COURSE OUTLINE NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course

Jul 28, 2017 — “Weapon” has a negative connotation. Use “pistol,” “revolver,” “gun,” “firearm,” specific model, etc. Establish Emergency
106 pages

38 KB – 106 Pages

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 1 INTRODUCTION The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Cour se introduces students to the knowledge , skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pist ol safely. Through this course, the students will learn about pi stol parts and operation, a mmunition, gun safety, pistol shooting fundamentals, and pistol shooting activ ities. The Basic Pistol Course will also help prepare the student for part icipation in other NRA courses. In order to uphold the NRA™s adhere nce to safety, and to maintain standardization among all NRA courses, adhere to the following guidelines when conducting the NRA Basic Pistol Course. Course Outline and Lesson Plans The key to conducting a successful Basic Pi stol Shooting Course is to be well organized and know the subject. The course out line and lesson plans are designed to help you in these areas so that you can spend your time teaching, not trying to figure out what to teach. This course outline identifies the: Ł Course goal Ł Length of course Ł Student text Ł Course lessons To maintain national standards for this program, the NRA has developed lesson plans for you. Each lesson plan provides the: Ł Lesson title Ł Learning objectives Ł Estimated length of lesson Ł Recommended training aids Ł Lesson references Ł Lesson content outline Ł Instructional notes Ł Key to training aid or text references Combined with the information found in the NRA Trainer™s Guide (fiPlanning and Conducting Your NRA Coursefl), the material pr esented in this cour se outline will put you on the road to success. The learning objectives are your road map–use them.

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 2 Course Length and Time Requirements The course length of the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting C ourse is based on the estimated length of each lesson indicated in the lesson plans. The actual course length may vary from this figure, as the time required for each lesson will vary because of class size, facilities, instructor experience, student experience and comprehension level, student-to- instructor ratio, weather, and unforeseen circumstances. This course has been designed to allow for maximum flexibility in scheduling. It may be conducted a few hours at a time over several days or it may be c onducted as a one-day course. Instructors teaching this course for the firs t time, those mentoring new instructors, or those who do not have the support of an expe rienced instructor team should factor in additional time. It is better to plan a longer c ourse and finish early than to run overtime or cut a lesson short. With experience gained by teaching from these lesson plans, you will soon be able to plan an entire course accura tely and adhere strictly to your schedule. The Course Is Based on Objectives This course is objective based. The instructor must ensure students have met the learning objectives before successfully completing the course. This may take more or less time than indicated in the lesson plans. All of the objectives are stated in terms of student performance, i.e., what the students will be able to do at the conc lusion of the lesson. Explanations and demonstrations provided by th e instructors are not to be confused with meeting a learning objective. The students must be able to perform each objective. To track your students™ performance through the course, the instructor needs to use the Performance Requirements Checklist, located in Appendix 4. Instructors are authorized to make photocopies of Appendix 4 as needed. Courses may be conducted for one specific pistol platform. (Semi-automatic or Revolver) In this instance the platform used must be lis ted on the completion certificate. Each instructor must review and ack nowledge a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the firoles and responsibilitiesfl of being an NRA Instructor prior to conducting the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course. Instructors should provide a signed copy of the Performance Requirements Checklist to the student and keep a copy for their own records.

