The Islamic Caliphate declared by Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi a year ago is a most profound and defiant a challenge of Orthodox Jihadism to the Muslim World, and,

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© Institut für Strategie – Politik – Sicherheits – und Wirtschaftsberatung ISPSW Giesebrechtstr. 9 Tel +49 (0)30 88 91 89 05 E-Mail: 10629 Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 88 91 89 06 Website: Germany 1 ISPSW Strategy Series: Focus on Defense and International Security The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky Issue No. 358 June 2015 The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky June 2015 Executive Summary * The Islamic Caliphate declared by Abu -Bakr al -Baghdadi a year ago is a most profound and defiant a challenge of Orthodox Jihadism to the Muslim World, and, to a lesser exten t, to the entire modern world. * The establishment of the Caliphate in mid -2014 is the inevitable outcome of the evolution of political Islam in the last half -a-century. The Caliphate is the culmination of the Jihadist doctrine introduced by Osama bin Lad en and his coterie with the sole profound deviation being over relationship with Shiite Iran. * In a perverse way – bin Laden will contribute far more to the evolving global Jihad movement as a martyr than he could as a leader living in seclusion. In the last months of his life, bin Laden himself realized this and he returned to visible interaction that inevitably hastened his martyrdom. * In Spring 2014, the DI™ISH decided the theological debate by introducing fithe Khorasan Pledgefl in the context of the history of the Jihadist struggle in the Middle East and beyond. In Summer 2014, DI™ISH announced the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate on the territories under their control as the first step in restoring the glory of all Muslims and the liberation of all lands ever ruled by Muslims. * Over the following year, the Islamic Caliphate was joined through declarations of oaths of allegiance – Bay™ah – by Jihadist leaders all over the Muslim World. The spread and ascent of the Islamic Caliphate is the outco me of an unprecedented burst of enthusiasm for Islamist -Jihadist causes throughout the entire Muslim World – including emigre communities in Western Europe and North America . * The new Caliphate is the dream comes true of the entire Islamdom. As such, the idea and hope represent -ted by the Caliphate will not go away irrespective of the fate of Abu -Bakr al -Baghdadi and the Jihadist state he establi shed at the heart of al -Jazira. * In Summer 2015, the Islamic Caliphate committed to delivering an epic specta cular strike at the heart of the US and the West. Given Baghdadi™s resolve to consolidate a region -wide Islamic Caliphate and then put the Jihadist Trend on an irreversible path to global dominance – a Jihadist attempt to launch an epic specta -cular strike is only a question of time.

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© Institut für Strategie – Politik – Sicherheits – und Wirtschaftsberatung ISPSW Giesebrechtstr. 9 Tel +49 (0)30 88 91 89 05 E-Mail: 10629 Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 88 91 89 06 Website: Germany 2 ISPSW Strategy Series: Focus on Defense and International Security The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky Issue No. 358 June 2015 About ISPSW The Institute for Strategic, Political, Security and Economic Consultancy (ISPSW) is a private institute for research and consultancy. The ISPSW is objective and task oriented and is above party politics. The in creasingly complex international environment of globalized economic processes and worldwide political, ecological, social and cultural change, brings with it major opportunities but also risks: thus, decision -makers in the private sector and in politics de pend more than ever before on the advice of highly qualified experts. ISPSW offers a range of services, including strategic analyses, security consultancy, executive coaching and intercultural competency. ISPSW publications examine a wide range of topics c onnected with politics, economy, international relations, and security/defense. ISPSW network experts have worked Œ in some cases for several decades Œ in executive positions and thus dispose over wide Œranging experience in their respective fields of exper tise. About the Author of this Issue Yossef Bodansky has been the Director of Research at the International Strategic Studies Association [ISSA], as well as a Senior Editor for the Defense & Foreign Affairs group of publications, since 1983. He was the Di rector of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare at the U.S. House of Representa – tives between 1988 and 2004, and stayed on as a special adviser to Congress till January 2009. In the mid -1980s, he acted as a senior consultant for the U.S. Department of Defense and the Department of State. He is the author of eleven books Œ including Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America (New York Times No. 1 Bestseller & Washington Post No. 1 Bestseller) , The Secret History of the Iraq War (New York Times Best seller & Foreign Affairs Magazine Bestseller), and Chechen Jihad: Al Qaeda™s Training Ground and the Next Wave of Terror Œ and hundreds of articles, book chapters and Congressional reports. Mr Bodansky is a Director at the Prague Society for International Cooperation, and serves on the Board of the Global Panel Foundation and several other institutions worldwide. Yossef Bodansky

