian Airlines office in downtown Ma:1rid, Spain. ‘!his explosion cau,sed severe damage r.o the Jordanian office arrl extensive damage to the office of the Chilean Chile, located nearby. A short time later, a bomb exploded in front of the Eqyptian office (collocated /ith the Eqypt Tours Office) namag’irn that office .nich is also located in downtown Mad’:id. No injuries rep:>rted and no one claimed resp:msibility for the blasts. Explosion at Air France Office, Vienna, Austria Shortly after midnight, a bomb exploded at the entrance of the office of Air France in downtown Vienna, Austria. About 2 minutes later, another explosion occurred at the French Embassy, in downtown Vienna. The explosions caused extensive damaqe to the Air France office arrl less seV(Ir.e

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r I ———–,———— ————4/26/82 4/28/82 4:128/82 damage to the Embassy. No one was injured as a result of the explcsions. Anonymoos p:rs::ms called the French Embassy and a local newspaper in Vienna arrl claimed the Islamic Revolutionary Guarc1 was responsible for the blasts. Explosive/Incendiary Device Discovered at Airport, Denver, Colorado 8 A police offiCEr on patrol in the terminal of Stapleton International Ain:or.t, D:nver, Colorado, noticed what cppeared to l:e a banb in a Iretal ashtray car.lster. The device was in the shcpe of. a small ball constructed of a black putty-like substance with dark green wire protrudinq out an1 wrapp:d around the putty. The device was taken toO the airport’s p:llice o:f.fice \lhere a piece of the wire was cut off and burned and determined to be a fuse. Denver police bomh disassemblec1 the device arrl found two cylinders of a hard stone-like substance \’.hich wrapped with a lurge arrount of the dark green wire fuse. One of the t\\O cylinders am sorre of the fuse v-Bre isolated and lit. ‘!he fuse ignited the cylinder \’.hich burned violently. ‘l’he putty-like substance also burned profusely when lit with a match. Explosion at Lufthansa Office, New York, 1’1e,., York Shortly after 0200 hours, a pipe borrb exploded at the front d::>or of the Lufthansa C’-erman Airlines office in oowntown New New York. A qlass revolvinq door was damaged a.rY3 one section of four sections of the glass windows was broken. “tb one was injured. An anonymous caller to a local newspaper claimed that the Jewish Defense League (JDL) was responsible for the blast. Later the headquarters of the JDL issued a denial of resp:lnsibility. Successful Hijacking of Honduran Aircraft Shortly after 0800 hours, AerOlJias Nacionales de Honduras (ANHSA) Flight 07ba De Havillarrl DH:::-7, Dash-7, four-engine turboprq:> aircraft with 43 passengers and 6 crewmembers, was hijacked by four rren’ armed with pistols and explosives. the hijacking was initiated, the aircraft was on a dCIlIestic flight from La Ceiba to Teguciqalpa, Honduras, with a scheduled intermediate stq:> at Ran Pedro Sula. The hijackers required the aircraft to be flown directly to Teguciqalpa \’k1ere it larrled. At about 1200 hours, the hijackers released 13 worren and 1 boy. During negotiations, the Pope’s representative in Honduras acted as a rrediator am carried rressages to arrl fran the aircraft. On two occasions he carre off the aircraft with released passenqers. The claimed toO l:e members of a group reportedly called the Lorenzo Zelaya Popular Revolutionary Forces arrl later claimed to l:e members of the Lempira Ccmrnarrl (Comanclo Lempira). They demanded release of 86 p:rrons held in Honduran prisons, ransom of 1 million Lempiras ($500,000), publication of a FClitical statement, and fuel for the aircraft. Honduran off.icials agreed only to allow the aircraft to be refueled and depart when all oostages released. ‘As negotiations continued, the hijackers drq:>ped their demand for the release of the prisoners and slowly lowered their monetary demand. In the early rrorning oours of May 1 while the hijackers conferrinq in the rear of the aircraft, 10 hostages including the pilot and copilot escaped. Two passenqers received minor injuries in the escape Ł ..

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r ! 4/30/82 5/7/82 5/10/82 5/19/82 5/21/82 ——–9 Later, the hijackers released all of the remaining hostaqes, transferred to an Electra aircraft, and were flown to Havana, Cuba. Successful Hijacking of a Polish Aircraft Polskie Linie Lotincze (LOT), Polish Airlines, Flight 756, an Antonov AN-24 aircraft, while on a domestic flight from Wroclaw to Warsaw, Poland, with 52 passenqers ann 5 crewmeml:ers, \’las hijacked by 8 men. The hijackers overpowered and oisarmed the six security personnel aboard and r81uired that the aircraft re flown to Tempelhof Central Airport in T1est Berlin. ‘J:W) of the security guards reportedly were injured. T.1J:x:m arrival at cpproximately 1745 hours at Temp;!lhof, the eight rren were taken into custody by u.s. authorities and turned over to West Rerlin authoritIes. They requeste:l political asylum. Twenty-eight others, including relatives of the hijackers, chose to remain in West Berlin. All eight were convicted and sentencecl for endangering air traffic. Explosion at Swissair Office, Montreal, Canada Between 0830 and 0900 hours local time, a I:x:rnb exploded just outside the front door of the Swiss Air Transport Canpany (Swissair) office located on the second floor of an office building in Montreal, Canooa. No one was injured am the damage was described as minimal. No qroup has claimed responsibility for the incident. successful Hijacking of Nicaraguan Aircraft An Aerolineas Nicaraguenses (AEHDNICA) C-46 aircraft was hijacked by two rren while on a domestic flight from Bluefield to Corn Islands, Nicaragua, with 49 passengers and 5 crewmembers. The t\’O rren were armed with pis’C.ols and handgrenooes am one was dressed in the clothin:J of a w:rnan. They required the flightcrew to fly the aircraft to Lirron, Ccsta’Rrica, where they surrenrered to Costa Rican authorities and requested political asylum. Unsuccessful Hijacking of a Colombian Aircraft While en route to Villavicencio, Colombia, a man entered the cockpit of an Aereo del Guariare Airlines aircraft and demanded to re flawn to Cuha. He claimed there were several bomt:s ct>oard which he could detonate if r Ł The cq:dlot struggled wi th the man and was inj ured in the JXocess. with the help of serre of the passengers, the hijacker was overpowered. Up::>n landing in Villavicencio, he was taken into custody by Colombian authorities. Search of the aircraft failed to reveal any explosives. Unsuccessful Hijackinq of a Philippine Aircraft At 0800 hours, a Philippine Airlines BAC-l11 aircraft was hijacked by a lone male while on a domestic fliqht from Bacold to Cebu, .Philippines, with rep::>rtedly 112 and 5 crew Ł . -, I.’

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