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 3 Total Participant Involvement The key to a successful and positive training experience is total participant involvement (TPI). People learn by doing! Use questions, discussions, demonstrations, group interaction, and practical exercises to th eir maximum potential. Minimize lectures. Remember, telling is not synonymous with teaching. Student-to-Instructor Ratio During the range exercises for the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course, a one-to-one student-to-instructor ratio on the firing line is encouraged whenever possible. If this is not possible, the ratio on the firing line should not exceed two shooters for every NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Whenever possible, the coach/pupil method sh ould be used, with one student coaching the shooter on the line through the proper technique. This promotes student learning, and also provides an extra pair of eyes on the shooting line for greater safety. Additionally, it is recommended that a range safe ty officer oversee the safety of the entire line. The range safety officer™s responsibility is to ensure safety, not to give individual instruction. Depending upon the range facilities used and the number of instructors available, it may be advantageous to split the class into two or more separate groups or to use two relays for the range sessions. Emphasize Firearm Safety During every lesson, constantly emphasize in words and by your own actions that a gun must always be kept pointed in a safe di rection. Be certain that students observe this rule at all times, especially when students handle guns, as in dry-fire, live-fire and gun cleaning exercises. Safety must be your fore most concern; therefore, you must personally observe all of the gun safety rules at all times, and monitor your students carefully to ensure that they are also observing these rules. Whenever you pick up a pistol, either for demonstration purposes or to hand it to a student, always be sure to keep it pointed in a safe direction, keep your finger off the trigger, remove the magazine (if any), open the action, and visually and physically check the chamber(s) to be sure that no live round remains in the gun. Use each such occasion as an opportunity to reinforce your st udents™ gun safety training by having a student verify the unloaded condition of the pistol. Be su re that each student also performs this sequence of steps each time he or she picks up a pistol. Ensure that the student observes all of the safe gun handling rules (such as fi ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe directionfl) while he or she inspects the chamber(s ) to verify that th e pistol is empty. IMPORTANT NOTE: All training aids to be used as representation of a firearm (e.g.: Blue guns, Laser training devices, Air Soft, Air guns, toy guns, etc.), MUST be treated in the same fashion and with the same safety rules as firearms AT ALL TIMES. Infractions against this rule wi ll be treated exactly the same as infractions using firearms in the same manner.

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 4 Terminology Do not use the term fiweaponfl in this course. fiWeaponfl has a negative connotation. Use fipistol,fl firevolve r,fl figun,fl fifirearm,fl specific model, etc. Establish Emergency Procedures Establish emergency procedures to be followe d in the event of an accident. All course staff should be aware of these procedures and maintain a list of emergency telephone numbers. No Live Ammunition in the Classroom No live ammunition is permitted in the classroom. In a training environment where handling and dry firing is necessary, it is impera tive that no loaded firearms be present. If ammunition is not in the room, it cannot possibly get into a firearm! This protects instructors from potential liability and protects the students as well. Only dummy ammunition that is visually distinct from liv e ammunition is allowed in the classroom. Live ammunition may only be present on the range during live-fire exercises. Demonstrations on the Range If you have difficulty scheduling range time, or must maximize the amount of shooting and minimize dry practice while on the range, then you may want to conduct all of the dry-firing drills contained in Lessons III and IV in a classroom setting before proceeding to the range. NOTE: The benchrest exercise in Lesson III may be conducted in the classroom using firearm simulators with a resetting trigger, sights and a laser indicating shot placement. Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers Pregnant women are encouraged to discuss thei r participation in this course with their physicians prior to the first lesson. They shoul d discuss the effects of exposure to loud sounds and (if using an indoor range) airbor ne lead particulate. If any students are pregnant or nursing an infant, they should not handle any chemicals, lubricants, or solvents unless they have discussed doi ng so with their physician. Physical Limitations and Disabilities Some students will not be able to assume certain shooting positions (i.e., standing shooting positions) because of physical limitatio ns or disabilities. The presence of a physical disability does not by itself affect a st udent™s eligibility to attend the course or receive a completion certificate. Where necessary , adapt the exercise to work within each student™s range of ability. For example, stude nts in wheelchairs may substitute a sitting unsupported shooting position for the standing positions taught in this course.