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© Institut für Strategie – Politik – Sicherheits – und Wirtschaftsberatung ISPSW Giesebrechtstr. 9 Tel +49 (0)30 88 91 89 05 E-Mail: 10629 Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 88 91 89 06 Website: Germany 3 ISPSW Strategy Series: Focus on Defense and International Security The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky Issue No. 358 June 2015 Analys is A year ago, in late June 2014, the Islamic State announced the establishment of the Islami c Caliphate on the territories under their control in what used to be Syria and Iraq. The Caliphate was to be the first step in resto -ring the glory of all Muslims and the liberation of all lands ever ruled by Muslims. This was the first time a Caliphate w as declared since Kemal Ataturk formally abolished the Ottoman Caliphate in March 1924. More -over, such an audacious undertaking was not attempted by the Taliban and al -Qaida in Afghanistan or the Chechens in the North Caucasus. They only established local ized Emirates over lands they claimed. In early July 2014, Abu -Bakr al -Baghdadi delivered a sermon in the just captured Mosul in which he elaborated on the historic global mission of the new Islamic Caliphate and his own role as Caliph Ibrahim. Over the ne xt year, the Islamic Caliphate was joined through declarations of oaths of allegiance – Bay™ah – by leaders of Wilayat (Provinces) in the Sinai Peninsula, central Yemen and southern Saudi Arabia, northern Libya and Tunisia, the Sahel, northeastern Nigeria, Chechnya and Ingushetia, and Khorasan (Afghanistan and the Fergana Valley). Other major Islamist -Jihadist entities and their leaders, including in the North Caucasus and Central Asia, are known to be discussing their own bay™ah with al -Baghdadi and the le aders of the Caliphate. The spread and ascent of the Islamic Caliphate is the outcome of an unprecedented burst of enthusiasm for Islamist -Jihadist causes throughout the entire Muslim World – including emigre communities in Western Europe and North America . Throughout Islamdom, the reign of the first two Rashidun Caliphs – Prophet Muhammad™s immediate successors Caliph Abu -Bakr (573 -634) and Caliph Omar (577 -644) – is considered the apogee of human governance and a time of near -perfection that all humans mu st strive to attain. The crux of the message of Abu -Bakr al -Baghdadi in both word and action is fiYes, we can!fl The Muslim World is capable of restoring the Caliphate of the first two Rashidun Caliphs irrespective of the sensitivities and norms of the moder n world. Thus, the new Caliphate is the dream comes true of the entire Islamdom. As such, the idea and hope represen -ted by the Caliphate will not go away irrespective of the fate of Abu -Bakr al -Baghdadi and the Jihadist state he established at the heart o f al -Jazira (eastern Syria and western Iraq in modern terms). Hence, the Islamic Caliphate declared by Abu -Bakr al -Baghdadi is a most profound and defiant a challenge by Orthodox Jihadism to the Muslim World, and, to a lesser exten t, to the entire modern w orld. * The establishment of the Caliphate in mid -2014 is the inevitable outcome of the evolution of political Islam in the last half -a-century. The Caliphate is the obvious culmination of the Jihadist doctrine introduced by Osama bin Laden and his coterie with the sole profound deviation being over relationship with Shiite Iran (where bin Laden encouraged expedient cooperation while Baghdadi insists on irrec oncilable Sunni -Shiite enmity). Islam has always rejected the notion of a modern state and only legi timized the all -Islamic Sharia -ruled entity called the Caliphate. The rise and fall of a myriad of Islamic political entities throughout Islam™s history is considered necessary reactions to prevailing circumstances rather than desirable or legitimate solut ions. However, in the early -1960’s, Said al -Qutb, the key luminary of modern political Islam, decreed that Islamism must accept the existing modern state with its fixed boundaries as an inescapable and unavoidable reality. The road to the utopian Caliphate , he wrote, starts with the transformation of existing states into Muslim states and then using these states as the building blocks of the Caliphate. In the early -1990’s, Hassan al -Turabi, the

