more useful your catalog will be to library patrons and When cataloging the metadata is divided into defined sections or fields called tags. Much like the Dewey
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SupplementalCataloging MetadataSchool districts use a variety of cataloging software systems. Because Library Aide Basics (LAB) is intend- ed to be a generalized training, this supplemental will explain what cataloging metadata can include. Likely your metadata will be formatted differently depending on the type of software you use at your school, but this supplemental should be detailed enough that you can begin to understand the basics of cataloging. Your dis- The more data you enter about library materials the more useful your catalog will be to library patrons and administrators, but don™t be overwhelmed by this sup- plemental! LAB is intentionally providing you with more information than you need to know in the hopes that if your district wants you to know the basics of cataloging metadata you have a good place to start. Five examples of what metadata looks like are given in this document. The information provided in this supplemental has been provided by the Library of Congress and re- worked by the Library Aide Basics team.
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 2Basic Tags tags. Much like the Dewey Decimal System, these tags are divided into subject meanings by hundreds, tens, and sometimes ones. The combination of hundreds, tens, and ones codes for which kind of metadata should go in each section. The tables included on terms in rose and bold can be found at the end of this document. Tags by Hundreds Tag Description0XXControl information, numbers, codes 1XXMain entry2XXTitles, edition, imprint (in general, the title, statement of responsibility, edition, and publication information ) 3XXPhysical description, etc.4XXSeries statement (This may be found in the book, but if not, has compiled lists of many series orga- nized by author.) 5XXNotes6XXSubject heading added entries7XXAdded entries other than subject or se- – ated organizations 8XXSeries added entries (other authoritative forms) -tion to records. (X9Xs in each of these groups Š 09X, 59X, etc. Š are also reserved for local use, except 490.)Parallel Content (different sections of a tag) Tags DescriptionX00Personal namesX10Corporate namesX11Meeting namesX40Bibliographic titlesX50Topical terms X51Geographic names
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 3By combining the fiParallel Contentfl chart with the fiTags by Hundredsfl chart, the (X00, i.e. Lincoln, Abraham), the tag will be 600; if the subject of the book is a corpo- a topic (X50, i.e. Railroads), the tag will be 650; if the subject of a book is a place (X51, i.e. United States), the tag will be 651. [An added entry (7XX) for a joint author (a per- sonal name) will have tag 700.]Tags You Should Know Tags Description010 tagLibrary of Congress Control Number (LCCN)020 tag 100 tagPersonal name main entry (author)245 tagTitle information (which includes the title, other title information, and the statement of responsibility )250 tagThe edition260 (or 264) tagPublication information 300 tagPhysical description490 tagThe series statement520 tagSummary note (The summary may be pro- vided on a purchased record, or may be summary note in your record.) 650 tagTopical subject heading700 tagPersonal name added entry (joint author, editor, or illustrator) delimiter, but these are seldom displayed in the record. To familiarize you with the concept of a delimiter and help to distinguish the the delimiter used will vary from system to system.
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 4Indicators One or both of these character positions may be used for indicators – Each indicator value is a number from 0 to 9. (Although the rules say it can be a letter, letters are uncommon.) Even though two indicators together may look like a two-digit – indicator. Stevens. at the be- –
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 5ExamplesThe following pages show three different examples of books similar to ones you may in Following these book entries, two nonprint media examples of a DVD and an audio- book are included in this supplemental. RDA format. The others follow the older MARC format known as AACR2. RDA, or Resource Description and Access, was created in 2010 to replace the old method of cataloging. Despite support from the Library of Congress and orga- nizations like the American Library Association, implementation of the new cataloging method has been very slow. RDA and AACR2 are very similar and have the same sort of cataloging skeleton. However, RDA has changed some of the ways the tags on that shared skeleton are labeled, updated the cataloging system to better integrate new technologies, and added more detail to some entries. RDA standards to your cataloging and begin updating your school™s MARC records. A list of resources detailing how to transition to RDA cataloging can be found at . -es between AACR2 and RDA cataloging:Ł The 260 label has been replaced with a 264 label.Ł content type), 337 (media type), and 338 (carrier type link.Ł Previously abbreviated descriptors are now spelled out. For example col. ill. is now ficolored illustration.fl Ł Brackets are used to indicate any correct information that isn™t listed on the book or material itself. blue on the example.
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 6FieldLabelTags and Sub- DataLibrary of Con-gress Control NumberLCCN00024727 Standard Book Number978-0531145975Main entry, per- sonal name with a single sur- nameAuthor (Name, Per- sonal Name, etc.)Steward, David Title and State- ment of responsi- bilityTitle Subtitle (Remainder of title) Statement of re- sponsibility (author, illustrator, etc.) You wouldn™t want to be an Egyptian mum- my!disgusting things you™d rather not knowwritten by David Stew-art ; illustrated by David antram ; created and designed by David SalariyaEditionEditionPublication, distri- bution, etc.Place of publicationPublisher Date of publication (Year) 264 New York Franklin Watts [2000]You wouldn™t want to be an Egyptian mummy!
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 8FieldLabelTags and Sub- DataLibrary of Con-gress Control NumberLCCN2005299400 Standard Book Number978-0786856299Main entry, per- sonal name with a single sur- nameAuthor (may also be Name, Personal Name, etc.)Riordan, Rick Title and State- ment of responsi- bilityTitle Subtitle (Remainder of titleStatement of re- sponsibility (author, illustrator, etc.) The lightning thief Rick Riordan EditionEdition1st ed.Publication, distri-bution, etc.Place of publicationPublisherDate of publicationNew York Miramax Books/Hyper- ion Books for Children c2005Physical descrip-tionPagination (number of pages)or not)Size 377 p.22 cm.Series StatementSeries OlympiansThe Lightning Thief
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 9FieldLabelTags and Sub- DataAnnotation or summary noteSummaryAfter learning that he is the son of a mortal woman and Poseidon, god of the sea, twelve- year-old Percy is sent to a summer camp for demigods like him- self, and joins his new friends on a quest to prevent a war between the gods.Subject added entries, from Li- brary of Congress subject heading list for children SubjectGreek mythology Fic- tionFriendship Fiction Personal name added entry Second Author, etc. Additional infor- mation of your choosingCall number
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 10FieldLabelTags and Sub- DataLibrary of Con-gress Control NumberLCCN76028805 Standard Book Number978-0140501827Main entry, per- sonal name with a single sur- nameAuthor (may also be Name, Personal Name, etc.)Title and State- ment of responsi- bilityTitle Subtitle (Remainder of titleStatement of re- sponsibility (author, illustrator, etc.) The snowy day EditionEditionPublication, distri-bution, etc.Place of publicationPublisher Date of publication Harmondsworth 1978Physical descrip-tionPagination (number of pages) not)Size32 p. col. ill.Series StatementSeries The Snowy Day
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Module 6 Lesson 1 / page 11FieldLabelTags and Sub- DataAnnotation or summary noteSummaryThe adventures of a little boy in the city on a very snowy day. Subject added entries, from Li- brary of Congress subject heading list for children SubjectCaldecott MedalPersonal name added entry Second Author, etc. Additional infor- mation of your choosingCall number
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