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 5 Students who are in wheelchairs, use prosthe tic devices, or with amputations may need gun handling skills and techniques adapted in ways that are not covered in this lesson plan or the student handbook. An excellent resource for assistance and advice when working with shooters with disabilities is the national ma nager of the NRA Adaptive Shooting Program. Call National Manager, Adaptive Shooting Programs, Education and Training Division, National Rifle Association of America, (703) 267-1491, for further information and assistance. Regardless of ability, all students must demonstrate the necessary knowledge , skills, and attitude to receive a course completion certificate. Also, safety must not be compromised in any technique modified for a person with a disability . Release, Waiver, Indemnification, Hold Harmless, and Assumption of Risk Agreement A sample Release, Waiver, Indemnificati on, Hold Harmless, and Assumption of Risk Agreement is included in the NRA Trainer™s Gu ide. You or your club may want to develop a similar agreement for use with your shooting activities. Please note that the legal issues that may be raised in an attempt to enforce such an agreement involve the interpretation of contract and tort law, both of which are governed by state (not federal) law. Tort and contract law varies from state to state and this form agreement may be enforceable in some jurisdictions and not in others. You will have to tailor this agreement to compor t with the law of the state in which you intend to use it. You are strongly urged to obtain the advice of an attorney licensed to practice law in your state to advise you of the specific applicable state statutory and common law as they relate to tort and contract law, and in particular how to ensure the enforceability of release and waiver and hold harmless and indemnification agreements in your jurisdiction. The form agreement was not drafted by an atto rney licensed to practice law in your state, nor was it drafted to comport with and to with stand the scrutiny of the particular laws in your state. The agreement is therefore not to be considered as a restatement of law, nor is it to be relied upon to protect you. You must have an attorney, who is licensed to practice law in your state, review said form, if you intend to make any use of it. Please note that the agreement is intended to be executed by adult individuals, not minors. Even if otherwise effective, it will not be effective if executed by or on behalf of a minor. NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course Examination and Answer Key The student exam and answer key are f ound after logging in at under the fiLesson Plans/PowerPointsfl section. The exam will also be available in the student packets. Use the exam as a teaching tool. The minimum passing score for the student exam is 90 percent and each student will have a maximum of five attempts to achieve a passing score. .

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 7 Thank you for your dedication to upholding the standards of the NRA training programs. Good luck with your course! We thank you for your commitment to firear m education and for participating in the training programs of the National Rifle Asso ciation. Your expertise and dedication will help train a new generation of shooters to exer cise their freedoms safely and responsibly. If you have any questions about the NRA Ba sic Pistol Shooting C ourse, please contact your training counselor. To join NRA today, or for additional information about membership, call 1-800-NRA-3888. Your membership dues can be charged to Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 8 The NRA expressly disclaims any and all liabilities, losses, costs, claims, demands, suits, or actions of any type or nature whatsoever arising from or in any way related to: this manual; the use of this manual; any representation, drawing, or statement made in this manual; or any claim that a particular action is in compliance or performed according or pursuant to this manual. This manual is under no circumstances to be viewed as a restatement of the law in any jurisdiction or to assure compliance with any applicable federal, state or local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. You must consult a local attorney to ascertain compliance with all applicable federal, state or local laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations and to advise you of the applicable duty of care required in your jurisdiction .

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 9 COURSE OUTLINE NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course Course Goal: To teach the basic knowledge , skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safely. Student Text: NRA Guide: Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook Instructor Preparation: Ł Introduction (read and understand) Ł Gathering period Lesson I: Pistol Knowledge and Safe Gun Handling Learning Objectives: 1. State the course goal and any speci al requirements for the five lessons. 2. Identify the principal parts of a pist ol and the types of pistol actions, and demonstrate how they function. 3. State, explain and apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling. 4. Demonstrate how to handle a pistol in a safe manner. Lesson II: Ammunition Knowledge and the Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Learning Objectives: 5. Identify the different com ponents of a pistol cartridge. 6. Explain the firing sequence of a cartridge. 7. Explain how to properly identify and store ammunition. 8. State the major types of cartridge malfunctions and how to react to them. 9. Explain the fundamentals of pistol shooting. Lesson III: Shooting Positions and Shooting Qualifications Learning Objectives: 10. Demonstrate the learning steps to a ssume the benchrest position, and shoot from the benchrest position. 11. Demonstrate the learning steps to assu me the Isosceles position, and shoot from the Isosceles position 12. Shoot the course qualification.

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NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting 10 Lesson IV: Scoring Targets, and Selecting and Maintaining Your Pistol Learning Objectives: 13. Properly score a pistol target. 14. Explain the basic guidelines fo r selecting and purchasing a pistol. 15. Identify the materials needed to clean a pistol. 16. Demonstrate how to safely clean a pistol. Lesson V: Continued Opportunities for Skill Development Learning Objectives: 17. Identify several ways to pursue pistol shooting activities after the course. 18. Successfully complete the NRA Ba sic Pistol Shooting Course written examination.

38 KB – 106 Pages