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© Institut für Strategie – Politik – Sicherheits – und Wirtschaftsberatung ISPSW Giesebrechtstr. 9 Tel +49 (0)30 88 91 89 05 E-Mail: 10629 Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 88 91 89 06 Website: Germany 4 ISPSW Strategy Series: Focus on Defense and International Security The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky Issue No. 358 June 2015 most important theologian of modern Jihadism, further legitimiz ed the role of a modern Islamic state as a crucial and expedient phase in the restoration of the Caliphate under contemporary conditions. Turabi also encouraged other expedient measures – most notably close cooperation with Shiite Iran – as necessary and desirable in p ursuit of the triumph of Jihad. The foundations of the current Caliphate were laid by Osama bin Laden and his coterie in the late -1990’s. Initially, bin Laden argued for the delinking of Islamdom from the West as a precondition for the establi shment of genuinely Islamic system of governance based solely on the Shariah. In 2001 -2, Saif al -Adel, one of bin Laden™s closest aides based in Iran, wrote the practical multi -phase program for implementing the ascent of Islam called fiThe Working Plan Til l 2020″. Significantly, the fifth phase, to be implemented between 2013 and 2016, is th e establishment of a Caliphate. In 2005, the Jihadist trend underwent its most profound evolution that was prompted by the changes in the post -9/11 world. While the Jiha dist supreme leadership gained theological permission to use weapons of mass destruction at the heart of the West even though they inflict immense casualties – the leadership decided against their use for fear of Western retribution against the radicalized Muslim communities at the heart of the West. There followed a soul -searching cognizance of the growing diversity of other Jihadist foci worldwide that led to the establishment of regional entities commonly known as the regional fial -Qaida™sfl. The mere reco gnition of the diversity of the Jihadist sub -movements challenged the viability of a global all -Islamic Caliphate. In mid -2010, Saif al -Adel led a small group of Jihadist thinkers from Iran to rejoin bin Laden™s Shura Kabira in Pakistan. They argued that t he Jihadist trend can be sustained only if its doctrine became more prudent and pragmatic. With the Arab World on the verge of major upheaval, the Jihadist trend must abandon the quest for a utopian Caliphate and focus instead on supporting individual Inti fada™s in specific Arab states. Bin Laden accepted the arguments of Saif al -Adel and ordered the establishment of the fiSon of the Landfl program to launch, support and sustain these Intifada™s – known to the West as the fiArab Springfl. In Summer 2012, the Ji hadists interpreted their imminent triumph in Afghanistan and Pakistan, coupled with the ascent of Iran, as the beginning of the fateful fiEnd -of-Time Battlefl for the Middle East. According to the Sayings attributed to Prophet Muhammad, the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Khorasan (which encompasses the Central Asian republics, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Iran) would create conducive conditions for Islam™s triumph in the fiEnd -of-Time Battlefl. According to the Prophet™s Sayings, Jihadist forces would then arrive in the Middle East from the East and wage the fateful victorious battle for the liberation of Bilad al -Sham and al -Jazira, and the establishment of the Mosque of al -Aqsa in Jerusalem (Islam™s original Qiblah – that is, the direction of p rayers – in 610 -623) as the center of a new Caliphate. In early 2014, Jihadist leaders in al -Jazira concluded that the aggregate success of the Sunni forces provides for expediting the fiEnd -of-Time Battlefl by establishing a Caliphate that will spearhead th e fateful Jihad. In late -April, they escalated the theological struggle by introducing fithe Khorasan Pledgefl that focused on the pursuit of Takfiri neo -Salafi Jihad and the rejection of cooperation with Shiite Iran. Drastic steps were imperative because fia l-Qaida deviated from the rightful course.fl Nine prominent al -Qaida Emirs from the Middle East, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran declared their allegiance to the new Emir of the Faithful Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi al -Qurashi – the Emir of DI™ISH. Ultimately, the tenets of fithe Khorasan Pledgefl amount to going back to the Jihadist tenets as introduced by bin Laden a decade ago. This explains the great popularity and acceptance of the calls for Jihad and Caliphate.

