breakfast cereals, bread, cocoa, chocolate, marmite, bovril, oxo and treacle. eatingwhilepregnant1209.pdf. Greenwood, C. and Statinon, M. 2001. Back pain
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Homebirth To book for a home birth it is essential you are healthy, well and have a normal pregnancy. Occasionally women develop complications in pregnancy or labour which may exclude them from this choice. If you have had a previous normal pregnancy, labour and birth you are less likely to require transfer to a hospital. Only in exceptional circumstances will it be necessary to transfer you and your baby to hospital. Hospital birth Pregnant women in Halton have four hospital choices that provide maternity care: Countess of Chester Hospital Liverpool Women™s Hospital Warrington Hospital Whiston Hospital Most women will make their choice based on: previous experience recommendation of family and friends locality and easy access. Information on each hospital is available on the hospital website. There are two main ways for women to refer to our service: self-referral or via the GP. You will be asked where you would like to have your baby. This is if you are not aware of the services that are available. Many women make their decision based on previous birthing experiences or on the recommendation of family and friends.The most important reason in making your decision is the safety of you and your baby. Current research suggests that in normal, uncomplicated pregnancies for women not having your baby at home or in hospital.Wherever you choose to give birth, being as relaxed as possible when you are in labour is more likely to result in your labour progressing well and you achieving a normal birth.If you require further information, your midwife will be happy to help you.Choosing where to have your baby5
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Who can have a home birth? Any woman can request to have a home birth. However there are some instances when a home birth may be unwise and your midwife can discuss these with you. Why have a home birth? Women have their own personal reasons for choosing a home birth such as: it feels right for them the need to feel safe, secure and in control a previous bad experience in hospital or a fear of hospitals the need to avoid unnecessary intervention and focus on normal childbirth to assist in the establishment of breast feeding less disruption to family life, particularly to other children. Who will be there?A midwife will attend any woman choosing to have a home birth. Midwives are experts in normal pregnancy, birth and care of you and your baby following birth. A second midwife will attend your home as your labour advances to ensure two midwives are there for the birth. The midwife may also be accompanied by a student midwife. Is it safe?Evidence suggests that a planned home birth for a woman without complications is safe. Many women also report a feeling of higher satisfaction with their birth experience when compared with those women who have had their birth in hospital. What types of pain relief can I use?Women who labour and deliver at home report needing fewer drugs for pain relief. Women labouring at home tend to be more relaxed, feel in control and are able to cope with their contractions. However, you will have access to entonox (gas and air). Cylinders will be delivered to your home when you are 37 weeks pregnant. You may also wish to consider other types of pain relief such as TENS, aromatherapy and water. If you wish to have a home water birth, please ask your midwife for information about how to loan a pool from our service. Will I have to go into hospital?If there are any complications you will be asked to transfer to hospital. How do I arrange a home birth? Speak to your midwife who will be able to discuss home birth in more detail with you, answer your questions and make the necessary arrangements. You can also ask to speak to a supervisor of midwives. 6
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Fruit and vegetables portions a day Fresh orange juice counts as more than one glass will still only count as one portion. Fat and sugar Meat, fish and alternatives Eat daily portions of protein, beans and lentils Choose lean cuts of meat Avoid liver and pâté. Bread, cereals, pasta, rice and potatoesMilk and dairy products Eat small amounts Do not attempt to diet during your pregnancy. You will lose any excess weight once you have had your baby if you continue to eat a balanced diet. Eat daily portions of dairy foods, such as milk, yoghurt and cheese Choose lower fat portions Avoid mould ripened soft cheeses and blue veined cheeses. Make starchy foods the basis of all your meals Wholemeal foods contain constipation as they contain many of the vitamins that you will need during pregnancy. 8
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Folic acid Folic acid helps to prevent abnormalities recommended dose is 0.4mg per day for at least 8 weeks before pregnancy and up to 12 weeks into the pregnancy. If you are taking anti-epileptic drugs or have a family history of fetal abnormalities, the recommended dose is 5mg per day. A folic acid prescription can be obtained from your GP. Alternatively it can be obtained from any pharmacy. Vitamin A High levels of vitamin A can cause abnormalities in unborn babies. You should avoid taking vitamin supplements containing vitamin A while you are pregnant. You should also avoid eating liver or anything made from liver, such as pâté. Caffeine (200mg per day – see below) as it is passed through the placenta and may also cause miscarriage. Vitamin D All women will need vitamin D supplements as a matter of routine care during pregnancy to help with healthy development of the baby. Your midwife will advise you. Iron Anaemia is common during pregnancy. your iron levels, and if necessary, a course of iron supplements will be prescribed. However it is known that a preventing anaemia . iron absorption. It is advisable to avoid these drinks for thirty minutes before and after a meal. To aid absorption take your iron tablet with a drink rich in vitamin C, for example fresh orange juice. 140mgsOne mug of One mug of Tea One mug of One can of Cola 100mgs75mgs40mgsCaffeine contentmeasurements Good sources of iron rich food are: Meat: particularly red meats, corned beef and black pudding Fish: sardines, tuna (in small amounts) and pilchards Eggs: hard boiled Pulses: beans, lentils and peas Dried fruit: apricots, raisins and peaches Green vegetables Others: breakfast cereals, bread, cocoa, chocolate, marmite, bovril, oxo and treacle. 9
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Unpasteurised milk and dairy products (Goats, sheep and some cows milk). Ensure milk is labelled as pasteurised. Natural yoghurt is not pasteurised. Always read the label to see if it is pasteurised. Peanuts. If you would like to eat peanuts or food containing peanuts during pregnancy you can choose to do so as part of a healthy balanced diet, unless you are allergic to them or your health professional advises you not to. The latest research shows that there is no clear evidence that eating peanuts in pregnancy developing a peanut allergy. Raw or soft boiled eggs may contain salmonella. It is best to avoid dishes that contain raw eggs, such as home made mayonnaise. During pregnancy, eggs are best eaten when they are thoroughly cooked. Types of fish. Do not eat shark, than 2 tuna steaks a week (140g cooked, 170g raw) or 4 medium cans of tuna a week. All types of pâté (including vegetarian) may contain listeria. Foods to avoid Mould ripened soft cheese may contain listeria, e.g. Camembert or Brie, blue veined cheese, Chevre (a type of goat™s cheese) and any other with a similar rind. There is no risk with hard cheese such as cheddar or with cottage or processed cheese. Always read the label if you are unsure. Raw/Undercooked meat. Cook all meat and poultry thoroughly so that there is no trace of pink or of beef and lamb such as steaks, cutlets and joints (but not rolled joints) rare, as long as the outside has been properly cooked. Sushi. sushi and other dishes sushi such as smoked salmon as the smoking kills any worms 10
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