Month: February 2023


Imam Bukhari merupakan seorang ahli hadis asal Uzbekistan yang sudah berkiprah di bidangnya sejak usia remaja. Bahkan, buku-buku fikih dan hadis karyanya diakui memiliki derajat yang paling tinggi dibanding yang…

“ Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max “

The iPhone 14 Pro Max is the most iPhone you can get, with the fastest processor, the best screen, the biggest battery, and the most capable cameras. Simply put, this…

“ Samsung Galaxy S22+ “

The Galaxy S22+ hits the sweet spot for Android flagships. It’s not as massive as the company’s Galaxy S22 Ultra, but it still has plenty of screen real estate and…

” Motorola Moto G Power “

The Motorola G Power costs less than $200 and delivers a suitable experience for the price. The main highlights include a 90Hz screen and extensive battery life. We recommend the…

“ Microsoft Surface Pro 8 “

The Microsoft Surface Pro 8 improves on what was already the best Windows tablet, bringing users a detachable 2-in-1 that refines and polishes the design with new thinner bezels, a…

“ Acer Chromebook Spin 714 “

Many Chromebooks are focused on reaching the lowest price point possible, but there’s another tier of pricier, more fully featured Chromebooks for real productivity. At $729, the Acer Chromebook Spin…


LONTONG BALAP Surabaya Bahan – bahan : 1)…5 buah lontong 2)…250 gram taoge, seduh dengan air panas, tiriskan 3)…2 buah tahu putih besar, goreng Bahan untuk lentho : 1)…100 gram…


RUJAK CINGUR Surabaya Bahan – bahan : 1)…100 gr kangkung tanpa batang 2)…100 gr taoge, siangi 3)…250 gr cingur sapi 4)…Tempe goreng secukupnya, potong dadu 5)…Tahu goreng secukupnya, potong dadu…


TAHU CAMPUR Khas Lamongan Bahan – bahan : 1…250 gram daging sandung lamur 2…2 liter air 3…2 batang serai, dimemarkan 4…2 cm jahe, dimemarkan 5…5 sendok teh garam 6…2 3/4…