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© Institut für Strategie – Politik – Sicherheits – und Wirtschaftsberatung ISPSW Giesebrechtstr. 9 Tel +49 (0)30 88 91 89 05 E-Mail: 10629 Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 88 91 89 06 Website: Germany 5 ISPSW Strategy Series: Focus on Defense and International Security The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky Issue No. 358 June 2015 On 29 June 2014, DI™ISH announced the establish ment of the Islamic Caliphate on the territories under their control as the first step in restoring the glory of all Muslims and the liberation of all lands ever ruled by Muslims. DI™ISH explained that one of their priorities is to smash the fipartitioning of Muslim lands by Crusader powersfl in the aftermath of the First World War in order to create a new Middle East. Only the abolishment of modern Arab states and the creation of an Islamic Caliphate in their stead will permit the restoration of Muslim glory and dignity. fiThe Jihadist Imam al -Baghdadi was designated the Caliph of the Muslimsfl and would be henceforth referred to as fiKhalifah Ibrahim.fl Al -Baghdadi fihas accepted this allegiance, and has thus become the leader for Muslims everywhere.fl Since then, the forces of the Caliphate have been on the offensive throughout al -Jazira and neighboring regions. * The best manifestation of the strength and popularity of the message of the Caliphate is the rapid emergence of localized Caliphates that s wear allegian ce to al -Baghdadi. The first followers were the Emirs of the Jama™ats in the Northen Caucasus and Crimea. Already in Spring 2014 they acted on the message and zeal brought back by veterans of the Jihad in Syria and Iraq. They brought new enthusiasm to the anti -Russian Jihad at the time when the Russian -supported revival of Sufism all but defeated the al -Qaida -affiliated Emirate of the Caucasus. It would take more than a year for Takfiri Jihadism to consoli -date in the North Caucasus. In Winter 2014/15, at l east three Chechen and three Daghestani senior comman -ders, as well as numerous lower -rank commanders, pledged their bay™ah to al -Baghdadi. Only at the onset of Ramadan 2015, Emir Khamzat (Aslan Byutukayev), the leader of the Caucasus Emirate™s Chechnya Pr ovince – the most important Jihadist entity outside Afghanistan -Pakistan – finally announced fithe oaths of allegiance of the Emirs of Chechnya and Ingushetiafl to Baghdadi and the Islamic Caliphate. The oath of allegiance covers the 15,0 00 mujahedin under h is command. Most important has been the impact of the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate in the Maghreb, the Sahel, and ultimately the areas controlled by the Boko Haram. Since early 2014, local leaders repeatedly tried to reconcile between Ayman al -Zawahiri and Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi on the basis of theological discourse about the relative merits of both the pursuit of Jihadist orthodoxy and expedient pragmatism. Ultimately, they sided with the imperative to pursue Takfiri Jihad at all cost and gradually transformed their respective filiberated zonesfl into local Caliphates loyal to al -Baghdadi. The Boko Haram™s Abu Bakr Shekau was recognized as a viable Caliph and his theological teachings have been cited by al -Baghdadi and his acolytes. Starting Spring 2015, Jihadist communiques refer to the Boko Haram as fiThe Islamic State™s West Africa Provincefl and part of the fiIslamic State in West Africa.fl One of the communiques explained that Baghdadi™s Caliphate was becoming a global movement encompassing provi nces all over the Muslim World. Subsequently, several other Jihadist entities throughout the Middle East and South Asia have declared their allegiance to al-Baghdadi and the Caliphate. By early Summer 2015, even the most stalwart supporters of al -Qaida in the M iddle East were acknowledging that Zawahiri™s al -Qaida was becoming irrelevant to the regional turmoil. The Islamic Caliphate has taken over the Jihad previously identified with bin Laden. The leading al -Qaida -affiliated Jihadist theologians worry that the decline of Zawahiri™s standing and influence in the region is a reflection of the overall decay of al -Qaida. Abu Muhammad al -Maqdisi, one of the most influential Jihadist scholars alive, warns that al -Qaida™s organiza -tional structure has ficollapsedfl. Zaw ahiri, he notes, fioperates solely based on allegiance. There is no

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© Institut für Strategie – Politik – Sicherheits – und Wirtschaftsberatung ISPSW Giesebrechtstr. 9 Tel +49 (0)30 88 91 89 05 E-Mail: 10629 Berlin Fax +49 (0)30 88 91 89 06 Website: Germany 6 ISPSW Strategy Series: Focus on Defense and International Security The Rise of the Caliphate Yossef Bodansky Issue No. 358 June 2015 organizational structure. There is only communication channels, and loyalty.fl Although Abu Muhammad al -Maqdisi is loath to acknowledge this – his brother Abdulaziz al -Maqdisi is one of the original au thors of the fiKhorasan Pledgefl. In Summer 2015, the Islamic Caliphate committed to delivering an epic spectacular strike at the heart of the US and the West. This apocalyptic strike will start the demise of the West and the unstoppable ascent of Islam to global dominance. The raison d™etre for this strike is not different from that of Osama bin Laden a decade beforehand – in the mid -2000’s. For bin Laden, the paramount challenge was coercing the US -led West into abandoning the pro -Western leaders and administrations in Muslim lands. fiThe focus should be on killing and fighting the American people and their representatives,fl he wrote. The only way to force such a change in US policy, bin Laden stressed, is to fistart striking America to force it to abandon these [pro -US] rulers and leave the Muslims alone.fl Bin Laden argued then, as Baghdadi does now, that only a spectacular apocalyptic strike and horrific punishment can coerce the West into withdrawing from and abandoning Islamdom. Given Baghdadi™s resolve to consolidate a region -wide Islamic Caliphate and then put the Jihadist Trend on an irreversible path to global dominance – a Jihadist attempt to launch an epic spectacular str ike is only a question of time. Significantly, official Washington now accepts that the Caliphate™s threat is real. In mid -June 2015, the Obama Administration finally conceded that the Islamic State obtained enough radioactive materials to develop dirty bombs. Some 40kg of uranium compounds were seized in Mosul alone. The Oba ma Administration also acknowledged that the Jihadist fiAttack Americafl plan was working. The Caliphate™s fisophisticated social media campaignfl is reaching a huge supportive audience in the United States – building a large recruitment pool of would -be terro rists. Moreover, the on -line and via -recruiter training and assistance in obtaining expertise, as well as key pieces of equipment and components, for improvised bomb making keep improving markedly. This reduces the need of aspirant Jihadist martyr bombers to search for outside expertise and help – which has so far been the FBI™s primary method of ensnaring aspirant terrorists via entrapments. Hence, the Obama Administration conceded, there exists in the United States a rapidly expanding group of potential terrorists – probably in the thousands – that are largely unknown to the FBI. On 21 June, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes (R -Calif) warned that the United States is dealing with fithe highest threat level we have ever faced in this country.fl The rise and spread of networks comprised of self -radicalized Islamic States supporters are of unprecedented zeal and quality, and consequently, the security authorities fiare having a tough time tracking [these] terrorist cells within the United States.fl Nunes concurred that it is becoming impossible to protect the public against all possible threats. fiIt™s just tough to secure those types of areas if you have someone who wants to blow themselves up or open fire or other threats of that na ture and we just don™t know or can track all of the bad guys that are out there today,fl he acknowledged. Ultimately, it takes only very few tightly knit aspirant Jihadists to strike out. The Jihadist analysis of the Texas attack, where the two terrorists w ere killed before they could do any harm, stresses and hails the noble intentions of all Jihadists irrespective of their ultimate failure. The two martyrs fitook it upon themselves to remind the enemies of Allah and His Messenger that as long as they ch oose to wage war on Islam, they would have no peace,fl a Caliphate commentary explains. fiTheir determination to support the cause of Allah and punish those who insult the Prophet should serve as inspiration to those residing in the lands of the Crusader s who are still hesitant to perform their duty.fl It is only a question of time before more American and

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